Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function:    ptr_bind
 * Purpose:     Binds array dimensions to numeric values.
 * Return:      Success:        SELF
 *              Failure:        NIL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              [email protected]
 *              Jan 13 1997
 * Modifications:
static obj_t
ptr_bind (obj_t _self, void *mem) {

   obj_ptr_t    *self = MYCLASS(_self);
   obj_t        name=NIL, val=NIL, x=NIL;
   int          i;

   if (C_STR==self->sub->pub.cls) {
      name = obj_new (C_SYM, obj_name(self->sub));
      x = sym_vboundp (name);
      name = obj_dest (name);
      val = obj_copy (x, DEEP); /*so we can modify it*/
      x = obj_dest (x);

       * We're being tricky here.  By assigning a new value to the `sub'
       * field we're modifying all the expressions that share this cell.
       * We must insure that the correct reference count is imparted
       * to the new subtype.
      for (i=1; i<self->pub.ref; i++) {
         x = obj_copy (val, SHALLOW);
         assert (x==val);
      if (val) self->sub = val;

   return obj_bind (self->sub, mem ? *((void**)mem) : NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Function:    H5Object::getObjName
///\brief       Returns the name of this object as an \a H5std_string.
///\return      Name of the object
///\exception   H5::Exception
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - Mar, 2014
// Modification
H5std_string H5Object::getObjName() const
    H5std_string obj_name(""); // object name to return

    // Preliminary call to get the size of the object name
    ssize_t name_size = H5Iget_name(getId(), NULL, static_cast<size_t>(0));

    // If H5Iget_name failed, throw exception
    if (name_size < 0)
        throw Exception(inMemFunc("getObjName"), "H5Iget_name failed");
    else if (name_size == 0)
        throw Exception(inMemFunc("getObjName"), "Object must have a name, but name length is 0");
    // Object's name exists, retrieve it
    else if (name_size > 0)
        char* name_C = new char[name_size+1];  // temporary C-string
        HDmemset(name_C, 0, name_size+1); // clear buffer

        // Use overloaded function
        name_size = getObjName(name_C, name_size+1);

        // Convert the C object name to return
        obj_name = name_C;

        // Clean up resource
        delete []name_C;
    // Return object's name
vpm(int argc, char **argv)
	if( argc < 2 )
		throw std::runtime_error("Provide model name as second argument");
	std::string obj_name(argv[1]);
	std::string vision_module_dir( ros::package::getPath("vision_module") );
	std::string tree_vps_path( vision_module_dir + "/data/tree_vps.txt");
	std::string views_path( vision_module_dir + "/../database/cloud_data/"
														   + obj_name + "_views" );
	// Read the tree vps file
	Eigen::MatrixXd tree_vps;
	io_utils::file2matrix( tree_vps_path, tree_vps, 3 );
	int num_vps = tree_vps.rows();
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pcd_model_ptr( new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
	for(int vp = 0; vp < num_vps; ++vp)
		// load the view
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr view_ptr( new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
		std::string view_path( views_path + "/" + obj_name + "_" 
													 + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(vp) +".pcd" );
		pcl::io::loadPCDFile<pcl::PointXYZ> ( view_path, *view_ptr );
		// rotate to world frame
		Eigen::Vector3d camera_position = tree_vps.row(vp).transpose();
		Eigen::Vector4d camera_orientation = misc::target2quat( camera_position, 
																				  Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0) );
		tf::Transform map_T_snsr;
		map_T_snsr.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(camera_position.x(), 
													 camera_position.z()) );
		map_T_snsr.setRotation( tf::Quaternion( camera_orientation.x(), 
															 camera_orientation.w()) );
		tf::Transform snsr_T_optical;
		snsr_T_optical.setOrigin( tf::Vector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
		snsr_T_optical.setRotation( tf::Quaternion( -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5 ) );
		tf::Transform map_T_optical = map_T_snsr * snsr_T_optical;

		pcl_ros::transformPointCloud( *view_ptr, *view_ptr, map_T_optical);
		// add to pcd_model
		*pcd_model_ptr +=  *view_ptr;
	// Save
	pcl::PCDWriter writer;
	writer.writeASCII( vision_module_dir + "../database/pcd_models/" + obj_name + "_complete.pcd", *pcd_model_ptr );
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Function:    sym_eval
 * Purpose:     Returns the variable value of a symbol if it has one.
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to a copy of the variable value.
 *              Failure:        NIL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              [email protected]
 *              Dec  4 1996
 * Modifications:
 *      Robb Matzke, 4 Feb 1997
 *      Fixed the arguments for the obj_deref() call.
 *      Robb Matzke, 2000-07-03
 *      The symbol `$*' evaluates to a list of all $N files for
 *      consecutive N beginning at 1.
static obj_t
sym_eval (obj_t _self)
    obj_t       name_1=NIL, file_1=NIL, retval=NIL;
    obj_sym_t   *self = MYCLASS(_self);

    /* If the symbol has a variable value then return it. */    
    if (MYCLASS(_self)->sym->var) {
        return obj_copy (MYCLASS(_self)->sym->var, SHALLOW);

    /* The symbol `$*' evaluates to a list of the first consecutive files
     * bound to the $N symbols. */
    if (!strcmp(self->sym->name, "$*")) {
        obj_t   opands[1024], retval;
        int     nopands, i;
        for (nopands=0; nopands<NELMTS(opands); nopands++) {
            obj_t symbol;
            char tmp[32];
            sprintf(tmp, "$%d", nopands+1);
            symbol = obj_new(C_SYM, tmp);
            opands[nopands] = sym_vboundp(symbol);
            if (!opands[nopands] || C_FILE!=opands[nopands]->pub.cls) {
                /* We reached the last file or something isn't a file */
        retval = V_make_list(nopands, opands);
        for (i=0; i<nopands; i++) {
        return retval;

    /* If the symbol exists in the first data file, then return
     * that SDO. */
    name_1 = obj_new (C_SYM, "$1");
    file_1 = MYCLASS(name_1)->sym->var;
    name_1 = obj_dest (name_1);

    if (file_1 && C_FILE==file_1->pub.cls) {
        retval = obj_deref (file_1, 1, &_self);
        return retval;

    /* Symbol has no value. */    
    out_errorn ("eval: variable `%s' has no value", obj_name(_self));
    return NIL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static gchar *
_mdh_name(	t_obj *	mdh_obj)
 * The 'name' of the MIDI hook is in fact the name of the trigger it calls
        return NULL;

        return NULL;

    return obj_name(MDH(mdh_obj)->trg_obj);
}						 /* _mdh_name()		      */
Ejemplo n.º 6
const char* findKeyWord(const char* msg) {
    android::String8 obj_name(msg);
    const char* OBJ_NAME = obj_name.string();

    // NOTE: keep these keywords in sync with MOF
    android::String8 keyword("timeline_");
    if (strstr(OBJ_NAME, "surfaceflinger")) {
    } else if (strstr(OBJ_NAME, "ovl_timeline")) {
    } else if (strstr(OBJ_NAME, "mali")) {

    return keyword.string();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Purpose:     Return the string value of a builtin symbol.
 * Return:      Copy of the string value or NULL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Friday, June  2, 2000
 * Modifications:
char *
sym_bi_gets(const char *name)
    char        fullname[1024], *retval;
    obj_t       var, val;

    /* Add built-in prefix */
    if (*name!='$') {
        fullname[0] = '$';
        strcpy(fullname+1, name);
        name = fullname;

    var = obj_new(C_SYM, name);
    val = sym_vboundp(var);
    var = obj_dest(var);

    retval = safe_strdup(obj_name(val));
    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void makePlots(char * file, char * suffix) {
    //Get rid of stat-box
    gROOT->GetStyle("Plain")->SetLabelColor(kBlack, "XYZ");
    gROOT->GetStyle("Plain")->SetLabelFont(43, "XYZ");
    gROOT->GetStyle("Plain")->SetLabelSize(20, "XYZ");

    const char * folder = "demo";
    const char * to_plot[] = {"TrackerClusterMap", "TrackerClusterOntrackMap", "TrackerSameClusterOntrackMap", "TrackerOccupancyOntrackMap", "TrackerOccupancySameClusterOntrackMap", 0};
    TFile * f = new TFile(file);
    TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("C", "C", 1024, 1024);
    for (const char **profile = to_plot; *profile; ++profile) {
        TString obj_name(folder);
        TProfile * p = (TProfile*)f->Get(obj_name.Data());
        TString filename(*profile);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  FILE *nl;
  char *stub;
  fint nerror = (fint)0;
  int n_badvals = 0;
  real f;

  if( argc < 2 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s stub\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  // Read objectives and first derivative information.
  if( !(asl = ASL_alloc(ASL_read_fg)) ) exit(1);
  stub = getstub(&argv, &Oinfo);
  nl   = jac0dim(stub, (fint)strlen(stub));

  // Get command-line options.
  if (getopts(argv, &Oinfo)) exit(1);

  // Check command-line options.
  if( showgrad < 0 || showgrad > 1 ) {
    Printf("Invalid value for showgrad: %d\n", showgrad);
  if( showname < 0 || showname > 1 ) {
    Printf("Invalid value for showname: %d\n", showname);

  if(n_badvals) {
    Printf("Found %d errors in command-line options.\n", n_badvals);

  // Allocate memory for problem data.
  // The variables below must have precisely THESE names.
  X0    = (real*)Malloc(n_var * sizeof(real));  // Initial guess
  pi0   = (real*)Malloc(n_con * sizeof(real));  // Initial multipliers
  LUv   = (real*)Malloc(n_var * sizeof(real));  // Lower bounds on variables
  Uvx   = (real*)Malloc(n_var * sizeof(real));  // Upper bounds on variables
  LUrhs = (real*)Malloc(n_con * sizeof(real));  // Lower bounds on constraints
  Urhsx = (real*)Malloc(n_con * sizeof(real));  // Upper bounds on constraints
  want_xpi0 = 3;

  // Read in ASL structure - trap read errors
  if( fg_read(nl, 0) ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error fg-reading nl file\n");
    goto bailout;

  if(showname) { // Display objective name if requested.
    Printf("Objective name: %s\n", obj_name(0));

  // This "solver" outputs the objective function value at X0.
  f = objval(0, X0, &nerror);
  if(nerror) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while evaluating objective.\n");
    goto bailout;
  Printf("f(x0) = %21.15e\n", f);

  // Optionally also output objective gradient at X0.
  if(showgrad) {
    real *g = (real*)malloc(n_var * sizeof(real));
    objgrd(0, X0, g, &nerror);
    Printf("g(x0) = [ ");
    for(int i=0; i<n_var; i++) Printf("%8.1e ", g[i]);

  // Write solution to file. Here we just write the initial guess.
  Oinfo.wantsol = 9;  // Suppress message echo. Force .sol writing
  write_sol(CHR"And the winner is", X0, pi0, &Oinfo);

  // Free data structure. DO NOT use free() on X0, pi0, etc.

  return 0;