Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Unmarshals the next content of an MBuffer into an OmlValue with
 * type-checking.
 * \param mbuf MBuffer to read from
 * \param type OmlValueT specifying the type to unmarshall
 * \param value pointer to OmlValue to unmarshall the read data into
 * \return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise (e.g., type mismatch)
unmarshal_typed_value (MBuffer* mbuf, const char* name, OmlValueT type, OmlValue* value)
  if (unmarshal_value (mbuf, value) != 1) {
      logerror("Error reading %s from binary packet\n", name);
      return -1;

  if (oml_value_get_type(value) != type) {
      logerror("Expected type '%s' for %s, but got type '%s' instead\n",
             oml_type_to_s (type), name, oml_type_to_s (oml_value_get_type(value)));
      return -1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
    OmlFilter* f,
    OmlValue * value  //! values of sample
) {
  InstanceData* self = (InstanceData*)f->instance_data;
  OmlValueU* v = oml_value_get_value(value);;
  OmlValueT type = oml_value_get_type(value);;

  if (type != self->result[0].type) {
    logwarn ("%s filter: Discarding sample type (%s) different from initial definition (%s)\n",
        FILTER_NAME, oml_type_to_s(type), oml_type_to_s(self->result[0].type));
    return 0;
  /* Overwrite previously stored value */
  return oml_value_set(&self->result[0], v, type);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Marshal a single OmlValueU of type OmlValueT into mbuf.
 * Usually called by marshal_values(). On failure, the whole message writing is
 * reset using mbuf_reset_write(), and marshalling should restart with
 * marshal_init(), after the MBuffer has been adequately resized or repacked.
 * \param mbuf MBuffer to write marshalled data to
 * \param val_type OmlValueT representing the type of val
 * \param val pointer to OmlValueU, of type val_type, to marshall
 * \return 1 on success, or 0 otherwise (marshalling should then restart from marshal_init())
 * \see marshal_values, marshal_init, mbuf_reset_write, mbuf_repack_message, mbuf_repack_message2, mbuf_resize
marshal_value(MBuffer* mbuf, OmlValueT val_type, OmlValueU* val)
  switch (val_type) {
  case OML_LONG_VALUE: {
    long v = oml_value_clamp_long (omlc_get_long(*val));
    uint32_t uv = (uint32_t)v;
    uint32_t nv = htonl(uv);
    uint8_t buf[LONG_T_SIZE+1];

    buf[0] = LONG_T;
    memcpy(&buf[1], &nv, sizeof (nv));

    logdebug3("Marshalling long %ld\n", nv);
    int result = mbuf_write (mbuf, buf, LENGTH (buf));
    if (result == -1) {
      logerror("Failed to marshal OML_LONG_VALUE (mbuf_write())\n");
      mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
      return 0;
  case OML_INT32_VALUE:
  case OML_UINT32_VALUE:
  case OML_INT64_VALUE:
  case OML_UINT64_VALUE: {
    uint8_t buf[UINT64_T_SIZE+1]; // Max integer size
    uint32_t uv32;
    uint32_t nv32;
    uint64_t uv64;
    uint64_t nv64;
    uint8_t *p_nv;

    if (oml_size_map[val_type] == 4)
      uv32 = omlc_get_uint32(*val);
      nv32 = htonl(uv32);
      p_nv = (uint8_t*)&nv32;
      logdebug3("Marshalling %s %" PRIu32 "\n", oml_type_to_s(val_type), uv32);
    } else {
      uv64 = omlc_get_uint64(*val);
      nv64 = htonll(uv64);
      p_nv = (uint8_t*)&nv64;
      logdebug3("Marshalling %s %" PRIu64 "\n", oml_type_to_s(val_type), uv64);

    buf[0] = oml_type_map[val_type];
    memcpy(&buf[1], p_nv, oml_size_map[val_type]);

    int result = mbuf_write (mbuf, buf, oml_size_map[val_type] + 1);
    if (result == -1)
        logerror("Failed to marshal %s value (mbuf_write())\n",
               oml_type_to_s (val_type));
        mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
        return 0;
    uint8_t type = DOUBLE_T;
    double v = omlc_get_double(*val);
    int exp;
    double mant = frexp(v, &exp);
    int8_t nexp = (int8_t)exp;
    logdebug3("Marshalling double %f\n", v);
    if (isnan(v)) {
      type = DOUBLE_NAN;
      nexp = 0;
      mant = 0;
    } else if (nexp != exp) {
      logerror("Double number '%lf' is out of bounds, sending NaN\n", v);
      type = DOUBLE_NAN;
      nexp = 0;
      mant = 0;
   int32_t imant = (int32_t)(mant * (1 << BIG_L));
   uint32_t nmant = htonl(imant);

   uint8_t buf[6] = { type, 0, 0, 0, 0, nexp };

   memcpy(&buf[1], &nmant, sizeof (nmant));

   int result = mbuf_write (mbuf, buf, LENGTH (buf));

   if (result == -1)
       logerror("Failed to marshal OML_DOUBLE_VALUE (mbuf_write())\n");
       mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
       return 0;
   char* str = omlc_get_string_ptr(*val);

   if (str == NULL) {
     str = "";
     logdebug("Attempting to send a NULL string; sending empty string instead\n");

   size_t len = strlen(str);
   if (len > STRING_T_MAX_SIZE) {
     logerror("Truncated string '%s'\n", str);
     len = STRING_T_MAX_SIZE;

   logdebug3("Marshalling string '%s' of length %d\n", str, len);
   uint8_t buf[2] = { STRING_T, (uint8_t)(len & 0xff) };
   int result = mbuf_write (mbuf, buf, LENGTH (buf));
   if (result == -1) {
     logerror("Failed to marshal OML_STRING_VALUE type and length (mbuf_write())\n");
     mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
     return 0;

   result = mbuf_write (mbuf, (uint8_t*)str, len);

   if (result == -1)
       logerror("Failed to marshal OML_STRING_VALUE (mbuf_write())\n");
       mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
       return 0;
   int result = 0;
   void *blob = omlc_get_blob_ptr(*val);
   size_t length = omlc_get_blob_length(*val);
   if (blob == NULL || length == 0) {
     logdebug ("Attempting to send NULL or empty blob; blob of length 0 will be sent\n");
     length = 0;

   uint8_t buf[5] = { BLOB_T, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
   size_t n_length = htonl (length);
   memcpy (&buf[1], &n_length, 4);

   logdebug3("Marshalling blob of size %d\n", length);
   result = mbuf_write (mbuf, buf, sizeof (buf));

   if (result == -1) {
     logerror ("Failed to marshall OML_BLOB_VALUE type and length (mbuf_write())\n");
     mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
     return 0;

   result = mbuf_write (mbuf, blob, length);

   if (result == -1) {
     logerror ("Failed to marshall %d bytes of OML_BLOB_VALUE data\n", length);
     mbuf_reset_write (mbuf);
     return 0;

  case OML_GUID_VALUE: {
    /* FIXME: Wrap with UINT64 marshalling, just change the type */
    uint64_t nv64;
    uint8_t buf[GUID_T_SIZE+1];
    buf[0] = GUID_T;
    nv64 = htonll(omlc_get_guid(*val));
    memcpy(&buf[1], &nv64, sizeof(nv64));
    logdebug3("Marshalling GUID %" PRIu64 "\n", nv64);
    if (-1 == mbuf_write(mbuf, buf, LENGTH(buf))) {
      logerror("Failed to marshal OML_GUID_VALUE (mbuf_write())\n");
      return 0;

  case OML_BOOL_VALUE: {
    uint8_t buf;
    if (!omlc_get_bool(*val)) {
      buf = BOOL_FALSE_T;
    } else {
      buf = BOOL_TRUE_T;
    logdebug3("Marshalling boolean %d\n", BOOL_TRUE_T == buf);
    if (-1 == mbuf_write(mbuf, &buf, 1)) {
      logerror("Failed to marshal OML_BOOL_VALUE (mbuf_write())\n");
      return 0;

    size_t i;
    uint8_t buf[VECTOR_T_SIZE] = { VECTOR_T, 0, 0, 0 };
    uint16_t hn = omlc_get_vector_nof_elts(*val);
    uint16_t nn = htons(hn);
    buf[1] = vector_protocol_map[val_type];
    memcpy(&buf[2], &nn, sizeof(nn));
    if(mbuf_write(mbuf, buf, VECTOR_T_SIZE) == 0) {
      uint32_t elts[hn];
      uint32_t *v = omlc_get_vector_ptr(*val);
      for(i = 0; i < hn; i++)
        elts[i] = htonl(*((uint32_t*)(v+i)));
      if(mbuf_write(mbuf, (const uint8_t*)(elts), sizeof(elts)) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s of size %" PRIu16 " (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type), hn);
        return 0;
    } else {
      logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s length (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type));
      return 0;

    size_t i;
    uint8_t buf[VECTOR_T_SIZE] = { VECTOR_T, 0, 0, 0 };
    uint16_t hn = omlc_get_vector_nof_elts(*val);
    uint16_t nn = htons(hn);
    buf[1] = vector_protocol_map[val_type];
    memcpy(&buf[2], &nn, sizeof(nn));
    if(mbuf_write(mbuf, buf, VECTOR_T_SIZE) == 0) {
      uint64_t elts[hn];
      uint64_t *v = omlc_get_vector_ptr(*val);
      for(i = 0; i < hn; i++)
        elts[i] = htonll(*((uint64_t*)(v+i)));
      if(mbuf_write(mbuf, (const uint8_t*)(elts), sizeof(elts)) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s of size %" PRIu16 " (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type), hn);
        return 0;
    } else {
      logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s length (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type));
        return 0;

    size_t i;
    uint8_t buf[VECTOR_T_SIZE] = { VECTOR_T, 0, 0, 0 };
    uint16_t hn = omlc_get_vector_nof_elts(*val);
    uint16_t nn = htons(hn);
    buf[1] = vector_protocol_map[val_type];
    memcpy(&buf[2], &nn, sizeof(nn));
    if(mbuf_write(mbuf, buf, VECTOR_T_SIZE) == 0) {
      uint8_t elts[hn];
      bool *v = omlc_get_vector_ptr(*val);
      for(i = 0; i < hn; i++)
        elts[i] = v[i] ? BOOL_TRUE_T : BOOL_FALSE_T;
      if(mbuf_write(mbuf, (const uint8_t*)(elts), hn) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s of size %" PRIu16 " (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type), hn);
        return 0;
    } else {
      logerror("%s(): failed to marshal %s length (mbuf_write())\n", __func__, oml_type_to_s(val_type));
      return 0;

    logerror("%s(): Unsupported value type '%d'\n", __func__, val_type);
    return 0;

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Unmarshals the next content of an MBuffer into a OmlValue
 * \param mbuf MBuffer to read from
 * \param value pointer to OmlValue to unmarshall the read data into
 * \return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
unmarshal_value(MBuffer *mbuf, OmlValue *value)
  if (mbuf_rd_remaining(mbuf) == 0) {
    logerror("Tried to unmarshal a value from the buffer, but didn't receive enough data to do that\n");
    return 0;

  int type = mbuf_read_byte (mbuf);
  if (type == -1) return 0;

  switch (type) {
  case LONG_T: {
    uint8_t buf [LONG_T_SIZE];

    if (mbuf_read (mbuf, buf, LENGTH (buf)) == -1)
      logerror("Failed to unmarshal OML_LONG_VALUE; not enough data?\n");
      return 0;

    uint32_t hv = ntohl(*((uint32_t*)buf));
    int32_t v = (int32_t)(hv);

     * The server no longer needs to know about OML_LONG_VALUE, as the
     * marshalling process now maps OML_LONG_VALUE into OML_INT32_VALUE
     * (by truncating to [INT_MIN, INT_MAX].  Therefore, unmarshall a
     * LONG_T value into an OML_INT32_VALUE object.
    oml_value_set_type(value, OML_INT32_VALUE);
    omlc_set_int32(*oml_value_get_value(value), v);
  case INT32_T:
  case UINT32_T:
  case INT64_T:
  case UINT64_T: {
    uint8_t buf [UINT64_T_SIZE]; // Maximum integer size
    OmlValueT oml_type = protocol_type_map[type];
    if (mbuf_read (mbuf, buf, protocol_size_map[type]) == -1) {
      logerror("Failed to unmarshall %d value; not enough data?\n", type);
      return 0;
    oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
    switch (type) {
    case INT32_T:
      omlc_set_int32(*oml_value_get_value(value), ntohl(*((int32_t*)buf)));
      logdebug3("Unmarshalled %s %" PRId32 "\n", oml_type_to_s(oml_type), omlc_get_int32(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

    case UINT32_T:
      omlc_set_uint32(*oml_value_get_value(value), ntohl(*((uint32_t*)buf)));
      logdebug3("Unmarshalled %s %" PRIu32 "\n", oml_type_to_s(oml_type), omlc_get_uint32(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

    case INT64_T:
      omlc_set_int64(*oml_value_get_value(value), ntohll(*((int64_t*)buf)));
      logdebug3("Unmarshalled %s %" PRId64 "\n", oml_type_to_s(oml_type), omlc_get_int64(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

    case UINT64_T:
      omlc_set_uint64(*oml_value_get_value(value), ntohll(*((uint64_t*)buf)));
      logdebug3("Unmarshalled %s %" PRIu64 "\n", oml_type_to_s(oml_type), omlc_get_uint64(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

      logerror("Integer morphed, something magic has just happened\n");
      return 0;
  case DOUBLE_T: {
    uint8_t buf [DOUBLE_T_SIZE];
    OmlValueT oml_type = protocol_type_map[type];
    if (mbuf_read (mbuf, buf, LENGTH (buf)) == -1)
      logerror("Failed to unmarshal OML_DOUBLE_VALUE; not enough data?\n");
      return 0;

    int hmant = (int)ntohl(*((uint32_t*)buf));
    double mant = hmant * 1.0 / (1 << BIG_L);
    int exp = (int8_t) buf[4];
    double v = ldexp(mant, exp);
    oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
    omlc_set_double(*oml_value_get_value(value), v);
    logdebug3("Unmarshalled double %f\n", omlc_get_double(*oml_value_get_value(value)));
  case DOUBLE_NAN: {
    OmlValueT oml_type = protocol_type_map[type];
    mbuf_read_skip(mbuf, DOUBLE_T_SIZE); /* The data is irrelevant */
    oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
    omlc_set_double(*oml_value_get_value(value), NAN);
    logdebug("Received NaN\n");
  case STRING_T: {
    int len = 0;
    uint8_t buf [STRING_T_MAX_SIZE];

    len = mbuf_read_byte (mbuf);

    if (len == -1 || mbuf_read (mbuf, buf, len) == -1)
      logerror("Failed to unmarshal OML_STRING_VALUE; not enough data?\n");
      return 0;

    oml_value_set_type(value, OML_STRING_VALUE);
    omlc_set_string_copy(*oml_value_get_value(value), buf, len);
    logdebug3("Unmarshalled string '%s' of length %d\n", omlc_get_string_ptr(*oml_value_get_value(value)), len);
  case BLOB_T: {
    uint32_t n_len;

    if (mbuf_read (mbuf, (uint8_t*)&n_len, 4) == -1) {
      logerror ("Failed to unmarshal OML_BLOB_VALUE length field; not enough data?\n");
      return 0;

    size_t len = ntohl (n_len);
    size_t remaining = mbuf_rd_remaining (mbuf);

    if (len > remaining) {
      logerror ("Failed to unmarshal OML_BLOB_VALUE data:  not enough data available "
                "(wanted %d, but only have %d bytes\n",
                len, remaining);
      return 0;

    void *ptr = mbuf_rdptr (mbuf);
    oml_value_set_type(value, OML_BLOB_VALUE);
    omlc_set_blob (*oml_value_get_value(value), ptr, len); /*XXX*/
    logdebug3("Unmarshalled blob of size %d\n", len);
    mbuf_read_skip (mbuf, len);

  case GUID_T: {
    uint64_t nv64;
    uint8_t buf[GUID_T_SIZE];
    if(mbuf_read(mbuf, buf, GUID_T_SIZE) == -1) {
      logerror("Failed to unmarshall OML_GUID_VALUE data; not enough data?\n");
      return 0;
    memcpy(&nv64, buf, sizeof(nv64));
    oml_value_set_type(value, OML_GUID_VALUE);
    omlc_set_guid(*oml_value_get_value(value), ntohll(nv64));
    logdebug3("Unmarshalled GUID %" PRIu64 "\n", omlc_get_guid(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

  case BOOL_FALSE_T:
  case BOOL_TRUE_T:
    oml_value_set_type(value, OML_BOOL_VALUE);
                  (type == BOOL_TRUE_T)?OMLC_BOOL_TRUE:OMLC_BOOL_FALSE);
    logdebug3("Unmarshalled boolean %d\n", OMLC_BOOL_TRUE == omlc_get_bool(*oml_value_get_value(value)));

  case VECTOR_T: {
    uint16_t i, nof_elts;
    int type = mbuf_read_byte(mbuf);
    if(-1 == type) {
      logerror("%s(): failed to unmarshall VECTOR_T length\n", __func__);
      return 0;
    if(mbuf_read(mbuf,(uint8_t*)(&nof_elts), sizeof(nof_elts)) == -1) {
      logerror("%s(): failed to unmarshall VECTOR_T length\n", __func__);
      return 0;
    nof_elts = ntohs(nof_elts);

    OmlValueT oml_type = vector_type_map[type];
    OmlValueU *v = oml_value_get_value(value);
    switch(type) {
    case INT32_T:
    case UINT32_T: {
      size_t bytes = nof_elts * sizeof(uint32_t);
      uint32_t *elts = oml_calloc(nof_elts, sizeof(uint32_t));
      if(mbuf_read(mbuf, (uint8_t*)(elts), nof_elts * sizeof(uint32_t)) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to unmarshall OML_VECTOR_(U)INT32_VALUE\n", __func__);
        return 0;
      for(i = 0; i < nof_elts; i++)
        elts[i] = ntohl(elts[i]);
      oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
      omlc_set_vector_ptr(*v, elts);
      omlc_set_vector_length(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_size(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_nof_elts(*v, nof_elts);
      omlc_set_vector_elt_size(*v, sizeof(uint32_t));
    case INT64_T:
    case UINT64_T:
    case DOUBLE64_T: {
      size_t bytes = nof_elts * sizeof(uint64_t);
      uint64_t *elts = oml_calloc(nof_elts, sizeof(uint64_t));
      if(mbuf_read(mbuf, (uint8_t*)(elts), nof_elts * sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to unmarshall OML_VECTOR_(U)INT64_VALUE\n", __func__);
        return 0;
      for(i = 0; i < nof_elts; i++)
        elts[i] = ntohll(elts[i]);
      oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
      omlc_set_vector_ptr(*v, elts);
      omlc_set_vector_length(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_size(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_nof_elts(*v, nof_elts);
      omlc_set_vector_elt_size(*v, sizeof(uint64_t));
    case BOOL_T: {
      uint8_t y[nof_elts];
      size_t bytes = nof_elts * sizeof(bool);
      bool *elts = oml_calloc(nof_elts, sizeof(bool));
      if(mbuf_read(mbuf, y, nof_elts) == -1) {
        logerror("%s(): failed to unmarshall OML_VECTOR_BOOL_VALUE\n", __func__);
        return 0;
      for(i = 0; i < nof_elts; i++)
        elts[i] = ((BOOL_TRUE_T == y[i]) ? true : false);
      oml_value_set_type(value, oml_type);
      omlc_set_vector_ptr(*v, elts);
      omlc_set_vector_length(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_size(*v, bytes);
      omlc_set_vector_nof_elts(*v, nof_elts);
      omlc_set_vector_elt_size(*v, sizeof(bool));
      logerror("%s(): bad type for array (t=%d)\n", __func__, type);

    logerror("%s: Unsupported value type '%d'\n", __FUNCTION__, type);
    return 0;

  return 1;