Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: nets.c Proyecto: lastsky/gdnsd
nlist_t* nets_make_list(vscf_data_t* nets_cfg, dclists_t* dclists, const char* map_name) {
    nlist_t* nl = nlist_new(map_name, false);

    if(nets_cfg) {
        if(nets_parse(nets_cfg, dclists, map_name, nl)) {
            nl = NULL;

    if(nl) {
        // This masks out the 5x v4-like spaces that we *never*
        //   lookup directly.  These "NN_UNDEF" dclists will
        //   never be seen by runtime lookups.  The only
        //   reason these exist is so that supernets and
        //   adjacent networks get proper masks.  Otherwise
        //   lookups in these nearby spaces might return
        //   oversized edns-client-subnet masks and cause
        //   the cache to affect lookup of these spaces...
        nlist_append(nl, start_v4mapped, 96, NN_UNDEF);
        nlist_append(nl, start_siit, 96, NN_UNDEF);
        nlist_append(nl, start_wkp, 96, NN_UNDEF);
        nlist_append(nl, start_6to4, 16, NN_UNDEF);
        nlist_append(nl, start_teredo, 32, NN_UNDEF);

    return nl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void geoip2_list_xlate_recurse(geoip2_t* db, nlist_t* nl, struct in6_addr ip, unsigned depth, const uint32_t node_count, const uint32_t node_num) {
    dmn_assert(db); dmn_assert(nl);
    dmn_assert(depth < 129U);

    if(!depth) {
        log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': GeoIP2 database '%s': Error while traversing tree nodes: depth too low", db->map_name, db->pathname);
        siglongjmp(db->jbuf, 1);

    // skip v4-like spaces other than canonical compat area
        (depth == 32 && (
               !memcmp(ip.s6_addr, start_v4mapped, 12U)
            || !memcmp(ip.s6_addr, start_siit, 12U)
            || !memcmp(ip.s6_addr, start_wkp, 12U)
        || (depth == 96U && !memcmp(ip.s6_addr, start_teredo, 4U))
        || (depth == 112U && !memcmp(ip.s6_addr, start_6to4, 2U))

    MMDB_search_node_s node;
    int read_rv = MMDB_read_node(&db->mmdb, node_num, &node);
    if(read_rv != MMDB_SUCCESS) {
        log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': GeoIP2 database '%s': Error while traversing tree nodes: %s",
            db->map_name, db->pathname, MMDB_strerror(read_rv));
        siglongjmp(db->jbuf, 1);

    const uint32_t zero_node_num = node.left_record;
    const uint32_t one_node_num = node.right_record;
    const unsigned new_depth = depth - 1U;
    const unsigned mask = 128U - new_depth;

    if(zero_node_num >= node_count)
        nlist_append(nl, ip.s6_addr, mask, geoip2_get_dclist_cached(db, zero_node_num - node_count));
        geoip2_list_xlate_recurse(db, nl, ip, new_depth, node_count, zero_node_num);

    SETBIT_v6(ip.s6_addr, mask - 1U);

    if(one_node_num >= node_count)
        nlist_append(nl, ip.s6_addr, mask, geoip2_get_dclist_cached(db, one_node_num - node_count));
        geoip2_list_xlate_recurse(db, nl, ip, new_depth, node_count, one_node_num);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: nets.c Proyecto: lastsky/gdnsd
// arguably, with at least some of the v4-like spaces we could simply translate and hope to de-dupe,
//   if we upgraded nlist_normalize1 to de-dupe matching dclists instead of failing them
static bool nets_parse(vscf_data_t* nets_cfg, dclists_t* dclists, const char* map_name, nlist_t* nl) {
    bool rv = false;

    const unsigned input_nnets = vscf_hash_get_len(nets_cfg);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < input_nnets; i++) {
        // convert -> anysin_t w/ mask in port field
        unsigned net_str_len = 0;
        const char* net_str_cfg = vscf_hash_get_key_byindex(nets_cfg, i, &net_str_len);
        char net_str[net_str_len + 1];
        memcpy(net_str, net_str_cfg, net_str_len + 1);

        char* mask_str = strchr(net_str, '/');
        if(!mask_str) {
            log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': nets entry '%s' does not parse as addr/mask", map_name, net_str);
            rv = true;
        *mask_str++ = '\0';
        dmn_anysin_t tempsin;
        int addr_err = gdnsd_anysin_getaddrinfo(net_str, mask_str, &tempsin);
        if(addr_err) {
            log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': nets entry '%s/%s' does not parse as addr/mask: %s", map_name, net_str, mask_str, gai_strerror(addr_err));
            rv = true;

        unsigned mask;
        uint8_t ipv6[16];

        // now store the anysin data into net_t
        if(tempsin.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) {
            mask = ntohs(tempsin.sin6.sin6_port);
            if(mask > 128) {
                log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': nets entry '%s/%s': illegal IPv6 mask (>128)", map_name, net_str, mask_str);
                rv = true;
            memcpy(ipv6, tempsin.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16);
            if(check_v4_issues(ipv6, mask)) {
                log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': 'nets' entry '%s/%s' covers illegal IPv4-like space, see the documentation for more info", map_name, net_str, mask_str);
                rv = true;
        else {
            dmn_assert(tempsin.sa.sa_family == AF_INET);
            mask = ntohs(tempsin.sin.sin_port) + 96U;
            if(mask > 128) {
                log_err("plugin_geoip: map '%s': nets entry '%s/%s': illegal IPv4 mask (>32)", map_name, net_str, mask_str);
                rv = true;
            memset(ipv6, 0, 16);
            memcpy(&ipv6[12], &tempsin.sin.sin_addr.s_addr, 4);

        // get dclist integer from rhs
        vscf_data_t* dc_cfg = vscf_hash_get_data_byindex(nets_cfg, i);
        const uint32_t dclist = dclists_find_or_add_vscf(dclists, dc_cfg, map_name, false);
        dmn_assert(dclist <= DCLIST_MAX); // auto not allowed here
        nlist_append(nl, ipv6, mask, dclist);

    return rv;