Ejemplo n.º 1
void BezierCurve::calculateCage(unsigned seg, Vector3F *p) const
	if(seg == 0) p[0] = m_cvs[0];
	else p[0] = (m_cvs[seg] * 2.f + m_cvs[seg - 1] + m_cvs[seg + 1]) * .25f;

	if(seg >= numSegments() - 1) p[3] = m_cvs[numSegments()];
	else p[3] = (m_cvs[seg + 1] * 2.f + m_cvs[seg] + m_cvs[seg + 2]) * .25f;

	p[1] = (m_cvs[seg + 1] * 0.5f + m_cvs[seg] * 0.5f) * .5f + p[0] * .5f;
	p[2] = (m_cvs[seg] * 0.5f + m_cvs[seg + 1] * 0.5f) * .5f + p[3] * .5f;
// Count signaling compts, also subdivide for long dend compts.
void SigNeur::assignSignalingCompts()
	numSoma_ = 0;
	numDend_ = 0;
	numSpine_ = 0;
	numNeck_ = 0;
	for ( vector< TreeNode >::iterator i = tree_.begin(); 
		i != tree_.end(); ++i ) {
		if ( i->category == SOMA ) {
			unsigned int ns = numSegments( i->compt, lambda_ );
			i->sigStart = numSoma_;
			i->sigEnd = numSoma_ = numSoma_ + ns;
		} else if ( i->category == DEND ) {
			unsigned int ns = numSegments( i->compt, lambda_ );
			i->sigStart = numDend_;
			i->sigEnd = numDend_ = numDend_ + ns;
			// cout << " " << numSegments;
		} else if ( i->category == SPINE ) {
			i->sigStart = numSpine_;
			i->sigEnd = ++numSpine_;
		} else if ( i->category == SPINE_NECK ) {
	// cout << endl;
	// Now reposition the indices for the dends and spines, depending on
	// the numerical methods.
	// if ( dendMethod_ == "rk5" && somaMethod_ == dendMethod_ ) {
		for ( vector< TreeNode >::iterator i = tree_.begin(); 
				i != tree_.end(); ++i ) {
			if ( i->category == DEND ) {
				i->sigStart += numSoma_;
				i->sigEnd += numSoma_;
	// }
	// if ( dendMethod_ == "rk5" && spineMethod_ == dendMethod_ ) {
		unsigned int offset = numSoma_ + numDend_;
		for ( vector< TreeNode >::iterator i = tree_.begin(); 
				i != tree_.end(); ++i ) {
			if ( i->category == SPINE ) {
				i->sigStart += offset;
				i->sigEnd += offset;
	// }
//	reportTree();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void idCameraDef::getActiveSegmentInfo(int segment, idVec3 &origin, idVec3 &direction, float *fov) {
#if 0
	if (!cameraSpline.validTime()) {
	double d = (double)segment / numSegments();
	getCameraInfo(d * totalTime * 1000, origin, direction, fov);
	if (!cameraSpline.validTime()) {
	origin = *cameraSpline.getSegmentPoint(segment);

	idVec3 temp;

	int numTargets = getTargetSpline()->controlPoints.Num();
	int count = cameraSpline.splineTime.Num();
	if (numTargets == 0) {
		// follow the path
		if (cameraSpline.getActiveSegment() < count - 1) {
			temp = *cameraSpline.splinePoints[cameraSpline.getActiveSegment()+1];
	} else if (numTargets == 1) {
		temp = *getTargetSpline()->controlPoints[0];
	} else {
		temp = *getTargetSpline()->getSegmentPoint(segment);

	temp -= origin;
	direction = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
const BoundingBox BezierCurve::calculateBBox() const
	BoundingBox b;
	const unsigned ns = numSegments();
    for(unsigned i=0; i < ns; i++)
	return b;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Vector3F BezierCurve::interpolate(float param) const
	unsigned seg = segmentByParameter(param);
	Vector3F p[4];
	calculateCage(seg, p);
	float t = param * numSegments() - seg;
	return calculateBezierPoint(t, p);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void BezierCurve::getSegmentSpline(unsigned i, BezierSpline & spline) const
	unsigned v[4];
	v[0] = i-1;
	v[1] = i;
	v[2] = i+1;
	v[3] = i+2;
	if(i==0) v[0] = 0;
	if(i==numSegments()-1) v[3] = i+1;
	if(i==0) spline.cv[0] = m_cvs[v[0]];
	else spline.cv[0] = m_cvs[v[0]] * .25f + m_cvs[v[1]] * .5f + m_cvs[v[2]] * .25f ;
	spline.cv[1] = spline.cv[0] * .5f + m_cvs[v[1]] * .25f + m_cvs[v[2]] * .25f;
	if(i==numSegments()-1) spline.cv[3] = m_cvs[v[3]];
	else spline.cv[3] = m_cvs[v[1]] * .25f + m_cvs[v[2]] * .5f + m_cvs[v[3]] * .25f ;
	spline.cv[2] = spline.cv[3] * .5f + m_cvs[v[1]] * .25f + m_cvs[v[2]] * .25f;
Ejemplo n.º 7
float BezierCurve::length() const
	float sum = 0.f;
	const unsigned ns = numSegments();
	BezierSpline sp;
    for(unsigned i=0; i < ns; i++) {
		getSegmentSpline(i, sp);
		sum += splineLength(sp);
	return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 8
float BezierCurve::distanceToPoint(const Vector3F & toP, Vector3F & closestP) const
    float minD = 1e8;
    const unsigned ns = numSegments();
    for(unsigned i=0; i < ns; i++) {
        BezierSpline sp;
        getSegmentSpline(i, sp);   
        distanceToPoint(sp, toP, minD, closestP);
    return minD;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool BezierCurve::intersectBox(const BoundingBox & box)
    BoundingBox ab = calculateBBox();

    if(!ab.intersect(box)) return false;
	const unsigned ns = numSegments();
    for(unsigned i=0; i < ns; i++) {
        BezierSpline sp;
        getSegmentSpline(i, sp);   
        if(intersectBox(sp, box)) return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool BezierCurve::intersectTetrahedron(const Vector3F * tet)
    BoundingBox tbox;
    BoundingBox ab = calculateBBox();

    if(!ab.intersect(tbox)) return false;
	const unsigned ns = numSegments();
    for(unsigned i=0; i < ns; i++) {
        BezierSpline sp;
        getSegmentSpline(i, sp);   
        if(intersectTetrahedron(sp, tet, tbox)) return true;
	return false;