Ejemplo n.º 1
int OGROCISession::EstablishSession( const char *pszUserid, 
                                     const char *pszPassword,
                                     const char *pszDatabase )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Operational Systems's authentication option                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ub4 eCred = OCI_CRED_RDBMS;

    if( EQUAL(pszDatabase, "") &&
        EQUAL(pszPassword, "") &&
        EQUAL(pszUserid, "/") )
        eCred = OCI_CRED_EXT;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Environment handler                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIInitialize((ub4) (OCI_DEFAULT | OCI_OBJECT), (dvoid *)0,
                (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, size_t)) 0,
                (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *, size_t))0,
                (void (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *)) 0 ) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIEnvInit( (OCIEnv **) &hEnv, OCI_DEFAULT, (size_t) 0,
                (dvoid **) 0 ) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hError,
                OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Server Context                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hServer,
                OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hSvcCtx,
                OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIServerAttach( hServer, hError, (text*) pszDatabase,
                strlen((char*) pszDatabase), 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Service Context                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet( (dvoid *) hSvcCtx, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (dvoid *)hServer,
                (ub4) 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, (OCIError *) hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **)&hSession,
                (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                (dvoid *) pszUserid, (ub4) strlen((char *) pszUserid),
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                (dvoid *) pszPassword, (ub4) strlen((char *) pszPassword),
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Session                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCISessionBegin(hSvcCtx, hError, hSession, eCred,
                (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT) ) )
        CPLDebug("OCI", "OCISessionBegin() failed to intialize session");
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Service                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSvcCtx, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                (dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) 0,
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_SESSION, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a describe handle.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( 
        OCIHandleAlloc( hEnv, (dvoid **) &hDescribe, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, 
                        (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0 ), 
        "OCIHandleAlloc(Describe)" ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY type object.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* If we have no MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY then we consider we are
        working along with the VRT driver and access non spatial tables.
        See #2202 for more details (Tamas Szekeres)*/
    if (OCIDescribeAny(hSvcCtx, hError, 
                       (text *) SDO_GEOMETRY, (ub4) strlen(SDO_GEOMETRY), 
                       OCI_OTYPE_NAME, (ub1) OCI_DEFAULT, (ub1)OCI_PTYPE_TYPE,
                       hDescribe ) != OCI_ERROR)
        hGeometryTDO = PinTDO( SDO_GEOMETRY );
        if( hGeometryTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY type object.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hOrdinatesTDO = PinTDO( "MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY" );
        if( hOrdinatesTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY type object.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hElemInfoTDO = PinTDO( "MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY" );
        if( hElemInfoTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Record information about the session.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    this->pszUserid = CPLStrdup(pszUserid);
    this->pszPassword = CPLStrdup(pszPassword);
    this->pszDatabase = CPLStrdup(pszDatabase);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setting upt the OGR compatible time formating rules.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGROCIStatement     oSetNLSTimeFormat( this );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int OGROCISession::EstablishSession( const char *pszUseridIn,
                                     const char *pszPasswordIn,
                                     const char *pszDatabaseIn )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Operational Systems's authentication option                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ub4 eCred = OCI_CRED_RDBMS;

    if( EQUAL(pszDatabaseIn, "") &&
        EQUAL(pszPasswordIn, "") &&
        EQUAL(pszUseridIn, "/") )
        eCred = OCI_CRED_EXT;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Environment handler                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIInitialize((ub4) (OCI_DEFAULT | OCI_OBJECT), (dvoid *)0,
                (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, size_t)) 0,
                (dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *, size_t))0,
                (void (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *)) 0 ) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIEnvInit( (OCIEnv **) &hEnv, OCI_DEFAULT, (size_t) 0,
                (dvoid **) 0 ) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hError,
                OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Server Context                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hServer,
                OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **) &hSvcCtx,
                OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIServerAttach( hServer, hError, (text*) pszDatabaseIn,
                static_cast<int>(strlen((char*) pszDatabaseIn)), 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Service Context                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet( (dvoid *) hSvcCtx, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (dvoid *)hServer,
                (ub4) 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, (OCIError *) hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) hEnv, (dvoid **)&hSession,
                (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                (dvoid *) pszUseridIn, (ub4) strlen((char *) pszUseridIn),
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                (dvoid *) pszPasswordIn, (ub4) strlen((char *) pszPasswordIn),
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Session                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCISessionBegin(hSvcCtx, hError, hSession, eCred,
                (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT) ) )
        CPLDebug("OCI", "OCISessionBegin() failed to initialize session");
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize Service                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed( OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) hSvcCtx, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                (dvoid *) hSession, (ub4) 0,
                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_SESSION, hError) ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a describe handle.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( Failed(
        OCIHandleAlloc( hEnv, (dvoid **) &hDescribe, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
                        (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0 ),
        "OCIHandleAlloc(Describe)" ) )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY type object.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* If we have no MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY then we consider we are
        working along with the VRT driver and access non spatial tables.
        See #2202 for more details (Tamas Szekeres)*/
    if (OCIDescribeAny(hSvcCtx, hError,
                       (text *) SDO_GEOMETRY, (ub4) strlen(SDO_GEOMETRY),
                       OCI_OTYPE_NAME, (ub1) OCI_DEFAULT, (ub1)OCI_PTYPE_TYPE,
                       hDescribe ) != OCI_ERROR)
        hGeometryTDO = PinTDO( SDO_GEOMETRY );
        if( hGeometryTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY type object.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hOrdinatesTDO = PinTDO( "MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY" );
        if( hOrdinatesTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY type object.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        hElemInfoTDO = PinTDO( "MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY" );
        if( hElemInfoTDO == NULL )
            return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Record information about the session.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszUserid = CPLStrdup(pszUseridIn);
    pszPassword = CPLStrdup(pszPasswordIn);
    pszDatabase = CPLStrdup(pszDatabaseIn);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get server version information                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    char szVersionTxt[256];

    OCIServerVersion( hSvcCtx, hError, (text*) szVersionTxt, 
                    (ub4) sizeof(szVersionTxt), (ub1) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX );

    char** papszNameValue = CSLTokenizeString2( szVersionTxt, " .", 
                                                CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES );

    int count = CSLCount( papszNameValue);

    for( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if( EQUAL(papszNameValue[i], "Release") )
            if( i + 1 < count )
                nServerVersion = atoi(papszNameValue[i + 1]);
            if( i + 2 < count )
                nServerRelease = atoi(papszNameValue[i + 2]);

    CPLDebug("OCI", "From '%s' :", szVersionTxt);
    CPLDebug("OCI", "Version:%d", nServerVersion);
    CPLDebug("OCI", "Release:%d", nServerRelease);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set maximun name length (before 12.2 ? 30 : 128)                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( nServerVersion >= 12 && nServerRelease >= 2 )
        nMaxNameLength = 128;

    CPLFree( papszNameValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setting up the OGR compatible time formatting rules.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGROCIStatement oSetNLSTimeFormat( this );
        NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '. '" ) != CE_None )
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    return TRUE;