void ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber::setup(CameraState cameraState)
    map<string, string> keyValueMap = cameraState.keyValueMap;
    for(auto iterator  = keyValueMap.begin(); iterator != keyValueMap.end(); iterator++) 
        string key = iterator->first;
        string value = iterator->second;
        //ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "key: " << key << " value: " << value;

        if(key == "sharpness")  setSharpness(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "contrast")   setContrast(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "brightness") setBrightness(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "saturation") setSaturation(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "ISO")        setISO(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "AutoISO")    setAutoISO(ofToBool(value));
        if(key == "DRE")        setDRE(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "cropRectangle") 
            vector<string> rectValues = ofSplitString(value, ",");
            if(rectValues.size() == 4)             
        if(key == "zoomLevelNormalized")    setZoomLevelNormalized(ofToFloat(value));
        if(key == "mirror")                 setMirror(value);
        if(key == "rotation")               setRotation(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "imageFilter")            setImageFilter(value);
        if(key == "exposurePreset")         setExposurePreset(value);
        if(key == "evCompensation")         setEvCompensation(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "autoShutter")            setAutoShutter(ofToBool(value));
        if(key == "shutterSpeed")           setShutterSpeed(ofToInt(value));
        if(key == "meteringType")           setMeteringType(value);
        if(key == "SoftwareSaturationEnabled") setSoftwareSaturation(ofToBool(value));
        if(key == "SoftwareSharpeningEnabled") setSoftwareSharpening(ofToBool(value));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    this->isShow = ofToBool( ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showTimeline") );
    this->tick_size = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("Timeline", "tick_height"))/2;
    this->line_color = Util::hexToColor(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("Timeline", "line_color"));
    this->max_font = Pen::singleton()->getFont("Timeline");
	this->monthNames[0] = "Jan";
	this->monthNames[1] = "Feb";
	this->monthNames[2] = "Mar";
	this->monthNames[3] = "Apr";
	this->monthNames[4] = "May";
	this->monthNames[5] = "Jun";
	this->monthNames[6] = "Jul";
	this->monthNames[7] = "Aug";
	this->monthNames[8] = "Sep";
	this->monthNames[9] = "Oct";
	this->monthNames[10] = "Nov";
	this->monthNames[11] = "Dec";
Ejemplo n.º 3
int Telemetry::parse(string line) {
    ofLogNotice() << "onNewSerialLine, message: " << line << endl;
    vector<string> input = ofSplitString(line, ",");
    string msgtype = input.at(0);
    if(msgtype == "GPSL") {
        if( input.size() == 3) {
            ofLogNotice() << "GPSL line found";
            gps.lat = ofToFloat( input.at(1) );
            gps.lon = ofToFloat( input.at(2) );
            int i = 0;
            ofNotifyEvent( onGpsCoordinates, i );
        } else {
            ofLogNotice() << "ignored GPS reading: " << line;
    } else if (msgtype == "GPSQ") {
        if( input.size() == 4) {
            ofLogNotice() << "GPSQ line found";
            gps.fix = ofToBool( input.at(1) );
            gps.quality = ofToInt( input.at(2) );
            gps.satelites = ofToInt( input.at(3) );
        } else {
            ofLogNotice() << "ignored GPS reading: " << line;
    } else if(msgtype == "IMU") {
        if( input.size() == 4) {
            imu.yaw = ofToFloat( input.at(1) );
            imu.pitch = ofToFloat( input.at(2) );
            imu.roll = ofToFloat( input.at(3) );
        } else {
            ofLogNotice() << "rejected IMU reading: " << line;
        //        ofLogNotice() << "IMU line found";
        //        for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=input.begin(); it<input.end(); it++) {
        //            std::cout << ' ' << *it;
        //        }
Ejemplo n.º 4
void GenericClientManager::checkServerMessages() {
    string response="";
    bool received=false;

    // <message fps="18" messageError="true" lastSequenceNumber="330">

    response= this->tcpClient.receive();
    if( response.length() > 0 ) {

    if (received) {
        ofxXmlSettings XML;

        TiXmlElement* serverMessage=XML.doc.RootElement();
        if (serverMessage) {
            string fpsName = "fps";
            if (serverMessage->Attribute(fpsName.c_str())) {
                int messageFps = ofToInt(serverMessage->Attribute("fps"));
                this->newFps= messageFps;

            string messageErrorName = "messageError";
            if(serverMessage->Attribute(messageErrorName.c_str())) {
                bool error = ofToBool(serverMessage->Attribute("messageError"));
                if (error) {
                    this->waitForReceiver= 15; // wait 15 frames until the server cleans his buffer
                    string lastSequenceNumberName = "lastSequenceNumber";
                    if(serverMessage->Attribute(lastSequenceNumberName.c_str())) {
                        this->sequenceNumber = ofToInt(serverMessage->Attribute("lastSequenceNumber")) + 1;
                        string responseMessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><ErrorACK sequence='" + ofToString(this->sequenceNumber) + "'></ErrorACK>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
	 * Get the Boolean of a specific row and column.
	 * @param row
	 *        row number
	 * @param col
	 *        column number
	 * @return bool
	bool ofxCsv::getBool(int row, int col){
		return ofToBool(data[row][col]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Load external instrument definitions
void FluidPlayer::loadInstruments()
    ofDirectory instrumentDir("instruments");
    vector<ofFile> instrumentFiles = instrumentDir.getFiles();

    for(int i=0; i < instrumentFiles.size(); i++)
        ofxXmlSettings xmlInstrument;
        xmlInstrument.loadFile( instrumentDir.getOriginalDirectory() + instrumentFiles[i].getFileName() );

        //Create a new instrument definition
        FluidInstrument instrument;
        instrument.name = xmlInstrument.getValue("name", "");
        instrument.device = xmlInstrument.getValue("device", "");
        instrument.channel = xmlInstrument.getValue("channel", 0);
        instrument.program = xmlInstrument.getValue("program", 0);

        instrument.dyeColour = ofVec3f(xmlInstrument.getValue("colourR",1.0f), xmlInstrument.getValue("colourG",1.0f), xmlInstrument.getValue("colourB",1.0f));
        instrument.usesCCNoteTriggers = ofToBool(xmlInstrument.getValue("usesCCNoteTriggers", ""));

        int timbreType, noteMapping;

        if(xmlInstrument.getValue("timbre", "") == "mono")
            instrument.timbreType = INSTRUMENT_TYPE_MONOPHONIC;
        else if(xmlInstrument.getValue("timbre", "") == "poly")
            instrument.timbreType = INSTRUMENT_TYPE_POLYPHONIC;

        if(xmlInstrument.getValue("noteMappings", "") == "note")
            instrument.noteMapping = INSTRUMENT_PLAYS_NOTES;
        else if(xmlInstrument.getValue("noteMappings", "") == "cc")
            instrument.noteMapping = INSTRUMENT_PLAYS_CC;


        //Set instrument parameters and mappings -- CC
        int j;
        int numCCParams = xmlInstrument.getNumTags("cc");
        for(j = 0; j < numCCParams; j++)
            xmlInstrument.pushTag("cc", j);
            InstrumentParameter param;
            param.noteType = INSTRUMENT_PLAYS_CC;
            param.channel = xmlInstrument.getValue("channel" , 0);
            param.source = instrument.getParamSourceFromString( xmlInstrument.getValue("source", "") );
            param.value = xmlInstrument.getValue("value" , 0);
            param.lowerNoteRange = xmlInstrument.getValue("min", 0);
            param.upperNoteRange = xmlInstrument.getValue("max", 0);
            instrument.addNoteParam(param, true);

        //Set instrument parameters and mappings -- NOTE
        int numNoteParams = xmlInstrument.getNumTags("note");
        for(j = 0; j < numNoteParams; j++)
            xmlInstrument.pushTag("note", j);
            InstrumentParameter param;
            param.noteType = INSTRUMENT_PLAYS_NOTES;
            param.source = instrument.getParamSourceFromString( xmlInstrument.getValue("source", "") );
            param.lowerNoteRange = xmlInstrument.getValue("min", 0);
            param.upperNoteRange = xmlInstrument.getValue("max", 0);
            instrument.addNoteParam(param, false);


Ejemplo n.º 7
	bool SettingItem::GetValBool(bool defaultVal) {
		if (values.size() == 0) return defaultVal;
		return ofToBool(values[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    this->clock.loadImage(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("file_path", "season_clock"));
    this->arrow.loadImage(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("file_path", "season_clock_arrow"));
    this->isShow = ofToBool( ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showSeasonclock") );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void testApp::setup() {
	string splitInput = " a,,b,c,";
	splitTest(" a,,b, c , ", ",");
	splitTest(" a<><>b<> c <> ", "<>");
	 cout << "empty" << endl;
	 cout << ofToInt("") << endl;
	 cout << ofToFloat("") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("") << endl;
	 cout << ofToChar("") << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "strings" << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123) << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123.4) << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123.4f) << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123, 5) << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123.4, 5) << endl;
	 cout << ofToString(123.4f, 5) << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "ints" << endl;
	 cout << ofToInt("123.") << endl;
	 cout << ofToInt("123.4") << endl;
	 cout << ofToInt("123.4f") << endl;
	 cout << ofToInt("+123.4") << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "float" << endl;
	 cout << ofToFloat("123.") << endl;
	 cout << ofToFloat("123.4") << endl;
	 cout << ofToFloat("123.4f") << endl;
	 cout << ofToFloat("+123.4") << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "bool" << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("1") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("0") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("true") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("false") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("True") << endl;
	 cout << ofToBool("False") << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "char" << endl;
	 cout << ofToChar("a") << endl;
	 cout << ofToChar("b") << endl;
	 cout << ofToChar("1") << endl;
	 cout << ofToChar("0") << endl;
	 cout << endl;	
	 cout << "to binary" << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(8) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(64) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(1024) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary('a') << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(8.5) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(8.f) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(8.5f) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary(9.f) << endl;
	 string strVal = "abc";
	 cout << ofToBinary(strVal) << endl;
	 cout << ofToBinary("abc") << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "to binary" << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToInt(ofToBinary(8)) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToInt(ofToBinary(64)) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToInt(ofToBinary(1024)) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToChar(ofToBinary('a')) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToFloat(ofToBinary(8.5f)) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToFloat(ofToBinary(64.5f)) << endl;
	 cout << ofBinaryToString(ofToBinary("abc")) << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "to hex" << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex('a') << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex(128) << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex(128.f) << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex(128.) << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex("abc") << endl;
	 cout << ofToHex("abcd") << endl;
	 string val = "abcdefg";
	 cout << ofToHex(val) << endl;
	 cout << endl;
	 cout << "hex to int" << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToInt("0xff") << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToInt("ff") << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToInt(ofToHex(128)) << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToFloat(ofToHex(128.5f)) << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToChar(ofToHex('a')) << endl;
	 cout << ofHexToString(ofToHex("abc")) << endl;
	 cout << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    this->isShow = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "show_dashboard"));
    gui = new ofxUISuperCanvas("Control panel");
    speed = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("speed", "display_speed"));
    gui->addMinimalSlider("Display Speed", 0, 50, &this->speed);
    gui->addToggle( "Debug: Show all tracks", false);
    //gui->addToggle( "Show SST", false);
    this->showTimeline = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showTimeline"));
    this->timeline_toggle = gui->addToggle("Show Timeline", this->showTimeline);
    this->showSeasonclock = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showSeasonclock"));
    this->seasonclock_toggle = gui->addToggle("Show Season Clock", this->showSeasonclock);
    this->showLegends = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showSpeciesLegends"));
    this->legends_toggle = gui->addToggle("Show Species Legends", this->showLegends);

    this->showExtraDetect = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showExtraDetect"));
    this->extra_detect_toggle = gui->addToggle("Nearby animal hint", this->showExtraDetect);
    this->showWave = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showWave"));
    this->wave_toggle = gui->addToggle("Show Wave", this->showWave);
    gui->addLabel("Map legend layers: ");
    bool showContinentLabels;
    ofxUIToggle* continent_labels_toggle;
    bool showSiteLabels;
    ofxUIToggle* site_labels_toggle;
    bool showPinsLabels;
    ofxUIToggle* pins_labels_toggle;
    //"Continent Labels", "Tagging Site Labels", "Tagging Site Pins"
    this->showContinentLabels = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showContinentLabels"));
    this->continent_labels_toggle = gui->addToggle("Continent Labels", this->showContinentLabels);

    this->showSiteLabels = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showSiteLabels"));
    this->site_labels_toggle = gui->addToggle("Tagging Site Labels", this->showSiteLabels);
    this->showPinLabels = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showPinLabels"));
    this->pins_labels_toggle = gui->addToggle("Tagging Site Pins", this->showPinLabels);
    gui->addLabel("Animal Icon: ");
    this->showTaggedDate = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "showTaggedDate"));
    this->tagged_date_toggle = gui->addToggle("Show Tagged Date", this->showTaggedDate);
    this->is_buoyant_animation = ofToBool(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("System", "is_buoyant_animation"));
    this->icon_buoyant_animation = gui->addToggle( "Buoyant animation", this->is_buoyant_animation);
    this->fadeInTime = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("RenderTrackParameters", "fadeInTime"));
    // gui->addBiLabelSlider("Fade-In Time", "Slow", "Fast", 1000, 15000, &this->fadeInTime);
    gui->addMinimalSlider("Fade-In Time", 1000, 15000, &this->fadeInTime);
    this->fadeOutTime = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("RenderTrackParameters", "fadeOutTime"));
    //gui->addBiLabelSlider("Fade-Out Time", "Slow", "Fast", 1000, 30000, &this->fadeOutTime);
    gui->addMinimalSlider("Fade-Out Time", 1000, 30000, &this->fadeOutTime);
    // gui->addLabelToggle("LABEL TGL", false)->getLabelWidget()->setColorFill(ofColor(255, 0, 0));
    gui->addLabel("Icon Orientation");
    this->icon_orientation_none = gui->addToggle( "None", false);
    this->icon_orientation_rotate = gui->addToggle( "Rotate", false);
    this->icon_orientation_flip = gui->addToggle( "Flip", true);
    // display data setting
    gui->addLabel("Data Filtering");
    std::vector<string> all_species = DataManager::singleton()->getAllSpecies();
    std::vector<string> selected_species = DataManager::singleton()->getSelectedSpecies();
    for(auto name = all_species.begin(); name != all_species.end(); name++){
        if( std::find(selected_species.begin(), selected_species.end(), *name) != selected_species.end())
            this->species_toggle_map[*name] = this->gui->addToggle( *name, true);
            this->species_toggle_map[*name] = this->gui->addToggle( *name, false);
    min_track_days = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("data", "min_track_day"));
    gui->addMinimalSlider("Min Total Track Days", 0, 600, &min_track_days)->getLabelWidget()->setColorFill(ofColor(255, 255, 255));
    max_gap = ofToInt(ConfigLoader::singleton()->Value("data", "max_gap"));
    gui->addMinimalSlider("Max Gap", 0, 100, &max_gap)->getLabelWidget()->setColorFill(ofColor(255, 255, 255));

    gui->setPosition(20, 400);
    //ofxUILabelButton* btn = new ofxUILabelButton("Settings", true, 50, 30,500,1, OFX_UI_FONT_SMALL, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool ofXml::getBoolValue() const{
	return ofToBool(getValue());
Ejemplo n.º 12
void testApp::urlResponse(ofHttpResponse &httpResponse){
    stringstream ss ;
    ss << "urlResponse status code : " << httpResponse.status << endl ;
    if ( httpResponse.status == 200 )
        ss << "name : " << httpResponse.request.name << endl ;
        //ss << "url : " << httpResponse.request.url << endl ;
        if ( httpResponse.request.name == "LIGHTS_INFO" )
            bool bResult = json.parse( httpResponse.data.getText() ) ;
            if ( bResult == true )
               if ( lightbulbs.size() > 0 )
                   lightbulbs.clear() ;
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < json.size() ; j++ )
                    //cout << "opening lightbulb data : " << j << endl ;
                    stringstream parseInput ;
                    parseInput << json[ofToString(j)]["name"] << endl ;
                    string _name = parseInput.str() ;
                    removeNewLine( &_name ) ; 
                    //cout << " name : '" << parseInput.str() << "'" << endl ;
                    //The first value is NULL so we should check for that 
                    if ( parseInput.str().find( "null" ) == -1 )
                        lightbulbs.push_back( ( ofPtr< ofxHueLightbulb > ) new ofxHueLightbulb() ) ;
                        lightbulbs[ (lightbulbs.size() -1 ) ]->setup( parseInput.str() ) ;
                        //cout << " index : " << j << endl ;
                        string testUrl = ipAddress + "/api/" + username + "/lights/" + ofToString( j ) ;
                        callHueApi( testUrl , "LIGHTBULB_" + ofToString( j ) ) ; 
        int findIndex = httpResponse.request.name.find("LIGHTBULB_" ) ;
        ss << "FIND INDEX : " << findIndex << endl ;
        if (  findIndex > -1 )
            int index = ofToInt( ofToString( httpResponse.request.name[10] ) ) - 1 ;
            ss << "index : " << index << endl ; 
            cout << "Lightbulb : " << index << " data has loaded ! " << endl ;
            ofxJSONElement lightData ;
            bool bResult = lightData.parse( httpResponse.data.getText() ) ;
            if ( bResult == true )
                stringstream hueSs ;
                hueSs << lightData["state"]["hue"] ;
                string _hue = hueSs.str() ; //hueSs.str().substr( 0 , (hueSs.str().size()-1)) ;
                removeNewLine( &_hue ) ;
                stringstream saturationSs ;
                saturationSs << lightData["state"]["sat"] ;
                string _saturation = saturationSs.str() ;
                removeNewLine( &_saturation ) ;
                stringstream brightnessSs ;
                brightnessSs << lightData["state"]["bri"] ;
                string _brightness = brightnessSs.str() ;
                removeNewLine( &_brightness ) ;
                //On / Off
                stringstream onSs ;
                onSs << lightData["state"]["on"] ;
                string _on = onSs.str().substr( 0 , (onSs.str().size()-1)) ;
                //cout << "_on" << "before remove line: " << _on << endl ;
                removeNewLine( &_on ) ;
                ss << " on : '" << _on << "'" << endl ;
                //cout << "_hue : '"<<_hue<<"'"<<endl ;
                if ( index < lightbulbs.size() )
                    lightbulbs[ index ]->hue = ofToFloat( _hue) ;
                    lightbulbs[ index ]->saturation = ofToFloat( _saturation ) ;
                    lightbulbs[ index ]->brightness = ofToFloat( _brightness ) ;
                    lightbulbs[ index ]->bOnState = ofToBool( _on ) ;
                    if ( _on.compare( "true" ) == 0 )
                        cout << " ON ! : " << endl ;
                        lightbulbs[ index ]->bOnState = true ; 
                    else if ( _on.compare( "false" ) == 0 )
                    lightbulbs[ index ]->bOnState = false ;*/
              {"state": {"on":true,"bri":225,"hue":45489,"sat":253,"xy":[0.1859,0.0771],"ct":500,"alert":"none","effect":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 5", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "65003148", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}

    //ofLog( OF_LOG_WARNING ,  httpResponse.data.getText() ) ;
    lastHttpResponse = httpResponse ;
    ofLog( OF_LOG_WARNING , ss.str() ) ;
bool ofxCsvRow::getBool(int col) const {
	if(col >= data.size()) {
		return false;
	return ofToBool(data[col]);