Ejemplo n.º 1
// ekf_check_position_problem - returns true if the EKF has a positioning problem
bool Copter::ekf_check_position_problem()
    // either otflow or abs means we're OK:
    if (optflow_position_ok()) {
        return false;
    if (ekf_position_ok()) {
        return false;

    // We don't know where we are.  Is this a problem?
    if (copter.flightmode->requires_GPS()) {
        // Oh, yes, we have a problem
        return true;
    // sometimes LAND *does* require GPS:
    if (control_mode == LAND && landing_with_GPS()) {
        return true;

    // we're in a non-GPS mode (e.g. althold/stabilize)

    if (g.fs_ekf_action == FS_EKF_ACTION_LAND_EVEN_STABILIZE) {
        // the user is making an issue out of it
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// position_ok - returns true if the horizontal absolute position is ok and home position is set
bool Copter::position_ok()
    // return false if ekf failsafe has triggered
    if (failsafe.ekf) {
        return false;

    // check ekf position estimate
    return (ekf_position_ok() || optflow_position_ok());
Ejemplo n.º 3
// loiter_init - initialise loiter controller
bool Copter::loiter_init(bool ignore_checks)
    if (position_ok() || optflow_position_ok() || ignore_checks) {

        // set target to current position

        // initialize vertical speed and accelerationj
        pos_control.set_speed_z(-g.pilot_velocity_z_max, g.pilot_velocity_z_max);

        // initialise altitude target to stopping point

        return true;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// brake_init - initialise brake controller
bool Copter::brake_init(bool ignore_checks)
    if (position_ok() || optflow_position_ok() || ignore_checks) {

        // set desired acceleration to zero

        // set target to current position

        // initialize vertical speed and acceleration
        pos_control.set_speed_z(BRAKE_MODE_SPEED_Z, BRAKE_MODE_SPEED_Z);

        // initialise altitude target to stopping point

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// ekf_over_threshold - returns true if the ekf's variance are over the tolerance
bool Copter::ekf_over_threshold()
    // return false immediately if disabled
    if (g.fs_ekf_thresh <= 0.0f) {
        return false;

    // return true immediately if position is bad
    if (!ekf_position_ok() && !optflow_position_ok()) {
        return true;

    // use EKF to get variance
    float posVar, hgtVar, tasVar;
    Vector3f magVar;
    Vector2f offset;
    float compass_variance;
    float vel_variance;
    ahrs.get_variances(vel_variance, posVar, hgtVar, magVar, tasVar, offset);
    compass_variance = magVar.length();

    // return true if compass and velocity variance over the threshold
    return (compass_variance >= g.fs_ekf_thresh && vel_variance >= g.fs_ekf_thresh);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Copter::update_ground_effect_detector(void)
    if(!motors.armed()) {
        // disarmed - disable ground effect and return
        gndeffect_state.takeoff_expected = false;
        gndeffect_state.touchdown_expected = false;

    // variable initialization
    uint32_t tnow_ms = millis();
    float xy_des_speed_cms = 0.0f;
    float xy_speed_cms = 0.0f;
    float des_climb_rate_cms = pos_control.get_desired_velocity().z;

    if (pos_control.is_active_xy()) {
        Vector3f vel_target = pos_control.get_vel_target();
        vel_target.z = 0.0f;
        xy_des_speed_cms = vel_target.length();

    if (position_ok() || optflow_position_ok()) {
        Vector3f vel = inertial_nav.get_velocity();
        vel.z = 0.0f;
        xy_speed_cms = vel.length();

    // takeoff logic

    // if we are armed and haven't yet taken off
    if (motors.armed() && ap.land_complete && !gndeffect_state.takeoff_expected) {
        gndeffect_state.takeoff_expected = true;

    // if we aren't taking off yet, reset the takeoff timer, altitude and complete flag
    bool throttle_up = mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode) && g.rc_3.control_in > 0;
    if (!throttle_up && ap.land_complete) {
        gndeffect_state.takeoff_time_ms = tnow_ms;
        gndeffect_state.takeoff_alt_cm = inertial_nav.get_altitude();

    // if we are in takeoff_expected and we meet the conditions for having taken off
    // end the takeoff_expected state
    if (gndeffect_state.takeoff_expected && (tnow_ms-gndeffect_state.takeoff_time_ms > 5000 || inertial_nav.get_altitude()-gndeffect_state.takeoff_alt_cm > 50.0f)) {
        gndeffect_state.takeoff_expected = false;

    // landing logic
    Vector3f angle_target_rad = attitude_control.get_att_target_euler_cd() * radians(0.01f);
    bool small_angle_request = cosf(angle_target_rad.x)*cosf(angle_target_rad.y) > cosf(radians(7.5f));
    bool xy_speed_low = (position_ok() || optflow_position_ok()) && xy_speed_cms <= 125.0f;
    bool xy_speed_demand_low = pos_control.is_active_xy() && xy_des_speed_cms <= 125.0f;
    bool slow_horizontal = xy_speed_demand_low || (xy_speed_low && !pos_control.is_active_xy()) || (control_mode == ALT_HOLD && small_angle_request);

    bool descent_demanded = pos_control.is_active_z() && des_climb_rate_cms < 0.0f;
    bool slow_descent_demanded = descent_demanded && des_climb_rate_cms >= -100.0f;
    bool z_speed_low = abs(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z()) <= 60.0f;
    bool slow_descent = (slow_descent_demanded || (z_speed_low && descent_demanded));

    gndeffect_state.touchdown_expected = slow_horizontal && slow_descent;

    // Prepare the EKF for ground effect if either takeoff or touchdown is expected.