Ejemplo n.º 1
void nn_ins_connect (struct nn_ins_item *item, nn_ins_fn fn)
    struct nn_list_item *it;
    struct nn_ins_item *bitem;

    nn_mutex_lock (&self.sync);

    /*  Insert the entry into the endpoint repository. */
    nn_list_insert (&self.connected, &item->item,
        nn_list_end (&self.connected));

    /*  During this process a pipe may be created. */
    for (it = nn_list_begin (&self.bound);
          it != nn_list_end (&self.bound);
          it = nn_list_next (&self.bound, it)) {
        bitem = nn_cont (it, struct nn_ins_item, item);

        if (strncmp (nn_ep_getaddr(item->ep), nn_ep_getaddr(bitem->ep),
            NN_SOCKADDR_MAX) == 0) {

            /*  Check whether the two sockets are compatible. */
            if (!nn_ep_ispeer_ep (item->ep, bitem->ep))

            /*  Call back to cinproc to create actual connection. */
            fn (item, bitem);


    nn_mutex_unlock (&self.sync);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int nn_ins_bind (struct nn_ins_item *item, nn_ins_fn fn)
    struct nn_list_item *it;
    struct nn_ins_item *bitem;
    struct nn_ins_item *citem;

    nn_mutex_lock (&self.sync);

    /*  Check whether the endpoint isn't already bound. */
    /*  TODO:  This is an O(n) algorithm! */
    for (it = nn_list_begin (&self.bound); it != nn_list_end (&self.bound);
          it = nn_list_next (&self.bound, it)) {
        bitem = nn_cont (it, struct nn_ins_item, item);

        if (strncmp (nn_ep_getaddr(bitem->ep), nn_ep_getaddr(item->ep),
            NN_SOCKADDR_MAX) == 0) {

            nn_mutex_unlock (&self.sync);
            return -EADDRINUSE;

    /*  Insert the entry into the endpoint repository. */
    nn_list_insert (&self.bound, &item->item,
        nn_list_end (&self.bound));

    /*  During this process new pipes may be created. */
    for (it = nn_list_begin (&self.connected);
          it != nn_list_end (&self.connected);
          it = nn_list_next (&self.connected, it)) {
        citem = nn_cont (it, struct nn_ins_item, item);
        if (strncmp (nn_ep_getaddr(item->ep), nn_ep_getaddr(citem->ep),
            NN_SOCKADDR_MAX) == 0) {

            /*  Check whether the two sockets are compatible. */
            if (!nn_ep_ispeer_ep (item->ep, citem->ep))

            fn (item, citem);

    nn_mutex_unlock (&self.sync);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void nn_cipc_start_connecting (struct nn_cipc *self)
    int rc;
    struct sockaddr_storage ss;
    struct sockaddr_un *un;
    const char *addr;
    int val;
    size_t sz;

    /*  Try to start the underlying socket. */
    rc = nn_usock_start (&self->usock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (nn_slow (rc < 0)) {
        nn_backoff_start (&self->retry);
        self->state = NN_CIPC_STATE_WAITING;

    /*  Set the relevant socket options. */
    sz = sizeof (val);
    nn_ep_getopt (self->ep, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_SNDBUF, &val, &sz);
    nn_assert (sz == sizeof (val));
    nn_usock_setsockopt (&self->usock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
        &val, sizeof (val));
    sz = sizeof (val);
    nn_ep_getopt (self->ep, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_RCVBUF, &val, &sz);
    nn_assert (sz == sizeof (val));
    nn_usock_setsockopt (&self->usock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
        &val, sizeof (val));

    /*  Create the IPC address from the address string. */
    addr = nn_ep_getaddr (self->ep);
    memset (&ss, 0, sizeof (ss));
    un = (struct sockaddr_un*) &ss;
    nn_assert (strlen (addr) < sizeof (un->sun_path));
    ss.ss_family = AF_UNIX;
    strncpy (un->sun_path, addr, sizeof (un->sun_path));

#if defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
    /* Get/Set security attribute pointer*/
    nn_ep_getopt (self->ep, NN_IPC, NN_IPC_SEC_ATTR, &self->usock.sec_attr, &sz);

    nn_ep_getopt (self->ep, NN_IPC, NN_IPC_OUTBUFSZ, &self->usock.outbuffersz, &sz);
    nn_ep_getopt (self->ep, NN_IPC, NN_IPC_INBUFSZ, &self->usock.inbuffersz, &sz);

    /*  Start connecting. */
    nn_usock_connect (&self->usock, (struct sockaddr*) &ss,
        sizeof (struct sockaddr_un));
    self->state  = NN_CIPC_STATE_CONNECTING;

    nn_ep_stat_increment (self->ep, NN_STAT_INPROGRESS_CONNECTIONS, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void nn_global_submit_errors (int i, struct nn_sock *s,
    char *name, int value)
    /*  TODO(tailhook) dynamically allocate buffer  */
    char buf[4096];
    char *curbuf;
    int buf_left;
    char timebuf[20];
    time_t numtime;
    struct tm strtime;
    int len;
    struct nn_list_item *it;
    struct nn_ep *ep;

    if (self.statistics_socket >= 0) {
        /*  TODO(tailhook) add HAVE_GMTIME_R ifdef  */
        gmtime_r (&numtime, &strtime);
        strftime (timebuf, 20, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &strtime);
        if(*s->socket_name) {
            len = sprintf (buf, "ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%s:%s: %sZ 10 %d\n",
                self.hostname, self.appname, s->socket_name, name,
                timebuf, value);
        } else {
            len = sprintf (buf, "ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%d:%s: %sZ 10 %d\n",
                self.hostname, self.appname, i, name,
                timebuf, value);
        buf_left = sizeof(buf) - len;
        curbuf = buf + len;

        for (it = nn_list_begin (&s->eps);
              it != nn_list_end (&s->eps);
              it = nn_list_next (&s->eps, it)) {
            ep = nn_cont (it, struct nn_ep, item);

            if (ep->last_errno) {
                len = _snprintf_s (curbuf, buf_left, _TRUNCATE,
                    " nanomsg: Endpoint %d [%s] error: %s\n",
                    ep->eid, nn_ep_getaddr (ep), nn_strerror (ep->last_errno));
                 len = snprintf (curbuf, buf_left,
                     " nanomsg: Endpoint %d [%s] error: %s\n",
                     ep->eid, nn_ep_getaddr (ep), nn_strerror (ep->last_errno));
                if (buf_left < len)
                curbuf += len;
                buf_left -= len;


        (void) nn_send (self.statistics_socket,
            buf, sizeof(buf) - buf_left, NN_DONTWAIT);
Ejemplo n.º 5
const char *nn_epbase_getaddr (struct nn_epbase *self)
    return nn_ep_getaddr (self->ep);
Ejemplo n.º 6
int nn_cws_create (struct nn_ep *ep)
    int rc;
    const char *addr;
    size_t addrlen;
    const char *semicolon;
    const char *hostname;
    size_t hostlen;
    const char *colon;
    const char *slash;
    const char *resource;
    size_t resourcelen;
    struct sockaddr_storage ss;
    size_t sslen;
    int ipv4only;
    size_t ipv4onlylen;
    struct nn_cws *self;
    int reconnect_ivl;
    int reconnect_ivl_max;
    int msg_type;
    size_t sz;

    /*  Allocate the new endpoint object. */
    self = nn_alloc (sizeof (struct nn_cws), "cws");
    alloc_assert (self);
    self->ep = ep;

    /*  Initalise the endpoint. */
    nn_ep_tran_setup (ep, &nn_cws_ep_ops, self);

    /*  Check whether IPv6 is to be used. */
    ipv4onlylen = sizeof (ipv4only);
    nn_ep_getopt (ep, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_IPV4ONLY, &ipv4only, &ipv4onlylen);
    nn_assert (ipv4onlylen == sizeof (ipv4only));

    /*  Start parsing the address. */
    addr = nn_ep_getaddr (ep);
    addrlen = strlen (addr);
    semicolon = strchr (addr, ';');
    hostname = semicolon ? semicolon + 1 : addr;
    colon = strrchr (addr, ':');
    slash = colon ? strchr (colon, '/') : strchr (addr, '/');
    resource = slash ? slash : addr + addrlen;
    self->remote_hostname_len = colon ? colon - hostname : resource - hostname;

    /*  Host contains both hostname and port. */
    hostlen = resource - hostname;

    /*  Parse the port; assume port 80 if not explicitly declared. */
    if (colon != NULL) {
        rc = nn_port_resolve (colon + 1, resource - colon - 1);
        if (rc < 0) {
            return -EINVAL;
        self->remote_port = rc;
    else {
        self->remote_port = 80;

    /*  Check whether the host portion of the address is either a literal
        or a valid hostname. */
    if (nn_dns_check_hostname (hostname, self->remote_hostname_len) < 0 &&
          nn_literal_resolve (hostname, self->remote_hostname_len, ipv4only,
          &ss, &sslen) < 0) {
        return -EINVAL;

    /*  If local address is specified, check whether it is valid. */
    if (semicolon) {
        rc = nn_iface_resolve (addr, semicolon - addr, ipv4only, &ss, &sslen);
        if (rc < 0) {
            return -ENODEV;

    /*  At this point, the address is valid, so begin allocating resources. */
    nn_chunkref_init (&self->remote_host, hostlen + 1);
    memcpy (nn_chunkref_data (&self->remote_host), hostname, hostlen);
    ((uint8_t *) nn_chunkref_data (&self->remote_host)) [hostlen] = '\0';

    if (semicolon) {
        nn_chunkref_init (&self->nic, semicolon - addr);
        memcpy (nn_chunkref_data (&self->nic),
            addr, semicolon - addr);
    else {
        nn_chunkref_init (&self->nic, 1);
        memcpy (nn_chunkref_data (&self->nic), "*", 1);

    /*  The requested resource is used in opening handshake. */
    resourcelen = strlen (resource);
    if (resourcelen) {
        nn_chunkref_init (&self->resource, resourcelen + 1);
        strncpy (nn_chunkref_data (&self->resource),
            resource, resourcelen + 1);
    else {
        /*  No resource specified, so allocate base path. */
        nn_chunkref_init (&self->resource, 2);
        strncpy (nn_chunkref_data (&self->resource), "/", 2);

    /*  Initialise the structure. */
    nn_fsm_init_root (&self->fsm, nn_cws_handler, nn_cws_shutdown,
        nn_ep_getctx (ep));
    self->state = NN_CWS_STATE_IDLE;
    nn_usock_init (&self->usock, NN_CWS_SRC_USOCK, &self->fsm);

    sz = sizeof (msg_type);
    nn_ep_getopt (ep, NN_WS, NN_WS_MSG_TYPE, &msg_type, &sz);
    nn_assert (sz == sizeof (msg_type));
    self->msg_type = (uint8_t) msg_type;

    sz = sizeof (reconnect_ivl);
    nn_ep_getopt (ep, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_RECONNECT_IVL, &reconnect_ivl, &sz);
    nn_assert (sz == sizeof (reconnect_ivl));
    sz = sizeof (reconnect_ivl_max);
    nn_ep_getopt (ep, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX,
        &reconnect_ivl_max, &sz);
    nn_assert (sz == sizeof (reconnect_ivl_max));
    if (reconnect_ivl_max == 0)
        reconnect_ivl_max = reconnect_ivl;
    nn_backoff_init (&self->retry, NN_CWS_SRC_RECONNECT_TIMER,
        reconnect_ivl, reconnect_ivl_max, &self->fsm);

    nn_sws_init (&self->sws, NN_CWS_SRC_SWS, ep, &self->fsm);
    nn_dns_init (&self->dns, NN_CWS_SRC_DNS, &self->fsm);

    /*  Start the state machine. */
    nn_fsm_start (&self->fsm);

    return 0;