LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread) const
    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = m_columnSet.multiColumnFlowThread();
    unsigned columnIndex = columnIndexAtOffset(offsetInFlowThread);
    LayoutRect portionRect(flowThreadPortionRectAt(columnIndex));
    LayoutRect columnRect(columnRectAt(columnIndex));
    LayoutSize translationRelativeToGroup = columnRect.location() - portionRect.location();

    LayoutSize enclosingTranslation;
    if (LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = flowThread->enclosingFlowThread()) {
        // Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the outermost flow thread to
        // visual points in the first column in the first fragmentainer group (row) in our multicol
        // container.
        LayoutSize enclosingTranslationOrigin = enclosingFlowThread->flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(flowThread->blockOffsetInEnclosingFragmentationContext());

        // Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the outermost flow thread to
        // visual points in the first column in this fragmentainer group.
        enclosingTranslation = enclosingFlowThread->flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(blockOffsetInEnclosingFragmentationContext());

        // What we ultimately return from this method is a translation that maps points in the
        // coordinate space of our flow thread to a visual point in a certain column in this
        // fragmentainer group. We had to go all the way up to the outermost flow thread, since this
        // fragmentainer group may be in a different outer column than the first outer column that
        // this multicol container lives in. It's the visual distance between the first
        // fragmentainer group and this fragmentainer group that we need to add to the translation.
        enclosingTranslation -= enclosingTranslationOrigin;

    return enclosingTranslation + translationRelativeToGroup + offsetFromColumnSet() + m_columnSet.topLeftLocationOffset() - flowThread->topLeftLocationOffset();
LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread) const
    LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = m_columnSet.flowThread();
    unsigned columnIndex = columnIndexAtOffset(offsetInFlowThread);
    LayoutRect portionRect(flowThreadPortionRectAt(columnIndex));
    LayoutRect columnRect(columnRectAt(columnIndex));
    LayoutSize translationRelativeToGroup = columnRect.location() - portionRect.location();
    return translationRelativeToGroup + offsetFromColumnSet() + m_columnSet.topLeftLocationOffset() - flowThread->topLeftLocationOffset();
LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(
    LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread,
    LayoutBox::PageBoundaryRule rule,
    CoordinateSpaceConversion mode) const {
  LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = m_columnSet.multiColumnFlowThread();

  // A column out of range doesn't have a flow thread portion, so we need to
  // clamp to make sure that we stay within the actual columns. This means that
  // content in the overflow area will be mapped to the last actual column,
  // instead of being mapped to an imaginary column further ahead.
  unsigned columnIndex = offsetInFlowThread >= logicalBottomInFlowThread()
                             ? actualColumnCount() - 1
                             : columnIndexAtOffset(offsetInFlowThread, rule);

  LayoutRect portionRect(flowThreadPortionRectAt(columnIndex));

  LayoutRect columnRect(columnRectAt(columnIndex));

  LayoutSize translationRelativeToFlowThread =
      columnRect.location() - portionRect.location();
  if (mode == CoordinateSpaceConversion::Containing)
    return translationRelativeToFlowThread;

  LayoutSize enclosingTranslation;
  if (LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread =
          flowThread->enclosingFlowThread()) {
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& firstRow =
    // Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the
    // outermost flow thread to visual points in the first column in the first
    // fragmentainer group (row) in our multicol container.
    LayoutSize enclosingTranslationOrigin =
            LayoutBox::AssociateWithLatterPage, mode);

    // Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the
    // outermost flow thread to visual points in the first column in this
    // fragmentainer group.
    enclosingTranslation = enclosingFlowThread->flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(
        LayoutBox::AssociateWithLatterPage, mode);

    // What we ultimately return from this method is a translation that maps
    // points in the coordinate space of our flow thread to a visual point in a
    // certain column in this fragmentainer group. We had to go all the way up
    // to the outermost flow thread, since this fragmentainer group may be in a
    // different outer column than the first outer column that this multicol
    // container lives in. It's the visual distance between the first
    // fragmentainer group and this fragmentainer group that we need to add to
    // the translation.
    enclosingTranslation -= enclosingTranslationOrigin;

  return enclosingTranslation + translationRelativeToFlowThread;