Ejemplo n.º 1
double getVariableValue(int varCode)
//  Input:   varCode = code number of process variable or pollutant
//  Output:  returns current value of variable
//  Purpose: finds current value of a process variable or pollutant concen.,
//           making reference to the node being evaluated which is stored in
//           shared variable J.
    int    p;
    double a1, a2, y;

    // --- variable is a process variable
    if ( varCode < PVMAX )
        switch ( varCode )
        case pvHRT:                                 // HRT in hours
            if ( Node[J].type == STORAGE )
                return Storage[Node[J].subIndex].hrt / 3600.0;
            else return 0.0;

        case pvDT:
            return Dt;                                // time step in seconds

        case pvFLOW:
            return Q * UCF(FLOW);                     // flow in user's units

        case pvDEPTH:
            y = (Node[J].oldDepth + Node[J].newDepth) / 2.0;
            return y * UCF(LENGTH);                   // depth in ft or m

        case pvAREA:
            a1 = node_getSurfArea(J, Node[J].oldDepth);
            a2 = node_getSurfArea(J, Node[J].newDepth);
            return (a1 + a2) / 2.0 * UCF(LENGTH) * UCF(LENGTH);

            return 0.0;

    // --- variable is a pollutant concentration
    else if ( varCode < PVMAX + Nobjects[POLLUT] )
        p = varCode - PVMAX;
        if ( Treatment->treatType == REMOVAL ) return Cin[p];
        return Node[J].newQual[p];

    // --- variable is a pollutant removal
        p = varCode - PVMAX - Nobjects[POLLUT];
        if ( p >= Nobjects[POLLUT] ) return 0.0;
        return getRemoval(p);
Ejemplo n.º 2
double node_getPondedArea(int j, double d)
//  Input:   j = node index
//           d = water depth (ft)
//  Output:  returns surface area of water at a node (ft2)
//  Purpose: computes surface area of water at a node based on depth.
    double a;

    // --- use regular getSurfArea function if node not flooded
    if ( d <= Node[j].fullDepth || Node[j].pondedArea == 0.0 )
        return node_getSurfArea(j, d);

    // --- compute ponded depth
    d = d - Node[j].fullDepth;

    // --- use ponded area for flooded node
    a = Node[j].pondedArea;
    if ( a <= 0.0 ) a = node_getSurfArea(j, Node[j].fullDepth);
    return a;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void initNodeStates()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: initializes node's surface area, inflow & outflow
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[NODE]; i++)
        // --- initialize nodal surface area
        if ( AllowPonding )
            Xnode[i].newSurfArea = node_getPondedArea(i, Node[i].newDepth);
            Xnode[i].newSurfArea = node_getSurfArea(i, Node[i].newDepth);
        if ( Xnode[i].newSurfArea < MinSurfArea )
            Xnode[i].newSurfArea = MinSurfArea;

////  Following code section modified for release 5.1.007  ////                //(5.1.007)
        // --- initialize nodal inflow & outflow
        Node[i].inflow = 0.0;
        Node[i].outflow = Node[i].losses;
        if ( Node[i].newLatFlow >= 0.0 )
            Node[i].inflow += Node[i].newLatFlow;
            Node[i].outflow -= Node[i].newLatFlow;
        Xnode[i].sumdqdh = 0.0;