// Main Function void _main(void) { ST_helpMsg("F800+rom idx FLINE executed"); //ST_helpMsg is automatically a fline instuction due to USE_FLINE_ROM_CALLS ngetchx(); //asm(".word 0xF800+0x29b"); //idle asm(" TestBsr: .word 0xFFF0 .long (TestBsrFunc-TestBsr)-2 bra BsrTestFinished TestBsrFunc: rts BsrTestFinished: "); ST_helpMsg("$FFF0 FLINE executed");ngetchx(); asm("bra TestBra"); asm("retBra:"); ST_helpMsg("$FFF1 FLINE executed");ngetchx(); asm(".word 0xFFF2 .word 0x19E*4 /* ClrScr */"); ST_helpMsg("FFF2 index*4 FLINE executed");ngetchx(); }
void _main(void) { LCD_BUFFER backbuffer; unsigned char buffer[100*5*4]; unsigned short i,j; LCD_save(backbuffer); ST_helpMsg("Sprite8Get() Demo - Press Key"); ngetchx(); for (j=0;j<64;j++) { for (i=0;i<20;i++) { Sprite8Get_R(j+(i<<3),0,100,backbuffer,((unsigned char*)buffer)+100*i); } ClrScr(); for (i=0;i<20;i++) { Sprite8_OR_R(i<<3,0,100,((unsigned char*)buffer)+100*i,LCD_MEM); } } ST_helpMsg("Sprite16Get() Demo - Press Key"); ngetchx(); for (j=0;j<64;j++) { for (i=0;i<10;i++) { Sprite16Get_R(j+(i<<4),0,100,backbuffer,((unsigned short*)buffer)+100*i); } ClrScr(); for (i=0;i<10;i++) { Sprite16_OR_R(i<<4,0,100,((unsigned short*)buffer)+100*i,LCD_MEM); } } ST_helpMsg("Sprite32Get() Demo - Press Key"); ngetchx(); for (j=0;j<64;j++) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) { Sprite32Get_R(j+(i<<5),0,100,backbuffer,((unsigned long*)buffer)+100*i); } ClrScr(); for (i=0;i<5;i++) { Sprite32_OR_R(i<<5,0,100,((unsigned long*)buffer)+100*i,LCD_MEM); } } LCD_restore(backbuffer); GKeyFlush(); ST_helpMsg(EXTGRAPH_VERSION_PWDSTR); }
// tests the score for a new hi-score void hiScoresGo(unsigned long int score, unsigned int difficulty, unsigned int level_num) { clrscr(); hiScores[0].score = scoreCompute(score, difficulty, level_num); if (hiScores[0].score > hiScores[5].score) { getName(hiScores[0].score); hiScores[5] = hiScores[0]; if (hiScores[0].score > hiScores[4].score) { hiScores[5] = hiScores[4]; hiScores[4] = hiScores[0]; if (hiScores[0].score > hiScores[3].score) { hiScores[4] = hiScores[3]; hiScores[3] = hiScores[0]; if (hiScores[0].score > hiScores[2].score) { hiScores[3] = hiScores[2]; hiScores[2] = hiScores[0]; if (hiScores[0].score > hiScores[1].score) { hiScores[2] = hiScores[1]; hiScores[1] = hiScores[0]; } } } } } else { printf("You failed to achieve\na new High Score\nYour Score was:\n%lu", hiScores[0].score); while (ngetchx()!= KEY_ENTER); clrscr(); } printHiScores(); }
/*===========================================================================*/ void _main(void) { short i,j; unsigned long measure_val; char tmpstr[50] = "Measuring, please wait ..."; short modes[6] = { A_REPLACE,A_XOR,A_REVERSE,A_XOR,A_REPLACE,A_REVERSE}; LCD_BUFFER screen; LCD_save(screen); FontSetSys(F_4x6); OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); OSRegisterTimer(USER_TIMER,INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE); ClearScreen(); DrawStr(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE); do { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // built-in OS line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<6 && !kbhit();j++) { short used_mode = modes[j]; for (i=0; i<160;i++) DrawLine(80,50,i,8, used_mode); for (i=8; i<100;i++) DrawLine(80,50,159,i, used_mode); for (i=159;i>=0; i--) DrawLine(80,50,i,99, used_mode); for (i=99; i>=8; i--) DrawLine(80,50,0,i, used_mode); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"OS Routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); memset(LCD_MEM,0,30*8); DrawStr(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE); if (kbhit()) break; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // new line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<6 && !kbhit();j++) { short used_mode = modes[j]; for (i=0; i<160;i++) FastDrawLine_R(LCD_MEM,80,50,i,8, used_mode); for (i=8; i<100;i++) FastDrawLine_R(LCD_MEM,80,50,159,i, used_mode); for (i=159;i>=0; i--) FastDrawLine_R(LCD_MEM,80,50,i,99, used_mode); for (i=99; i>=8; i--) FastDrawLine_R(LCD_MEM,80,50,0,i, used_mode); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"Own Routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); memset(LCD_MEM,0,30*8); DrawStr(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE); } while (!kbhit()); ngetchx(); OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); LCD_restore(screen); GKeyFlush(); ST_helpMsg(EXTGRAPH_VERSION_PWDSTR); }
// function to let the user type in a name for the hi-scores void getName(unsigned long int score) { int key = 0; int x = 0; int y = 45; int back = 0; clrscr(); GrayOff(); FontSetSys(F_8x10); printf_xy(20,0,"New High Score!"); printf_xy(60,12,"%lu", score); FontSetSys(F_4x6); printf_xy(53,95,"Jet Blaster v 1.0 by Ben Cherry"); FontSetSys(F_6x8); printf_xy(11,25,"Please Enter Your Name:"); while (key != KEY_ENTER) { key = ngetchx(); if (key == KEY_BACKSPACE) { if (x>0) x--; key = (int)' '; back = 1; } if (x <= 9 && key != KEY_ENTER) { printf_xy(6*x+50,y,"%c",(char)key); hiScores[0].name[x] = key; } if (!back && x <= 9) x++; if (back) back--; } clrscr(); }
// prints the hi-score table void printHiScores(void) { int i = 0; GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); FontSetSys(F_8x10); DrawStr(36,0,"Jet Blaster",A_NORMAL); DrawStr(36,12,"High Scores",A_NORMAL); FontSetSys(F_4x6); DrawStr(53,95,"Jet Blaster v 1.0 by Ben Cherry",A_NORMAL); FontSetSys(F_6x8); for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { printf_xy(10,i*9 + 26,"%d. %s - %lu",i,hiScores[i].name,hiScores[i].score); } GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); FontSetSys(F_8x10); printf_xy(36,0,"Jet Blaster"); printf_xy(36,12,"High Scores"); FontSetSys(F_4x6); printf_xy(53,95,"Jet Blaster v 1.0 by Ben Cherry"); FontSetSys(F_6x8); for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { printf_xy(10,i*9 + 26,"%d. %s - %lu",i,hiScores[i].name,hiScores[i].score); } while (ngetchx() != KEY_ENTER); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); }
void _main(void) { GrayOn(); clrscr(); GraySprite16_XOR_R(8, 8, 16, ball_C0, ball_C1, GetPlane(0), GetPlane(1)); ngetchx(); GrayOff(); }
void _main(void) { float a, b, c, d; char buffer[200]; clrscr (); puts ("a="); a = atof (gets (buffer)); puts ("b="); b = atof (gets (buffer)); puts ("c="); c = atof (gets (buffer)); if (is_nan (a) || is_nan (b) || is_nan (c)) return; d = b * b - 4. * a * c; if (d >= 0.) { float x1, x2; x1 = (-b + sqrt (d)) / (2. * a); x2 = (-b - sqrt (d)) / (2. * a); printf ("\nx1=%f\nx2=%f", x1, x2); } else { float re, im; re = -b / (2. * a); im = fabs (sqrt (-d) / (2. * a)); printf ("\nx1=%f-%f*i\nx2=%f+%f*i", re, im, re, im); } ngetchx(); }
// Main Function void _main(void){ int a; a=NULL; clrscr(); if(a)printf("NULL is true\n"); if(!a)printf("NULL is false\n"); ngetchx(); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { unsigned char object[]= {0b01100111,0b01100101,0b01110100,0b00100000,0b01101111,0b01110101,0b01110100,0b00100000,0b01101101,0b01101111,0b01110010,0b01100101,0b00101110}; clrscr(); Sprite8(10,10,13,object,LCD_MEM,SPRT_XOR); ngetchx(); clrscr(); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { static unsigned char rpn[] = {END_TAG, VAR_X_TAG, 1, 1, POSINT_TAG, VAR_X_TAG, 3, 1, POSINT_TAG, SUB_TAG, 2, 1, POSINT_TAG, VAR_X_TAG, POW_TAG, 4, 1, POSINT_TAG, ADD_TAG, MUL_TAG, DIV_TAG, INTEGRATE_TAG}; NG_rationalESI (rpn + sizeof (rpn) - 1); WinClr (DeskTop); Print2DExpr (Parse2DExpr (top_estack, FALSE), DeskTop, 0, 50); ngetchx (); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { TRY push_quantum (VAR_T_TAG); push_parse_text ("sin(t)+sin(2t)"); cmd_graph (top_estack); ngetchx (); cmd_disphome (); ONERR ENDTRY }
void _main(void) { while( TRUE ) { clrscr(); printWelcomeScreen(); clrscr(); play(); ngetchx(); } }
void _main(void) { unsigned long *p=(unsigned long *)4; unsigned long firstlong=*(unsigned long *)0; clrscr(); try_again: while (*(p++)!=firstlong) { if ((unsigned long)p>=0x600000) return; } if (memcmp(p-1,0,1000)) goto try_again; printf("%lp\n",p-1); ngetchx(); goto try_again; }
// draws the help screen void doHelp(void) { drawTitle(1); GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); printf("Jet Blaster Controls\n\nArrow keys - Move Ship\nDiamond, Shift - Missiles\nSecond - Cannon"); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); printf("Jet Blaster Controls\n\nArrow keys - Move Ship\nDiamond, Shift - Missiles\nSecond - Cannon"); while (ngetchx()!=KEY_ENTER); GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { typedef struct { long int score; char * name; } hiscore; int i = 0; hiscore hiScoreArray[5] = {{20000,"ben cherry"},{20000,"ben cherry"},{20000,"ben cherry"},{20000,"ben cherry"},{20000,"ben cherry"}}; clrscr(); FontSetSys(F_8x10); printf_xy(36,0,"Jet Blaster"); printf_xy(36,12,"High Scores"); FontSetSys(F_4x6); printf_xy(53,95,"Jet Blaster v 1.0 by Ben Cherry"); FontSetSys(F_6x8); for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { printf_xy(10,i*9 + 26,"%d. %s - %d",i+1,hiScoreArray[i].name,hiScoreArray[i].score); } ngetchx(); }
// draws the shop screen void shop(unsigned int *money, int *cannon_level, int *missile_level) { int key = 0; while (key != KEY_ENTER) { clrscr(); printf("You have $%d\n", *money); if (*cannon_level < 4) printf("Your cannons are level %d\n", *cannon_level); if (*cannon_level == 1) printf("Upgrade cannon - $%d\n", CANNON_UPGRADE_2); if (*cannon_level == 2) printf("Upgrade cannon - $%d\n", CANNON_UPGRADE_3); if (*cannon_level == 3) printf("Upgrade cannon - $%d\n", CANNON_UPGRADE_4); if (*missile_level == 0 || *missile_level == 2) printf("Down missiles - $%d\n", MISSILES_COST); if (*missile_level == 0 || *missile_level == 1) printf("Up Missiles - $%d\n", MISSILES_COST); if (*cannon_level < 4 ) printf("Press F1 to buy cannon\n"); if (*missile_level < 3) printf("Up/down to buy missile\n"); if (*cannon_level >= 4 && *missile_level >= 3) printf("You have it all!!\n"); printf("Press enter to leave\n"); key = ngetchx(); if (key == KEY_F1 && *cannon_level == 1 && *money >= CANNON_UPGRADE_2) { *cannon_level+=1; *money -= CANNON_UPGRADE_2; } else if (key == KEY_F1 && *cannon_level == 2 && *money >= CANNON_UPGRADE_3) { *cannon_level+=1; *money -= CANNON_UPGRADE_3; } else if (key == KEY_F1 && *cannon_level == 3 && *money >= CANNON_UPGRADE_4) { *cannon_level+=1; *money -= CANNON_UPGRADE_4; } if (key == KEY_DOWN && *money >= MISSILES_COST) { if (*missile_level == 0 || *missile_level == 2) { *missile_level+=1; *money -= MISSILES_COST; } } else if (key == KEY_UP && *money >= MISSILES_COST) { if (*missile_level == 0 || *missile_level == 1) { *missile_level+=2; *money -= MISSILES_COST; } } //if (key == KEY_F5) *money+=1000; } GKeyFlush(); }
void _main(void) { short l,c,k; void *vecran; LCD_BUFFER backbuffer; LCD_save(backbuffer); if(!(vecran=malloc(LCD_SIZE))) return; l=c=0; do { DrawTiles16B(MAP_WIDTH,&map[l][c],vecran,sprts); FastCopyScreen_R(vecran,LCD_MEM); /* memcpy(LCD_MEM,vecran,LCD_SIZE); */ k=ngetchx(); if(k==KEY_RIGHT && c<MAP_WIDTH-15) c++; if(k==KEY_LEFT && c>0) c--; if(k==KEY_DOWN && l<MAP_HEIGHT-8) l++; if(k==KEY_UP && l>0) l--; } while(k!=KEY_ESC); free(vecran); LCD_restore(backbuffer); GKeyFlush(); ST_helpMsg(EXTGRAPH_VERSION_PWDSTR); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { // declare the sprite positions int x1 = 20, y1 = 20, direction1 = RIGHT; int x2 = 40, y2 = 40, direction2 = LEFT; int x3 = 60, y3 = 60, direction3 = RIGHT; int x4 = 80, y4 = 80, direction4 = LEFT; int x5 = 50, y5 = 50, direction5 = RIGHT; // keycode variable int key = 0; // Define the pins unsigned char pinsprt[] = {0x18,0x3C,0x18,0x38,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,0x38}; unsigned long int balsprt[] = {0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,}; // clear the screen ClrScr(); // Annotate the display DrawStr(0, 0, "These Are Bowling Pins!", A_NORMAL); // draw the sprites Sprite8(x1, y1, SPRITE_HEIGHT, pinsprt, LCD_MEM, SPRT_XOR); Sprite8(x2, y2, SPRITE_HEIGHT, pinsprt, LCD_MEM, SPRT_XOR); Sprite8(x3, y3, SPRITE_HEIGHT, pinsprt, LCD_MEM, SPRT_XOR); Sprite8(x4, y4, SPRITE_HEIGHT, pinsprt, LCD_MEM, SPRT_XOR); Sprite32(x5, y5, 32, balsprt, LCD_MEM, SPRT_XOR); // wait for a key before exit ngetchx(); }
// Main Function void _main(void) { HANDLE menu_handle = MenuNew (2, 240, 18); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 0, "First", 1, DMF_TOP_SUB); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 1, "Subitem 1.1", 5, DMF_CHILD_SUB); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 5, "Subitem 1.1.1", 8, DMF_CHILD_SUB); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 5, "Subitem 1.1.2", 9, DMF_CHILD); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 8, "Subitem", 10, DMF_CHILD); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 1, "Subitem 1.2", 6, DMF_CHILD); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 0, "Second", 2, DMF_TOP_SUB); MenuAddText (menu_handle, 2, "Subitem 2.1", 7, DMF_CHILD); MenuAddText (menu_handle, -1, "Third", 3, DMF_TOP); MenuAddText (menu_handle, -1, "Fourth", 4, DMF_TOP); HANDLE exec_handle = MenuBegin (NULL, 0, 0, MBF_HMENU, menu_handle); short result; do { result = MenuKey (exec_handle, ngetchx ()); } while (result == M_NOTMENUKEY); MenuEnd (exec_handle); MenuUpdate (); push_shortint (result); }
// Main Function void _main( void ){ //Create or load savefile SAVE gameState; if(readSave(&gameState)) makeSave(&gameState); writeSave(&gameState); /*just to test whether writing is possible here so the player doesn't spend a long time and lose their progress*/ //Buffer for the text at the bottom of the scoreString = (char*)malloc(60*sizeof(char)); if(scoreString == NULL) exit(ER_MEMORY); //Pause menu pauseMenu = PopupNew(strConv[11], 50); if(pauseMenu == H_NULL) memkill(4, ER_MEMORY); PopupAddText(pauseMenu, -1, "New Game", 1); PopupAddText(pauseMenu, 0, "Options", 2); PopupAddText(pauseMenu,2,"Toggle Animations",5); PopupAddText(pauseMenu,2,"Reset Save Data",6); PopupAddText(pauseMenu, -1, "Exit", 3); PopupAddText(pauseMenu, -1, "About", 4); //Hiscore Name Entry nameBox = DialogNewSimple(140,35); if(nameBox == H_NULL) memkill(3, ER_MEMORY); DialogAddTitle(nameBox,"NEW HISCORE!",BT_OK,BT_NONE); DialogAddRequest(nameBox,3,14,"Name:", 0, 10, 14); //Game Over Entry gameOver = PopupNew("GAME OVER!", 40); if(gameOver == H_NULL) memkill(2, ER_MEMORY); PopupAddText(gameOver,-1,"Try Again",1); PopupAddText(gameOver,-1,"Exit",2); //About Dialouge aboutBox = DialogNewSimple(140,80); if(aboutBox == H_NULL) memkill(1, ER_MEMORY); DialogAddTitle(aboutBox,"ABOUT",BT_OK,BT_NONE); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 13, "2048: A sliding tile puzzle"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 21, "Ti68k port by Harrison Cook"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 29, "Original game by Gabriele Cirulli"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 37, "\"Based on\" 1024 by Veewo Studio"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 45, "\"Conceptually Similar to\":"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 52, "Threes by Asher Vollmer"); DialogAddText(aboutBox, 3, 59, "Built using TIGCC"); ClrScr(); FontSetSys(F_8x10); randomize(); short int key; for(;;){ ClrScr(); drawGrid(gameState.grid); sprintf(scoreString, "Score: %lu Hiscore: %lu by %s", gameState.score, gameState.bscore, gameState.name); if(!isGridAvailable(gameState.grid)){ if(gameState.score > gameState.bscore){ DialogDo(nameBox,CENTER,CENTER, gameState.name,NULL); gameState.bscore = gameState.score; FontSetSys(F_8x10); } gameState.score = 0; initGrid(gameState.grid); switch(PopupDo(gameOver,CENTER,CENTER,0)){ case 1: continue; break; default: goto endGame; } } ST_helpMsg(scoreString); nodraw: ST_busy(ST_IDLE); key = ngetchx(); ST_busy(ST_BUSY); ST_helpMsg(scoreString); char move = 4; if(key == KEY_UP) move = UP; else if(key == KEY_RIGHT) move = RIGHT; else if(key == KEY_DOWN) move = DOWN; else if(key == KEY_LEFT) move = LEFT; else if(key == KEY_OFF || key==KEY_ON) //Turn the calculator off during a game. Resume it later off(); else if(key == KEY_ESC){ //Brings up the pause menu switch (PopupDo(pauseMenu,CENTER,CENTER,0)){ case 1: //1. New Game gameState.score = 0; initGrid(gameState.grid); break; //case 2: //2. Options //this is a submenu case 3: //3: Exit endGame: writeSave(&gameState); memkill(0,0); break; case 4: //4: About DialogDo(aboutBox,CENTER,CENTER,NULL,NULL); //Dialog sets the font weirdly, set it back FontSetSys(F_8x10); break; case 5: //1. Toggle Animations gameState.animations = !gameState.animations; break; case 6: //2. Reset Saved Data makeSave(&gameState); break; } } else goto nodraw; if(move < 4){ if(isDirectionAvailable(gameState.grid, move)){ shiftGrid(gameState.grid,move,&gameState.score, gameState.animations); pushNewTile(gameState.grid); } else goto nodraw; } } }
/*===========================================================================*/ static inline short Test32(void) { unsigned long measure_val; char tmpstr[100]; short x,y; long count; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // original sprite functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM,SPRT_AND); Sprite32(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM,SPRT_OR); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"TIGCCLIB AND+OR: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; #if __TIGCCLIB_VERSION__ >= 272 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // original sprite functions with RPLC (GCC4TI 0.96 Beta 10+) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM,SPRT_RPLC); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"TIGCCLIB RPLC: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modified sprite functions using separate and/or //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32_AND_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM); Sprite32_OR_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"ExtGraph AND+OR: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modified sprite functions using just one call //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32_MASK_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,spritedata32,LCD_MEM); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"ExtGraph MASK: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32_BLIT_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,0x00000000,LCD_MEM); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"ExtGraph BLIT: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32_RPLC_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"ExtGraph RPLC: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // original sprite functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM,SPRT_XOR); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"TIGCCLIB AND+OR: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) return KEY_ESC; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modified sprite functions using just one call //------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0; ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (y=0;y<100-16;y++) { for (x=0;x<160-32;x++) { count++; Sprite32_XOR_R(x,y,8,spritedata32,LCD_MEM); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"ExtGraph XOR: %lu ticks for %ld sprites",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val,count); ST_helpMsg(tmpstr); return ngetchx(); }
void _main(void) // main entry point is function _main { clrscr (); // clear the screen and reset print position printf ("Hello world!"); // do you know what this is? ngetchx (); // wait for a keypress }
// Main Function void _main(void) { // This is where the level map is defined // The map is 12 blocks of height 8 tall, and that fills the screen // 0s are blank, 1s are ground blocks, and 2s are the other blocks /*int map1[12][82] = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,2,2,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}};*/ int map1[12][20] = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {8,7,0,0,0,9,7,9,7,0,0,0,0,0,9,8,8,8,8,8}, {0,0,7,0,9,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,9,7,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,0,7,0}, {0,9,8,8,7,0,9,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,9,0,0,0,0,8}, {8,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; int key=0; int laser = 0; int justLaser = 0; int missile = 0; int justMissile = 0; int missileSlow = 2; short int keys[8]; POSITION laserPos; POSITION oldLaserPos; POSITION missilePos; POSITION oldMissilePos; POSITION oldRType; POSITION rTypePos = {0,4}; int score = 0; int forward = 0; //int map_x_location=0; //POSITION pos = {80,5}; //int pos = 0; INT_HANDLER interrupt1 = GetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1); // this will save auto int 1 // print a simple title and disclaimer clrscr(); printf("A game by Ben Cherry \nversion 0.2 Beta \nUse at your own risk! \nreport any bugs to me\nArrow keys - move ship\n2nd-fire straight laser\ndiamond-fire down missile\nDestroy the blocks!\nGame may become unstable\npast the ground raise!\nPress Enter to Begin"); while (ngetchx() != KEY_ENTER){} clrscr(); // seed the random numbers randomize(); // get the key masks getKeyMasks(keys); // DESTROY auto-interrupt 1 so as not to mess up _rowread SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,DUMMY_HANDLER); if (!GrayOn ()) return; Draw_Map(map1, rTypePos, laserPos, laser, missilePos, missile); // the main game loop while (!quit()) { // if the user has a missile out, deal with it if (missile && missileSlow == 2) { missileSlow = 1; oldMissilePos = missilePos; missilePos.x++; missilePos.y++; if (missilePos.x > 20) missile = 0; if (blowWall(missilePos,map1)) { map1[missilePos.y][missilePos.x]-=2;//= 0; /**/score++; /**/if (map1[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] < 0) map1[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] = 0; missile = 0; justMissile = 0; Draw_Map(map1,rTypePos,laserPos,laser,missilePos,missile); } // if the shot was just fired, then there wont be one to erase if (!justMissile && missile) { moveMissile(oldMissilePos,missilePos); } else if (missile) { drawMissile(missilePos); justMissile = 0; } } else { missileSlow++; } // if the user has a laser shot that is still going, continue it if (laser) { oldLaserPos = laserPos; laserPos.x++; if (laserPos.x > 20) laser=0; if (blowWall(laserPos,map1)) { map1[laserPos.y][laserPos.x]--; //= 0; /**/if (map1[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] == 0) score++; laser = 0; justLaser = 0; Draw_Map(map1,rTypePos,laserPos,laser, missilePos, missile); } // if the shot was just fired, then there wont be one to erase if (!justLaser && laser) { moveLaser(oldLaserPos,laserPos); } else if (laser){ drawLaser(laserPos); justLaser = 0; } } // scroll the screen forward one block every third time through the main loop if (forward == 3) { randMap(&map1); //rTypePos.x++; forward = 0; Draw_Map(map1,rTypePos,laserPos,laser, missilePos, missile); } else { forward++; } // if you ran into a wall, quit if (detectWall(rTypePos,map1)) break; key = _rowread(ARROW_ROW); // if the user pressed right, move the ship right if (key & keys[RIGHT]) { oldRType = rTypePos; rTypePos.x++; if (rTypePos.x > 20) rTypePos.x--; if (!detectWall(rTypePos,map1)){ moveRType(oldRType,rTypePos); } else { //rTypePos.x--; break; } } // If the user pressed left, move the ship left if (key & keys[LEFT]) { oldRType = rTypePos; //rTypePos.x--; if (rTypePos.x - 1 >= 0) rTypePos.x--; if (!detectWall(rTypePos,map1)){ moveRType(oldRType,rTypePos); } else { //rTypePos.x++; break; } } // if the user pressed up, move the ship up if (key & keys[UP]) { oldRType = rTypePos; //rTypePos.y--; if (rTypePos.y - 1 >= 0) rTypePos.y--; if (!detectWall(rTypePos,map1)) { moveRType(oldRType,rTypePos); } else { //rTypePos.y++; break; } } // if the user pressed down, move the ship down if (key & keys[DOWN]) { oldRType = rTypePos; rTypePos.y++; if (rTypePos.y > 12) rTypePos.y = 12; if (!detectWall(rTypePos,map1)) { moveRType(oldRType,rTypePos); } else { //rTypePos.y--; break; } } // if 2nd was pushed, fire the laser if (key & keys[SECOND]) { if (!laser) { justLaser = 1; laser = 1; laserPos.x = rTypePos.x + 1; laserPos.y = rTypePos.y; } } // if diamond was pushed fire the downward missiles if (key & keys[DIAMOND]) { if (!missile) { justMissile = 1; missile = 1; missileSlow = 2; missilePos.x = rTypePos.x; missilePos.y = rTypePos.y; } } // slow down the program because _rowread is too fast delay(); } // somehow the user left the game, either by crashing or quitting, so make sure to disable all changes GrayOff(); SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,interrupt1); clrscr(); printf("You destroyed %d blocks!",score); while (ngetchx() != KEY_ENTER){} }
_main() { SCR_RECT SCREEN = {{0, 0, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_HEIGHT-1}}; SCR_RECT rect = {{0, 0, HEIGHT-1, HEIGHT-1}}; short attr = A_XOR; // Default replace value: A_XOR // Parses arguments ESI argptr; InitArgPtr(argptr); int argtype = GetArgType(argptr); if (argtype == POSINT_TAG) { int num = GetIntArg(argptr); // 2. *** YOUR CODE HERE *** } // Initializes a rectangle bitmap of HEIGHT x HEIGHT char mask [BITMAP_SIZE]; int i = 0; while (i < BITMAP_SIZE) { mask[i] = 0xFF; // Change this value to get different masks! i++; } BitmapInit(&rect, mask); // Puts the rectangle onto the screen DRAW; int c; // Main loop for getting keyboard input while ((c = ngetchx()) != ENTER_KEY) { // Erases old bitmap DRAW; switch (c) { // Moves bitmap around case LEFT_KEY: if (rect.xy.x0 - 5 >= 0) { rect.xy.x0 -=5; rect.xy.x1 -=5; } break; case RIGHT_KEY: if (rect.xy.x1 + 5 < LCD_WIDTH) { rect.xy.x0 +=5; rect.xy.x1 +=5; } break; case UP_KEY: if (rect.xy.y0 - 5 >= 0) { rect.xy.y0 -=5; rect.xy.y1 -=5; } break; case DOWN_KEY: if (rect.xy.y1 + 5 < LCD_HEIGHT) { rect.xy.y0 +=5; rect.xy.y1 +=5; } break; } // Draws new bitmap DRAW; } }
// the main function void _main(void) { unsigned int difficulty = NORMAL; short int key=0; short int keys[8]; unsigned int level_num = 1; unsigned short int score = 0; int done = 0; unsigned int money = 0; int cannon_level = 1; int missile_level = 0; char map[12][MAP_SIZE]; // seed the random numbers randomize(); // get the key masks getKeyMasks(keys); INT_HANDLER interrupt1 = GetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1); // this will save auto int 1 // draw title screen and wait for keypress GrayOn(); drawTitle(2); ngetchx(); //draw background title screen and menu drawTitle(1); drawWords(difficulty); POSITION pointer = {10,0}; drawPointer(pointer); // the menu loop while (1) { key = ngetchx(); if (key == KEY_ENTER && pointer.y != OPTIONS) { if (pointer.y == PLAY) break; if (pointer.y == HIGH_SCORES) printHiScores(); if (pointer.y == HELP) doHelp(); if (pointer.y == ABOUT) { SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,interrupt1); GrayOff(); exit(0); } GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); drawTitle(1); drawWords(difficulty); pointer=(POSITION) { 10,0 }; drawPointer(pointer); } if (key == KEY_LEFT && pointer.y == OPTIONS && difficulty < VERY_EASY) { difficulty+=1; GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); drawTitle(1); drawPointer(pointer); drawWords(difficulty); } if (key == KEY_RIGHT && pointer.y == OPTIONS && difficulty > IMPOSSIBLE) { difficulty-=1; GraySetAMSPlane(LIGHT_PLANE); clrscr(); GraySetAMSPlane(DARK_PLANE); clrscr(); drawTitle(1); drawPointer(pointer); drawWords(difficulty); } if (key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN) drawPointer(pointer); if (key == KEY_UP && pointer.y > 0) pointer.y--; if (key == KEY_DOWN && pointer.y < 4) pointer.y++; if (key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN) drawPointer(pointer); } key = 0; // turn off gray, so we can destroy auto-int-1 and not mess it up GrayOff(); // DESTROY auto-interrupt 1 so as not to mess up _rowread SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,DUMMY_HANDLER); // turn gray back on GrayOn(); // randomize the map randomMap(difficulty, map, level_num); //the main game loop while (!quit() && !done) { done = 0; int fin = 0; int win = 0; int forward = 0; int map_x_location = 0; int laser = 0; int justLaser = 0; int missile = 0; int justMissile = 0; int missileSlow = 2; POSITION laserPos; POSITION oldLaserPos; POSITION missilePos; POSITION oldMissilePos; POSITION oldShip; POSITION ShipPos = {0,5}; // we need to disable gray temporarily to do the shop screen... GrayOff(); SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1, interrupt1); shop(&money, &cannon_level, &missile_level); SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1, DUMMY_HANDLER); GrayOn(); // draws the level Draw_Map(map_x_location, map, ShipPos, laserPos, laser, missilePos, missile); // the loop for the action in the level while (!quit()) { // if the user has a missile out, deal with it if (missile && missileSlow == 2) { missileSlow = 1; oldMissilePos = missilePos; missilePos.x++; missilePos.y+=missile; if (missilePos.x > map_x_location + 20) missile = 0; if (missilePos.y < 0 || missilePos.y > 12) { missile = 0; eraseMissile(missilePos, map_x_location); } if (blowWall(missilePos,map)) { if (map[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] < 4) { map[missilePos.y][missilePos.x]-=3; if (map[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] == 0) { score++; money+=BLOCK_VALUE; } } if (map[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] < 0) map[missilePos.y][missilePos.x] = 0; missile = 0; justMissile = 0; Draw_Map(map_x_location,map,ShipPos,laserPos,laser,missilePos,missile); } // if the shot was just fired, then there wont be one to erase if (!justMissile && missile == 1) { moveMissile(oldMissilePos,missilePos,map_x_location); } else if (missile == 1) { drawMissile(missilePos,map_x_location); justMissile = 0; } else if (!justMissile && missile == -1) { moveUpMissile(oldMissilePos, missilePos, map_x_location); } else if (missile == -1) { drawUpMissile(missilePos, map_x_location); justMissile = 0; } } else { missileSlow++; } // if the user has a laser shot that is still going, continue it if (laser) { oldLaserPos = laserPos; laserPos.x++; if (laserPos.x > map_x_location + 20) laser=0; if (blowWall(laserPos,map)) { if (map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] < 4) { map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x]-=cannon_level; if (map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] <= 0) { score++; money+=BLOCK_VALUE; map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] = 0; } } else if (map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] == 4 && cannon_level == 4) { map[laserPos.y][laserPos.x] = 1; } laser = 0; justLaser = 0; Draw_Map(map_x_location,map,ShipPos,laserPos,laser, missilePos, missile); } // if the shot was just fired, then there wont be one to erase if (!justLaser && laser) { moveLaser(oldLaserPos,laserPos,map_x_location); } else if (laser) { drawLaser(laserPos,map_x_location); justLaser = 0; } } // scroll the screen forward one block every (difficulty) time through the main loop if (forward == difficulty) { map_x_location++; ShipPos.x++; forward = 0; if (map_x_location >= MAP_SIZE - 20) { win = 1; level_num++; break; } // if you ran into a wall, quit if (detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { win = 1; score /= 2 ; break; } Draw_Map(map_x_location,map,ShipPos,laserPos,laser, missilePos, missile); } else { forward++; } // if you ran into a wall, quit if (detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { win = 1; score = 0; break; } if (_rowread(~((short)(1<<1))) & (1<<6) && _rowread(~((short)(1<<2))) & (1<<6)) { win = 1; level_num++; break; } // get keypresses key = _rowread(ARROW_ROW); // if the user pressed right, move the ship right if (key & keys[RIGHT]) { oldShip = ShipPos; ShipPos.x++; if (ShipPos.x > map_x_location + 18) ShipPos.x--; if (!detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { moveShip(oldShip,ShipPos,map_x_location); } else { win = 1; score = 0; break; } } // If the user pressed left, move the ship left if (key & keys[LEFT]) { oldShip = ShipPos; ShipPos.x--; if (ShipPos.x < map_x_location) ShipPos.x++; if (!detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { moveShip(oldShip,ShipPos,map_x_location); } else { win = 1; score = 0; break; } } // if the user pressed up, move the ship up if (key & keys[UP]) { oldShip = ShipPos; if (ShipPos.y - 1 < 0) { ShipPos.y = 0; } else { ShipPos.y--; } if (!detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { moveShip(oldShip,ShipPos,map_x_location); } else { win = 1; score = 0; break; } } // if the user pressed down, move the ship down if (key & keys[DOWN]) { oldShip = ShipPos; ShipPos.y++; if (ShipPos.y > 10) ShipPos.y = 10; if (!detectWall(ShipPos,map)) { moveShip(oldShip,ShipPos,map_x_location); } else { win = 1; score = 0; break; } } // if 2nd was pushed, fire the laser if (key & keys[SECOND]) { if (!laser) { justLaser = 1; laser = 1; laserPos.x = ShipPos.x + 1; laserPos.y = ShipPos.y; } } // if diamond was pushed fire the downward missiles if (key & keys[DIAMOND]) { if (missile_level == 3 || missile_level == 1) { if (!missile) { justMissile = 1; missile = 1; missileSlow = 2; missilePos.x = ShipPos.x; missilePos.y = ShipPos.y; } } } // if shift was pushed fire the upward missiles if (key & keys[SHIFT]) { if (missile_level == 2 || missile_level == 3) { if (!missile) { justMissile = 1; missile = -1; missileSlow = 2; missilePos.x = ShipPos.x; missilePos.y = ShipPos.y; } } } /*if (key & keys[ALPHA]) { score += 10; }*/ // slow down the program because _rowread is too fast delay(); } // back to the overall game loop if (win) { if (level_num <= LEVEL_NUM) { won(difficulty, map, level_num); } else { fin = 1; break; } } } // the user left, either by winning or quitting, so make sure everything is reset so the calc will be fine GrayOff(); SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,interrupt1); hiScoresGo(score, difficulty, level_num); }
/*===========================================================================*/ void _main(void) { short i,j; unsigned long measure_val; char tmpstr[50] = "Measuring, please wait ..."; short modes[4] = {COLOR_LIGHTGRAY,COLOR_DARKGRAY,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_WHITE}; LCD_BUFFER screen; LCD_save(screen); if (!GrayOn()) return; OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); OSRegisterTimer(USER_TIMER,INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE); GrayClearScreen_R(); GrayDrawStrExt(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE|A_CENTERED|A_SHADOWED,F_4x6); do { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // built-in OS line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4 && !kbhit();j++) { short used_color = modes[j]; for (i=0; i<160;i++) GrayDrawLine(80,50,i,8, used_color); for (i=8; i<100;i++) GrayDrawLine(80,50,159,i, used_color); for (i=159;i>=0; i--) GrayDrawLine(80,50,i,99, used_color); for (i=99; i>=8; i--) GrayDrawLine(80,50,0,i, used_color); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"OS routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect(0,0,239,7,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED); GrayDrawStrExt(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE | A_CENTERED | A_SHADOWED,F_4x6); if (kbhit()) break; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // new line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4 && !kbhit();j++) { short used_color = modes[j]; for (i=0; i<160;i++) GrayFastDrawLine2B_R(GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),80,50,i,8, used_color); for (i=8; i<100;i++) GrayFastDrawLine2B_R(GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),80,50,159,i, used_color); for (i=159;i>=0; i--) GrayFastDrawLine2B_R(GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),80,50,i,99, used_color); for (i=99; i>=8; i--) GrayFastDrawLine2B_R(GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),80,50,0,i, used_color); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"Own routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect(0,0,239,8,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED); GrayDrawStrExt(0,0,tmpstr,A_REPLACE | A_CENTERED | A_SHADOWED,F_4x6); } while (!kbhit()); ngetchx(); OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); GrayOff(); LCD_restore(screen); GKeyFlush(); ST_helpMsg(EXTGRAPH_VERSION_PWDSTR); }
/*===========================================================================*/ void _main(void) { short i,j; unsigned long measure_val; char tmpstr[50] = "Measuring, please wait ..."; static const short modes[4] = {COLOR_LIGHTGRAY,COLOR_DARKGRAY,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_WHITE}; unsigned short clippedcoord[4]; LCD_BUFFER screen; LCD_save(screen); OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); OSRegisterTimer(USER_TIMER,INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE); if (!GrayOn()) goto end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // built-in OS line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- GrayClearScreen_R(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { short used_color = modes[j]; for (i=-40; i<280;i++) GrayDrawClipLine(120,64,i,-40,used_color); for (i=-40; i<168;i++) GrayDrawClipLine(120,64,280,i,used_color); for (i=280;i>=-40; i--) GrayDrawClipLine(120,64,i,168,used_color); for (i=168;i>=-40; i--) GrayDrawClipLine(120,64,-40,i,used_color); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"OS routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect(0,0,239,7,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED); GrayDrawStrExt(0,0,tmpstr,A_NORMAL | A_CENTERED | A_SHADOWED,F_4x6); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) goto end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // new line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- GrayClearScreen_R(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { short used_color = modes[j]; for (i=-40; i<280;i++) GrayClipDrawLine_R(120,64,i,-40,clippedcoord,used_color,GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),GrayFastDrawLine2B_R); for (i=-40; i<280;i++) GrayClipDrawLine_R(120,64,280,i,clippedcoord,used_color,GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),GrayFastDrawLine2B_R); for (i=280;i>=-40; i--) GrayClipDrawLine_R(120,64,i,168,clippedcoord,used_color,GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),GrayFastDrawLine2B_R); for (i=168;i>=-40; i--) GrayClipDrawLine_R(120,64,-40,i,clippedcoord,used_color,GrayGetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE),GrayGetPlane(DARK_PLANE),GrayFastDrawLine2B_R); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"Own routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect(0,0,239,7,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED); GrayDrawStrExt(0,0,tmpstr,A_NORMAL | A_CENTERED | A_SHADOWED,F_4x6); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) goto end; GrayOff(); ClrScr(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // built-in OS line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { WIN_RECT rect = {120, 64, 0, -40}; for (i=-40; i<280;i++) {rect.x1 = i; DrawClipLine(&rect,&(SCR_RECT){{0, 0, 239, 127}},A_XOR); } for (i=-40; i<168;i++) {rect.y1 = i; DrawClipLine(&rect,&(SCR_RECT){{0, 0, 239, 127}},A_XOR); } for (i=280;i>=-40; i--) {rect.x1 = i; DrawClipLine(&rect,&(SCR_RECT){{0, 0, 239, 127}},A_XOR); } for (i=168;i>=-40; i--) {rect.y1 = i; DrawClipLine(&rect,&(SCR_RECT){{0, 0, 239, 127}},A_XOR); } } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"OS routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect2B(0,0,239,7,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED,LCD_MEM,LCD_MEM); GrayDrawStrExt2B(0,0,tmpstr,A_NORMAL | A_CENTERED,F_4x6,LCD_MEM,LCD_MEM); if (ngetchx() == KEY_ESC) goto end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // new line drawing routine ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ClrScr(); OSTimerRestart(USER_TIMER); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { for (i=-40; i<280;i++) ClipDrawLine_R(120,64,i,-40,clippedcoord,A_XOR,LCD_MEM,FastDrawLine_R); for (i=-40; i<280;i++) ClipDrawLine_R(120,64,280,i,clippedcoord,A_XOR,LCD_MEM,FastDrawLine_R); for (i=280;i>=-40; i--) ClipDrawLine_R(120,64,i,168,clippedcoord,A_XOR,LCD_MEM,FastDrawLine_R); for (i=168;i>=-40; i--) ClipDrawLine_R(120,64,-40,i,clippedcoord,A_XOR,LCD_MEM,FastDrawLine_R); } measure_val = OSTimerCurVal(USER_TIMER); sprintf(tmpstr,"Own routine took %lu ticks",INITIAL_TIMER_VALUE-measure_val); GrayDrawRect2B(0,0,239,7,COLOR_WHITE,RECT_FILLED,LCD_MEM,LCD_MEM); GrayDrawStrExt2B(0,0,tmpstr,A_NORMAL | A_CENTERED,F_4x6,LCD_MEM,LCD_MEM); ngetchx(); end: OSFreeTimer(USER_TIMER); GrayOff(); LCD_restore(screen); GKeyFlush(); ST_helpMsg(EXTGRAPH_VERSION_PWDSTR); }
// drawHiScoreBoard - draws the hiscore board, and updates it with the hiscore from the latest game void drawHiScoreBoard(unsigned long int newscore) { SCORE scores[MAX_HISCORES]; short int loop, pos = -1; char name[10], str[50], *error = "File I/O Error"; HANDLE dlg; // restore interrupt handlers OSSetSR(0x0000); if (!loadHiScores(scores)) { // cannot open hiscore file -- display error DlgMessage(error,"Unable to Load HiScore Data",BT_OK,BT_NONE); return; } // check if latest score is a highscore for (loop = (MAX_HISCORES - 1); loop >= 0; loop--) { if (newscore > scores[loop].score) { // new HiScore!! pos = loop; } } if (pos != -1) { // if we found a new hiscore if ((dlg = DialogNewSimple(DLGWIDTH,DLGHEIGHT)) == H_NULL) { DlgMessage("Memory Allocation Error","Not Enough Free Memory!",BT_OK,BT_NONE); } else { DialogAddTitle(dlg,"New Hiscore!",BT_OK,BT_NONE); DialogAddRequest(dlg,5,25,"Your Name:",0,9,11); sprintf(str,"You earned the #%hd hiscore position!",pos+1); DialogAddText(dlg,5,15,str); do { // truncate name variable name[0] = 0; } while (DialogDo(dlg,CENTER,CENTER,name,NULL) != KEY_ENTER); // free the dialog box memory HeapFree(dlg); // move the hiscore list down if (pos < (MAX_HISCORES - 1)) { for (loop = (MAX_HISCORES - 1); loop > pos; loop--) { scores[loop].score = scores[loop - 1].score; scores[loop].name[0] = 0; strcpy(scores[loop].name,scores[loop - 1].name); } } // fill in the new hiscore scores[pos].score = newscore; scores[pos].name[0] = 0; strcpy(scores[pos].name,name); if (!saveHiScores(scores)) { DlgMessage(error,"Unable to save HiScore Board",BT_OK,BT_NONE); } } } // display the hiscore board // clear the screen ClrScr(); // draw the screen borders drawBorder(); // draw the game logo drawLogo(); FontSetSys(F_8x10); DrawStr(25,35,"Hiscore Board",A_NORMAL); FontSetSys(F_6x8); for (loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) { printf_xy(20,50+loop*10,"#%hd %-9s %lu",loop+1,scores[loop].name,scores[loop].score); } ngetchx(); // disable interrupts OSSetSR(0x0700); // wait for keypresses to dissipate delay(KEYDELAY); }
// main menu inline void title(void) { clrscr(); DrawStr(LCD_WIDTH/2-30,LCD_HEIGHT/2-4,"HIT ENTER!",A_NORMAL); ngetchx(); }