Ejemplo n.º 1
static int init_delay_line(sp_revsc *p, sp_revsc_dl *lp, int n)
    SPFLOAT readPos;
    /* int     i; */

    /* calculate length of delay line */
    lp->bufferSize = delay_line_max_samples(p->sampleRate, 1, n);
    lp->dummy = 0;
    lp->writePos = 0;
    /* set random seed */
    lp->seedVal = (int) (reverbParams[n][3] + 0.5);
    /* set initial delay time */
    readPos = (SPFLOAT) lp->seedVal * reverbParams[n][1] / 32768;
    readPos = reverbParams[n][0] + (readPos * (SPFLOAT) p->iPitchMod);
    readPos = (SPFLOAT) lp->bufferSize - (readPos * p->sampleRate);
    lp->readPos = (int) readPos;
    readPos = (readPos - (SPFLOAT) lp->readPos) * (SPFLOAT) DELAYPOS_SCALE;
    lp->readPosFrac = (int) (readPos + 0.5);
    /* initialise first random line segment */
    next_random_lineseg(p, lp, n);
    /* clear delay line to zero */
    lp->filterState = 0.0;
    memset(lp->buf, 0, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * lp->bufferSize);
    return SP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void init_delay_line(SC_REVERB *p, delayLine *lp, int32_t n)
    double  readPos;
    /* int32_t     i; */

    /* calculate length of delay line */
    lp->bufferSize = delay_line_max_samples(p, n);
    lp->dummy = 0;
    lp->writePos = 0;
    /* set random seed */
    lp->seedVal = (int32_t) (reverbParams[n][3] + 0.5);
    /* set initial delay time */
    readPos = (double) lp->seedVal * reverbParams[n][1] / 32768;
    readPos = reverbParams[n][0] + (readPos * (double) *(p->iPitchMod));
    readPos = (double) lp->bufferSize - (readPos * p->sampleRate);
    lp->readPos = (int32_t) readPos;
    readPos = (readPos - (double) lp->readPos) * (double) DELAYPOS_SCALE;
    lp->readPosFrac = (int32_t) (readPos + 0.5);
    /* initialise first random line segment */
    next_random_lineseg(p, lp, n);
    /* clear delay line to zero */
    lp->filterState = 0.0;
    memset(lp->buf, 0, sizeof(MYFLT)*lp->bufferSize);
    /* for (i = 0; i < lp->bufferSize; i++) */
    /*   lp->buf[i] = FL(0.0); */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
init_delay_line(y_synth_t *synth, SC_REVERB *p, delayLine *lp, int n)
    double  readPos;

    /* delay line bufferSize and buffer address already set up */
    lp->writePos = 0;
    /* set random seed */
    lp->seedVal = (int) (reverbParams[n][3] + 0.5);
    /* set initial delay time */
    readPos = (double) lp->seedVal * reverbParams[n][1] / 32768.0;
    /* was: readPos = reverbParams[n][0] + (readPos * (double) *(p->iPitchMod)); */
    readPos = reverbParams[n][0] + (readPos * pitch_mod(synth));
    readPos = (double) lp->bufferSize - (readPos * (double)synth->sample_rate);
    lp->readPos = (int) readPos;
    readPos = (readPos - (double) lp->readPos) * (double) DELAYPOS_SCALE;
    lp->readPosFrac = (int) (readPos + 0.5);
    /* initialise first random line segment */
    next_random_lineseg(synth, p, lp, n);
    /* delay line already cleared to zero */
Ejemplo n.º 4
int sp_revsc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_revsc *p, SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out1, SPFLOAT *out2)
    SPFLOAT ainL, ainR, aoutL, aoutR;
    SPFLOAT vm1, v0, v1, v2, am1, a0, a1, a2, frac;
    sp_revsc_dl *lp;
    int readPos;
    uint32_t n;
    int bufferSize; /* Local copy */
    SPFLOAT dampFact = p->dampFact;

    if (p->initDone <= 0) return SP_NOT_OK;

    /* calculate tone filter coefficient if frequency changed */

    if (p->lpfreq != p->prv_LPFreq) {
        p->prv_LPFreq = p->lpfreq;
        dampFact = 2.0 - cos(p->prv_LPFreq * (2 * M_PI) / p->sampleRate);
        dampFact = p->dampFact = dampFact - sqrt(dampFact * dampFact - 1.0);

    /* calculate "resultant junction pressure" and mix to input signals */

    ainL = aoutL = aoutR = 0.0;
    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
        ainL += p->delayLines[n].filterState;
    ainL *= jpScale;
    ainR = ainL + *in2;
    ainL = ainL + *in1;

    /* loop through all delay lines */

    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
        lp = &p->delayLines[n];
        bufferSize = lp->bufferSize;

        /* send input signal and feedback to delay line */

        lp->buf[lp->writePos] = (SPFLOAT) ((n & 1 ? ainR : ainL)
                                 - lp->filterState);
        if (++lp->writePos >= bufferSize) {
            lp->writePos -= bufferSize;

        /* read from delay line with cubic interpolation */

        if (lp->readPosFrac >= DELAYPOS_SCALE) {
            lp->readPos += (lp->readPosFrac >> DELAYPOS_SHIFT);
            lp->readPosFrac &= DELAYPOS_MASK;
        if (lp->readPos >= bufferSize)
        lp->readPos -= bufferSize;
        readPos = lp->readPos;
        frac = (SPFLOAT) lp->readPosFrac * (1.0 / (SPFLOAT) DELAYPOS_SCALE);

        /* calculate interpolation coefficients */

        a2 = frac * frac; a2 -= 1.0; a2 *= (1.0 / 6.0);
        a1 = frac; a1 += 1.0; a1 *= 0.5; am1 = a1 - 1.0;
        a0 = 3.0 * a2; a1 -= a0; am1 -= a2; a0 -= frac;

        /* read four samples for interpolation */

        if (readPos > 0 && readPos < (bufferSize - 2)) {
            vm1 = (SPFLOAT) (lp->buf[readPos - 1]);
            v0  = (SPFLOAT) (lp->buf[readPos]);
            v1  = (SPFLOAT) (lp->buf[readPos + 1]);
            v2  = (SPFLOAT) (lp->buf[readPos + 2]);
        else {

        /* at buffer wrap-around, need to check index */

        if (--readPos < 0) readPos += bufferSize;
            vm1 = (SPFLOAT) lp->buf[readPos];
        if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
            v0 = (SPFLOAT) lp->buf[readPos];
        if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
            v1 = (SPFLOAT) lp->buf[readPos];
        if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
            v2 = (SPFLOAT) lp->buf[readPos];
        v0 = (am1 * vm1 + a0 * v0 + a1 * v1 + a2 * v2) * frac + v0;

        /* update buffer read position */

        lp->readPosFrac += lp->readPosFrac_inc;

        /* apply feedback gain and lowpass filter */

        v0 *= (SPFLOAT) p->feedback;
        v0 = (lp->filterState - v0) * dampFact + v0;
        lp->filterState = v0;

        /* mix to output */

        if (n & 1) {
            aoutR += v0;
            aoutL += v0;

        /* start next random line segment if current one has reached endpoint */

        if (--(lp->randLine_cnt) <= 0) {
            next_random_lineseg(p, lp, n);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int32_t sc_reverb_perf(CSOUND *csound, SC_REVERB *p)
    double    ainL, ainR, aoutL, aoutR;
    double    vm1, v0, v1, v2, am1, a0, a1, a2, frac;
    delayLine *lp;
    int32_t       readPos;
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t i, n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
    int32_t       bufferSize; /* Local copy */
    double    dampFact = p->dampFact;

    if (UNLIKELY(p->initDone <= 0)) goto err1;
    /* calculate tone filter coefficient if frequency changed */
    if (*(p->kLPFreq) != p->prv_LPFreq) {
      p->prv_LPFreq = *(p->kLPFreq);
      dampFact = 2.0 - cos(p->prv_LPFreq * TWOPI / p->sampleRate);
      dampFact = p->dampFact = dampFact - sqrt(dampFact * dampFact - 1.0);
    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) {
      memset(p->aoutL, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
      memset(p->aoutR, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      nsmps -= early;
      memset(&p->aoutL[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
      memset(&p->aoutR[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
    /* update delay lines */
    for (i = offset; i < nsmps; i++) {
      /* calculate "resultant junction pressure" and mix to input signals */
      ainL = aoutL = aoutR = 0.0;
      for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
        ainL += p->delayLines[n]->filterState;
      ainL *= jpScale;
      ainR = ainL + (double) p->ainR[i];
      ainL = ainL + (double) p->ainL[i];
      /* loop through all delay lines */
      for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
        lp = p->delayLines[n];
        bufferSize = lp->bufferSize;
        /* send input signal and feedback to delay line */
        lp->buf[lp->writePos] = (MYFLT) ((n & 1 ? ainR : ainL)
                                         - lp->filterState);
        if (UNLIKELY(++lp->writePos >= bufferSize))
          lp->writePos -= bufferSize;
        /* read from delay line with cubic interpolation */
        if (lp->readPosFrac >= DELAYPOS_SCALE) {
          lp->readPos += (lp->readPosFrac >> DELAYPOS_SHIFT);
          lp->readPosFrac &= DELAYPOS_MASK;
        if (UNLIKELY(lp->readPos >= bufferSize))
          lp->readPos -= bufferSize;
        readPos = lp->readPos;
        frac = (double) lp->readPosFrac * (1.0 / (double) DELAYPOS_SCALE);
        /* calculate interpolation coefficients */
        a2 = frac * frac; a2 -= 1.0; a2 *= (1.0 / 6.0);
        a1 = frac; a1 += 1.0; a1 *= 0.5; am1 = a1 - 1.0;
        a0 = 3.0 * a2; a1 -= a0; am1 -= a2; a0 -= frac;
        /* read four samples for interpolation */
        if (LIKELY(readPos > 0 && readPos < (bufferSize - 2))) {
          vm1 = (double) (lp->buf[readPos - 1]);
          v0  = (double) (lp->buf[readPos]);
          v1  = (double) (lp->buf[readPos + 1]);
          v2  = (double) (lp->buf[readPos + 2]);
        else {
          /* at buffer wrap-around, need to check index */
          if (--readPos < 0) readPos += bufferSize;
          vm1 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
          if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
          v0 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
          if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
          v1 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
          if (++readPos >= bufferSize) readPos -= bufferSize;
          v2 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
        v0 = (am1 * vm1 + a0 * v0 + a1 * v1 + a2 * v2) * frac + v0;
        /* update buffer read position */
        lp->readPosFrac += lp->readPosFrac_inc;
        /* apply feedback gain and lowpass filter */
        v0 *= (double) *(p->kFeedBack);
        v0 = (lp->filterState - v0) * dampFact + v0;
        lp->filterState = v0;
        /* mix to output */
        if (n & 1)
          aoutR += v0;
          aoutL += v0;
        /* start next random line segment if current one has reached endpoint */
        if (--(lp->randLine_cnt) <= 0)
          next_random_lineseg(p, lp, n);
      p->aoutL[i] = (MYFLT) (aoutL * outputGain);
      p->aoutR[i] = (MYFLT) (aoutR * outputGain);
Ejemplo n.º 6
effect_screverb_process(y_synth_t *synth, unsigned long sample_count,
                        LADSPA_Data *out_left, LADSPA_Data *out_right)
    SC_REVERB *p = (SC_REVERB *)synth->effect_buffer;
    float      wet, dry;
    double     ainL, ainR, aoutL, aoutR, feedback;
    double     vm1, v0, v1, v2, am1, a0, a1, a2, frac;
    delayLine *lp;
    int        i, n, readPos;

    wet = *(synth->effect_mix);
    dry = 1.0f - wet;

// *(synth->effect_param4) = kfblvl  = kFeedBack
// *(synth->effect_param5) = kfco    = kLPFreq
// *(synth->effect_param6) = ipitchm = iPitchMod

    /* calculate tone filter coefficient if frequency changed */
    if (fabs(*(synth->effect_param5) - p->prv_LPFreq) > 1e-7f) {
        p->prv_LPFreq = *(synth->effect_param5);
        /* was: p->dampFact = 2.0 - cos(p->prv_LPFreq * TWOPI / p->sampleRate); */
        p->dampFact = 2.0 - cos((double) p->prv_LPFreq * M_PI);
        p->dampFact = p->dampFact - sqrt(p->dampFact * p->dampFact - 1.0);
    feedback = sqrt(*(synth->effect_param4));
    /* update delay lines */
    for (i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
        /* DC blocker */
        synth->dc_block_l_ynm1 = synth->voice_bus_l[i] - synth->dc_block_l_xnm1 +
                                     synth->dc_block_r * synth->dc_block_l_ynm1;
        ainL = (double)synth->dc_block_l_ynm1;
        synth->dc_block_l_xnm1 = synth->voice_bus_l[i];
        synth->dc_block_r_ynm1 = synth->voice_bus_r[i] - synth->dc_block_r_xnm1 +
                                     synth->dc_block_r * synth->dc_block_r_ynm1;
        ainR = (double)synth->dc_block_r_ynm1;
        synth->dc_block_r_xnm1 = synth->voice_bus_r[i];
        /* calculate "resultant junction pressure" and mix to input signals */
        aoutL = 0.0;
        for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
            aoutL += p->delayLines[n].filterState;
        aoutL *= jpScale;
        ainR += aoutL;
        ainL += aoutL;
        aoutL = aoutR = 0.0;
        /* loop through all delay lines */
        for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
            lp = &p->delayLines[n];
            /* send input signal and feedback to delay line */
            lp->buf[lp->writePos] = (float) ((n & 1 ? ainR : ainL)
                                             - lp->filterState);
            if (++lp->writePos >= lp->bufferSize)
                lp->writePos -= lp->bufferSize;
            /* read from delay line with cubic interpolation */
            if (lp->readPosFrac >= DELAYPOS_SCALE) {
                lp->readPos += (lp->readPosFrac >> DELAYPOS_SHIFT);
                lp->readPosFrac &= DELAYPOS_MASK;
            if (lp->readPos >= lp->bufferSize)
                lp->readPos -= lp->bufferSize;
            readPos = lp->readPos;
            frac = (double) lp->readPosFrac * (1.0 / (double) DELAYPOS_SCALE);
            /* calculate interpolation coefficients */
            a2 = frac * frac; a2 -= 1.0; a2 *= (1.0 / 6.0);
            a1 = frac; a1 += 1.0; a1 *= 0.5; am1 = a1 - 1.0;
            a0 = 3.0 * a2; a1 -= a0; am1 -= a2; a0 -= frac;
            /* read four samples for interpolation */
            if (readPos > 0 && readPos < (lp->bufferSize - 2)) {
                vm1 = (double) (lp->buf[readPos - 1]);
                v0 = (double) (lp->buf[readPos]);
                v1 = (double) (lp->buf[readPos + 1]);
                v2 = (double) (lp->buf[readPos + 2]);
            } else {
                /* at buffer wrap-around, need to check index */
                if (--readPos < 0) readPos += lp->bufferSize;
                vm1 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
                if (++readPos >= lp->bufferSize) readPos -= lp->bufferSize;
                v0 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
                if (++readPos >= lp->bufferSize) readPos -= lp->bufferSize;
                v1 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
                if (++readPos >= lp->bufferSize) readPos -= lp->bufferSize;
                v2 = (double) lp->buf[readPos];
            v0 = (am1 * vm1 + a0 * v0 + a1 * v1 + a2 * v2) * frac + v0;
            /* update buffer read position */
            lp->readPosFrac += lp->readPosFrac_inc;
            /* apply feedback gain and lowpass filter */
            v0 *= feedback;
            v0 = (lp->filterState - v0) * p->dampFact + v0;
            lp->filterState = v0;
            /* mix to output */
            if (n & 1)
                aoutR += v0;
                aoutL += v0;
            /* start next random line segment if current one has reached endpoint */
            if (--(lp->randLine_cnt) <= 0)
                next_random_lineseg(synth, p, lp, n);
        out_left[i]  = wet * (float) (aoutL * outputGain) + dry * synth->voice_bus_l[i];
        out_right[i] = wet * (float) (aoutR * outputGain) + dry * synth->voice_bus_r[i];