Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: eh.c Proyecto: nischu7/dmd
symbol *except_gentables()

    // BUG: alloca() changes the stack size, which is not reflected
    // in the fixed eh tables.

    symbol *s = symbol_generate(SCstatic,tsint);
    s->Sseg = UNKNOWN;


    outdata(s);                 // output the scope table

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: eh.c Proyecto: Geod24/dnet
symbol *except_gentables()
    symbol *s;
    int sz;			// size so far
    dt_t **pdt;
    unsigned fsize;		// target size of function pointer
    long spoff;
    block *b;
    int guarddim;
    int i;

    // BUG: alloca() changes the stack size, which is not reflected
    // in the fixed eh tables.

    s = symbol_generate(SCstatic,tsint);
    s->Sseg = UNKNOWN;

    fsize = 4;
    pdt = &s->Sdt;
    sz = 0;

	void*		pointer to start of function
	unsigned	offset of ESP from EBP
	unsigned	offset from start of function to return code
	unsigned nguards;	// dimension of guard[]
	{   unsigned offset;	// offset of start of guarded section
	    unsigned endoffset;	// ending offset of guarded section
	    int last_index;	// previous index (enclosing guarded section)
	    unsigned catchoffset;	// offset to catch block from symbol
	    void *finally;	// finally code to execute
	} guard[];
	unsigned ncatches;	// number of catch blocks
	{   void *type;		// symbol representing type
	    unsigned bpoffset;	// EBP offset of catch variable
	    void *handler;	// catch handler code
	} catch[];
#define GUARD_SIZE	5	// number of 4 byte values in one guard

    sz = 0;

    // Address of start of function
    pdt = dtxoff(pdt,funcsym_p,0,TYnptr);
    sz += fsize;

    //printf("ehtables: func = %s, offset = x%x, startblock->Boffset = x%x\n", funcsym_p->Sident, funcsym_p->Soffset, startblock->Boffset);

    // Get offset of ESP from EBP
    spoff = cod3_spoff();
    pdt = dtdword(pdt,spoff);
    sz += 4;

    // Offset from start of function to return code
    pdt = dtdword(pdt,retoffset);
    sz += 4;

    // First, calculate starting catch offset
    guarddim = 0;				// max dimension of guard[]
    for (b = startblock; b; b = b->Bnext)
	if (b->BC == BC_try && b->Bscope_index >= guarddim)
	    guarddim = b->Bscope_index + 1;
//	printf("b->BC = %2d, Bscope_index = %2d, last_index = %2d, offset = x%x\n",
//		b->BC, b->Bscope_index, b->Blast_index, b->Boffset);

    pdt = dtdword(pdt,guarddim);
    sz += 4;

    unsigned catchoffset = sz + guarddim * (GUARD_SIZE * 4);

    // Generate guard[]
    i = 0;
    for (b = startblock; b; b = b->Bnext)
	//printf("b = %p, b->Btry = %p, b->offset = %x\n", b, b->Btry, b->Boffset);
	if (b->BC == BC_try)
	{   dt_t *dt;
	    block *bhandler;
	    int nsucc;
	    unsigned endoffset;
	    block *bn;

	    assert(b->Bscope_index >= i);
	    if (i < b->Bscope_index)
	    {	int fillsize = (b->Bscope_index - i) * (GUARD_SIZE * 4);
		pdt = dtnzeros(pdt, fillsize);
		sz += fillsize;
	    i = b->Bscope_index + 1;

	    nsucc = list_nitems(b->Bsucc);
	    pdt = dtdword(pdt,b->Boffset - startblock->Boffset);	// offset to start of block

	    // Compute ending offset
	    for (bn = b->Bnext; 1; bn = bn->Bnext)
		//printf("\tbn = %p, bn->Btry = %p, bn->offset = %x\n", bn, bn->Btry, bn->Boffset);
		if (bn->Btry == b->Btry)
		{    endoffset = bn->Boffset - startblock->Boffset;
	    pdt = dtdword(pdt,endoffset);		// offset past end of guarded block

	    pdt = dtdword(pdt,b->Blast_index);		// parent index

	    if (b->jcatchvar)				// if try-catch
		pdt = dtdword(pdt,catchoffset);
		pdt = dtdword(pdt,0);			// no finally handler

		catchoffset += 4 + (nsucc - 1) * (3 * 4);
	    else					// else try-finally
		assert(nsucc == 2);
		pdt = dtdword(pdt,0);		// no catch offset
		bhandler = list_block(list_next(b->Bsucc));
		assert(bhandler->BC == BC_finally);
		// To successor of BC_finally block
		bhandler = list_block(bhandler->Bsucc);
		pdt = dtxoff(pdt,funcsym_p,bhandler->Boffset - startblock->Boffset, TYnptr);	// finally handler address
		//pdt = dtcoff(pdt,bhandler->Boffset);	// finally handler address
	    sz += GUARD_SIZE + 4;

    // Generate catch[]
    for (b = startblock; b; b = b->Bnext)
	if (b->BC == BC_try)
	{   block *bhandler;
	    int nsucc;

	    if (b->jcatchvar)				// if try-catch
	    {	list_t bl;

		nsucc = list_nitems(b->Bsucc);
		pdt = dtdword(pdt,nsucc - 1);		// # of catch blocks
		sz += 4;

		for (bl = list_next(b->Bsucc); bl; bl = list_next(bl))
		    block *bcatch = list_block(bl);

		    pdt = dtxoff(pdt,bcatch->Bcatchtype,0,TYjhandle);

		    pdt = dtdword(pdt,cod3_bpoffset(b->jcatchvar));	// EBP offset

		    pdt = dtxoff(pdt,funcsym_p,bcatch->Boffset - startblock->Boffset, TYnptr);	// catch handler address
		    //pdt = dtcoff(pdt,bcatch->Boffset);	// catch handler address

		    sz += 3 * 4;
    assert(sz != 0);

    outdata(s);			// output the scope table

    return NULL;