Ejemplo n.º 1
dgInt32 dgCollisionCone::CalculatePlaneIntersectionSimd (
	const dgVector& normal, 
	const dgVector& origin, 
	dgVector contactsOut[]) const
	dgInt32 i;
	dgInt32 count;
	dgFloat32 y;
	dgFloat32 z;
	dgFloat32 cosAng;
	dgFloat32 sinAng;
	dgFloat32 magInv;
	simd_type tmp0;
	simd_type mag2;

	if (dgAbsf (normal.m_x) < dgFloat32 (0.999f)) { 
//		magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
//		cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
//		sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
//		dgMatrix matrix (dgGetIdentityMatrix ());
//		matrix[1][1] = cosAng;
//		matrix[1][2] = sinAng;
//		matrix[2][1] = -sinAng;
//		matrix[2][2] = cosAng;
//		dgVector normal2 (matrix.UnrotateVector (normal));
//		dgVector origin2 (matrix.UnrotateVector (origin));
//		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
//		matrix.TransformTriplex (contactsOut, sizeof (dgVector), contactsOut, sizeof (dgVector), count); 

		y = normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z;
		mag2  = simd_load_s (y);
		tmp0 = simd_rsqrt_s(mag2);
		simd_store_s (simd_mul_s (simd_mul_s(*(simd_type*)&m_nrh0p5, tmp0), simd_mul_sub_s (*(simd_type*)&m_nrh3p0, simd_mul_s (mag2, tmp0), tmp0)), &magInv);

		cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
		_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
//		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, 
//									  normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector origin1 (origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, 
			                          origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));

		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersectionSimd (normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
		for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng; 
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;

	} else {
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersectionSimd (normal, origin, contactsOut);

	return count;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
dgInt32 dgCollisionCone::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut) const
	dgInt32 count = 0;
	if (normal.m_x > dgFloat32(0.99f)) {
		contactsOut[0] = dgVector(m_height, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
		count = 1;
	} else if (normal.m_x < dgFloat32(-0.995f)) {
		if (normal.m_x < dgFloat32(-0.9995f)) {
			dgMatrix matrix(normal);
			matrix.m_posit.m_x = origin.m_x;
			dgVector scale(m_radius);
			const int n = sizeof (m_unitCircle) / sizeof (m_unitCircle[0]);
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				contactsOut[i] = matrix.TransformVector(m_unitCircle[i].CompProduct4(scale)) & dgVector::m_triplexMask;
			count = RectifyConvexSlice(n, normal, contactsOut);
		} else {
			dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt(normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
			dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
			dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;

			dgAssert(dgAbsf(normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32(1.0e-4f));
			dgVector normal1(normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
			dgVector origin1(origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f));

			count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection(normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
			if (count > 6) {
				dgInt32 dy = 2 * 6;
				dgInt32 dx = 2 * count;
				dgInt32 acc = dy - count;
				dgInt32 index = 0;
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					if (acc > 0) {
						contactsOut[index] = contactsOut[i];
						acc -= dx;
					acc += dy;
				count = index;

			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
				dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
				contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng;
				contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;
	} else {
		dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt(normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;

		dgAssert(dgAbsf(normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32(1.0e-4f));
		dgVector normal1(normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
		dgVector origin1(origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f));

		count = 0;
		int i0 = 2;
		dgVector test0((m_profile[i0] - origin1).DotProduct4(normal1));
		for (int i = 0; (i < 3) && (count < 2); i++) {
			dgVector test1((m_profile[i] - origin1).DotProduct4(normal1));
			dgVector acrossPlane(test0.CompProduct4(test1));
			if (acrossPlane.m_x < 0.0f) {
				dgVector step(m_profile[i] - m_profile[i0]);
				contactsOut[count] = m_profile[i0] - step.Scale4(test0.m_x / (step.DotProduct4(normal1).m_x));
			i0 = i;
			test0 = test1;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng;
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GLWidget::project_quad_texture() {
    const int sx = width(), sy = height();
    Point pt[4];
    static Vec3f corners[] = {
        Vec3f(0, 0, 0),
        Vec3f(sx-1, 0, 0),
        Vec3f(0, sy-1, 0),
        Vec3f(sx-1, sy-1, 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pt[i] = project(Vec3f(corners[i].x - sx/2, corners[i].y - sy/2, 0));
        pt[i].x += sx/2;
        pt[i].y += sy/2;
    Vec3f normal1(0, 0, 1);
    Vec3f normal2;
        Vec3f foo[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            foo[i] = project2(corners[i]);
        normal2 = normal(foo[0], foo[1], foo[2]);
    double dir = normal1.x * normal2.x + normal1.y * normal2.y + normal1.z * normal2.z;
    QImage& tex = dir < 0 ? back : front;
    int ow = tex.width(), oh = tex.height();
    Vec2f p2[4];

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        p2[i] = Vec2f(pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
    QImage texture(QSize(sx, sy), QImage::Format_RGB888);
    QColor bgColor = palette().color(QPalette::Current, QPalette::Window);
    const Vec2f projected[2][3] = { { p2[0], p2[1], p2[2] }, { p2[3], p2[1], p2[2] } };
    const Vec2f origs[2][3] = {
        { Vec2f(0, 0), Vec2f(ow-1, 0), Vec2f(0, oh-1) },
        { Vec2f(ow-1, oh-1), Vec2f(ow-1, 0), Vec2f(0, oh-1) }
    const Triangle triangles[2] = {
        Triangle(projected[0][0], projected[0][1], projected[0][2]),
        Triangle(projected[1][0], projected[1][1], projected[1][2])
    int orig_pitch = tex.bytesPerLine();
    int dest_pitch = texture.bytesPerLine();
    const unsigned char* orig = tex.bits();
    unsigned char* dest = texture.bits();
    int orig_depth = tex.depth() / 8;
    int dest_depth = texture.depth() / 8;
    /* image breakage? */
    if (orig_depth < 3)

    for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++) {
            Vec2f pos;
            pos.x = x;
            pos.y = y;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                Vec2f coords;
                if (triangles[i].barycentric_coords(pos, coords))
                    int px = origs[i][0].x
                            + coords.x * (origs[i][2].x - origs[i][0].x)
                            + coords.y * (origs[i][1].x - origs[i][0].x);
                    int py = origs[i][0].y
                            + coords.x * (origs[i][2].y - origs[i][0].y)
                            + coords.y * (origs[i][1].y - origs[i][0].y);
                    int r = orig[py * orig_pitch + px * orig_depth + 2];
                    int g = orig[py * orig_pitch + px * orig_depth + 1];
                    int b = orig[py * orig_pitch + px * orig_depth + 0];

                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 0] = r;
                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 1] = g;
                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 2] = b;

    this->texture = texture;
dgInt32 dgCollisionChamferCylinder::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut) const
	dgInt32 count;
	if (dgAbsf (normal.m_x) < dgFloat32 (0.999f)) { 
		dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
		_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector origin1 (origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, 
									  origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgPlane plane (normal1, - (normal1 % origin1));
		count = 0;
		dgVector maxDir ((normal1.m_x > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? m_silhuette[0].m_x : -m_silhuette[0].m_x,
						 (normal1.m_y > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? m_silhuette[0].m_y : -m_silhuette[0].m_y, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));  

		dgFloat32 test0 = plane.Evalue (maxDir);
		dgFloat32 test1 = plane.Evalue (maxDir.Scale (dgFloat32 (-1.0f)));
		if ((test0 * test1) > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
			test0 = plane.m_w + plane.m_y * m_radius;
			if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
				contactsOut[count] = normal1.Scale (-test0);
				contactsOut[count].m_y += m_radius;
				count ++;
			} else {
				test0 = plane.m_w - plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					contactsOut[count] = normal1.Scale (-test0);
					contactsOut[count].m_y -= m_radius;
					count ++;

		} else {
			dgVector dp (m_silhuette[1] - m_silhuette[0]);
			dgFloat32 den = normal1 % dp;
			_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (den) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
			test0 = -plane.Evalue (m_silhuette[0]) / den;
			if ((test0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0)) && (test0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
				contactsOut[count] = m_silhuette[0] + dp.Scale (test0);
				count ++;
			if (count < 2) {
				test0 = plane.m_w - plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					dgFloat32 r = -m_radius;
					dgFloat32 d = plane.m_w + r * plane.m_y;

					dgFloat32 a = plane.m_x * plane.m_x + plane.m_y * plane.m_y;
					dgFloat32 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * plane.m_y * d;
					dgFloat32 c = d * d - m_height * m_height * plane.m_x * plane.m_x;
					dgFloat32 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
					if (desc > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (a) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						desc = dgSqrt (desc);
						a = - dgFloat32 (0.5f) * b / a; 
						dgFloat32 y0 = a + desc;
						dgFloat32 y1 = a - desc;
						if (y0 > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
							y0 = y1;
						_ASSERTE (y0 < dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (plane.m_x) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						dgFloat32 x = - (plane.m_y * y0 + d) / plane.m_x;
						contactsOut[count] = dgVector (x, y0 + r, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						count ++;

			if (count < 2) {
				dgVector dp (m_silhuette[3] - m_silhuette[2]);
				den = normal1 % dp;
				_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (den) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				test0 = - plane.Evalue (m_silhuette[2]) / den;
				if ((test0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0)) && (test0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
					contactsOut[count] = m_silhuette[2] + dp.Scale (test0);
					count ++;

			if (count < 2) {
				test0 = plane.m_w + plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					dgFloat32 r = m_radius;
					dgFloat32 d = plane.m_w + r * plane.m_y;

					dgFloat32 a = plane.m_x * plane.m_x + plane.m_y * plane.m_y;
					dgFloat32 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * plane.m_y * d;
					dgFloat32 c = d * d - m_height * m_height * plane.m_x * plane.m_x;
					dgFloat32 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
					if (desc > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (a) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						desc = dgSqrt (desc);
						a = - dgFloat32 (0.5f) * b / a; 
						dgFloat32 y0 = a + desc;
						dgFloat32 y1 = a - desc;
						if (y0 < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
							y0 = y1;
						_ASSERTE (y0 > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (plane.m_x) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						dgFloat32 x = - (plane.m_y * y0 + d) / plane.m_x;
						contactsOut[count] = dgVector (x, y0 + r, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						count ++;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng; 
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;

	} else {
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal, origin, contactsOut);
	return count;

Ejemplo n.º 5
BaseIF* makePlate(const Real& height,
                  const Real& thick,
                  const Real& radius,
                  const int&  doHoles,
                  const Real& holeRadius,
                  const Real& holeSpace)
  RealVect zero(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect xAxis(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  bool inside = true;

  // Create the plate without holes
  Vector<BaseIF*> pieces;

  RealVect normal1(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point1(D_DECL(height,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane1(normal1,point1,inside);


  RealVect normal2(D_DECL(-1.0,0.0,0.0));
  RealVect point2(D_DECL(height+thick,0.0,0.0));
  PlaneIF plane2(normal2,point2,inside);


  TiltedCylinderIF middle(radius,xAxis,zero,inside);


  IntersectionIF plate(pieces);

  // Make the drills
  Vector<BaseIF*> drillBits;

  // Compute how many drills are needed in each direciton - 2*num+1 -
  // conservatively
  int num = (int)((radius - holeRadius) / holeSpace + 1.0);

  if (doHoles != 0)
    for (int i = -num; i <= num; i++)
      for (int j = -num; j <= num; j++)
        RealVect center(D_DECL(0.0,i*holeSpace,j*holeSpace));
        TiltedCylinderIF* drill = new TiltedCylinderIF(holeRadius,xAxis,center,inside);


  UnionIF drills(drillBits);
  ComplementIF notDrills(drills,true);

  // Drill the plate
  IntersectionIF* holyPlate = new IntersectionIF(plate,notDrills);

  return holyPlate;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void GLWidget::project_quad_texture() {
    const int sx = width(), sy = height();
    Point pt[4];
    static Vec3f corners[] = {
        Vec3f(0, 0, 0),
        Vec3f(sx-1, 0, 0),
        Vec3f(0, sy-1, 0),
        Vec3f(sx-1, sy-1, 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pt[i] = project(Vec3f(corners[i].x - sx/2, corners[i].y - sy/2, 0));
        pt[i].x += sx/2;
        pt[i].y += sy/2;
    Vec3f normal1(0, 0, 1);
    Vec3f normal2;
        Vec3f foo[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            foo[i] = project2(corners[i]);
        normal2 = normal(foo[0], foo[1], foo[2]);
    double dir = normal1.x * normal2.x + normal1.y * normal2.y + normal1.z * normal2.z;
    QImage& tex = dir < 0 ? back : front;
    int ow = tex.width(), oh = tex.height();
    Vec2f p2[4];

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        p2[i] = Vec2f(pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
    QImage texture(QSize(sx, sy), QImage::Format_RGB888);
    const Vec2f projected[2][3] = { { p2[0], p2[1], p2[2] }, { p2[3], p2[1], p2[2] } };
    const Vec2f origs[2][3] = {
        { Vec2f(0, 0), Vec2f(ow-1, 0), Vec2f(0, oh-1) },
        { Vec2f(ow-1, oh-1), Vec2f(ow-1, 0), Vec2f(0, oh-1) }
    const Triangle triangles[2] = {
        Triangle(projected[0][0], projected[0][1], projected[0][2]),
        Triangle(projected[1][0], projected[1][1], projected[1][2])
    int orig_pitch = tex.bytesPerLine();
    int dest_pitch = texture.bytesPerLine();
    const unsigned char* orig = tex.bits();
    unsigned char* dest = texture.bits();
    int orig_depth = tex.depth() / 8;
    int dest_depth = texture.depth() / 8;
    /* image breakage? */
    if (orig_depth < 3)

    for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++) {
            Vec2f pos;
            pos.x = x;
            pos.y = y;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                Vec2f coords;
                if (triangles[i].barycentric_coords(pos, coords))
                    double qx = origs[i][0].x
                                + coords.x * (origs[i][2].x - origs[i][0].x)
                                + coords.y * (origs[i][1].x - origs[i][0].x);
                    double qy = origs[i][0].y
                                + coords.x * (origs[i][2].y - origs[i][0].y)
                                + coords.y * (origs[i][1].y - origs[i][0].y);
                    int qx1 = std::min<int>(ow - 1, std::max<int>(0, qx - 0.5));
                    int qy1 = std::min<int>(oh - 1, std::max<int>(0, qy - 0.5));
                    int qx2 = std::min<int>(ow - 1, std::max<int>(0, qx + 0.5));
                    int qy2 = std::min<int>(oh - 1, std::max<int>(0, qy + 0.5));

                    double dx1 = qx1 - qx;
                    double dy1 = qy1 - qy;
                    double dx2 = qx2 - qx;
                    double dy2 = qy2 - qy;

                    double d1 = 2 - (dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1);
                    double d2 = 2 - (dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);
                    double d3 = 2 - (dx2 * dx2 + dy1 * dy1);
                    double d4 = 2 - (dx1 * dx1 + dy2 * dy2);

                    double inv_norm = 1. / (d1 + d2 + d3 + d4);

                    d1 *= inv_norm;
                    d2 *= inv_norm;
                    d3 *= inv_norm;
                    d4 *= inv_norm;
                    double r = d1 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 2]
                               + d2 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 2]
                               + d3 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 2]
                               + d4 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 2];
                    double g = d1 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 1]
                               + d2 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 1]
                               + d3 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 1]
                               + d4 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 1];
                    double b = d1 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 0]
                               + d2 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 0]
                               + d3 * (double) orig[qy1 * orig_pitch + qx2 * orig_depth + 0]
                               + d4 * (double) orig[qy2 * orig_pitch + qx1 * orig_depth + 0];
                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 0] = std::max<int>(0, std::min<int>(255, r));
                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 1] = std::max<int>(0, std::min<int>(255, g));
                    dest[y * dest_pitch + x * dest_depth + 2] = std::max<int>(0, std::min<int>(255, b));

    pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(texture);
bool dgCollisionConvexHull::RemoveCoplanarEdge (dgPolyhedra& polyhedra, const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray) const
	bool removeEdge = false;
	// remove coplanar edges
	dgInt32 mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; ) {
		dgEdge* edge0 = &(*iter);
		iter ++;

		if (edge0->m_incidentFace != -1) {

			if (edge0->m_mark < mark) {
				edge0->m_mark = mark;
				edge0->m_twin->m_mark = mark;
				dgBigVector normal0 (FaceNormal (edge0, &hullVertexArray[0]));
				dgBigVector normal1 (FaceNormal (edge0->m_twin, &hullVertexArray[0]));

				dgFloat64 test = normal0.DotProduct(normal1).GetScalar();
				if (test > dgFloat64 (0.99995f)) {

					if ((edge0->m_twin->m_next->m_twin->m_next != edge0) && (edge0->m_next->m_twin->m_next != edge0->m_twin)) {
						#define DG_MAX_EDGE_ANGLE dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f)

						if (edge0->m_twin == &(*iter)) {
							if (iter) {
								iter ++;

						dgBigVector e1 (hullVertexArray[edge0->m_twin->m_next->m_next->m_incidentVertex] - hullVertexArray[edge0->m_incidentVertex]);
						dgBigVector e0 (hullVertexArray[edge0->m_incidentVertex] - hullVertexArray[edge0->m_prev->m_incidentVertex]);

						dgAssert(e0.m_w == dgFloat64(0.0f));
						dgAssert(e1.m_w == dgFloat64(0.0f));
						dgAssert (e0.DotProduct(e0).GetScalar() >= dgFloat64 (0.0f));
						dgAssert (e1.DotProduct(e1).GetScalar() >= dgFloat64 (0.0f));

						e0 = e0.Scale (dgFloat64 (1.0f) / sqrt (e0.DotProduct(e0).GetScalar()));
						e1 = e1.Scale (dgFloat64 (1.0f) / sqrt (e1.DotProduct(e1).GetScalar()));
						dgBigVector n1 (e0.CrossProduct(e1));

						dgFloat64 projection = n1.DotProduct(normal0).GetScalar();
						if (projection >= DG_MAX_EDGE_ANGLE) {

							dgBigVector e11 (hullVertexArray[edge0->m_next->m_next->m_incidentVertex] - hullVertexArray[edge0->m_twin->m_incidentVertex]);
							dgBigVector e00 (hullVertexArray[edge0->m_twin->m_incidentVertex] - hullVertexArray[edge0->m_twin->m_prev->m_incidentVertex]);
							dgAssert (e00.m_w == dgFloat64 (0.0f));
							dgAssert (e11.m_w == dgFloat64 (0.0f));
							dgAssert (e00.DotProduct(e00).GetScalar() >= dgFloat64 (0.0f));
							dgAssert (e11.DotProduct(e11).GetScalar() >= dgFloat64 (0.0f));
							e00 = e00.Scale(dgFloat64(1.0f) / sqrt(e00.DotProduct(e00).GetScalar()));
							e11 = e11.Scale(dgFloat64(1.0f) / sqrt(e11.DotProduct(e11).GetScalar()));

							dgBigVector n11 (e00.CrossProduct(e11));
							projection = n11.DotProduct(normal0).GetScalar();
							if (projection >= DG_MAX_EDGE_ANGLE) {
								dgAssert (&(*iter) != edge0);
								dgAssert (&(*iter) != edge0->m_twin);
								removeEdge = true;

					} else {
						dgEdge* next = edge0->m_next;
						dgEdge* prev = edge0->m_prev;
						for (edge0 = next; edge0->m_prev->m_twin == edge0; edge0 = next) {
							next = edge0->m_next;

						for (edge0 = prev; edge0->m_next->m_twin == edge0; edge0 = prev) {
							prev = edge0->m_prev;
						removeEdge = true;

	return removeEdge;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void dSceneRender::DrawCone(int segments, dFloat radius, dFloat heigh)
	dVector q1 (-heigh / 2.0f, radius, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix(2.0f * 3.1614f/segments));
	dVector cap[1024];
	dAssert (segments < sizeof (cap)/sizeof (cap[0]));
	cap[segments] = q1;
	for (int i = 0; i < segments; i ++) {
		cap[i] = q1;
		q1 = rotation.RotateVector(q1);
	dVector normal1 (-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	for (int i = 2; i < segments; i ++) {
		DrawTriangle(cap[0], cap[i], cap[i - 1]);

	dVector p0 ( heigh / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < segments; i ++) {
		dVector p1 (cap[i]);
		dVector p2 (cap[i + 1]);

		dVector normal ((p1 - p0) * (p2 - p0));
		normal = normal.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt(normal % normal));

		DrawTriangle(p0, p1, p2);

		dVector p1 (-heigh / 2.0f, radius, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix(2.0f * 3.1614f/segments));
		dVector cap[1024];
		dAssert (segments < sizeof (cap)/sizeof (cap[0]));
		cap[segments] = p1;
		for (int i = 0; i < segments; i ++) {
			cap[i] = p1;
			p1 = rotation.RotateVector(p1);
		dVector normal1 (-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		DrawLine(cap[0], cap[0] + normal1);

		dVector p0 ( heigh / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		for (int i = 0; i < segments; i ++) {
			dVector p1 (cap[i]);
			dVector p2 (cap[i + 1]);

			dVector normal ((p1 - p0) * (p2 - p0));
			normal = normal.Scale (1.0f / dSqrt(normal % normal));

			DrawLine(p0, p0 + normal);
void ShapeParabolicRectangle::generatePrimitives(SoAction *action)
    SoPrimitiveVertex   pv;
    SoState  *state = action->getState();

    SbBool useTexFunc = ( SoTextureCoordinateElement::getType(state) ==
                          SoTextureCoordinateElement::FUNCTION );

    const SoTextureCoordinateElement* tce = 0;
    if ( useTexFunc ) tce = SoTextureCoordinateElement::getInstance(state);

    SbVec3f  point;
 	const int rows = 12; // Number of points per row
    const int columns = 12; // Number of points per column
    const int totalPoints = (rows)*(columns); // Total points in the grid

    float vertex[totalPoints][6];

    int h = 0;
    double ui = 0;
	double vj = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i )
    	ui =( 1.0 /(double)(rows-1) ) * i;

    	for ( int j = 0 ; j < columns ; ++j )
    		vj = ( 1.0 /(double)(columns-1) ) * j;

    		Point3D point = GetPoint3D(ui, vj);
    		NormalVector normal;
    		if( activeSide.getValue() == 0 )	normal = -GetNormal(ui, vj);
    		else	normal = GetNormal(ui, vj);

    		vertex[h][0] = point.x;
    		vertex[h][1] = point.y;
    		vertex[h][2] = point.z;
    		vertex[h][3] = normal.x;
    		vertex[h][4] = normal.y;
    		vertex[h][5] = normal.z;

    		pv.setPoint( vertex[h][0], vertex[h][1], vertex[h][2] );
    		h++; //Increase h to the next point.


    float u = 1;
    float v = 1;
    beginShape(action, QUADS );
	for( int irow = 0; irow < (rows-1); ++irow )
		for( int icolumn = 0; icolumn < (columns-1); ++icolumn )
			int index0 = irow*columns + icolumn;
			SbVec3f  point0( vertex[index0][0], vertex[index0][1],  vertex[index0][2] );
			SbVec3f normal0(vertex[index0][3], vertex[index0][4], vertex[index0][5] );
			SbVec4f texCoord0 = useTexFunc ? tce->get(point0, normal0): SbVec4f( u,v, 0.0, 1.0 );

			int index1 = index0 + 1;
			SbVec3f  point1( vertex[index1][0], vertex[index1][1],  vertex[index1][2] );
			SbVec3f normal1(vertex[index1][3], vertex[index1][4], vertex[index1][5] );
			SbVec4f texCoord1 = useTexFunc ? tce->get(point1, normal1): SbVec4f( u,v, 0.0, 1.0 );

			int index3 = index0 + columns;
			int index2 = index3 + 1;

			SbVec3f  point2( vertex[index2][0], vertex[index2][1],  vertex[index2][2] );
			SbVec3f normal2(vertex[index2][3], vertex[index2][4], vertex[index2][5] );
			SbVec4f texCoord2 = useTexFunc ? tce->get(point2, normal2): SbVec4f( u,v, 0.0, 1.0 );

			SbVec3f  point3( vertex[index3][0], vertex[index3][1],  vertex[index3][2] );
			SbVec3f normal3(vertex[index3][3], vertex[index3][4], vertex[index3][5] );
			SbVec4f texCoord3 = useTexFunc ? tce->get(point3, normal3): SbVec4f( u,v, 0.0, 1.0 );



Ejemplo n.º 10
void  QmaxButton::createArrowBackground(QPainter &painter)
   // printf("Arrow BackGround2\n");
    QRect scaledRect;
    scaledRect = matrix.mapRect(QRect(0, 0, this->logicalSize.width(), this->logicalSize.height()));

    QImage image(scaledRect.width(), scaledRect.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
    image.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba());
    //QPainter painter(image);
    painter.drawImage(0, 0, image);

        else if(this->m_nHighlight)
        QLinearGradient outlinebrush(0,0,0,scaledRect.height());
        QLinearGradient brush(0,0,0,scaledRect.height());

        QColor highlight(255,255,255,128);
        QColor shadow(0,0,0,70);
        QColor sunken(220,220,220,30);
        QColor normal1(88,88,89,255);
        QColor normal2(88,88,89,255);
        QColor normal3(0,0,200,10);
        QColor normal4(255,255,250,255);

         if(m_nType==3 || m_nType == 4)
            normal1 = QColor(100,180,189,55);
            normal2 = QColor(100,180,189,255);

        if(this->isEnabled()==false )

        if(m_nStatus )


   // painter.drawRect(0, 0, scaledRect.width(), scaledRect.height());

    float xOff = scaledRect.width() / 2;
    float yOff = scaledRect.height() / 2;
    float sizex = 5.0f * matrix.m11();
    float sizey = 3.5f * matrix.m22();
    if (m_nType == 3)
        sizey *= -1;
    QPainterPath path;
    path.moveTo(xOff, yOff + (5 * sizey));
    path.lineTo(xOff - (4 * sizex), yOff - (3 * sizey));
    path.lineTo(xOff + (4 * sizex), yOff - (3 * sizey));
    path.lineTo(xOff, yOff + (5 * sizey));

Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// Normal (Gaussian) distribution probability distribution function.
 double normal_pdf(double x, double mean, double standard_deviation)
   normal_dist normal1(mean, standard_deviation);
   return boost::math::pdf(normal1, x);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void  QmaxButton::createButton(QPainter &painter)
    QRect scaledRect;
    scaledRect = matrix.mapRect(QRect(0,0,this->logicalSize.width(),this->logicalSize.height()));
    QImage bg(this->m_strImage);
    QLinearGradient brush1(0,0,0,scaledRect.height());
    painter.drawImage(-2, -2, bg);

        else if(this->m_nHighlight)
        QLinearGradient outlinebrush(0,0,0,scaledRect.height());
        QLinearGradient brush(0,0,0,scaledRect.height());

        QColor highlight(255,255,255,128);
        QColor shadow(0,0,0,70);
        QColor sunken(220,220,220,30);
        QColor normal1(255,255,245,60);
        QColor normal2(255,255,235,10);
        QColor normal3(200,200,200,10);
        QColor normal4(255,255,250,255);

         if(m_nType && m_nType != 5  )
            normal1 = QColor(200,170,160,50);
            normal2 = QColor(50,10,0,50);

        if(this->isEnabled()==false )

        if(m_nStatus )


    if(m_nType == 1)
    else if(m_nType == 0)
    else if(m_nType == 5)
    QFont font( "DejaVu Sans" );
    font.setPointSize( 12 );
    painter.setFont( font );
    QFontMetrics fMetrics = painter.fontMetrics();
    QSize sz = fMetrics.size( Qt::TextWordWrap, m_strText );
    QRectF txtRect( scaledRect.center(), sz );
    int xPoint = (scaledRect.width()/2)- ((m_strText.count()/2)*10);
    int yPoint = scaledRect.height()/2;
Ejemplo n.º 13
	void Collision::modify(Particle& particle,float deltaTime) const
		size_t index = particle.getIndex();
		float radius1 = particle.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_SIZE) * scale * 0.5f;
		float m1 = particle.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_MASS);
		Group& group = *particle.getGroup();

		// Tests collisions with all the particles that are stored before in the pool
		for (size_t i = 0; i < index; ++i)
			Particle& particle2 = group.getParticle(i);
			float radius2 = particle2.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_SIZE) * scale * 0.5f;				
			float sqrRadius = radius1 + radius2;
			sqrRadius *= sqrRadius;

			// Gets the normal of the collision plane
			vec3 normal = particle.position();
			normal -= particle2.position();
//			float sqrDist = normal.getSqrNorm();
			float sqrDist = glm::length2(normal);

			if (sqrDist < sqrRadius) // particles are intersecting each other
				vec3 delta = particle.velocity();
				delta -= particle2.velocity();

				if (dotProduct(normal,delta) < 0.0f) // particles are moving towards each other
					float oldSqrDist = getSqrDist(particle.oldPosition(),particle2.oldPosition());
					if (oldSqrDist > sqrDist)
						// Disables the move from this frame
						particle.position() = particle.oldPosition();
						particle2.position() = particle2.oldPosition();

						normal = particle.position();
						normal -= particle2.position();

						if (dotProduct(normal,delta) >= 0.0f)

//					normal.normalize();
					normal = glm::normalize(normal);

					// Gets the normal components of the velocities
					vec3 normal1(normal);
					vec3 normal2(normal);
					normal1 *= dotProduct(normal,particle.velocity());
					normal2 *= dotProduct(normal,particle2.velocity());

					// Resolves collision
					float m2 = particle2.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_MASS);

					if (oldSqrDist < sqrRadius && sqrDist < sqrRadius)
						// Tweak to separate particles that intersects at both t - deltaTime and t
						// In that case the collision is no more considered as punctual
						if (dotProduct(normal,normal1) < 0.0f)
							particle.velocity() -= normal1;
							particle2.velocity() += normal1;

						if (dotProduct(normal,normal2) > 0.0f)
							particle2.velocity() -= normal2;
							particle.velocity() += normal2;
						// Else classic collision equations are applied
						// Tangent components of the velocities are left untouched
						particle.velocity() -= (1.0f + (elasticity * m2 - m1) / (m1 + m2)) * normal1;
						particle2.velocity() -= (1.0f + (elasticity * m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * normal2;

						normal1 *= ((1.0f + elasticity) * m1) / (m1 + m2);
						normal2 *= ((1.0f + elasticity) * m2) / (m1 + m2);

						particle.velocity() += normal2;
						particle2.velocity() += normal1;
dgFloat32 FastRayTest::PolygonIntersectSimd (const dgVector& normal, const dgFloat32* const polygon, dgInt32 strideInBytes, const dgInt32* const indexArray, dgInt32 indexCount) const
	_ASSERTE (m_p0.m_w == m_p1.m_w);
	simd_128 normal1 ((simd_128&)normal & simd_128 (-1, -1, -1, 0));
	simd_128 dist (((simd_128&)normal1).DotProduct((simd_128&)m_diff));
	if ((dist < simd_128(m_dirError)).GetSignMask() & 1) {
		dgInt32 stride = dgInt32 (strideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32));

		simd_128 v0 (&polygon[indexArray[indexCount - 1] * stride]);
		simd_128 p0v0 (v0 - (simd_128&)m_p0);
		simd_128 tOut = normal1.DotProduct(p0v0);

		simd_128 zero (dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		// this only work for convex polygons and for single side faces 
		// walk the polygon around the edges and calculate the volume 
		simd_128 test ((tOut < zero) & (tOut > dist));
		if (test.GetSignMask()) {
			dgInt32 i3 = indexCount - 1; 
			dgInt32 i2 = indexCount - 2; 
			dgInt32 i1 = indexCount - 3; 
			dgInt32 i0 = (indexCount > 3) ? indexCount - 4 : 2; 
			for (dgInt32 i4 = 0; i4 < indexCount; i4 += 4) {
				simd_128 v0 (&polygon[indexArray[i0] * stride]);
				simd_128 v1 (&polygon[indexArray[i1] * stride]);
				simd_128 v2 (&polygon[indexArray[i2] * stride]);
				simd_128 v3 (&polygon[indexArray[i3] * stride]);
				simd_128 v4 (&polygon[indexArray[i4] * stride]);

				simd_128 p0v0 (v0 - (simd_128&)m_p0);
				simd_128 p0v1 (v1 - (simd_128&)m_p0);
				simd_128 p0v2 (v2 - (simd_128&)m_p0);
				simd_128 p0v3 (v3 - (simd_128&)m_p0);
				simd_128 p0v4 (v4 - (simd_128&)m_p0);

				simd_128 p0v0_x;
				simd_128 p0v0_y;
				simd_128 p0v0_z;
				simd_128 p0v1_x;
				simd_128 p0v1_y;
				simd_128 p0v1_z;

				Transpose4x4Simd_128 (p0v0_x, p0v0_y, p0v0_z, test, p0v0, p0v1, p0v2, p0v3);
				Transpose4x4Simd_128 (p0v1_x, p0v1_y, p0v1_z, test, p0v1, p0v2, p0v3, p0v4);

				simd_128 volume = (m_ray_yyyy * p0v1_z - m_ray_zzzz * p0v1_y) * p0v0_x + 
							      (m_ray_zzzz * p0v1_x - m_ray_xxxx * p0v1_z) * p0v0_y + 
								  (m_ray_xxxx * p0v1_y - m_ray_yyyy * p0v1_x) * p0v0_z;

				// if a least one volume is negative it mean the line cross the polygon outside this edge and do not hit the face
				if ((volume < (simd_128&)m_tolerance).GetSignMask()) {
					return 1.2f;
				i3 = i4 + 3; 
				i2 = i4 + 2; 
				i1 = i4 + 1; 
				i0 = i4 + 0; 

			//the line is to the left of all the polygon edges, 
			//then the intersection is the point we the line intersect the plane of the polygon
			tOut = tOut / dist;
			dgFloat32 ret;
			_ASSERTE (ret >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
			_ASSERTE (ret <= dgFloat32 (1.0f));
			return ret;
	return dgFloat32 (1.2f);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void ToolButton::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * _pe )
	const bool active = isDown() || isChecked();

	QPainter painter(this);

	QLinearGradient outlinebrush(0, 0, 0, height());
	QLinearGradient brush(0, 0, 0, height());

	QColor highlight(255, 255, 255, 70);
	QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 70);
	QColor sunken(220, 220, 220, 30);
	QColor normal1(255, 255, 245, 60);
	QColor normal2(255, 255, 235, 10);

	if( active )
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(0.0f, shadow);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(1.0f, highlight);
		brush.setColorAt(0.0f, sunken);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(1.0f, shadow);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(0.0f, highlight);
		brush.setColorAt(0.0f, normal1);
		if( m_mouseOver == false )
			brush.setColorAt(1.0f, normal2);
		painter.setPen(QPen(outlinebrush, 1));


	painter.drawRoundedRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), 5, 5 );

	const int dd = active ? 1 : 0;
	QPoint pt = QPoint( ( width() - m_img.width() ) / 2 + dd, 3 + dd );
	if( s_iconOnlyMode )
		pt.setY( ( height() - m_img.height() ) / 2 - 1 + dd );
	painter.drawImage( pt, m_img );

	if( s_iconOnlyMode == false )
		const QString l = ( active && m_altLabel.isEmpty() == FALSE ) ?
								m_altLabel : m_label;
		const int w = painter.fontMetrics().width( l );
		painter.setPen( Qt::black );
		painter.drawText( ( width() - w ) / 2 +1+dd, height() - 4+dd, l );
		painter.setPen( Qt::white );
		painter.drawText( ( width() - w ) / 2 +dd, height() - 5+dd, l );
Ejemplo n.º 16
QImage Button::createBackground() const
	QImage image(rect().width(), rect().height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
	image.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba());

	QPainter painter(&image);

	QLinearGradient outlinebrush(0, 0, 0, rect().height());
	QLinearGradient brush(0, 0, 0, rect().height());

	QColor highlight(255, 255, 255, 70);
	QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 70);
	QColor sunken(220, 220, 220, 30);
	QColor normal1(255, 255, 245, 60);
	QColor normal2(255, 255, 235, 10);

	if (dark)
		normal1 = QColor(200, 170, 160, 50);
		normal2 = QColor(50, 10, 0, 50);

	if (!isEnabled() || isDown())
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(0.0f, shadow);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(1.0f, highlight);
		brush.setColorAt(0.0f, sunken);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(1.0f, shadow);
		outlinebrush.setColorAt(0.0f, highlight);
		brush.setColorAt(0.0f, normal1);
		if (!hover)	brush.setColorAt(1.0f, normal2);
		painter.setPen(QPen(outlinebrush, 1));

	if (round)
		painter.drawRoundedRect(rect(), 15, rect().height());
		painter.drawRect(0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height());

	if (text() == "##Left##" || text() == "##Right##")
		qreal xCenter = rect().width() * 0.5;
		qreal yCenter = rect().height() * 0.5;
		qreal xSize = 12;
		qreal ySize = 6;

		if (text() == "##Right##")	xSize *= -1;

		QPainterPath path;
		path.moveTo(xCenter - xSize, yCenter);
		path.lineTo(xCenter + xSize, yCenter - ySize);
		path.lineTo(xCenter + xSize, yCenter + ySize);
		path.lineTo(xCenter - xSize, yCenter);

	return image;