Ejemplo n.º 1
Mesh *BlenderSync::sync_mesh(BL::Depsgraph &b_depsgraph,
                             BL::Object &b_ob,
                             BL::Object &b_ob_instance,
                             bool object_updated,
                             bool show_self,
                             bool show_particles)
  /* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */
  BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data();
  BL::ID key = (BKE_object_is_modified(b_ob)) ? b_ob_instance : b_ob_data;
  BL::Material material_override = view_layer.material_override;

  /* find shader indices */
  vector<Shader *> used_shaders;

  BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot;
  for (b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) {
    if (material_override) {
      find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
    else {
      BL::ID b_material(slot->material());
      find_shader(b_material, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);

  if (used_shaders.size() == 0) {
    if (material_override)
      find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);

  /* test if we need to sync */
  int requested_geometry_flags = Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE;
  if (view_layer.use_surfaces) {
    requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_TRIANGLES;
  if (view_layer.use_hair) {
    requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_CURVES;
  Mesh *mesh;

  if (!mesh_map.sync(&mesh, key)) {
    /* if transform was applied to mesh, need full update */
    if (object_updated && mesh->transform_applied)
    /* test if shaders changed, these can be object level so mesh
     * does not get tagged for recalc */
    else if (mesh->used_shaders != used_shaders)
    else if (requested_geometry_flags != mesh->geometry_flags)
    else {
      /* even if not tagged for recalc, we may need to sync anyway
       * because the shader needs different mesh attributes */
      bool attribute_recalc = false;

      foreach (Shader *shader, mesh->used_shaders)
        if (shader->need_update_mesh)
          attribute_recalc = true;

      if (!attribute_recalc)
        return mesh;

  /* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */
  if (mesh_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_synced.end())
    return mesh;

  progress.set_sync_status("Synchronizing object", b_ob.name());


  /* create derived mesh */
  array<int> oldtriangles;
  array<Mesh::SubdFace> oldsubd_faces;
  array<int> oldsubd_face_corners;

  /* compares curve_keys rather than strands in order to handle quick hair
   * adjustments in dynamic BVH - other methods could probably do this better*/
  array<float3> oldcurve_keys;
  array<float> oldcurve_radius;

  mesh->used_shaders = used_shaders;
  mesh->name = ustring(b_ob_data.name().c_str());

  if (requested_geometry_flags != Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE) {
    /* Adaptive subdivision setup. Not for baking since that requires
     * exact mapping to the Blender mesh. */
    if (scene->bake_manager->get_baking()) {
      mesh->subdivision_type = Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE;
    else {
      mesh->subdivision_type = object_subdivision_type(b_ob, preview, experimental);

    /* For some reason, meshes do not need this... */
    bool need_undeformed = mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED);

    BL::Mesh b_mesh = object_to_mesh(
        b_data, b_ob, b_depsgraph, need_undeformed, mesh->subdivision_type);

    if (b_mesh) {
      /* Sync mesh itself. */
      if (view_layer.use_surfaces && show_self) {
        if (mesh->subdivision_type != Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE)
          create_subd_mesh(scene, mesh, b_ob, b_mesh, used_shaders, dicing_rate, max_subdivisions);
          create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders, false);

        create_mesh_volume_attributes(scene, b_ob, mesh, b_scene.frame_current());

      /* Sync hair curves. */
      if (view_layer.use_hair && show_particles &&
          mesh->subdivision_type == Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE) {
        sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, false);

      free_object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_mesh);
  mesh->geometry_flags = requested_geometry_flags;

  /* fluid motion */
  sync_mesh_fluid_motion(b_ob, scene, mesh);

  /* tag update */
  bool rebuild = (oldtriangles != mesh->triangles) || (oldsubd_faces != mesh->subd_faces) ||
                 (oldsubd_face_corners != mesh->subd_face_corners) ||
                 (oldcurve_keys != mesh->curve_keys) || (oldcurve_radius != mesh->curve_radius);

  mesh->tag_update(scene, rebuild);

  return mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BlenderSync::sync_mesh_motion(BL::Depsgraph &b_depsgraph,
                                   BL::Object &b_ob,
                                   Object *object,
                                   float motion_time)
  /* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */
  Mesh *mesh = object->mesh;

  if (mesh_motion_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_motion_synced.end())


  /* ensure we only motion sync meshes that also had mesh synced, to avoid
   * unnecessary work and to ensure that its attributes were clear */
  if (mesh_synced.find(mesh) == mesh_synced.end())

  /* Find time matching motion step required by mesh. */
  int motion_step = mesh->motion_step(motion_time);
  if (motion_step < 0) {

  /* skip empty meshes */
  const size_t numverts = mesh->verts.size();
  const size_t numkeys = mesh->curve_keys.size();

  if (!numverts && !numkeys)

  /* skip objects without deforming modifiers. this is not totally reliable,
   * would need a more extensive check to see which objects are animated */
  BL::Mesh b_mesh(PointerRNA_NULL);

  /* fluid motion is exported immediate with mesh, skip here */
  BL::DomainFluidSettings b_fluid_domain = object_fluid_domain_find(b_ob);
  if (b_fluid_domain)

  if (ccl::BKE_object_is_deform_modified(b_ob, b_scene, preview)) {
    /* get derived mesh */
    b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_depsgraph, false, Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE);

  if (!b_mesh) {
    /* if we have no motion blur on this frame, but on other frames, copy */
    if (numverts) {
      /* triangles */
      Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION);

      if (attr_mP) {
        Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL);
        Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL);
        float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0];
        float3 *N = (attr_N) ? attr_N->data_float3() : NULL;

        memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts, P, sizeof(float3) * numverts);
        if (attr_mN)
          memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts, N, sizeof(float3) * numverts);

    if (numkeys) {
      /* curves */
      Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->curve_attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION);

      if (attr_mP) {
        float3 *keys = &mesh->curve_keys[0];
        memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numkeys, keys, sizeof(float3) * numkeys);


  /* TODO(sergey): Perform preliminary check for number of verticies. */
  if (numverts) {
    /* Find attributes. */
    Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION);
    Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL);
    Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL);
    bool new_attribute = false;
    /* Add new attributes if they don't exist already. */
    if (!attr_mP) {
      attr_mP = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION);
      if (attr_N)
        attr_mN = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL);

      new_attribute = true;
    /* Load vertex data from mesh. */
    float3 *mP = attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts;
    float3 *mN = (attr_mN) ? attr_mN->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts : NULL;
    /* NOTE: We don't copy more that existing amount of vertices to prevent
     * possible memory corruption.
    BL::Mesh::vertices_iterator v;
    int i = 0;
    for (b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end() && i < numverts; ++v, ++i) {
      mP[i] = get_float3(v->co());
      if (mN)
        mN[i] = get_float3(v->normal());
    if (new_attribute) {
      /* In case of new attribute, we verify if there really was any motion. */
      if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts ||
          memcmp(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3) * numverts) == 0) {
        /* no motion, remove attributes again */
        if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) {
          VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, disabling motion blur for object " << b_ob.name();
        else {
          VLOG(1) << "No actual deformation motion for object " << b_ob.name();
        if (attr_mN)
      else if (motion_step > 0) {
        VLOG(1) << "Filling deformation motion for object " << b_ob.name();
        /* motion, fill up previous steps that we might have skipped because
         * they had no motion, but we need them anyway now */
        float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0];
        float3 *N = (attr_N) ? attr_N->data_float3() : NULL;
        for (int step = 0; step < motion_step; step++) {
          memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + step * numverts, P, sizeof(float3) * numverts);
          if (attr_mN)
            memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + step * numverts, N, sizeof(float3) * numverts);
    else {
      if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) {
        VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, discarding motion blur for object " << b_ob.name()
                << " at time " << motion_step;
        memcpy(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3) * numverts);
        if (mN != NULL) {
          memcpy(mN, attr_N->data_float3(), sizeof(float3) * numverts);

  /* hair motion */
  if (numkeys)
    sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, true, motion_step);

  /* free derived mesh */
  free_object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_mesh);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Mesh *BlenderSync::sync_mesh(BL::Object& b_ob,
                             bool object_updated,
                             bool hide_tris)
	/* When viewport display is not needed during render we can force some
	 * caches to be releases from blender side in order to reduce peak memory
	 * footprint during synchronization process.
	const bool is_interface_locked = b_engine.render() &&
	const bool can_free_caches = BlenderSession::headless || is_interface_locked;

	/* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */
	BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data();
	BL::ID key = (BKE_object_is_modified(b_ob))? b_ob: b_ob_data;
	BL::Material material_override = render_layer.material_override;

	/* find shader indices */
	vector<uint> used_shaders;

	BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot;
	for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) {
		if(material_override) {
			find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
		else {
			BL::ID b_material(slot->material());
			find_shader(b_material, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);

	if(used_shaders.size() == 0) {
			find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
	/* test if we need to sync */
	int requested_geometry_flags = Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE;
	if(render_layer.use_surfaces) {
		requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_TRIANGLES;
	if(render_layer.use_hair) {
		requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_CURVES;
	Mesh *mesh;

	if(!mesh_map.sync(&mesh, key)) {
		/* if transform was applied to mesh, need full update */
		if(object_updated && mesh->transform_applied);
		/* test if shaders changed, these can be object level so mesh
		 * does not get tagged for recalc */
		else if(mesh->used_shaders != used_shaders);
		else if(requested_geometry_flags != mesh->geometry_flags);
		else {
			/* even if not tagged for recalc, we may need to sync anyway
			 * because the shader needs different mesh attributes */
			bool attribute_recalc = false;

			foreach(uint shader, mesh->used_shaders)
					attribute_recalc = true;

				return mesh;

	/* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */
	if(mesh_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_synced.end())
		return mesh;

	/* create derived mesh */
	PointerRNA cmesh = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob_data.ptr, "cycles");

	vector<Mesh::Triangle> oldtriangle = mesh->triangles;
	/* compares curve_keys rather than strands in order to handle quick hair
	 * adjustments in dynamic BVH - other methods could probably do this better*/
	vector<float4> oldcurve_keys = mesh->curve_keys;

	mesh->used_shaders = used_shaders;
	mesh->name = ustring(b_ob_data.name().c_str());

	if(requested_geometry_flags != Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE) {
		/* mesh objects does have special handle in the dependency graph,
		 * they're ensured to have properly updated.
		 * updating meshes here will end up having derived mesh referencing
		 * freed data from the blender side.
		if(preview && b_ob.type() != BL::Object::type_MESH)

		bool need_undeformed = mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED);
		BL::Mesh b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_scene, true, !preview, need_undeformed);

		if(b_mesh) {
			if(render_layer.use_surfaces && !hide_tris) {
				if(cmesh.data && experimental && RNA_boolean_get(&cmesh, "use_subdivision"))
					create_subd_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, &cmesh, used_shaders);
					create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders);

				create_mesh_volume_attributes(scene, b_ob, mesh, b_scene.frame_current());

				sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, false);

			if(can_free_caches) {

			/* free derived mesh */
	mesh->geometry_flags = requested_geometry_flags;

	/* displacement method */
	if(cmesh.data) {
		const int method = get_enum(cmesh, "displacement_method");

		if(method == 0 || !experimental)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BUMP;
		else if(method == 1)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_TRUE;
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BOTH;

	/* tag update */
	bool rebuild = false;

	if(oldtriangle.size() != mesh->triangles.size())
		rebuild = true;
	else if(oldtriangle.size()) {
		if(memcmp(&oldtriangle[0], &mesh->triangles[0], sizeof(Mesh::Triangle)*oldtriangle.size()) != 0)
			rebuild = true;

	if(oldcurve_keys.size() != mesh->curve_keys.size())
		rebuild = true;
	else if(oldcurve_keys.size()) {
		if(memcmp(&oldcurve_keys[0], &mesh->curve_keys[0], sizeof(float4)*oldcurve_keys.size()) != 0)
			rebuild = true;
	mesh->tag_update(scene, rebuild);

	return mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Mesh *BlenderSync::sync_mesh(BL::Object b_ob, bool object_updated)
	/* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */
	BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data();
	BL::ID key = (object_is_modified(b_ob))? b_ob: b_ob_data;

	/* find shader indices */
	vector<uint> used_shaders;

	BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot;
	for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) {
		BL::Material material_override = render_layers.front().material_override;

			find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
			find_shader(slot->material(), used_shaders, scene->default_surface);

	if(used_shaders.size() == 0)
	/* test if we need to sync */
	Mesh *mesh;

	if(!mesh_map.sync(&mesh, key)) {
		/* if transform was applied to mesh, need full update */
		if(object_updated && mesh->transform_applied);
		/* test if shaders changed, these can be object level so mesh
		   does not get tagged for recalc */
		else if(mesh->used_shaders != used_shaders);
		else {
			/* even if not tagged for recalc, we may need to sync anyway
			 * because the shader needs different mesh attributes */
			bool attribute_recalc = false;

			foreach(uint shader, mesh->used_shaders)
					attribute_recalc = true;

				return mesh;

	/* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */
	if(mesh_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_synced.end())
		return mesh;

	/* create derived mesh */
	BL::Mesh b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_ob, b_scene, true, !preview);
	PointerRNA cmesh = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob_data.ptr, "cycles");

	vector<Mesh::Triangle> oldtriangle = mesh->triangles;

	mesh->used_shaders = used_shaders;
	mesh->name = ustring(b_ob_data.name().c_str());

	if(b_mesh) {
		if(cmesh.data && experimental && RNA_boolean_get(&cmesh, "use_subdivision"))
			create_subd_mesh(mesh, b_mesh, &cmesh, used_shaders);
			create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders);

		/* free derived mesh */
		object_remove_mesh(b_data, b_mesh);

	/* displacement method */
	if(cmesh.data) {
		int method = RNA_enum_get(&cmesh, "displacement_method");

		if(method == 0 || !experimental)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BUMP;
		else if(method == 1)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_TRUE;
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BOTH;

	/* tag update */
	bool rebuild = false;

	if(oldtriangle.size() != mesh->triangles.size())
		rebuild = true;
	else if(oldtriangle.size()) {
		if(memcmp(&oldtriangle[0], &mesh->triangles[0], sizeof(Mesh::Triangle)*oldtriangle.size()) != 0)
			rebuild = true;
	mesh->tag_update(scene, rebuild);

	return mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Mesh *BlenderSync::sync_mesh(BL::Object b_ob, bool object_updated, bool hide_tris)
	/* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */
	BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data();
	BL::ID key = (BKE_object_is_modified(b_ob))? b_ob: b_ob_data;
	BL::Material material_override = render_layer.material_override;

	/* find shader indices */
	vector<uint> used_shaders;

	BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot;
	for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) {
			find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
			find_shader(slot->material(), used_shaders, scene->default_surface);

	if(used_shaders.size() == 0) {
			find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface);
	/* test if we need to sync */
	Mesh *mesh;

	if(!mesh_map.sync(&mesh, key)) {
		/* if transform was applied to mesh, need full update */
		if(object_updated && mesh->transform_applied);
		/* test if shaders changed, these can be object level so mesh
		 * does not get tagged for recalc */
		else if(mesh->used_shaders != used_shaders);
		else {
			/* even if not tagged for recalc, we may need to sync anyway
			 * because the shader needs different mesh attributes */
			bool attribute_recalc = false;

			foreach(uint shader, mesh->used_shaders)
					attribute_recalc = true;

				return mesh;

	/* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */
	if(mesh_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_synced.end())
		return mesh;

	/* create derived mesh */
	PointerRNA cmesh = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob_data.ptr, "cycles");

	vector<Mesh::Triangle> oldtriangle = mesh->triangles;
	/* compares curve_keys rather than strands in order to handle quick hair
	 * adjustsments in dynamic BVH - other methods could probably do this better*/
	vector<float4> oldcurve_keys = mesh->curve_keys;

	mesh->used_shaders = used_shaders;
	mesh->name = ustring(b_ob_data.name().c_str());

	if(render_layer.use_surfaces || render_layer.use_hair) {

		bool need_undeformed = mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED);
		BL::Mesh b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_scene, true, !preview, need_undeformed);

		if(b_mesh) {
			if(render_layer.use_surfaces && !hide_tris) {
				if(cmesh.data && experimental && RNA_boolean_get(&cmesh, "use_subdivision"))
					create_subd_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, &cmesh, used_shaders);
					create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders);

				create_mesh_volume_attributes(scene, b_ob, mesh);

				sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, false);

			/* free derived mesh */

	/* displacement method */
	if(cmesh.data) {
		const int method = RNA_enum_get(&cmesh, "displacement_method");

		if(method == 0 || !experimental)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BUMP;
		else if(method == 1)
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_TRUE;
			mesh->displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BOTH;

	/* tag update */
	bool rebuild = false;

	if(oldtriangle.size() != mesh->triangles.size())
		rebuild = true;
	else if(oldtriangle.size()) {
		if(memcmp(&oldtriangle[0], &mesh->triangles[0], sizeof(Mesh::Triangle)*oldtriangle.size()) != 0)
			rebuild = true;

	if(oldcurve_keys.size() != mesh->curve_keys.size())
		rebuild = true;
	else if(oldcurve_keys.size()) {
		if(memcmp(&oldcurve_keys[0], &mesh->curve_keys[0], sizeof(float4)*oldcurve_keys.size()) != 0)
			rebuild = true;
	mesh->tag_update(scene, rebuild);

	return mesh;