Ejemplo n.º 1
 * mark all places that are reachable
void pullAndMark(vector<string> &mark, Position b, Position p)
	if (outOfBoundary(mark, p) || outOfBoundary(mark, b)) {
	if (mark[b.x][b.y] == 'V')
	if (isWall(mark[b.x][b.y]) || isWall(mark[p.x][p.y]))
	mark[b.x][b.y] = 'V';
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		Position newbox(b.x + direction[i][0], b.y + direction[i][1]);
		Position newperson(newbox.x + direction[i][0], newbox.y + direction[i][1]);
		pullAndMark(mark, newbox, newperson);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void importlinkagepedigree (void)
  char minibuf[NAMESIZE];
  individual *ind, *ind2;

  //  IDlist *idlist;
  markerlist *marker;
  namelist *nl;
  quanttrait *qt;
  int i, families, persons, nmarkers, ntraits, code;

  printf("Number of markers in file: ");
  InputLine(buf, BUFFERSIZE);
  nmarkers = atoip(buf);

  printf("Number of traits in file : ");
  InputLine(buf, BUFFERSIZE);
  ntraits = atoip(buf);

  printf ("Name of linkage pedigree file to input: ");
  InputLine(buf, BUFFERSIZE);
  cfopen (buf,"r");

  getbuf ();

  persons = 0;
  families = 0;

  if (options->Index[O_CONVERTLINKAGEID])
    printf("WARNING: ID's are converted from number to fam-number\n");

  while (buf[0] != EOF)

    // If empty line then read next line
    if (!buf[0] || !strpbrk(buf, "0123456789"))
      getbuf ();

    ind = newperson ();
    ind->globalid = persons;
    ind->localid = persons;

    strcpy(ind->pedigree, igetstr (buf));
    strcpy(ind->id, getstr ());

    strcpy(ind->tmpstr1, getstr ()); // Father ID
    strcpy(ind->tmpstr2, getstr ()); // Mother ID

    // If conversion of IDs
    if (options->Index[O_CONVERTLINKAGEID]) {
      sprintf(minibuf,"%s-%s", ind->pedigree,ind->id);
      sprintf(minibuf, "%s-%s", ind->pedigree,ind->tmpstr1);
      sprintf(minibuf, "%s-%s", ind->pedigree,ind->tmpstr2);
    switch (geti ())
      case  1 : ind->sex = S_MALE; break;
      case  2 : ind->sex = S_FEMALE; break;
      default : ind->sex = S_UNKNOWN;
//    atof(getstr());

    for (i = 0 ; i<nmarkers; i++)
      marker = cmalloc (sizeof (markerlist));
      memset (marker,0,sizeof (markerlist));
      marker->allele1 = geti();
      marker->allele2 = geti ();

      addlist(&ind->marker, marker);

    // Reading traits
    for (i = 0 ; i<ntraits; i++)
      qt = cmalloc (sizeof (quanttrait));
      memset (qt,0,sizeof (quanttrait));


//    printf("\n");
    getbuf ();

  fclose (F);
  printf ("%d persons from %d pedigree(s) read\n", 
          persons, numberofpedigrees());

  code = 0;
  // Should now fix fathers and mothers
    ind->father = findperson(ind->tmpstr1);
    ind->mother = findperson(ind->tmpstr2);

    // if a person has a father and a mother, then add the
    //  person to the parents lists
    if (ind->father && ind->mother)
      adduniqueidlist (&ind->father->offspring, ind);
      adduniqueidlist (&ind->father->mate, ind->mother);
      adduniqueidlist (&ind->mother->offspring, ind);
      adduniqueidlist (&ind->mother->mate,ind->father);
    else if (ind->father || ind->mother) // The person has only one parent
        code = 1;
        sprintf(buf2, "%s has only one parent in pedigree file\n", ind->id);

  if (code)
    printf("ERROR: A least one parent not found in pedigree file\n");

  // Fixing sibs
    for (ind2 = ind->next; ind2; ind2 = ind2->next)
      // If same father or mother then add to list of both
      if (((ind->father == ind2->father) && (ind->father)) || 
          ((ind->mother == ind2->mother) && (ind->mother)))
        adduniqueidlist(&ind->sib, ind2);
        adduniqueidlist(&ind2->sib, ind);

  // Have now read the file and made the dataset
  // Should fix the missing parts
  // This part definately needs some error checking

  // First set the marker names:
  for (i=1; i<=nmarkers; i++)
    nl = cmalloc (sizeof (namelist));
    memset (nl,0,sizeof (namelist));

    sprintf(nl->name, "Marker %d",i);
    addlist(&markernames, nl);

  // Then add trait names
  for (i=1; i<=ntraits; i++)
    nl = cmalloc (sizeof (namelist));
    memset (nl,0,sizeof (namelist));

    sprintf(nl->name, "Trait %d",i);
    addlist(&traitnames, nl);


  // Initialize order and distances
  order = ivector(1,nmarkers);
  invorder = ivector(1,nmarkers);
  distance = vector(1, nmarkers-1);
  for (i=1; i<=nmarkers; i++)
    order[i] = i;
    invorder[i] = i;

  for (i=1; i<nmarkers; i++)
    distance[i] = InverseMapFunction(0.1);