Ejemplo n.º 1
static int reallyroutespline (Pedge_t *edges, int edgen,
        Ppoint_t *inps, int inpn, Ppoint_t ev0, Ppoint_t ev1) {
    Ppoint_t p1, p2, cp1, cp2, p;
    Pvector_t v1, v2, splitv, splitv1, splitv2;
    double maxd, d, t;
    int maxi, i, spliti;

    static tna_t *tnas;
    static int tnan;

    if (tnan < inpn) {
        if (!tnas) {
            if (!(tnas = (tna_t *)malloc (sizeof (tna_t) * inpn)))
                return -1;
        } else {
            if (!(tnas = (tna_t *)realloc (tnas, sizeof (tna_t) * inpn)))
                return -1;
        tnan = inpn;
    tnas[0].t = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < inpn; i++)
        tnas[i].t = tnas[i - 1].t + dist (inps[i], inps[i - 1]);
    for (i = 1; i < inpn; i++)
        tnas[i].t /= tnas[inpn - 1].t;
    for (i = 0; i < inpn; i++) {
        tnas[i].a[0] = scale (ev0, B1 (tnas[i].t));
        tnas[i].a[1] = scale (ev1, B2 (tnas[i].t));
    if (mkspline (inps, inpn, tnas, ev0, ev1, &p1, &v1, &p2, &v2) == -1)
        return -1;
    if (splinefits (edges, edgen, p1, v1, p2, v2, (inpn == 2 ? 1 : 0)))
        return 0;
    cp1 = add (p1, scale (v1, 1 / 3.0));
    cp2 = sub (p2, scale (v2, 1 / 3.0));
    for (maxd = -1, maxi = -1, i = 1; i < inpn - 1; i++) {
        t = tnas[i].t;
        p.x = B0 (t) * p1.x + B1 (t) * cp1.x +
                B2 (t) * cp2.x + B3 (t) * p2.x;
        p.y = B0 (t) * p1.y + B1 (t) * cp1.y +
                B2 (t) * cp2.y + B3 (t) * p2.y;
        if ((d = dist (p, inps[i])) > maxd)
            maxd = d, maxi = i;
    spliti = maxi;
    splitv1 = normv (sub (inps[spliti], inps[spliti - 1]));
    splitv2 = normv (sub (inps[spliti + 1], inps[spliti]));
    splitv = normv (add (splitv1, splitv2));
    reallyroutespline (edges, edgen, inps, spliti + 1, ev0, splitv);
    reallyroutespline (edges, edgen, &inps[spliti], inpn - spliti, splitv, ev1);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void toast::qarray::exp ( size_t n, double const * q_in, double * q_out ) {

    toast::mem::simd_array<double> normv(n);

    toast::qarray::amplitude ( n, 4, 3, q_in, normv );

    double exp_q_w;

    #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(exp_q_w) schedule(static)
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
        exp_q_w = ::exp ( q_in[4*i + 3] );
        q_out[4*i + 3] = exp_q_w * ::cos ( normv[i] );
        exp_q_w /= normv[i];
        exp_q_w *= ::sin ( normv[i] );
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
            q_out[4*i + j] = exp_q_w * q_in[4*i + j];

Ejemplo n.º 3
int Proutespline (Pedge_t *edges, int edgen, Ppolyline_t input,
        Ppoint_t *evs, Ppolyline_t *output) {
#if 0
    Ppoint_t p0, p1, p2, p3;
    Ppoint_t *pp;
    Pvector_t v1, v2, v12, v23;
    int ipi, opi;
    int ei, p2ei;
    Pedge_t *e0p, *e1p;
	Ppoint_t	*inps;
	int			inpn;

	/* unpack into previous format rather than modify legacy code */
	inps = input.ps;
	inpn = input.pn;

#if 0
    if (!(p2es = (p2e_t *) malloc (sizeof (p2e_t) * (p2en = edgen * 2)))) {
        prerror ("cannot malloc p2es");
        abort ();
    for (ei = 0, p2ei = 0; ei < edgen; ei++) {
        if (edges[ei].a.x == edges[ei].b.x && edges[ei].a.y == edges[ei].b.y)
        p2es[p2ei].pp = &edges[ei].a;
        p2es[p2ei++].ep = &edges[ei];
        p2es[p2ei].pp = &edges[ei].b;
        p2es[p2ei++].ep = &edges[ei];
    p2en = p2ei;
    qsort (p2es, p2en, sizeof (p2e_t), cmpp2efunc);
    elist = NULL;
    for (p2ei = 0; p2ei < p2en; p2ei += 2) {
        pp = p2es[p2ei].pp;
#if DEBUG >= 1
fprintf (stderr, "point: %d %lf %lf\n", p2ei, pp->x, pp->y);
        e0p = p2es[p2ei].ep;
        e1p = p2es[p2ei + 1].ep;
        p0 = (&e0p->a == p2es[p2ei].pp) ? e0p->b : e0p->a;
        p1 = (&e0p->a == p2es[p2ei + 1].pp) ? e1p->b : e1p->a;
        if (LT (p0, pp) && LT (p1, pp)) {
            listdelete (e0p), listdelete (e1p);
        } else if (GT (p0, pp) && GT (p1, pp)) {
            listinsert (e0p, *pp), listinsert (e1p, *pp);
        } else {
            if (LT (p0, pp))
                listreplace (e0p, e1p);
                listreplace (e1p, e0p);
    /* generate the splines */
    evs[0] = normv (evs[0]);
    evs[1] = normv (evs[1]);
    opl = 0;
    growops (4);
    ops[opl++] = inps[0];
    if (reallyroutespline (edges, edgen, inps, inpn, evs[0], evs[1]) == -1)
        return -1;
	output->pn = opl;
	output->ps = ops;

#if 0
    fprintf (stderr, "edge\na\nb\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "points\n%d\n", inpn);
    for (ipi = 0; ipi < inpn; ipi++)
        fprintf (stderr, "%f %f\n", inps[ipi].x, inps[ipi].y);
    fprintf (stderr, "splpoints\n%d\n", opl);
    for (opi = 0; opi < opl; opi++)
        fprintf (stderr, "%f %f\n", ops[opi].x, ops[opi].y);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Lightmap::Lightmap(Heightmap *orghm, int level, int shadowLevelDif, LightingInfo *li)
	int startTicks = SDL_GetTicks();
	tilesize.x = orghm->w-1;
	tilesize.y = orghm->h-1;
	name = "lightmap";

	Heightmap *hm;
	int w;

	for(;;) {
		hm = orghm->GetLevel(-level);

		GLint maxw;
		glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxw);

		if (w > maxw) level ++;
		else break;

	Heightmap *shadowhm = orghm->GetLevel(-(level+shadowLevelDif));
	int shadowScale=1<<shadowLevelDif;
	int shadowW=shadowhm->w-1;
	assert (w/shadowW == shadowScale);
	//float org2c = w/float(orghm->w-1);
	//float c2org = (float)(orghm->w-1)/w;

	float *centerhm = SAFE_NEW float[w*w];
	Vector3 *shading = SAFE_NEW Vector3[w*w];
	for (int y=0;y<w;y++)
		for (int x=0;x<w;x++) {
			centerhm[y*w+x] =/* hm->scale * */ 0.25f * ( (int)hm->at(x,y)+ (int)hm->at(x+1,y)+ (int)hm->at(x,y+1) + (int)hm->at(x+1,y+1) ); //+ hm->offset;
			shading[y*w+x] = li->ambient;

	uchar *lightMap = SAFE_NEW uchar[shadowW*shadowW];
	for (std::vector<StaticLight>::const_iterator l=li->staticLights.begin();l!=li->staticLights.end();++l)
		float lightx;
		float lighty;

		if (l->directional) {
			lightx = l->position.x;
			lighty = l->position.y;
		} else {
			lightx = (int)(l->position.x / shadowhm->squareSize);
			lighty = (int)(l->position.z / shadowhm->squareSize);
		CalculateShadows(lightMap, shadowW, lightx, lighty,
			l->position.y, centerhm, w, shadowScale, l->directional);

		for (int y=0;y<w;y++)
			for (int x=0;x<w;x++)
				if (!lightMap[(y*shadowW+x)/shadowScale])

				Vector3 wp;
				if (l->directional)
					wp = l->position;
					wp = l->position - Vector3((x+0.5f)*hm->squareSize,centerhm[y*w+x],(y+0.5f)*hm->squareSize);

				uchar* normal = hm->GetNormal (x,y);
				Vector3 normv((2 * (int)normal[0] - 256)/255.0f, (2 * (int)normal[1] - 256)/255.0f, (2 * (int)normal[2] - 256)/255.0f);

				float dot = wp.dot(normv);
				if(dot < 0.0f) dot = 0.0f;
				if(dot > 1.0f) dot = 1.0f;
				dot *= lightMap[(y*shadowW+x)/shadowScale]*(1.0f/255.0f);
				shading[y*w+x] += l->color * dot;

	delete[] lightMap;

	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, shadingTex);

	uchar *shadingTexData=SAFE_NEW uchar[w*w*4];
	for(int y=0;y<w;y++) {
		for (int x=0;x<w;x++) {
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+0] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].x) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+1] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].y) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+2] = (uchar)(min(1.0f, shading[y*w+x].z) * 255);
			shadingTexData[(y*w+x)*4+3] = CReadMap::EncodeHeight(centerhm[w*y+x]);

	SaveImage ("lightmap.png", 4, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, w,w, shadingTexData);

	glBuildMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, w,w, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, shadingTexData);
	delete[] shadingTexData;

	id = shadingTex;

	delete[] shading;
	delete[] centerhm;

	int numTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks;
	d_trace ("Lightmap generation: %2.3f seconds\n", numTicks * 0.001f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

   // parsing the arguments
   if(argc < 3)
      error_exit("Syntax error : Incorrect arguments, use : input_file output_file [-v] [-m filename].\r\n\r\n");

   bool use_verbatim = false;
   FILE* matlab_file = NULL;

   FILE* input_file = fopen(argv[1],"r");
   FILE* output_file = fopen(argv[2],"w+");

   if( input_file == NULL || output_file == NULL)
      error_exit("Runtime error : could not open required i/o files.\r\n\r\n");
   for(int i=3 ; i < argc; i++){
      if( argv[i][0] != '-' )
         error_exit("Syntax error : Unknown parameter : %s\r\n\r\n",argv[i]);

         case 'v' :
            use_verbatim = true;
         case 'm' :
            if(i+1 >= argc)
               error_exit("Syntax error : Filename required with -m option\r\n\r\n");
            matlab_file = fopen(argv[i+1], "w+");

            if(matlab_file == NULL)
               error_exit("Runtime error : Cannot open file '%s' for matlab output.\r\n\r\n",argv[i+1]);

   // positions and speed at time n-1 (0) and n (1).
   vector p10,p20,v1,v2,p11,p21;
   // masses
   long double m1,m2;
   // discretization parameters
   long double dt, t_final, dt_output;

   fscanf(input_file, "%Lf\r\n%Lf %Lf %Lf\r\n%Lf %Lf %Lf\r\n%Lf\r\n%Lf %Lf %Lf\r\n%Lf %Lf %Lf\r\n%Lf\r\n%Lf\r\n%Lf", &m1, &(p10.x), &(p10.y), &(p10.z), &(v1.x), &(v1.y), &(v1.z), &m2, &(p20.x), &(p20.y), &(p20.z), &(v2.x), &(v2.y), &(v2.z), &dt, &t_final, &dt_output );

   // Initial values determination
   p11 = addv(scalev(v1, dt), p10);
   p21 = addv(scalev(v2, dt), p20); 
   write_init(output_file, matlab_file, use_verbatim, m1, p10, v1, m2, p20, v2, dt, t_final, dt_output);

   write_output(output_file, matlab_file, use_verbatim, 0, p10, p20);
   if(dt_output <= dt + DOUBLE_EPSILON) write_output(output_file, matlab_file, use_verbatim, dt, p11, p21);
   long double next_out = dt_output;
   for(long double t = dt * 2 ; t <= t_final ; t+= dt ){
      vector dp = subv(p21,p11);
      long double norm = normv(dp);
      // compute F
      vector f = scalev(dp, - m1 * m2 * CONST_G / (norm * norm * norm)); 

      // compute positions at time t
      vector new_p1 = addv(subv(scalev(f, - dt * dt / m1), p10) , scalev(p11, 2));
      vector new_p2 = addv(subv(scalev(f, dt * dt / m2), p20) , scalev(p21, 2));
      p10 = p11;
      p20 = p21;
      p11 = new_p1;
      p21 = new_p2;
      if(t + dt - DOUBLE_EPSILON >= next_out){
         write_output(output_file, matlab_file, use_verbatim, t, p11, p21);
         next_out +=dt_output;
   write_end(output_file, matlab_file, use_verbatim);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;