Ejemplo n.º 1
* Function: main
* Description:
*    Set up a PIT server and handle network requests.  This server
*    handles both TCP and UDP requests.
* Parameters:
*    The usual argc and argv parameters to a main() function.
* Return Value:
*    This is a daemon program and never returns.  However, in the degenerate
*    case where no sockets are created, the function returns zero.
int main( int   argc,
          char *argv[ ] )
   int         opt;
   int         tSckt[ MAXTCPSCKTS ];     /* Array of TCP socket descriptors. */
   size_t      tScktSize = MAXTCPSCKTS;  /* Size of uSckt (# of elements).   */
   int         uSckt[ MAXUDPSCKTS ];     /* Array of UDP socket descriptors. */
   size_t      uScktSize = MAXUDPSCKTS;  /* Size of uSckt (# of elements).   */

   ** Set the program name (w/o directory prefix).
   pgmName = strrchr( argv[ 0 ], '/' );
   pgmName = pgmName == NULL  ?  argv[ 0 ]  :  pgmName + 1;
   ** Process command options.
   opterr = 0;   /* Turns off "invalid option" error messages. */
   while ( ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, VALIDOPTS ) ) >= 0 )
      switch ( opt )
         case 'v':   /* Verbose mode. */
            verbose = true;
         case 'p':   /* Get the port number */
      }  /* End SWITCH on command option. */
   }  /* End WHILE processing options. */

   if(need < 1)
   ** Open both a TCP and UDP socket, for both IPv4 & IPv6, on which to receive
   ** service requests.
   if ( ( openSckt( service_name, "tcp", tSckt, &tScktSize ) < 0 ) ||
        ( openSckt( service_name, "udp", uSckt, &uScktSize ) < 0 ) )
      exit( 1 );
   ** Run the Programmable Interdimensional Timer server.
   if ( ( tScktSize > 0 ) || ( uScktSize > 0 ) )
      pit( tSckt,         /* pit() never returns. */
           uScktSize );
   ** Since pit() never returns, execution only gets here if no sockets were
   ** created.
   if ( verbose )
      fprintf( stderr,
               "%s: No sockets opened... terminating.\n",
               pgmName );
   return 0;
}  /* End main() */
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Function: main
* Description:
*    Connect to a remote time-of-day service and write the remote host's TOD to
*    stdout.
* Parameters:
*    The usual argc & argv parameters to a main() program.
* Return Value:
*    This function always returns zero.
int main( int   argc,
          char *argv[ ] )
   const char   *host     = DFLT_HOST;
   int           opt;
   int           sckt;
   unsigned int  scopeId  = if_nametoindex( DFLT_SCOPE_ID );
   const char   *service  = DFLT_SERVICE;


   ** Determine the program name (w/o directory prefix).
   pgmName = (const char*) strrchr( argv[ 0 ], '/' );
   pgmName = pgmName == NULL  ?  argv[ 0 ]  :  pgmName+1;
   ** Process command line options.
   opterr = 0;   /* Turns off "invalid option" error messages. */
   while ( ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, VALIDOPTS ) ) != -1 )
      switch ( opt )
         case 's':   /* Scope identifier (IPv6 kluge). */
            scopeId = if_nametoindex( optarg );
            if ( scopeId == 0 )
               fprintf( stderr,
                        "%s: Unknown network interface (%s).\n",
                        optarg );
         case 'v':   /* Verbose mode. */
            verbose = true;
      }  /* End SWITCH on command option. */
   } /* End WHILE processing command options. */
   ** Process command arguments.  At the end of the above loop, optind is the
   ** index of the first NON-option argv element.
   switch ( argc - optind )
      case 2:   /* Both host & service are specified on the command line. */
          service = argv[ optind + 1 ];
          /***** Fall through *****/
      case 1:   /* Host is specified on the command line. */
          host = argv[ optind ];
          /***** Fall through *****/
      case 0:   /* Use default host & service. */
   }  /* End SWITCH on number of command arguments. */
   ** Open a connection to the indicated host/service.
   ** Note that if all three of the following conditions are met, then the
   ** scope identifier remains unresolved at this point.
   **    1) The default network interface is unknown for some reason.
   **    2) The -s option was not used on the command line.
   **    3) An IPv6 "scoped address" was not specified for the hostname on the
   **       command line.
   ** If the above three conditions are met, then only an IPv4 socket can be
   ** opened (connect(2) fails without the scope ID properly set for IPv6
   ** sockets).
   if ( ( sckt = openSckt( host,
                           scopeId ) ) == INVALID_DESC )
      fprintf( stderr,
               "%s: Sorry... a connection could not be established.\n",
               pgmName );
      exit( 1 );
   ** Get the remote time-of-day.
   tod( sckt );
   ** Close the connection and terminate.
   (void) SYSCALL( "close",
                   close( sckt ) );
   return 0;
}  /* End main() */