Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Find the value of a variable.
 * @param *name name of variable to find
 * @return pointer to requested tuple struct
char *nvramGet(char *name)
    struct nvram_tuple *tuple;
    uint hash;

    if (OK != nvramInit() || NULL == name)
        return NULL;

    /* hash the name */
    hash = nvramHash(name);

    /* iterate until name == name */
    tuple = nvram_tuples[hash];
    while ((tuple != NULL) &&
           (strncmp(name, tuple->pair, strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX)) != 0))
        tuple = tuple->next;

    /* make sure a valid string was found, if not return NULL */
    if (NULL == tuple)
        return NULL;

    /* return pointer to start of value name=value pair */
    return tuple->pair + strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * xsh_nvram  -  shell command to list all items in NVRAM (Flash) or to
 *			display one item
shellcmd xsh_nvram(int nargs, char *args[])
	char	*value;			/* value to print		*/
	uint16	n;			/* iterates through items	*/
	uint16	count;			/* counts items found		*/
	struct nvram_tuple *tuple;

	/* insure nvram can be initialized */

	if (nvramInit() == SYSERR) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: device does not appear to have nvram.\n");
		return 1;

	/* For argument '--help', emit help about the 'nvram' command	*/

	if (nargs == 2 && strncmp(args[1], "--help", 7) == 0) {
		printf("Use: %s OPTION \n\n", args[0]);
		printf("%s,%s\n", "\tDisplays a list of items in NVRAM ",
				"or the value of an item");
		printf("\tlist\t\t\tdisplay all <NAME>=<VALUE> tuples\n");
		printf("\tget <NAME>\t\tdisplay the value of <NAME>\n");
		printf("\t--help\t display this help and exit\n");
		return 0;

	if ( (nargs==2) && (strncmp(args[1], "list", 5)==0) ) {
		count = 0;
		for (n = 0; n < NVRAM_NHASH; n++) {
			tuple = nvram_tuples[n];
			if (tuple == NULL) {
			do {
				printf("%s\n", tuple->pair);
			} while ((tuple = tuple->next) != NULL);
		printf("%d pairs occupt %d bytes (%d bytes remain unused)\n",
			   count, nvram_header->length,
			   NVRAM_SIZE - nvram_header->length);
			return 0;
	} else if ( (nargs == 3) && (strncmp(args[1], "get", 4) == 0) ) {
		value = nvramGet(args[2]);
		if (value != 0) {
			printf("%s\n", nvramGet(args[2]));
			return 0;
		} else {
			fprintf(stderr, "error: no NVRAM binding\n");
			return 1;
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: incorrect arguments\n", args[0]);
	fprintf(stderr, "Try '%s --help' for more information\n",
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Remove a setting from nvram.
 * @param *name name to remove from nvram settings
 * @return OK on success, SYSERR on failure
devcall nvramUnset(char *name)
    struct nvram_tuple *tuple, *prev;
    long index;
    uint length;

    if (OK != nvramInit())
        return SYSERR;

    /* find the pointer to the pair */
    if (SYSERR == (index = nvramHash(name)))
        return SYSERR;

    tuple = prev = nvram_tuples[index];

    while (tuple != NULL &&
           strncmp(tuple->pair, name, strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX)))
        prev = tuple;
        tuple = tuple->next;

    if (NULL == tuple)
        return SYSERR;

    if (nvram_tuples[index] == tuple)
        nvram_tuples[index] = tuple->next;
        prev->next = tuple->next;

    /* decrease length of nvram variables in header */
    length = strnlen(tuple->pair, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
    nvram_header->length -= length;

    /* free memory node */
    if (SYSERR == memfree((void *)tuple, length))
        return SYSERR;

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Change the variable name to value. If name does not exist, create it,
 * otherwise replace the old value with the new.
 * @param *name  name to modify
 * @param *value value to set name
 * @return OK on successful change, SYSERR on failure
devcall nvramSet(char *name, char *value)
    struct nvram_tuple *tuple;
    ulong length, offset;

    if (OK != nvramInit())
        return SYSERR;

    length = sizeof(struct nvram_tuple) + strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX)
        + 1 + strnlen(value, NVRAM_STRMAX);

    /* check if name is already defined somewhere */
    /* if so unset, so we can reset */
    if (nvramGet(name) != NULL)

    /* get enough space for both to be rounded up with \0 stored */
    if (NULL == (tuple = (struct nvram_tuple *)memget(length)))
        return SYSERR;

    /* copy name into memory */
    offset = 0;
    strncpy(tuple->pair, name, strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX));
    offset += strnlen(name, NVRAM_STRMAX);
    strncpy(tuple->pair + offset, "=", 1);
    offset += 1;
    strncpy(tuple->pair + offset, value, strnlen(value, NVRAM_STRMAX));
    offset += strnlen(value, NVRAM_STRMAX);
    strncpy(tuple->pair + offset, "\0", 1);

    /* store pointer to name in nvram_tuple struct */

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Intializes all Xinu data structures and devices.
 * @return OK if everything is initialized successfully
static int sysinit(void)
    int i;
    struct thrent *thrptr;      /* thread control block pointer  */
    struct memblock *pmblock;   /* memory block pointer          */

    /* Initialize system variables */
    /* Count this NULLTHREAD as the first thread in the system. */
    thrcount = 1;

    /* Initialize free memory list */
    memheap = roundmb(memheap);
    platform.maxaddr = truncmb(platform.maxaddr);
    memlist.next = pmblock = (struct memblock *)memheap;
    memlist.length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);
    pmblock->next = NULL;
    pmblock->length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);

    /* Initialize thread table */
    for (i = 0; i < NTHREAD; i++)
        thrtab[i].state = THRFREE;

    /* initialize null thread entry */
    thrptr = &thrtab[NULLTHREAD];
    thrptr->state = THRCURR;
    thrptr->prio = 0;
    strlcpy(thrptr->name, "prnull", TNMLEN);
    thrptr->stkbase = (void *)&_end;
    thrptr->stklen = (ulong)memheap - (ulong)&_end;
    thrptr->stkptr = 0;
    thrptr->memlist.next = NULL;
    thrptr->memlist.length = 0;
    thrcurrent = NULLTHREAD;

    /* Initialize semaphores */
    for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++)
        semtab[i].state = SFREE;
        semtab[i].queue = queinit();

    /* Initialize monitors */
    for (i = 0; i < NMON; i++)
        montab[i].state = MFREE;

    /* Initialize buffer pools */
    for (i = 0; i < NPOOL; i++)
        bfptab[i].state = BFPFREE;

    /* initialize thread ready list */
    readylist = queinit();

#if SB_BUS
#endif                          /* SB_BUS */

    /* initialize real time clock */
#endif                          /* RTCLOCK */

    /* Initialize user memory manager */
        void *userheap;             /* pointer to user memory heap   */
        userheap = stkget(UHEAP_SIZE);
        if (SYSERR != (int)userheap)
            userheap = (void *)((uint)userheap - UHEAP_SIZE + sizeof(int));
            memRegionInit(userheap, UHEAP_SIZE);

            /* initialize memory protection */

            /* initialize kernel page mappings */

    /* initialize TLB */
    /* register system call handler */
    exceptionVector[EXC_SYS] = syscall_entry;
#endif                          /* USE_TLB */

    /* intialize mailboxes */

    for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++)

#ifdef WITH_USB



#if GPIO
    return OK;
static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	maxheap = (void *)addressp2k(MAXADDR);

	memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)minheap;

	/* Overlay memblk structure on free memory and set fields */

	memptr = (struct memblk *)minheap;
	memptr->mnext = NULL;
	memptr->mlength = memlist.mlength = (uint32)(maxheap - minheap);

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = minheap;
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize real time clock */


	/* Initialize non-volative RAM storage */
#if 0

	/* Initialize devices */

	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Commit nvram settings to memory. Due to the nature of nvram settings
 * writing to memory everytime would greatly reduce the life of flash, so
 * after making changes you must commit them to memory.
 * @return OK on success, SYSERR on failure
devcall nvramCommit()
    struct dentry *devptr = NULL;
    struct flash *flash = NULL;
    struct nvram_tuple *tuple;
    struct flash_block block, test_block;
    uchar *buffer;
    ulong n, offset, pos;

    if (OK != nvramInit())
        return SYSERR;

    devptr = (device *)&devtab[FLASH];
    if (NULL == devptr)
        return SYSERR;
    flash = &flashtab[devptr->minor];

    /* length is maintained length + 2 (null string buffers) */
    /* and + 3 & ~0x03 to force word alignment               */
    nvram_header->length = (nvram_header->length + 2 + 3) & ~0x03;

    /* prepare a buffer to store all settings in */
    buffer = (uchar *)memget(nvram_header->length);
    if (SYSERR == (int)buffer)
        return SYSERR;
    bzero(buffer, nvram_header->length);

    /* clear header crc */
    nvram_header->crc_ver_init &= ~NVRAM_CRC_MASK;

    /* copy header into block */
    memcpy(buffer, nvram_header, sizeof(struct nvram_header));
    offset = sizeof(struct nvram_header);

    /* start at offset in block and write byte for byte */
    for (n = 0; n < NVRAM_NHASH; n++)
        tuple = nvram_tuples[n];
        if (NULL == tuple)
            /* copy tuple into buffer */
            memcpy(buffer + offset, tuple->pair,
                   strnlen(tuple->pair, NVRAM_STRMAX));
            /* next position + 1 for null-terminiation */
            offset += strnlen(tuple->pair, NVRAM_STRMAX) + 1;
            /* optionally, free the tuple memory */
            //memfree((void *)tuple);
        while ((tuple = tuple->next) != NULL);

    /* calculate crc */
    nvram_header->crc_ver_init |= ((uchar)nvramCrc(buffer));

    /* write new crc into block */
    memcpy(buffer, nvram_header, sizeof(struct nvram_header));

    /* to maintain data integrity check if the last block is being used */
    block = logicalMap(flash, NVRAM_MIN_BLOCK);

    for (n = 0; n < MAX_LIVE_BLOCKS; n++)
        pos = (flash->curr_block + n) % MAX_LIVE_BLOCKS;
        test_block = flash->erase_blocks[pos];
        if (test_block.start_pos == block.start_pos)
            if (FLASH_BLOCK_FREE != block.state)
                block = test_block;

    if (MAX_LIVE_BLOCKS <= n)
        /* it is not cached in main memory */
        /* evict a block */
        physicalWrite(flash, &(flash->erase_blocks[flash->curr_block]));
        block.state = FLASH_BLOCK_FREE;
        /* read in block with nvram settings */
        physicalRead(flash, &block);

    /* write the settings */
    offset = block.size - NVRAM_SIZE;
    memcpy(block.buffer + offset, buffer, nvram_header->length);
    block.state = FLASH_BLOCK_DIRTY;
    /* force a sync */
    control(FLASH, FLASH_SYNC, FLASH_BLOCK, (long)&block);
    /* finally, free the block and return */
    memfree((void *)buffer, nvram_header->length);

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Intializes all Xinu data structures and devices.
 * @return OK if everything is initialized successfully
static int sysinit(void)
    int i;
    void *userheap;             /* pointer to user memory heap   */
    struct thrent *thrptr;      /* thread control block pointer  */
    device *devptr;             /* device entry pointer          */
    struct sement *semptr;      /* semaphore entry pointer       */
    struct memblock *pmblock;   /* memory block pointer          */
    struct bfpentry *bfpptr;

    /* Initialize system variables */
    /* Count this NULLTHREAD as the first thread in the system. */
    thrcount = 1;

    kprintf("variable i in this function is at 0x%x\r\n", &i);
    kprintf("this function sysinit is at 0x%x\r\n", &sysinit);
    kprintf("_start is at 0x%x\r\n", _start);
    kprintf("_end is at (the end) at 0x%x\r\n", &_end);
    kprintf("readylist is at 0x%x\r\n", &readylist);
    kprintf("kputc is at 0x%x\r\n", &kputc);
    kprintf("NTHREAD is %d\r\n", NTHREAD);

    kprintf("memheap is 0x%x\r\n", memheap);

    /* Initialize free memory list */
    memheap = roundmb(memheap);
    platform.maxaddr = truncmb(platform.maxaddr);
    kprintf("platform.maxaddr is 0x%x\r\n", platform.maxaddr);
    memlist.next = pmblock = (struct memblock *)memheap;
    memlist.length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);
    pmblock->next = NULL;
    pmblock->length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);

    /* Initialize thread table */
    for (i = 0; i < NTHREAD; i++)
        thrtab[i].state = THRFREE;
    kprintf("thrtab is at 0x%x, size %d\r\n", thrtab, sizeof(thrtab));

    /* initialize null thread entry */
    thrptr = &thrtab[NULLTHREAD];
    thrptr->state = THRCURR;
    thrptr->prio = 0;
    strncpy(thrptr->name, "prnull", 7);
    thrptr->stkbase = (void *)&_end;
    thrptr->stklen = (ulong)memheap - (ulong)&_end;
    thrptr->stkptr = 0;
    thrptr->memlist.next = NULL;
    thrptr->memlist.length = 0;
    thrcurrent = NULLTHREAD;

    kprintf("&_end is 0x%x\n", &_end);

    /* Initialize semaphores */
    for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++)
        semptr = &semtab[i];
        semptr->state = SFREE;
        semptr->count = 0;
        semptr->queue = queinit();

    kprintf("NPOOL is %d\n", NPOOL);

    /* Initialize buffer pools */
    for (i = 0; i < NPOOL; i++)
        bfpptr = &bfptab[i];
        bfpptr->state = BFPFREE;
    kprintf("calling queinit() for readylist\r\n");

    /* initialize thread ready list */
    readylist = queinit();

#if SB_BUS
#endif                          /* SB_BUS */

    /* initialize real time clock */
    kprintf("Clock being initialized.\r\n" );
#endif                          /* RTCLOCK */

    /* Initialize user memory manager */
    userheap = stkget(UHEAP_SIZE);
    if (SYSERR != (int)userheap)
        userheap = (void *)((uint)userheap - UHEAP_SIZE + sizeof(int));
        memRegionInit(userheap, UHEAP_SIZE);

        /* initialize memory protection */

        /* initialize kernel page mappings */
    userheap = NULL;
#endif                          /* UHEAP_SIZE */

    /* initialize TLB */
    /* register system call handler */
    exceptionVector[EXC_SYS] = syscall_entry;
#endif                          /* USE_TLB */

    /* intialize mailboxes */

    for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++)
        if (!isbaddev(i))
            devptr = (device *)&devtab[i];
            (devptr->init) (devptr);
#if 0
    kprintf("SO MUCH MORE NOT done with sysinit()\r\n");
    kprintf("NOT done with sysinit()\r\n");
#if GPIO
    kprintf("done with sysinit()\r\n");

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	dentry	*devptr;	/* ptr to device table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	maxheap = (void *)addressp2k(MAXADDR);

	memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)minheap;

	/* Overlay memblk structure on free memory and set fields */

	memptr = (struct memblk *)minheap;
	memptr->mnext = NULL;
	memptr->mlength = memlist.mlength = (uint32)(maxheap - minheap);

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = minheap;
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize real time clock */


	/* Initialize non-volative RAM storage */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
		if (! isbaddev(i)) {
			devptr = (struct dentry *) &devtab[i];
			(devptr->dvinit) (devptr);
	 * Initialize the last two entries in lflcblk used for
	 * directory manipulation.
	struct dentry dircblk;
	dircblk.dvminor = Nlfl;
	dircblk.dvminor = Nlfl+1;
	lfDirCblkMutex = semcreate(1);


	/* Create a process to handle network packets */
	resume((create(netin, 8192, 500, "netin", 0)) );
