void ExactInf::construct() {
    // clear variable beliefs and reserve space
    _beliefsV.reserve( nrVars() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
        _beliefsV.push_back( Factor( var(i) ) );

    // clear factor beliefs and reserve space
    _beliefsF.reserve( nrFactors() );
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        _beliefsF.push_back( Factor( factor(I).vars() ) );
Factor ExactInf::belief( const VarSet &ns ) const {
    if( ns.size() == 0 )
        return Factor();
    else if( ns.size() == 1 ) {
        return beliefV( findVar( *(ns.begin()) ) );
    } else {
        size_t I;
        for( I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
            if( factor(I).vars() >> ns )
        if( I == nrFactors() )
        return beliefF(I).marginal(ns);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CBP::construct() {

	// prepare datastructures for compression
	for (size_t i=0; i<nrVars(); i++) {
		_gndVarToSuperVar[i] = i;

	for (size_t i=0; i<nrFactors(); i++) {
		_gndFacToSuperFac[i] = i;

	// create edge properties
	_edges.reserve( nrVars() );
	for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); ++i ) {
		_edges.push_back( vector<EdgeProp>() );
		_edges[i].reserve( nbV(i).size() );
		foreach( const Neighbor &I, nbV(i) ) {

			EdgeProp newEP;
			size_t edgeCount = factor(I).counts()[I.dual].size();
			newEP.message = vector<Prob>(edgeCount,Prob( var(i).states() ));
			newEP.newMessage = vector<Prob>(edgeCount,Prob( var(i).states() ));
			newEP.count = vector<int>(edgeCount);
			newEP.index = vector<ind_t>(edgeCount);
			newEP.nrPos = edgeCount;

			// simulate orginal varSet with possibly more variables, must ensure that the number of variables is equal to number of ground variables
			VarSet gndVarSet;
			size_t varCount = 0;
			foreach(const Neighbor &tmpVar, nbF(I)) {
				for(map<size_t, int>::const_iterator iter=factor(I).counts()[tmpVar.iter].begin(); iter!=factor(I).counts()[tmpVar.iter].end();iter++) {
					gndVarSet |= Var(varCount, var(tmpVar).states());

			varCount = 0;
			foreach(const Neighbor &tmpVar, nbF(I)) {
				size_t pos=0;
				for(map<size_t, int>::const_iterator iter=factor(I).counts()[tmpVar.iter].begin(); iter!=factor(I).counts()[tmpVar.iter].end();iter++,pos++) {
					if (tmpVar == i) {
						// assumes that counts are iterated in increases order of positions
						size_t sortedPos = factor(I).sigma()[(*iter).first];
						newEP.count[pos] = (*iter).second;
						newEP.index[pos].reserve( factor(I).states() );
						for( IndexFor k( Var(sortedPos, var(i).states()), gndVarSet ); k >= 0; ++k ) {
							newEP.index[pos].push_back( k );

			_edges[i].push_back( newEP );
Real ExactInf::run() {
    if( props.verbose >= 1 )
        cerr << "Starting " << identify() << "...";

    Factor P;
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        P *= factor(I);

    Real Z = P.sum();
    _logZ = std::log(Z);
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
        _beliefsV[i] = P.marginal(var(i));
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        _beliefsF[I] = P.marginal(factor(I).vars());

    if( props.verbose >= 1 )
        cerr << "finished" << endl;

    return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CFactorGraph::printDot( std::ostream &os ) const {
	os << "graph G {" << endl;
	os << "node[shape=circle,width=0.4,fixedsize=true];" << endl;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
	os << "\tv" << var(i).label() << ";" << endl;
	os << "node[shape=box,width=0.3,height=0.3,fixedsize=true];" << endl;
	for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
	os << "\tf" << I << ";" << endl;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
	foreach( const Neighbor &I, nbV(i) ) // for all neighboring factors I of i
	os << "\tv" << var(i).label() << " -- f" << I << ";" << endl;
	os << "}" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// This code has been copied from bp.cpp, except where comments indicate TRWBP-specific behaviour
Real TRWBP::logZ() const {
    Real sum = 0.0;
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ ) {
        sum += (beliefF(I) * factor(I).log(true)).sum();  // TRWBP/FBP
        sum += Weight(I) * beliefF(I).entropy();  // TRWBP/FBP
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); ++i ) {
        Real c_i = 0.0;
        bforeach( const Neighbor &I, nbV(i) )
            c_i += Weight(I);
        if( c_i != 1.0 )
            sum += (1.0 - c_i) * beliefV(i).entropy();  // TRWBP/FBP
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 7
std::vector<std::size_t> ExactInf::findMaximum() const {
    Factor P;
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        P *= factor(I);
    size_t linearState = P.p().argmax().first;

    // convert to state
    map<Var, size_t> state = calcState( P.vars(), linearState );

    // convert to desired output data structure
    vector<size_t> mapState;
    mapState.reserve( nrVars() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
        mapState.push_back( state[var(i)] );

    return mapState;
Factor ExactInf::calcMarginal( const VarSet &vs ) const {
    Factor P;
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        P *= factor(I);
    return P.marginal( vs, true );
void ExactInf::init() {
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nrVars(); i++ )
        _beliefsV[i].fill( 1.0 );
    for( size_t I = 0; I < nrFactors(); I++ )
        _beliefsF[I].fill( 1.0 );