static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_access_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                  cc_ref;
    ngx_int_t            rc;
    lua_State           *cc;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t  *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t  *cln;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    cc = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &cc_ref);

    if (cc == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                      "lua: failed to create new coroutine "
                      "to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, cc, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_pushvalue(cc, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    lua_setfenv(cc, -2);

    /*  save reference of code to ease forcing stopping */
    lua_pushvalue(cc, -1);
    lua_setglobal(cc, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_RUNCODE);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    lua_pushlightuserdata(cc, r);
    lua_setglobal(cc, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ initialize request context */
    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_access_phase = 1;

    ctx->cc = cc;
    ctx->cc_ref = cc_ref;

    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup;
        cln->data = r;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    dd("returned %d", (int) rc);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return rc;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        return NGX_DONE;

    if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        ngx_http_finalize_request(r, NGX_DONE);
        return NGX_DONE;

    if (rc >= NGX_HTTP_OK && rc < NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return rc;

    if (rc == NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_OK;

    return NGX_DECLINED;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_rewrite_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    ngx_connection_t        *c;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t     *llcf;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                      "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_pushvalue(co, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    lua_pushlightuserdata(co, &ngx_http_lua_request_key);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(co, r);
    lua_rawset(co, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ initialize request context */
    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_rewrite_phase = 1;

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;

    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup;
        cln->data = r;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->context = NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE;

    llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (llcf->check_client_abort) {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_rd_check_broken_connection;

    } else {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_block_reading;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
        return rc;

    c = r->connection;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

        if (rc == NGX_OK) {
            return NGX_DECLINED;

        return rc;

    if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        ngx_http_finalize_request(r, NGX_DONE);
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

        if (rc == NGX_OK) {
            return NGX_DECLINED;

        return rc;

    return NGX_DECLINED;
ngx_http_lua_content_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      cc_ref;
    lua_State               *cc;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    dd("content by chunk");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_lua_ctx_t));
        if (ctx == NULL) {

        dd("setting new ctx, ctx = %p", ctx);

        ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;
        ctx->ctx_ref = LUA_NOREF;

        ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_lua_module);

    } else {
        dd("reset ctx");
        ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_content_phase = 1;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    cc = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &cc_ref);

    if (cc == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "(lua-content-by-chunk) failed to create new coroutine "
                "to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, cc, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_pushvalue(cc, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    lua_setfenv(cc, -2);

    /*  save reference of code to ease forcing stopping */
    lua_pushvalue(cc, -1);
    lua_setglobal(cc, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_RUNCODE);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    lua_pushlightuserdata(cc, r);
    lua_setglobal(cc, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->cc = cc;
    ctx->cc_ref = cc_ref;

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup;
        cln->data = r;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    return ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);
ngx_http_lua_content_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    dd("content by chunk");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_http_lua_create_ctx(r);
        if (ctx == NULL) {

    } else {
        dd("reset ctx");
        ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_content_phase = 1;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                     "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_pushvalue(co, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    lua_pushlightuserdata(co, &ngx_http_lua_request_key);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(co, r);
    lua_rawset(co, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup;
        cln->data = r;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->context = NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_OK) {
        return rc;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        return ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        return ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 1);

    return NGX_OK;
ngx_http_lua_content_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t      *llcf;

    dd("content by chunk");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_http_lua_create_ctx(r);
        if (ctx == NULL) {

    } else {
        dd("reset ctx");
        ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_content_phase = 1;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                     "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    ngx_http_lua_set_req(co, r);

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;
#ifdef ngx_http_lua_assert
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_top = 1;

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup_handler;
        cln->data = ctx;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->context = NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT;

    llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (llcf->check_client_abort) {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_rd_check_broken_connection;

    } else {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_block_reading;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_OK) {
        return rc;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        return ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        return ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 1);

    return NGX_OK;
/* initialize lua coroutine for fetching cached session */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_ssl_sess_fetch_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_http_lua_create_ctx(r);
        if (ctx == NULL) {
            rc = NGX_ERROR;
            ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, rc);
            return rc;

    } else {
        dd("reset ctx");
        ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_content_phase = 1;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                      "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");

        rc = NGX_ERROR;
        ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, rc);
        return rc;

    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /* save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    ngx_http_lua_set_req(co, r);

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_top = 1;

    /* register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {
            rc = NGX_ERROR;
            ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, rc);
            return rc;

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup_handler;
        cln->data = ctx;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;


    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_OK) {
        /* do nothing */

    } else if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        rc = ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 0);

    } else if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        rc = ngx_http_lua_content_run_posted_threads(L, r, ctx, 1);

    } else {
        rc = NGX_OK;

    ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, rc);
    return rc;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_rewrite_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    ngx_connection_t        *c;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t     *llcf;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                      "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    ngx_http_lua_set_req(co, r);

    /*  {{{ initialize request context */
    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_rewrite_phase = 1;

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_top = 1;

    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup_handler;
        cln->data = ctx;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->context = NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE;

    llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (llcf->check_client_abort) {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_rd_check_broken_connection;

    } else {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_block_reading;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
        return rc;

    c = r->connection;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

    } else if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, NGX_DONE);
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

    if (rc == NGX_OK || rc == NGX_DECLINED) {
        if (r->header_sent) {
            dd("header already sent");

            /* response header was already generated in access_by_lua*,
             * so it is no longer safe to proceed to later phases
             * which may generate responses again */

            if (!ctx->eof) {
                dd("eof not yet sent");

                rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL
                                                  /* indicate last_buf */);
                if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
                    return rc;

            return NGX_HTTP_OK;

        return NGX_DECLINED;

    return rc;