Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: prompt.c Proyecto: ris21/yoda
/* Move text from the prompt into oblivion. */
void do_statusbar_cut_text(void)
    assert(answer != NULL);

#ifndef NANO_TINY
    if (ISSET(CUT_TO_END))
	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x);
	null_at(&answer, 0);
	statusbar_x = 0;
	statusbar_pww = statusbar_xplustabs();

    update_statusbar_line(answer, statusbar_x);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: utils.c Proyecto: sria91/nano
/* This function is equivalent to getdelim(). */
ssize_t ngetdelim(char **lineptr, size_t *n, int delim, FILE *stream)
    size_t indx = 0;
    int c;

    /* Sanity checks. */
    if (lineptr == NULL || n == NULL || stream == NULL ||
	fileno(stream) == -1) {
	errno = EINVAL;
	return -1;

    /* Allocate the line the first time. */
    if (*lineptr == NULL) {
	*lineptr = charalloc(*n);

    while ((c = getc(stream)) != EOF) {
	/* Check if more memory is needed. */
	if (indx >= *n) {
	    *n += MAX_BUF_SIZE;
	    *lineptr = charealloc(*lineptr, *n);

	/* Put the result in the line. */
	(*lineptr)[indx++] = (char)c;

	/* Bail out. */
	if (c == delim)

    /* Make room for the null character. */
    if (indx >= *n) {
	*n += MAX_BUF_SIZE;
	*lineptr = charealloc(*lineptr, *n);

    /* Null-terminate the buffer. */
    null_at(lineptr, indx++);
    *n = indx;

    /* The last line may not have the delimiter.  We have to return what
     * we got, and the error will be seen on the next iteration. */
    return (c == EOF && (indx - 1) == 0) ? -1 : indx - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: prompt.c Proyecto: ris21/yoda
/* Delete one character. */
void do_statusbar_delete(void)
    statusbar_pww = statusbar_xplustabs();

    if (answer[statusbar_x] != '\0') {
	int char_buf_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, NULL,
	size_t line_len = strlen(answer + statusbar_x);

	assert(statusbar_x < strlen(answer));

	charmove(answer + statusbar_x, answer + statusbar_x +
		char_buf_len, strlen(answer) - statusbar_x -
		char_buf_len + 1);

	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x + line_len - char_buf_len);

	update_statusbar_line(answer, statusbar_x);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: prompt.c Proyecto: ris21/yoda
/* Ask a question on the statusbar.  The prompt will be stored in the
 * static prompt, which should be NULL initially, and the answer will be
 * stored in the answer global.  Returns -1 on aborted enter, -2 on a
 * blank string, and 0 otherwise, the valid shortcut key caught.
 * curranswer is any editable text that we want to put up by default,
 * and refresh_func is the function we want to call to refresh the edit
 * window.
 * The allow_tabs parameter indicates whether we should allow tabs to be
 * interpreted.  The allow_files parameter indicates whether we should
 * allow all files (as opposed to just directories) to be tab
 * completed. */
int do_prompt(bool allow_tabs,
	bool allow_files,
	int menu, const char *curranswer,
	linestruct **history_list,
	void (*refresh_func)(void), const char *msg, ...)
    va_list ap;
    int retval;
    functionptrtype func;
    bool list = FALSE;

    /* prompt has been freed and set to NULL unless the user resized
     * while at the statusbar prompt. */

    prompt = charalloc(((COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max()) + 1);


    va_start(ap, msg);
    vsnprintf(prompt, (COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max(), msg, ap);
    null_at(&prompt, actual_x(prompt, COLS - 4));

    func = get_prompt_string(&retval, allow_tabs,

    prompt = NULL;

    /* We're done with the prompt, so save the statusbar cursor
     * position. */
    old_statusbar_x = statusbar_x;
    old_pww = statusbar_pww;

    /* If we left the prompt via Cancel or Enter, set the return value
     * properly. */
    if (func == do_cancel)
	retval = -1;
    else if (func == do_enter_void)
	retval = (*answer == '\0') ? -2 : 0;


#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "answer = \"%s\"\n", answer);

    /* If we've done tab completion, there might be a list of filename
     * matches on the edit window at this point.  Make sure that they're
     * cleared off. */
    if (list)

    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: search.c Proyecto: ris21/yoda
/* Search for a match to the bracket at the current cursor position, if
 * there is one. */
void do_find_bracket(void)
    linestruct *current_save;
    size_t current_x_save, pww_save;
    const char *ch;
	/* The location in matchbrackets of the bracket at the current
	 * cursor position. */
    int ch_len;
	/* The length of ch in bytes. */
    const char *wanted_ch;
	/* The location in matchbrackets of the bracket complementing
	 * the bracket at the current cursor position. */
    int wanted_ch_len;
	/* The length of wanted_ch in bytes. */
    char *bracket_set;
	/* The pair of characters in ch and wanted_ch. */
    size_t i;
	/* Generic loop variable. */
    size_t matchhalf;
	/* The number of single-byte characters in one half of
	 * matchbrackets. */
    size_t mbmatchhalf;
	/* The number of multibyte characters in one half of
	 * matchbrackets. */
    size_t count = 1;
	/* The initial bracket count. */
    bool reverse;
	/* The direction we search. */
    char *found_ch;
	/* The character we find. */

    assert(mbstrlen(matchbrackets) % 2 == 0);

    ch = openfile->current->data + openfile->current_x;

    if (ch == '\0' || (ch = mbstrchr(matchbrackets, ch)) == NULL) {
	statusbar(_("Not a bracket"));

    /* Save where we are. */
    current_save = openfile->current;
    current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
    pww_save = openfile->placewewant;

    /* If we're on an opening bracket, which must be in the first half
     * of matchbrackets, we want to search forwards for a closing
     * bracket.  If we're on a closing bracket, which must be in the
     * second half of matchbrackets, we want to search backwards for an
     * opening bracket. */
    matchhalf = 0;
    mbmatchhalf = mbstrlen(matchbrackets) / 2;

    for (i = 0; i < mbmatchhalf; i++)
	matchhalf += parse_mbchar(matchbrackets + matchhalf, NULL,

    reverse = ((ch - matchbrackets) >= matchhalf);

    /* If we're on an opening bracket, set wanted_ch to the character
     * that's matchhalf characters after ch.  If we're on a closing
     * bracket, set wanted_ch to the character that's matchhalf
     * characters before ch. */
    wanted_ch = ch;

    while (mbmatchhalf > 0) {
	if (reverse)
	    wanted_ch = matchbrackets + move_mbleft(matchbrackets,
		wanted_ch - matchbrackets);
	    wanted_ch += move_mbright(wanted_ch, 0);


    ch_len = parse_mbchar(ch, NULL, NULL);
    wanted_ch_len = parse_mbchar(wanted_ch, NULL, NULL);

    /* Fill bracket_set in with the values of ch and wanted_ch. */
    bracket_set = charalloc((mb_cur_max() * 2) + 1);
    strncpy(bracket_set, ch, ch_len);
    strncpy(bracket_set + ch_len, wanted_ch, wanted_ch_len);
    null_at(&bracket_set, ch_len + wanted_ch_len);

    found_ch = charalloc(mb_cur_max() + 1);

    while (TRUE) {
	if (find_bracket_match(reverse, bracket_set)) {
	    /* If we found an identical bracket, increment count.  If we
	     * found a complementary bracket, decrement it. */
	    parse_mbchar(openfile->current->data + openfile->current_x,
		found_ch, NULL);
	    count += (strncmp(found_ch, ch, ch_len) == 0) ? 1 : -1;

	    /* If count is zero, we've found a matching bracket.  Update
	     * the screen and get out. */
	    if (count == 0) {
		edit_redraw(current_save, pww_save);
	} else {
	    /* We didn't find either an opening or closing bracket.
	     * Indicate this, restore where we were, and get out. */
	    statusbar(_("No matching bracket"));
	    openfile->current = current_save;
	    openfile->current_x = current_x_save;
	    openfile->placewewant = pww_save;

    /* Clean up. */
Ejemplo n.º 6
char *display_string(const char *buf, size_t start_col, size_t len, bool dollars)
	size_t start_index;
	/* Index in buf of the first character shown. */
	size_t column;
	/* Screen column that start_index corresponds to. */
	size_t alloc_len;
	/* The length of memory allocated for converted. */
	char *converted;
	/* The string we return. */
	size_t index;
	/* Current position in converted. */
	char *buf_mb;
	int buf_mb_len;

	/* If dollars is true, make room for the "$" at the end of the
	 * line. */
	if (dollars && len > 0 && strlenpt(buf) > start_col + len) {

	if (len == 0) {
		return mallocstrcpy(NULL, "");

	buf_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());

	start_index = actual_x(buf, start_col);
	column = strnlenpt(buf, start_index);

	assert(column <= start_col);

	/* Make sure there's enough room for the initial character, whether
	 * it's a multibyte control character, a non-control multibyte
	 * character, a tab character, or a null terminator.  Rationale:
	 * multibyte control character followed by a null terminator:
	 *     1 byte ('^') + mb_cur_max() bytes + 1 byte ('\0')
	 * multibyte non-control character followed by a null terminator:
	 *     mb_cur_max() bytes + 1 byte ('\0')
	 * tab character followed by a null terminator:
	 *     mb_cur_max() bytes + (tabsize - 1) bytes + 1 byte ('\0')
	 * Since tabsize has a minimum value of 1, it can substitute for 1
	 * byte above. */
	alloc_len = (mb_cur_max() + tabsize + 1) * MAX_BUF_SIZE;
	converted = charalloc(alloc_len);

	index = 0;

	if (buf[start_index] != '\0' && buf[start_index] != '\t' && (column < start_col || (dollars && column > 0))) {
		/* We don't display all of buf[start_index] since it starts to
		 * the left of the screen. */
		buf_mb_len = parse_mbchar(buf + start_index, buf_mb, NULL);

		if (is_cntrl_mbchar(buf_mb)) {
			if (column < start_col) {
				char *ctrl_buf_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
				int ctrl_buf_mb_len, i;

				ctrl_buf_mb = control_mbrep(buf_mb, ctrl_buf_mb, &ctrl_buf_mb_len);

				for (i = 0; i < ctrl_buf_mb_len; i++) {
					converted[index++] = ctrl_buf_mb[i];

				start_col += mbwidth(ctrl_buf_mb);


				start_index += buf_mb_len;
		} else if (using_utf8() && mbwidth(buf_mb) == 2) {
			if (column >= start_col) {
				converted[index++] = ' ';

			converted[index++] = ' ';

			start_index += buf_mb_len;

	while (buf[start_index] != '\0') {
		buf_mb_len = parse_mbchar(buf + start_index, buf_mb, NULL);

		/* Make sure there's enough room for the next character, whether
		 * it's a multibyte control character, a non-control multibyte
		 * character, a tab character, or a null terminator. */
		if (index + mb_cur_max() + tabsize + 1 >= alloc_len - 1) {
			alloc_len += (mb_cur_max() + tabsize + 1) * MAX_BUF_SIZE;
			converted = charealloc(converted, alloc_len);

		/* If buf contains a tab character, interpret it. */
		if (*buf_mb == '\t') {
				int i;

				for (i = 0; i < whitespace_len[0]; i++) {
					converted[index++] = whitespace[i];
			} else {
				converted[index++] = ' ';
			while (start_col % tabsize != 0) {
				converted[index++] = ' ';
		} else if (is_cntrl_mbchar(buf_mb)) {
			/* If buf contains a control character, interpret it. */
			char *ctrl_buf_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
			int ctrl_buf_mb_len, i;

			converted[index++] = '^';

			ctrl_buf_mb = control_mbrep(buf_mb, ctrl_buf_mb, &ctrl_buf_mb_len);

			for (i = 0; i < ctrl_buf_mb_len; i++) {
				converted[index++] = ctrl_buf_mb[i];

			start_col += mbwidth(ctrl_buf_mb);

			/* If buf contains a space character, interpret it. */
		} else if (*buf_mb == ' ') {
				int i;

				for (i = whitespace_len[0]; i < whitespace_len[0] + whitespace_len[1]; i++) {
					converted[index++] = whitespace[i];
			} else {
				converted[index++] = ' ';
		} else {
			/* If buf contains a non-control character, interpret it.  If buf
			 * contains an invalid multibyte sequence, display it as such. */
			char *nctrl_buf_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
			int nctrl_buf_mb_len, i;

			/* Make sure an invalid sequence-starter byte is properly
			 * terminated, so that it doesn't pick up lingering bytes
			 * of any previous content. */
			null_at(&buf_mb, buf_mb_len);

			nctrl_buf_mb = mbrep(buf_mb, nctrl_buf_mb, &nctrl_buf_mb_len);

			for (i = 0; i < nctrl_buf_mb_len; i++) {
				converted[index++] = nctrl_buf_mb[i];

			start_col += mbwidth(nctrl_buf_mb);


		start_index += buf_mb_len;


	assert(alloc_len >= index + 1);

	/* Null-terminate converted. */
	converted[index] = '\0';

	/* Make sure converted takes up no more than len columns. */
	index = actual_x(converted, len);
	null_at(&converted, index);

	return converted;