Ejemplo n.º 1
void Onepdm_container::calculate_spatial_npdm()
  //const std::vector<int>& ro = dmrginp.reorder_vector();
  //mpi::communicator world;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int k=0;k<spatial_onepdm.dim1();++k)
      for(int l=0;l<spatial_onepdm.dim2();++l)
            spatial_onepdm(k,l)= onepdm(2*k,2*l)+onepdm(2*k+1,2*l+1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void Onepdm_container::save_npdm_text(const int &i, const int &j)
  if( mpigetrank() == 0)
    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d%s", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/onepdm.", i, j,".txt");
    ofstream ofs(file);
    ofs << onepdm.dim1() << endl;
    double trace = 0.0;
    for(int k=0;k<onepdm.dim1();++k)
      for(int l=0;l<onepdm.dim2();++l) {
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % k % l % onepdm(k,l);
        if ( k==l ) trace += onepdm(k,l);
    pout << "Spin-orbital 1PDM trace = " << trace << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Onepdm_container::update_full_spin_array( std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<int>, double > >& spin_batch )
  for (auto it = spin_batch.begin(); it != spin_batch.end(); ++it) {
    int i = (it->first)[0];
    int j = (it->first)[1];

    double val = it->second;
//    if ( abs(val) > 1e-8 ) std::cout << "so-onepdm val: i,j = " << i << "," << j << "\t\t" << val << endl;
//    std::cout << "so-onepdm val: i,j = " << i << "," << j << "\t\t" << val << endl;

    // Test for duplicates
    if ( onepdm(i, j) != 0.0 ) {
      cout << "WARNING: Already calculated "<<i<<" "<<j<<endl;
      cout << "earlier value: "<<onepdm(i,j)<<endl<< "new value:     "<<val<<endl;
    if ( abs(val) > NUMERICAL_ZERO ) onepdm(i,j) = val;

Ejemplo n.º 4
double SweepOnepdm::do_one(SweepParams &sweepParams, const bool &warmUp, const bool &forward, const bool &restart, const int &restartSize)

  SpinBlock system;
  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots();
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy(nroots,0.);
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy_spins(nroots,0.);
  double finalError = 0.;

  Matrix onepdm(2*dmrginp.last_site(), 2*dmrginp.last_site());onepdm=0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<nroots; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<=i; j++)      
      save_onepdm_binary(onepdm, i ,j);

  // a new renormalisation sweep routine
  pout << ((forward) ? "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in forwards direction" : "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in backwards direction") << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;
  InitBlocks::InitStartingBlock (system,forward, sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size(), sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size(), restartSize, restart, warmUp);

  sweepParams.set_block_iter() = 0;
  pout << "\t\t\t Starting block is :: " << endl << system << endl;

  SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system); // if restart, just restoring an existing block --
  sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  bool dot_with_sys = true;

  sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;
  SpinBlock newSystem;
  BlockAndDecimate (sweepParams, system, newSystem, warmUp, dot_with_sys);
  pout << "\t\t\t The lowest sweep energy : "<< sweepParams.get_lowest_energy()[0]+dmrginp.get_coreenergy()<<endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  for (int i=0; i<nroots; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<=i; j++) {
      load_onepdm_binary(onepdm, i ,j);
      save_onepdm_spatial_text(onepdm, i ,j);
      save_onepdm_text(onepdm, i ,j);
      save_onepdm_spatial_binary(onepdm, i ,j);
  return sweepParams.get_lowest_energy()[0];
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Onepdm_container::update_full_spin_array( std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<int>, double > >& spin_batch )
  const std::vector<int>& ro = dmrginp.reorder_vector();
  for (auto it = spin_batch.begin(); it != spin_batch.end(); ++it) {
    int i0 = (it->first)[0];
    int j0 = (it->first)[1];
    int i= ro.at(i0/2)*2 + i0%2;
    int j= ro.at(j0/2)*2 + j0%2;

    double val = it->second;
//    if ( abs(val) > 1e-8 ) pout << "so-onepdm val: i,j = " << i << "," << j << "\t\t" << val << endl;
//    pout << "so-onepdm val: i,j = " << i << "," << j << "\t\t" << val << endl;

    // Test for duplicates
    if ( abs(val) > NUMERICAL_ZERO ) onepdm(i,j) = val;

Ejemplo n.º 6
void Onepdm_container::accumulate_npdm()
#ifndef SERIAL
  array_2d<double> tmp_recv;
  mpi::communicator world;
  if( mpigetrank() == 0) {
    for(int i=1;i<calc.size();++i) {
      calc.recv(i, i, tmp_recv);
      for(int k=0;k<onepdm.dim1();++k)
        for(int l=0;l<onepdm.dim2();++l)
          if( abs(tmp_recv(k,l)) > NUMERICAL_ZERO ) onepdm(k,l) = tmp_recv(k,l);
  else {
    calc.send(0, mpigetrank(), onepdm);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: sweep.C Proyecto: matk86/Block
double SweepOnepdm::do_one(SweepParams &sweepParams, const bool &warmUp, const bool &forward, const bool &restart, const int &restartSize, int state)
  Timer sweeptimer;
  int integralIndex = 0;
  SpinBlock system;
  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots();
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy(nroots,0.);
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy_spins(nroots,0.);
  double finalError = 0.;

  int pdmsize = dmrginp.spinAdapted() ? 2*dmrginp.last_site() : dmrginp.last_site();
  Matrix onepdm(pdmsize, pdmsize);onepdm=0.0;
  Matrix pairmat;
  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) {
    pairmat.ReSize(pdmsize, pdmsize);
    pairmat = 0.0;
    save_pairmat_binary(pairmat, state, state);

  save_onepdm_binary(onepdm, state ,state);

  // a new renormalisation sweep routine
  pout << ((forward) ? "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in forwards direction" : "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in backwards direction") << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;
  InitBlocks::InitStartingBlock (system,forward, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size(), sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size(), restartSize, restart, warmUp, integralIndex);

  sweepParams.set_block_iter() = 0;
  pout << "\t\t\t Starting block is :: " << endl << system << endl;

  SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root()); // if restart, just restoring an existing block --
  sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  bool dot_with_sys = true;

  sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;
  for (; sweepParams.get_block_iter() < sweepParams.get_n_iters(); )
      pout << "\n\t\t\t Block Iteration :: " << sweepParams.get_block_iter() << endl;
      pout << "\t\t\t ----------------------------" << endl;
      if (forward)
	p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Forwards " << endl;
	p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Backwards " << endl;

      if (sweepParams.get_block_iter() == 0)
	sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;
	sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSFORM;

      p1out << "\t\t\t Blocking and Decimating " << endl;

      SpinBlock newSystem;
      BlockAndDecimate (sweepParams, system, newSystem, warmUp, dot_with_sys, state);

      system = newSystem;

      pout << system<<endl;
      SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, sweepParams.current_root(), sweepParams.current_root());	 	

      p1out << "\t\t\t saving state " << system.get_sites().size() << endl;
      //sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  pout << "\t\t\t The lowest sweep energy : "<< sweepParams.get_lowest_energy()[0] << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  load_onepdm_binary(onepdm, state ,state);
  save_onepdm_spatial_text(onepdm, state, state);
  save_onepdm_text(onepdm, state, state);
  save_onepdm_spatial_binary(onepdm, state, state);

  if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) {
    load_pairmat_binary(pairmat, state, state);
    // FIXME write out text version
    // only <D{ia}D{jb}> is in the matrix
    save_pairmat_text(pairmat , state, state);

  ecpu = sweeptimer.elapsedcputime(); ewall = sweeptimer.elapsedwalltime();
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep CPU  Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ecpu << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep Wall Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ewall << endl;

  return sweepParams.get_lowest_energy()[0];