Ejemplo n.º 1
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumHeaders = getNumHeaders();
    int totalMissing = getTotalMissing();
    int trieComplete = getTrieComplete();


    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumHeaders != newNumHeaders ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting || cachedTrieOnline != fTrieOnline ||
	cachedTotalMissing != totalMissing || cachedTrieComplete != trieComplete || cachedValidating != fValidating ||
	cachedProgress != nProgress)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumHeaders = newNumHeaders;
	cachedTotalMissing = totalMissing;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;
	cachedTrieOnline = fTrieOnline;
	cachedTrieComplete = trieComplete;
	cachedValidating = fValidating;
	cachedProgress = nProgress;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksTotal and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, newNumHeaders);

    emit bytesChanged(getTotalBytesRecv(), getTotalBytesSent());
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Get required lock upfront. This avoids the GUI from getting stuck on
    // periodical polls if the core is holding the locks for a longer time -
    // for example, during a wallet rescan.
    TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();

    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;

        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks);

    emit bytesChanged(getTotalBytesRecv(), getTotalBytesSent());
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));

    if (miningType == SoloMining)
        int newHashrate = getHashrate();
        if (cachedHashrate != newHashrate)
            emit miningChanged(miningStarted, newHashrate);
        cachedHashrate = newHashrate;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Get required lock upfront. This avoids the GUI from getting stuck on
    // periodical polls if the core is holding the locks for a longer time -
    // for example, during a wallet rescan.
    TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, newNumBlocksOfPeers);
	if (GetArg("-suppressnetworkgraph", "false") != "true")
		emit bytesChanged(getTotalBytesRecv(), getTotalBytesSent());
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.

    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    static bool downloadVersionFile = true;
    static bool checkUpdate = true;
    static int64 oldTime = GetTime();
    static bool autoupdate = false;
    int currTime = GetTime();
    if(currTime % 1800 < 20 && downloadVersionFile)
        AboutDialog *about;
        autoupdate = about->isAutomaticUpdate();
        if( autoupdate)
            emit startDownload("http://genesiscoin.info/version.ini", 2);
        oldTime = GetTime();
        downloadVersionFile = false;
    if(currTime - oldTime > 100 && currTime - oldTime <= 280 && checkUpdate && autoupdate)
        checkUpdate = false;
        BitcoinGUI *gui;
        //after download version file, check version
                emit startDownload("http://genesiscoin.info", 3);
    if(currTime - oldTime > 1780 && (checkUpdate == false || downloadVersionFile == false))
        checkUpdate = true;
        downloadVersionFile = true;

    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));
        emit numBlocksChangedOverView(newNumBlocks);
        emit currDiff(GetDifficulty());
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers)
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, newNumBlocksOfPeers);

    cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
    cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ClientModel::update()
    int newNumConnections = getNumConnections();
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    QString newStatusBar = getStatusBarWarnings();

    if(cachedNumConnections != newNumConnections)
        emit numConnectionsChanged(newNumConnections);
    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedStatusBar != newStatusBar)
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks);

    cachedNumConnections = newNumConnections;
    cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
    cachedStatusBar = newStatusBar;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ClientModel::updateAlert(const QString &hash, int status)
    // Show error message notification for new alert
    if(status == CT_NEW)
        uint256 hash_256;
        CAlert alert = CAlert::getAlertByHash(hash_256);
            emit error(tr("Network Alert"), QString::fromStdString(alert.strStatusBar), false);

    // Emit a numBlocksChanged when the status message changes,
    // so that the view recomputes and updates the status bar.
    emit numBlocksChanged(getNumBlocks(), getNumBlocksOfPeers());
Ejemplo n.º 10
int ClientModel::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: numConnectionsChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 1: numBlocksChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break;
        case 2: miningChanged((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break;
        case 3: error((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[3]))); break;
        case 4: updateTimer(); break;
        case 5: updateNumConnections((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 6: updateAlert((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break;
        default: ;
        _id -= 7;
    return _id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers)
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, newNumBlocksOfPeers);

    cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
    cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;

    // Only need to update if solo mining. When pool mining, stats are pushed.
    if (miningType == SoloMining)
        int newHashrate = getHashrate();
        if (cachedHashrate != newHashrate)
            emit miningChanged(miningStarted, newHashrate);
        cachedHashrate = newHashrate;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));

    emit bytesChanged(getTotalBytesRecv(), getTotalBytesSent());
Ejemplo n.º 13
void ClientModel::update()
    int newNumConnections = getNumConnections();
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();

    if(cachedNumConnections != newNumConnections)
        emit numConnectionsChanged(newNumConnections);
    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks)
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks);

    cachedNumConnections = newNumConnections;
    cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;

    // Only need to update if solo mining. When pool mining, stats are pushed.
    if (miningType == SoloMining)
        int newHashrate = getHashrate();
        if (cachedHashrate != newHashrate)
            emit miningChanged(miningStarted, newHashrate);
        cachedHashrate = newHashrate;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ClientModel::update()
    int newNumConnections = getNumConnections();
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    QString newStatusBar = getStatusBarWarnings();

    if(cachedNumConnections != newNumConnections)
        emit numConnectionsChanged(newNumConnections);
    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedStatusBar != newStatusBar)
        // Simply emit a numBlocksChanged for now in case the status message changes,
        // so that the view updates the status bar.
        // TODO: It should send a notification.
        //    (However, this might generate looped notifications and needs to be thought through and tested carefully)
        //    error(tr("Network Alert"), newStatusBar);
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks);

    cachedNumConnections = newNumConnections;
    cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
    cachedStatusBar = newStatusBar;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Get required lock upfront. This avoids the GUI from getting stuck on
    // periodical polls if the core is holding the locks for a longer time -
    // for example, during a wallet rescan.
    TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    if(cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));
    emit bytesChanged(getTotalBytesRecv(), getTotalBytesSent());
Ejemplo n.º 16
void ClientModel::updateTimer()
    // Some quantities (such as number of blocks) change so fast that we don't want to be notified for each change.
    // Periodically check and update with a timer.
    //      Некоторые количества (например, количество блоков) изменаются так быстро, что мы не хотим получать уведомления для каждого изменения.
    //      Периодически проверять и обновлять с помощью таймера.
    int newNumBlocks = getNumBlocks();
    int newNumBlocksOfPeers = getNumBlocksOfPeers();

    // check for changed number of blocks we have, number of blocks peers claim to have, reindexing state and importing state
    //      проверить изменения количества блоков которые мы имеем, количество блоков имеющихся у пиров, переиндексации состояния и импортирование состояния
    if (cachedNumBlocks != newNumBlocks || cachedNumBlocksOfPeers != newNumBlocksOfPeers ||
        cachedReindexing != fReindex || cachedImporting != fImporting)
        cachedNumBlocks = newNumBlocks;
        cachedNumBlocksOfPeers = newNumBlocksOfPeers;
        cachedReindexing = fReindex;
        cachedImporting = fImporting;

        // ensure we return the maximum of newNumBlocksOfPeers and newNumBlocks to not create weird displays in the GUI
        //      Чтобы убедиться, что мы вернуть максимум newNumBlocksOfPeers и newNumBlocks чтобы не создавать странное отображение в GUI
        emit numBlocksChanged(newNumBlocks, std::max(newNumBlocksOfPeers, newNumBlocks));