MAST::NPSOLOptimizationInterface::optimize() {
    // make sure that functions have been provided
    N      =  _feval->n_vars(),
    NCLIN  =  0,
    NCNLN  =  _feval->n_eq()+_feval->n_ineq(),
    LDA    =  std::max(NCLIN, 1),
    LDJ    =  std::max(NCNLN, 1),
    LDR    =  N,
    INFORM =  0,           // on exit: Reports result of call to NPSOL
                           // < 0 either funobj or funcon has set this to -ve
                           // 0 => converged to point x
                           // 1 => x satisfies optimality conditions, but sequence of iterates has not converged
                           // 2 => Linear constraints and bounds cannot be satisfied. No feasible solution
                           // 3 => Nonlinear constraints and bounds cannot be satisfied. No feasible solution
                           // 4 => Major iter limit was reached
                           // 6 => x does not satisfy first-order optimality to required accuracy
                           // 7 => function derivatives seem to be incorrect
                           // 9 => input parameter invalid
    ITER   = 0,            // iter count
    LENIW  = 3*N + NCLIN + 2*NCNLN,
    LENW   = 2*N*N + N*NCLIN + 2*N*NCNLN + 20*N + 11*NCLIN + 21*NCNLN;
    F      =  0.;          // on exit: final objective

    IW      (LENIW,  0),
    ISTATE  (NCTOTL, 0);    // status of constraints l <= r(x) <= u,
                            // -2 => lower bound is violated by more than delta
                            // -1 => upper bound is violated by more than delta
                            // 0  => both bounds are satisfied by more than delta
                            // 1  => lower bound is active (to within delta)
                            // 2  => upper bound is active (to within delta)
                            // 3  => boundars are equal and equality constraint is satisfied
    A       (LDA,    0.),   // this is used for liear constraints, not currently handled
    BL      (NCTOTL, 0.),
    BU      (NCTOTL, 0.),
    C       (NCNLN,  0.),   // on exit: nonlinear constraints
    CJAC    (LDJ* N, 0.),   //
                            // on exit: CJAC(i,j) is the partial derivative of ith nonlinear constraint
    CLAMBDA (NCTOTL, 0.),   // on entry: need not be initialized for cold start
                            // on exit: QP multiplier from the QP subproblem, >=0 if istate(j)=1, <0 if istate(j)=2
    G       (N,      0.),   // on exit: objective gradient
    R       (LDR*N,  0.),   // on entry: need not be initialized if called with Cold Statrt
                            // on exit: information about Hessian, if Hessian=Yes, R is upper Cholesky factor of approx H
    X       (N,      0.),   // on entry: initial point
                            // on exit: final estimate of solution
    W       (LENW,   0.),   // workspace
    xmin    (N,      0.),
    xmax    (N,      0.);
    // now setup the lower and upper limits for the variables and constraints
    _feval->init_dvar(X, xmin, xmax);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        BL[i] = xmin[i];
        BU[i] = xmax[i];
    // all constraints are assumed to be g_i(x) <= 0, so that the upper
    // bound is 0 and lower bound is -infinity
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<NCNLN; i++) {
        BL[i+N] = -1.e20;
        BU[i+N] =     0.;
    std::string nm;
//    nm = "List";
//    npoptn_(nm.c_str(), (int)nm.length());
//    nm = "Verify level 3";
//    npoptn_(nm.c_str(), (int)nm.length());
// HillClimb is always one on the original model. Therefore, if_bounded will be set as false temperoraly
// so that all calculation can be perfomed on the original model. After HillClimb is finished, if_bounded
// will be set as its original value. 
// Samples generated during HillClimb will be saved into storage but always at the level of number_energy_level
// (the extra level)
double CEquiEnergy_TState::HillClimb_NPSOL(size_t nSolution )
	energy_level = parameter->number_energy_level; 
	bool if_bounded_old = if_bounded; 
	if_bounded = false;	// temperarily set if_bounded as false so all calculation is done on original model
	const string COLD_START = string("Cold Start");
        const string NO_PRINT_OUT = string("Major print level = 0");
        const string DERIVATIVE_LEVEL = string("Derivative level = 0");

	// npsol 
	MinusLogPosterior_NPSOL::model = this; 
	int n = current_sample.data.dim; // sample dimension
	// linear constraints
	int nclin = 0; 	// number of linear constraints
	int ldA = nclin > 1 ? nclin : 1; 	// number of rows of A 
	double *A = new double[ldA*n]; 
	// nonlinear constraints	
	int ncnln = 0; 	// number of nonlinear constraints	
	int ldJ = ncnln > 1 ? ncnln : 1; 	// number of rows of cJac; 
	double *cJac = new double[ldJ*n]; 
	// R provides the upper-triangular Cholesky factor of the initial approximation
	// of the Hessian of the Lagrangian
	int ldR = n; 	// number of rows of R;
	double *R = new double[ldR*n];   
	int nctotal = n + nclin + ncnln; 
	int *istate = new int[nctotal]; // array indicating whether the constaits are effective
	double *bl = new double[nctotal]; // lower bounds for samples, A and cJac
	double *bu = new double[nctotal]; // upper bounds for samples, A and cJac
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
		bl[i] = 0.0; 
		bu[i] = 100.0; 
	double *clambda = new double [nctotal]; // lagragin parameters of the constraints	
	for (int i=0; i<nctotal; i++)
		clambda[i] = 0; 

	// work space
	int leniw = 3*n + nclin + 2*ncnln; 
	int *iw = new int [leniw]; 	// integer work space
	int lenw; 
	if (nclin == 0 && ncnln == 0)
		lenw = 20*n; 
	else if (ncnln == 0)
		lenw = 2*n*n + 20*n + 11*nclin; 
		lenw = 2*n*n + n*nclin + 2*n*ncnln + 20*n + 11*nclin + 21*ncnln;
	double *w = new double[lenw]; 	// floating work space

	// initial estimate of the solution 
	double *x = new double[n]; 	

	// returning value of npsol
	int inform, iter;
	double *c = new double[1]; // because ncnln = 0
	double f; 	// value of objective f(x) at the final iterate
	double *g = new double[n]; // objective gradient	   

	double max_log_posterior = -1.0e300; 

	npoptn_((char*)DERIVATIVE_LEVEL.c_str(), DERIVATIVE_LEVEL.length());
        // npoptn_((char*)NO_PRINT_OUT.c_str(), NO_PRINT_OUT.length());

	// test if LogPosterior_StatesIntegratedOut works
	for (int i=0; i<nSolution; i++)
		InitializeParameter(x, n); 
        	npoptn_((char*)COLD_START.c_str(), COLD_START.length());
		npsol_(&n, &nclin, &ncnln, &ldA, &ldJ, &ldR, A, bl, bu, NULL, MinusLogPosterior_NPSOL::function, &inform, &iter, istate, c, cJac, clambda, &f, g, R, x, iw, &leniw, w, &lenw); 
		if (f < 1.0e300)
			CSampleIDWeight sample; 
			for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
				sample.data[j] = x[j]; 
			sample.id = (int)(time(NULL)-timer_when_started);    

			max_log_posterior = sample.weight > max_log_posterior ? sample.weight : max_log_posterior; 

	delete [] g; 
	delete [] c;
	delete [] w; 
	delete [] iw; 
	delete [] istate;
	delete [] clambda; 
	delete [] bu; 
	delete [] bl;  
	delete [] R; 
	delete [] cJac; 
	delete [] A; 


	if_bounded = if_bounded_old; 
	return max_log_posterior; 