Ejemplo n.º 1
// function loads input image, calls processing function, and saves result
void Dip2::run(void){

   // load images as grayscale
	cout << "load images" << endl;
	Mat noise1 = imread("noiseType_1.jpg", 0);
   if (!noise1.data){
	   cerr << "noiseType_1.jpg not found" << endl;
      cout << "Press enter to exit"  << endl;
   noise1.convertTo(noise1, CV_32FC1);
	Mat noise2 = imread("noiseType_2.jpg",0);
	if (!noise2.data){
	   cerr << "noiseType_2.jpg not found" << endl;
      cout << "Press enter to exit"  << endl;
   noise2.convertTo(noise2, CV_32FC1);
	cout << "done" << endl;
   // apply noise reduction
	// TO DO !!!
	// ==> Choose appropriate noise reduction technique with appropriate parameters
	// ==> "average" or "median"? Why?
	// ==> try also "adaptive" (and if implemented "bilateral")
	cout << "reduce noise" << endl;
	Mat restorated1 = noiseReduction(noise1, "median", 5);
	Mat restorated2 = noiseReduction(noise2, "adaptive", 9, 40);
	cout << "done" << endl;
	// save images
	cout << "save results" << endl;
	imwrite("restorated1.jpg", restorated1);
	imwrite("restorated2.jpg", restorated2);
	cout << "done" << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void testApp::draw_squares(){
    for (int i =0; i < depthValues.getWidth(); i++)
        for(int j=0; j<depthValues.getHeight(); j++)
            //cout<<" the value of time outside loop is"<<time(NULL);
            if (time(NULL) - previousDepth[i][j].initialTime>0.5 && previousDepth[i][j].changed == true )
                previousDepth[i][j].initialTime = 0;
                //cout<<" the value of current time is "<<time(NULL);
                //cout<<" the value of previousDepthTime is "<<previousDepth[i][j].initialTime;
                previousDepth[i][j].changed = false;
                depthImage.setColor(i, j, depthValues.getPixelColor(i, j));
            if ((depthValues.getPixelDepth(i, j) - previousDepth[i][j].depth > 1000) || (depthValues.getPixelDepth(i, j) - previousDepth[i][j].depth < -1000))
                depthImage.setColor(i, j, ofColor::red);
                previousDepth[i][j].changed = true;
                previousDepth[i][j].initialTime = time(NULL);
                if (previousDepth[i][j].changed == false)
                    depthImage.setColor(i,j,depthValues.getPixelColor(i, j));
            previousDepth[i][j].depth = depthValues.getPixelDepth(i, j);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int scanAndReadUPC(uint8_t *imgAddress, size_t imgHeight, size_t imgWidth, char *resultCString, int resultMaxLength)
    int resCStrLength = 0;
    unsigned char *imageBytes = imgAddress;
    int *scanDataArr = malloc(imgHeight*sizeof(int));
    for (int jj = 0; jj < imgHeight; jj++) {
        if (scanDataArr[jj]!=0) {
    int scanThick = 2;
    scanHorizLine(scanDataArr, imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, scanThick);

    drawHorizScanLine(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, scanThick);
    drawHorizHistogram(imageBytes, imgWidth, scanDataArr, imgHeight);
    int *scanDataDerivArr = malloc((imgHeight-1)*sizeof(int));
    int noiseThreshold = 150;

    derivative(scanDataArr, scanDataDerivArr, imgHeight);

    int *scanDataFilteredArr = malloc((imgHeight-1)*sizeof(int));

    noiseReduction(scanDataDerivArr, scanDataFilteredArr, imgHeight, noiseThreshold);

//    free(scanDataArr);
    int maxMinCount = concentrateData(scanDataFilteredArr, imgHeight);
    underivative(scanDataFilteredArr, scanDataArr, imgHeight);
    drawHorizHistogram(imageBytes, imgWidth, scanDataArr, imgHeight);
    drawHorizLineHistogram(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, scanDataFilteredArr);
    int *extrDataArr = malloc(maxMinCount*sizeof(int));
    int *intrDataArr = malloc(maxMinCount*sizeof(int));
    extractChangepoints(extrDataArr, scanDataFilteredArr, imgHeight);
    changepointsToIntervals(extrDataArr, intrDataArr, maxMinCount);
    //float maxMinThreshold = 4.625;
    float maxMinThreshold = 4.2;
    if (maxMinCount>2)
        int js;
        int je;
        int absMin;
        int absMax;

        calcAbsMaxMin(intrDataArr, maxMinCount, &js, &je, &absMin, &absMax, maxMinThreshold);
        float avgMin = calcAvgMin(absMin, intrDataArr, je, js);
        int normDataLength = je - js + 1;
        int *normDataArr = malloc((normDataLength)*sizeof(int));
        normalize(avgMin, je, intrDataArr, js, normDataArr);
        int startLeft = -1;
        int endLeft = -1;
        int startRight = -1;
        int endRight = -1;
        startLeft = findLeftDataStart(normDataArr, normDataLength);
        endLeft = findLeftDataEnd(normDataArr, normDataLength, startLeft);
        if (endLeft+5 < normDataLength)
            startRight = endLeft+5;
            if ((endLeft - startLeft) + startRight < normDataLength)
                endRight = (endLeft - startLeft) + startRight;
        if (startLeft>=0)
            drawLine(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, extrDataArr[startLeft], 0, extrDataArr[startLeft], imgWidth);
        if (endLeft>=0)
            drawLine(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, extrDataArr[endLeft], 0, extrDataArr[endLeft], imgWidth);
        if (startRight>=0)
            drawLine(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, extrDataArr[startRight], 0, extrDataArr[startRight], imgWidth);
        if (endRight>=0)
            drawLine(imageBytes, imgWidth, imgHeight, extrDataArr[endRight], 0, extrDataArr[endRight], imgWidth);

        decodeData(&resCStrLength, resultCString, resultMaxLength, normDataArr, endLeft, startLeft);
        decodeData(&resCStrLength, resultCString, resultMaxLength, normDataArr, endRight, startRight);        

        char correctResult;
        correctResult = checkControlDigit(resultCString, resCStrLength);
        if (correctResult == 0) {
            resCStrLength = 0;

    return resCStrLength;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void testApp::draw()
    if (imageTaken ==0)
        cout<<" how many times is this executed";
        color_image.setFromPixels(frameImage.getPixels(), 640, 480, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);
        snapshot.setFromPixels(frameImage.getPixels(), 640, 480, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);
        imageTaken = 1;
         for (int a =0; a<640; a=a+1)
         for(int d=0; d<480; d=d+1)
         color_image.setColor(a, d, color_image.getColor(a, d)/8);
         colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened = true;
         colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened_time = time(NULL);
         colorDarkenedValues[a][d].firstChange = false;
         colorDarkenedValues[a][d].secondChange = true;
         colorDarkenedValues[a][d].thirdChange = true;
    //int rows = 20 * 4;
    //int column = 16*4;
    int width = depthImage.getWidth()/column;
    int height = depthImage.getHeight()/rows;
    int sum;
    int color_sum;
    //int colorThreshold = 75000/4;
    //int depthThresholdValue = 6000000/60;
    // calculate the change in depth values for every square
    for (int i=0; i <column; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<rows; j++)
            sum = 0;
            color_sum = 0;
            for (int k=i*width; k<(i+1)*width; k++ )
                for (int l = (j*height); l<(j+1)*height; l++)
                    //cout<<" the value of depth is "<<depthValues.getPixelDepth(k, l);
                    //cout<<"the k l pair is "<<k<<" "<<l;
                    if (rectifiedDepthValues[k][l] - previousDepth[k][l].depth > 0)
                        sum = sum + rectifiedDepthValues[k][l] - previousDepth[k][l].depth;
                        sum = sum + previousDepth[k][l].depth - rectifiedDepthValues[k][l];
                    if ((depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).r + depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).g + depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).b) - previousColorSum[k][l] > 0)
                        color_sum = color_sum + depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).r + depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).g + depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).b  - previousColorSum[k][l];
                        color_sum = color_sum - depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).r - depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).g - depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).b + previousColorSum[k][l];
                    previousDepth[k][l].depth = rectifiedDepthValues[k][l];
                    previousColorSum[k][l] = depthValues.getPixelColor(k, l).r + depthValues.getPixelColor(k,l).g + depthValues.getPixelColor(k,l).b;
            //cout<<" the value of sum is "<<sum;
            //cout<<" the value of colorsum is "<<color_sum;
            if ((color_sum> colorThreshold && considerColor == true) || (sum>depthThresholdValue && considerDepth == true))
            //if (color_sum > 75000/4)
                //if (sum>6000000/60)
                //if (sum>6000000/144)
                //color that square red for 1 sec
                for (int m = i*width; m<(i+1)*width; m++)
                    for(int n=j*height; n<(j+1)*height; n++)
                        if (previousDepth[m][n].changed == false)
                            depthImage.setColor(m, n, ofColor::red);
                            previousDepth[m][n].changed = true;
                            previousDepth[m][n].initialTime = time(NULL);
                            //colorDarkenedValues[m][n].darkened = true;
                            if (colorDarkenedValues[m][n].darkened == false)
                                //color_image.setColor(m, n, color_image.getColor(m, n)/8);
                                color_image.setColor(m, n, snapshot.getColor(m, n)/8);
                                colorDarkenedValues[m][n].darkened = true;
                                colorDarkenedValues[m][n].darkened_time = time(NULL);
                                colorDarkenedValues[m][n].firstChange = false;
                                colorDarkenedValues[m][n].secondChange = true;
                                colorDarkenedValues[m][n].thirdChange = true;
                        else if (previousDepth[m][n].changed == true && time(NULL) - previousDepth[m][n].initialTime>0.1)
                            depthImage.setColor(m, n, depthValues.getPixelColor(m, n));
                            previousDepth[m][n].changed = false;
                            depthImage.setColor(m, n, ofColor::red);
            else {
                for(int r = i*width; r<(i+1)*width; r++)
                    for (int t = j*height; t<(j+1)*height; t++)
                        colorDarkenedValues[r][t].darkened = false;
                        if (previousDepth[r][t].changed == true && (time(NULL) - previousDepth[r][t].initialTime < 0.1))
                            depthImage.setColor(r, t, ofColor::red);
                            depthImage.setColor(r, t, depthValues.getPixelColor(r, t));
    //gradually lighten the values of color
    for (int a =0; a<640; a=a+1)
        for (int d = 0; d<480; d=d+1)
            //cout<<"coming in the for loop";
            if (colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened == true)
                //cout<<" coming here";
                if ((time(NULL) - colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened_time)>1 && colorDarkenedValues[a][d].firstChange == false)
                    //cout<<" in first change";
                    color_image.setColor(a, d, color_image.getColor(a, d) + color_image.getColor(a, d));
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].firstChange = true;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].secondChange = false;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].thirdChange = false;
                else if ((time(NULL) - colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened_time)>2 && colorDarkenedValues[a][d].secondChange == false)
                    //cout<<" in second change";
                    color_image.setColor(a, d, color_image.getColor(a,d) + color_image.getColor(a, d));
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].secondChange = true;
                else if ((time(NULL) - colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened_time)>3 && colorDarkenedValues[a][d].thirdChange == false)
                    //cout<<" in third change";
                    color_image.setColor(a,d, color_image.getColor(a,d) + color_image.getColor(a, d));
                    //colorDarkenedValues[a][d].thirdChange = true;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].firstChange = false;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].secondChange = false;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].thirdChange = true;
                    colorDarkenedValues[a][d].darkened = false;
                //color_image.setColor(a, d, snapshot.getColor(a, d)*factor1 + color_image.getColor(a, d )*factor2);
                color_image.setColor(a, d, color_image.getColor(a, d) + ( (snapshot.getColor(a, d) - color_image.getColor(a, d))) *factor2);
    stringstream msg;
    msg<<"Number of columns : "<<column << "\t          Press c to increase, v to decrease";
    msg<<"\nNumber of rows : "<<rows<<"\t               Press r to increase and t to decrease ";
    msg<<"\nDepth Threshold is : "<<depthThresholdValue<<"\t        Press d to increase and f to decrease" ;
    msg<<"\nColor Threshold is : "<<colorThreshold<<"\t         Press n to increase and m to decrease";
    msg<<"\nDepth Threshold considered : "<<considerDepth<<"\t     Press k to toggle";
    msg<<"\nColor Threshold considered : "<<considerColor<<"\t     Press j to toggle";
    msg<<"\ni to multiply and o to reduce "<<factor1;
    msg<<"\n q to increase factor 2 and w to reduce factor 2 "<<factor2;
    ofDrawBitmapString(msg.str(), 700, 500);