/** * ブラウザとの間に新しいソケットを開く */ void YASWebProxy::openNewSocket() { QTcpSocket* socket = server->nextPendingConnection(); connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(openTunnel())); connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), socket, SLOT(deleteLater())); HttpParser* parser = new HttpParser(HttpParser::REQUEST, socket); parser->setObjectName("requestParser"); connect(parser, SIGNAL(completeMessage(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(onRequest(QByteArray))); }
// Initiates a simple GET request to the transport void SetUp() override { EXPECT_CALL(m_server, onRequest(_)) .WillOnce(Invoke([] (std::shared_ptr<ProxygenTransport> transport) { transport->setEnqueued(); })); auto req = getRequest(HTTPMethod::GET); m_transport->onHeadersComplete(std::move(req)); m_transport->onEOM(); }
void i2c_init(void) { I2C_ADDR_DDR = 0x40; // All pins input I2C_ADDR_PORT = 0x0F; // PC0 - PC3 enable pullup begin(~I2C_ADDR_PIN & 0x0F); onReceive(receiveEvent); onRequest(requestEvent); return; }
void Connection::onRead( const boost::system::error_code& err, size_t bytes ) { std::cout << "On read..." << bytes << std::endl; if ( err ) { std::cout << err.message() << " in onRead" << std::endl; stop(); return; } std::string msg( _bigReadBuffer, bytes ); //std::cout << "From " << _login << " client: " << msg << std::endl; Stanza st; try { st.load( msg ); } catch ( ... ) { std::cout << "Corrupted XML stanza" << std::endl; stop(); return; } // if ( ( _loggedIn == false ) && ( st.getStanzaType() != Stanza::IQ || // ( st.getSubType() != Stanza::SIGNIN && st.getSubType() != Stanza::SIGNUP ) ) ) // { // stop(); // return; // } switch ( st.getStanzaType() ) { case Stanza::MESSAGE: onMessage( st ); break; case Stanza::PRESENCE: onPresence(); break; case Stanza::IQ: onRequest( st ); break; case Stanza::ROASTER: onRoaster(); break; default: break; } }
TEST(GTestHttpEcho, TestConnectionClose) { GTestOnEnd::clear(); GTestOnClose::clear(); GTestHttpServerOnEnd::clear(); GTestHttpClientOnResponse::clear(); String::CPtr msg = String::create("xyz"); http::Server::Ptr srv = http::Server::create(); GTestHttpServerOnRequest::Ptr onRequest( new GTestHttpServerOnRequest(srv, NUM_REQS)); srv->on(http::Server::EVENT_REQUEST, onRequest); srv->listen(10000); String::CPtr url = String::create(""); JsObject::Ptr options = url::parse(url); JsObject::Ptr headers = JsObject::create(); headers->put( http::HEADER_CONNECTION, String::create("close")); headers->put( http::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, String::valueOf(Buffer::byteLength(msg))); options->put(http::OPTION_HEADERS, headers); GTestHttpClientOnResponse::Ptr onResponse(new GTestHttpClientOnResponse()); for (Size i = 0; i < NUM_REQS; i++) { http::ClientRequest::Ptr req = http::request(options, onResponse); req->write(msg); req->end(); } node::run(); ASSERT_EQ(0, GTestOnClose::count()); JsArray::CPtr messages = GTestOnEnd::messages(); JsArray::CPtr statusCodes = GTestHttpClientOnResponse::statusCodes(); Size numMsgs = messages->length(); Size numCodes = statusCodes->length(); ASSERT_EQ(NUM_REQS, numMsgs); ASSERT_EQ(NUM_REQS, numCodes); for (Size i = 0; i < numMsgs; i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(messages->get(i).equals(msg)); ASSERT_TRUE(statusCodes->get(i).equals(200)); console::printf(console::INFO, "."); } console::printf(console::INFO, "\n"); }
void StormService::update(int64_t ms) { StormListener::Packet* packet; while (m_listener->m_queue.pop_front(packet, ms)) { switch (packet->type) { case StormListener::PacketType_Accept: onAccept(packet->conn); break; case StormListener::PacketType_Close: onClose(packet->conn, packet->closeType); break; case StormListener::PacketType_Packet: onRequest(packet->conn, packet->data.c_str(), packet->data.size()); break; } delete packet; } }
void Channel::onMessage(Json::Value &jsonObj) { LOGI("%s:receive:%s",m_sComponentName.c_str(),jsonObj.toStyledString().data()); bool run = false; // id if (jsonObj.isMember("id")) { int msgID = jsonObj["id"].asInt(); if(jsonObj.isMember("result")){ if(msgID==m_iIDRegRequest){ run=true; m_iIDStart = jsonObj["result"].asInt(); m_iGenerateId= m_iIDStart; onRegistered(); } else if(msgID == m_iIDUnRegRequest){ run=true; m_iIDUnRegRequest=jsonObj["result"].asInt(); onUnregistered(); } else { run=true; onResult(jsonObj); } } else if(jsonObj.isMember("error")){ run=true; onError(jsonObj["error"].asString()); } else{ run=true; onRequest(jsonObj); } } else { run=true; onNotification(jsonObj); } if(!run){ LOGE("NOT USED"); } }
int CEspProtocolThread::run() { Link(); try { bool can_continue = false; do { can_continue = onRequest(); } while (can_continue); } catch (IException *e) { StringBuffer estr; ERRLOG("Exception(%d, %s) in CEspProtocolThread::run while processing request.", e->errorCode(), e->errorMessage(estr).str()); e->Release(); } catch(...) { ERRLOG("Unknown Exception in CEspProtocolThread::run while processing request."); } if(!keepAlive) { try { m_socket->shutdown(); m_socket->close(); } catch (IException *e) { StringBuffer estr; DBGLOG("Exception(%d, %s) - in CEspProtocolThread::run while closing socket.", e->errorCode(), e->errorMessage(estr).str()); e->Release(); } catch(...) { DBGLOG("General Exception - in CEspProtocolThread::run while closing socket."); } } Release(); return 0; }
void InputMethodManager::load() { FCITX_D(); auto inputMethods = d->addonManager_->addonNames(AddonCategory::InputMethod); auto &path = StandardPath::global(); auto files = path.multiOpenAll(StandardPath::Type::Data, "fcitx5/inputmethod", O_RDONLY, filter::Suffix(".conf")); for (const auto &file : files) { auto &files = file.second; RawConfig config; // reverse the order, so we end up parse user file at last. for (auto iter = files.rbegin(), end = files.rend(); iter != end; iter++) { auto fd = iter->fd(); readFromIni(config, fd); } InputMethodInfo imInfo; imInfo.load(config); InputMethodEntry entry = toInputMethodEntry(imInfo); if (checkEntry(entry, inputMethods) && d->entries_.count(entry.uniqueName()) == 0) { d->entries_.emplace(std::string(entry.uniqueName()), std::move(entry)); } } for (const auto &addonName : inputMethods) { auto addonInfo = d->addonManager_->addonInfo(addonName); // on request input method should always provides entry with config file if (!addonInfo || addonInfo->onRequest()) { continue; } auto engine = static_cast<InputMethodEngine *>(d->addonManager_->addon(addonName)); if (!engine) { continue; } auto newEntries = engine->listInputMethods(); for (auto &newEntry : newEntries) { // ok we can't let you register something werid. if (checkEntry(newEntry, inputMethods) && newEntry.addon() == addonName && d->entries_.count(newEntry.uniqueName()) == 0) { d->entries_.emplace(std::string(newEntry.uniqueName()), std::move(newEntry)); } } } loadConfig(); }
void CV8DebugAdapter::onCommand(int id, const QVariantMap& Command) { Q_ASSERT(attached || id == 0); QString typeStr = Command["type"].toString(); QVariantMap Attributes = Command["attributes"].toMap(); //QByteArray Temp = QJson::Serializer().serialize(Attributes); //qDebug() << "cmd: " << typeStr; pending.insert(id, typeStr); QJson::Serializer json; QVariantMap Response; if(typeStr == "Interrupt") { QVariantMap Variant; Variant["seq"] = id; Variant["type"] = "request"; Variant["command"] = "suspend"; QByteArray arrJson = json.serialize(Variant); onRequest(arrJson); } else if(typeStr == "Continue" || typeStr == "StepInto" || typeStr == "StepOver" || typeStr == "StepOut" || typeStr == "Resume") { // Note: Resume is an internal command mostly equivalent to Continue, but not exposed in the gui, // it is used to resume after breaks that are not intended to start interactive debugging. // The debugger assumes that every event breaks the exectiotion, which is here not the case here, // custome events dont stop the engine, those we ignore Resume commands if running is true if(!(typeStr == "Resume" && running)) { // we have to preemptivly set the flag // or else we would have a short window in which we could mistake the engine for being halted while it actually runs. running = true; QVariantMap Variant; Variant["seq"] = id; Variant["type"] = "request"; Variant["command"] = "continue"; Q_ASSERT(step == eNone || typeStr == "Resume"); if(typeStr == "StepInto" || typeStr == "StepOver" || typeStr == "StepOut") { QVariantMap Arguments; if(typeStr == "StepInto") { step = eIn; Arguments["stepaction"] = "in"; } else if(typeStr == "StepOver") { step = eNext; Arguments["stepaction"] = "next"; } else if(typeStr == "StepOut") { step = eOut; Arguments["stepaction"] = "out"; } //Arguments["stepcount"] = 1; // default is 1 Variant["arguments"] = Arguments; } QByteArray arrJson = json.serialize(Variant); onRequest(arrJson); } Response["async"] = true; } else if(typeStr == "RunToLocation" || typeStr == "RunToLocationByID") { step = eLocation; { QVariantMap AuxCommand; AuxCommand["type"] = "SetBreakpoint"; QVariantMap out; if(typeStr == "RunToLocationByID") out["scriptId"] = Attributes["scriptId"]; else out["fileName"] = Attributes["fileName"]; out["lineNumber"] = Attributes["lineNumber"]; out["enabled"] = true; out["singleShot"] = true; QVariantMap AuxAttributes; AuxAttributes["breakpointData"] = out; AuxCommand["attributes"] = AuxAttributes; onCommand(0, AuxCommand); } { QVariantMap AuxCommand; AuxCommand["type"] = "Resume"; onCommand(0, AuxCommand); } Response["async"] = true; } // {"seq":157,"type":"request","command":"restartframe","arguments":{"frame":0}} resets a frame else if(typeStr == "ForceReturn") // Used only in console commands { // Note: V8 currently does not support terminating frame execution early qDebug() << "Forced Return is Not Supported by V8"; } else if(typeStr == "SetBreakpoint") { QVariantMap in = Attributes["breakpointData"].toMap(); if(id != 0) // Note: breakpoint sets issued internaly are not listed breakpoints.insert(-id, in); QVariantMap Variant; Variant["seq"] = id; Variant["type"] = "request"; Variant["command"] = "setbreakpoint"; QVariantMap Arguments; if(in["scriptId"].toInt() != 0) { Arguments["type"] = "scriptId"; Arguments["target"] = in["scriptId"]; } else { Arguments["type"] = "script"; Arguments["target"] = in["fileName"]; } Arguments["line"] = in["lineNumber"]; //Arguments["column"] Arguments["enabled"] = in["enabled"]; Arguments["ignoreCount"] = in["ignoreCount"]; Arguments["condition"] = in["condition"]; Variant["arguments"] = Arguments; QByteArray arrJson = json.serialize(Variant); onRequest(arrJson); return; } else if(typeStr == "DeleteBreakpoint") { breakpoints.remove(Attributes["breakpointId"].toInt()); QVariantMap Variant; Variant["seq"] = id; Variant["type"] = "request"; Variant["command"] = "clearbreakpoint"; QVariantMap Arguments; Arguments["breakpoint"] = Attributes["breakpointId"].toInt(); Variant["arguments"] = Arguments; QByteArray arrJson = json.serialize(Variant); onRequest(arrJson); } else if(typeStr == "DeleteAllBreakpoints") { foreach(int break_id, breakpoints.keys()) { QVariantMap AuxCommand; AuxCommand["type"] = "DeleteBreakpoint"; QVariantMap AuxAttributes; AuxAttributes["breakpointId"] = break_id; AuxCommand["attributes"] = AuxAttributes; onCommand(0, AuxCommand); } }