int solve (int sud[9][9], int cur_d_i,int cur_d_j){ int i, j; if(cur_d_j = 8) cur_d_j = 0; for (i = cur_d_i; i < 9; i++){ for(j = cur_d_j; j < 9; j++){ if(sud[i][j] == 0){//Initiation of recursion. Recursion enter point. if(next_value(sud, i, j) == -1){ sud[i][j] = 0; return -1; }else sud[i][j] = next_value(sud, i, j); while (solve(sud, i, j) == -1){ if(next_value(sud, i, j) == -1){ sud[i][j] = 0; return -1; }else sud[i][j] = next_value(sud, i, j); } } } } return 0; }
static void read_miscloop(param_t p) { FILE *f = parfile("miscloop", p->use_dna_params); p->Extrapolation_for_large_loops = next_value(f); p->prelog = 10.79f; p->maximum_correction = next_value(f); p->fm_array_first_element = next_value(f); int_t tmp[3]; look_for_arrow(f); read_next_values(f, tmp, 3); p->a = p->multibranched_loop_offset = tmp[0]; p->b = p->multibranched_loop_per_nuc_penalty = tmp[1]; p->c = p->multibranched_loop_helix_penalty = tmp[2]; p->a_2c = p->a + 2*p->c; p->a_2b_2c = p->a + 2*p->b + 2*p->c; look_for_arrow(f); /* skip efn2 params */ look_for_arrow(f); /* skip multiloop asym */ look_for_arrow(f); /* skip multiloop strain */ p->terminal_AU_penalty = next_value(f); p->bonus_for_GGG_hairpin = next_value(f); p->c_hairpin_slope = next_value(f); p->c_hairpin_intercept = next_value(f); p->c_hairpin_of_3 = next_value(f); look_for_arrow(f); /* skip Intermolecular initiation */ p->Bonus_for_Single_C_bulges_adjacent_to_C = next_value(f); fclose(f); }
ifilter_iterator<Operator, List0>::ifilter_iterator(Operator _op, List0 &_seq) : op(_op), iter(_seq.begin()), iter_end(_seq.end()) { if (!test_filter(std::is_same<types::none_type, Operator>())) next_value(); }
void destroy_Elimination(Elimination elim){ word w; Iterator iter; if(elim){ destroy_Map(elim->ordering); if(elim->cliques){ iter = get_Iterator(elim->cliques); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_value(iter); destroy_Map((Map) w.v); } destroy_Map(elim->cliques); } if(elim->fill_ins){ if(elim->fill_ins[0]){ free(elim->fill_ins[0]); } free(elim->fill_ins); } if(elim->node_map){ iter = get_Iterator(elim->node_map); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_key(iter); if(w.v){ destroy_Node((Node) w.v); } } destroy_Map(elim->node_map); } free(elim); } }
ifilter_iterator<ResultType, Operator, List0>::ifilter_iterator(Operator _op, List0 _seq) : op(_op), iter(const_cast<sequence_type&>(_seq).begin()), iter_end(const_cast<sequence_type &>(_seq).end()) { if (!test_filter(std::is_same<types::none_type, Operator>())) next_value(); }
static void* next_ptr(uintptr_t** sp) { void* voidptr = (void*) next_value(sp); if(check_uptr(voidptr)) return voidptr; else return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char line[1000]; fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); printf("Length of string %d\n", length(line)); next_value(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Wrong usage! Try this way: ./deque <number-of-items>\n"); return 1; } blocking_deque<int> d; std::atomic<int> next_value(0); std::atomic<bool> finished(false); int total = std::stoi(argv[1]); std::thread producer([&]() { while (total > 0) { bool front = rand() % 2 == 0; int value = next_value++; if (front) d.push_front(value); else d.push_back(value); printf("stored %d on front? %d\n", value, (int)front); total--; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(rand() % 1000)); }; printf("--> producer finished!\n"); }); std::thread consumer([&]() { while (!finished.load() || d.size() > 0) { bool front = rand() % 2 == 0; bool success = false; int element = 0; if (front) success = d.pop_front(&element); else success = d.pop_back(&element); printf("front? %d success? %d value = %d\n", (int)front, (int)success, element); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(rand() % 1000)); } printf("--> consumer finished!\n"); }); producer.join(); consumer.join(); return 0; }
TEST_F(HistogramUtilsTest, NextValueBruteForce) { const pmr_string supported_characters{"abcd"}; constexpr size_t prefix_length{3u}; constexpr auto max = 84ul; EXPECT_EQ(convert_string_to_number_representation("", supported_characters, prefix_length), 0ul); EXPECT_EQ(convert_string_to_number_representation("ddd", supported_characters, prefix_length), max); for (auto number = 1u; number <= max; number++) { const auto number_string = convert_number_representation_to_string(number, supported_characters, prefix_length); const auto next_value_of_previous_number = next_value(convert_number_representation_to_string(number - 1, supported_characters, prefix_length), supported_characters, prefix_length); EXPECT_EQ(number_string, next_value_of_previous_number); } }
void fiber_value(struct fbr_context *fiber_context, void *_arg) { struct client_context *cc; struct my_value *value; struct me_cli_value *mv; int retval; ev_tstamp t1, t2, diff; cc = fbr_container_of(fiber_context, struct client_context, fbr); for (;;) { value = new_value(cc); record_value(cc, value); assert(value->buf); assert(value->buf->ptr); for (;;) { if (value->nreceived > 0) break; mv = me_cli_value_new(cc->conn); mv->data = (uint8_t *)value->buf->ptr; mv->data_len = value->buf->size; value->nsent++; ev_now_update(cc->loop); t1 = ev_now(cc->loop); retval = me_cli_value_submit(mv, cc->args_info.instance_timeout_arg); if (0 == retval) { value->latency = mv->latency; cc->last_iid = mv->iid; t2 = ev_now(cc->loop); diff = cc->args_info.each_arg - (t2 - t1); if (diff > 0) fbr_sleep(&cc->fbr, diff); if (value->nreceived > 0) break; next_value(cc, value, mv->iid); me_cli_value_processed(mv); me_cli_value_dispose(mv); break; } me_cli_value_processed(mv); me_cli_value_dispose(mv); cc->stats.timeouts++; assert(value->buf); assert(value->buf->ptr); } } }
int is_clique_heuristic(int node, Map * adj_list){ word w; unsigned long size; Iterator iter; size = get_size_Map(adj_list[node]); iter = get_Iterator(adj_list[node]); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_value(iter); if(get_size_Map(adj_list[((Node) w.v)->index]) < size){ return 0; } } return 1; }
STATIC int pf_gametype_new(char *text, void *_context) { GameTypeContext *context = (GameTypeContext *)_context; char *token; int key; token = first_token(text); if (token == NULL) { return (0); } if (strcmp(token, "end") == 0) { add_config_type(context->gametype); parse_func = pf_top_level; parse_context = NULL; return (0); } key = get_config_key(token, new_keys); if (key <= 0) { return (key); } token = next_token(); if (strcmp(token, "=") != 0) { REPORT_ERROR((stderr, "Expecting \"=\", found \"%s\"", token)); return (-1); } token = next_value(); if ((token == NULL) && ((key != CK_MASTER_PROTOCOL) && (key != CK_MASTER_QUERY))) { REPORT_ERROR((stderr, "Missing value after \"=\"")); return (-1); } if (debug) { printf("%d %s = <%s>\n", key, new_keys[key - 1].key_name, token ? token : ""); } return (set_game_type_value(context->gametype, key, token)); }
STATIC int pf_gametype_modify(char *text, void *_context) { GameTypeContext *context = (GameTypeContext *)_context; char *token; int key; token = first_token(text); if (token == NULL) { return (0); } if (strcmp(token, "end") == 0) { parse_func = pf_top_level; parse_context = NULL; return (0); } key = get_config_key(token, modify_keys); token = next_token(); if (strcmp(token, "=") != 0) { REPORT_ERROR((stderr, "Expecting \"=\", found \"%s\"", token)); return (-1); } token = next_value(); if (token == NULL) { REPORT_ERROR((stderr, "Missing value after \"=\"")); return (-1); } if (debug) { printf("%d %s = <%s>\n", key, modify_keys[key - 1].key_name, token ? token : ""); } return (modify_game_type_value(context->gametype, key, token)); }
int is_clique(int node, Map * adj_list, int size){ word w, w2; Map map = create_Map(size, compare, hash_int, empty(), 1); Iterator iter = get_Iterator(adj_list[node]); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_value(iter); w2.i = ((Node) w.v)->index; put(map, w2, w); } while(get_size_Map(map) > 0){ iter = get_Iterator(map); w = next_key(iter); rem(map, w); if(!is_subset_of(map, adj_list[w.i])){ destroy_Map(map); return 0; } } destroy_Map(map); return 1; }
static void syscall_handler (struct intr_frame* frame) { // -------- System Call Handler Overview -------- // Get system call number // switch statement using system call number // collect arguments for system call function if necessary // call system call function // set frame->eax to return value if necessary // ---------------------------------------------- uintptr_t* kpaddr_sp = (uintptr_t*) frame->esp; int syscall_num = -1; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) syscall_num = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); switch(syscall_num) { case SYS_HALT: { // Terminates Pintos shutdown_power_off(); } break; case SYS_EXIT: { uintptr_t status = -1; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) status = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); sysexit(status); } break; case SYS_EXEC: //pid_t exec (const char *file); { const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); else sysexec(frame, file); } break; case SYS_WAIT: //int wait (pid_t); { uintptr_t childid = -1; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) childid = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(childid); int retval = process_wait((tid_t) childid); frame->eax = retval; } break; case SYS_CREATE: //bool create (const char *file, unsigned initial_size); { const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); uintptr_t size = 0; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) size = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); syscreate(frame, file, size); } break; case SYS_REMOVE: //bool remove (const char *file); { const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); sysremove(frame, file); } break; case SYS_OPEN: { //int open (const char *file); const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); sysopen(frame, file); } break; case SYS_FILESIZE: { //int filesize (int fd); int fd = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = (int) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); sysfilesize(frame, fd); } break; case SYS_READ: { //int read (int fd, void *buffer, unsigned length); int fd = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = (int) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); unsigned length = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) length = (unsigned) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); sysread(frame, fd, (void*) file, length); } break; case SYS_WRITE: { //int write (int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned length); uintptr_t fd = 0; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); const char* file = next_charptr(&kpaddr_sp); if(file == NULL) sysexit(-1); unsigned len = strlen(file); if(!check_buffer(file, len)) sysexit(-1); uintptr_t length = 0; if(check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) length = next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); if(fd == CONSOLEWRITE) // Write to Console { while(length > 0) { if(length > MAX_SIZE) { putbuf (file, MAX_SIZE); file += MAX_SIZE; length -= MAX_SIZE; } else { putbuf (file, length); length = 0; } } } else { syswrite(frame, fd, file, length); } } break; case SYS_SEEK: { //void seek (int fd, unsigned position); int fd = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = (int) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); unsigned position = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) position = (unsigned) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); sysseek(fd, position); } break; case SYS_TELL: { //unsigned tell (int fd); int fd = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = (int) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); systell(frame, fd); } break; case SYS_CLOSE: { //void close (int fd); int fd = 0; if (check_uptr(kpaddr_sp)) fd = (int) next_value(&kpaddr_sp); else sysexit(-1); sysclose(fd); } break; default: { printf("Unrecognized System Call\n"); sysexit(-1); } break; } }
ifilter_iterator<ResultType, Operator, List0>& ifilter_iterator<ResultType, Operator, List0>::operator++() { next_value(); return *this; }
pmr_string _next_value(const pmr_string& value) { return next_value(value, _supported_characters, _prefix_length); }
/* if can find adj_list[i] that is a clique remove i, all edges from i; ordering[o++] = i; cliques[c++] = adj_list[i]; else find adj_list[i] with smallest clique weight remove i, all edges from i; ordering[o++] = i; make adj_list[i] a clique; cliques[c++] = adj_list[i]; */ Elimination elim(int size, Map * adj_list, Neighborhood * partial_order, Map node_map){ Map ordering, cliques, max_cliques, trashcan; int i, j, clique_exists, min_node, subset, index1, index2; float min_weight, weight; word w, w2, child, child2; Iterator iter, iter2; Map nodes = create_Map(size, compare, hash_int, empty(), 1); Map roots = create_Map(size, compare, hash_int, empty(), 1); int ** fill_ins; fill_ins = (int **) malloc(sizeof(int *) * size); fill_ins[0] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size * size); for(i = 1; i < size; i++){ fill_ins[i] = fill_ins[i - 1] + size; } for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ for(j = 0; j < size; j++){ fill_ins[i][j] = 0; } } for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ w.i = i; put(nodes, w, w); } find_roots(partial_order, nodes, roots); ordering = create_Map(size + 1, compare, hash_int, empty(), 1); cliques = create_Map(size + 1, set_compare, hash_set, empty(), 1); while(get_size_Map(nodes) > 0){ clique_exists = 0; iter = get_Iterator(roots); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_key(iter); if(is_clique_heuristic(w.i, adj_list) && is_clique(w.i, adj_list, size)){ clique_exists = 1; break; } } if(!clique_exists){ min_weight = LONG_MAX; iter = get_Iterator(roots); while(!is_empty(iter)){ w = next_value(iter); weight = 0; iter2 = get_Iterator(adj_list[w.i]); while(!is_empty(iter2)){ weight += ((Node) next_value(iter2).v)->weight; } if(weight < min_weight){ min_weight = weight; min_node = w.i; } } w.i = min_node; } min_node = w.i; rem(nodes, w); remove_node(partial_order, w.i); empty_Map(roots); find_roots(partial_order, nodes, roots); put(ordering, w, w); child.v = adj_list[w.i]; if(!find((Map) child.v, w)){ child2.v = create_Node(w.i, 0); put(node_map, child2, child2); put((Map) child.v, w, child2); } child.v = copy_Map((Map) child.v); put(cliques, child, child); iter = get_Iterator(adj_list[min_node]); i = 0; while(!is_empty(iter)){ child = next_value(iter); rem(adj_list[((Node) child.v)->index], w); } iter = create_Iterator(adj_list[min_node]); while(!is_empty(iter)){ child = next_value(iter); index1 = ((Node) child.v)->index; w.i = index1; iter2 = get_Iterator(adj_list[min_node]); while(!is_empty(iter2)){ child2 = next_value(iter2); index2 = ((Node) child2.v)->index; if(index1 != index2){ w2.i = index2; if(index1 < index2 && !find(adj_list[index1], w2)){ fill_ins[index1][index2] = 1; } put(adj_list[index1], w2, child2); } } } destroy_Iterator(iter); } destroy_Map(nodes); destroy_Map(roots); max_cliques = create_Map(size, set_compare, hash_set, empty(), 2); trashcan = create_Map(size, set_compare, hash_set, empty(), 2); while(get_size_Map(cliques) > 0){ iter = get_Iterator(cliques); child = next_key(iter); rem(cliques, child); subset = 0; while(!is_empty(iter)){ child2 = next_key(iter); if(is_subset_of((Map) child2.v, (Map) child.v)){ rem(cliques, child2); put(trashcan, child2, child2); } else if(is_subset_of((Map) child.v, (Map) child2.v)){ subset = 1; break; } } if(!subset){ put(max_cliques, child, child); } else { put(trashcan, child, child); } } destroy_Map(cliques); iter = get_Iterator(trashcan); while(!is_empty(iter)){ child = next_key(iter); destroy_Map((Map) child.v); } destroy_Map(trashcan); return create_Elimination(ordering, max_cliques, fill_ins, node_map); }