int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    int delay;
    std::string time_fname;
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("delay,d", po::value<int>(&delay)->default_value(10), "delay in function eval to test speedup of parallelisation for objective functions of different computational cost (OF eval time in seconds")
    ("time,t", po::value<std::string>(&time_fname)->default_value("timer.txt"), "File to write elapsed time for optimiser too");
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
              options(desc).run(), vm);

    DelayFON eval(delay);

    std::stringstream timer_info;
    boost::scoped_ptr<boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer> t((boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer *) nullptr);

    if (world.rank() == 0)
        std::ofstream ofs(time_fname.c_str());
        if (ofs.is_open())
            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(timer_info, 3));
            std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file for writing time elapsed for search, using std::cout";
            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(3));

        //create evaluator server
        ParallelEvaluatePopServer eval_server(env, world, eval.getProblemDefinitions());

        // The random number generator
        typedef std::mt19937 RNG;
        unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
        RNG rng(seed);

        // The optimiser
        int max_gen = 10;
        NSGAII<RNG> optimiser(rng, eval_server);
        MaxGenCheckpoint max_gen_stop(max_gen);

//        optimiser.visualise();

        // Initialise population
        int pop_size = 128	;
        PopulationSPtr pop = intialisePopulationRandomDVAssignment(pop_size, eval.getProblemDefinitions(), rng);

        // Run the optimisation

        t.reset((boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer *) nullptr);
        if (ofs.is_open())
            ofs << timer_info.str();
        std::cout << timer_info.str() << std::endl;

        // create evaluator client
        ParallelEvaluatePopClient eval_client(env, world, eval.getProblemDefinitions(), eval);

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    MetronamicaOF2Parameters params;
    int err = processOptions(argc, argv, params);
    if (err != 0)
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

//    std::vector<double> real_lowerbounds  = {500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   500,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   -100,   -1000,   0.05,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
//    std::vector<double> real_upperbounds =  {5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   5000,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   100,   1000,   5,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1   };
//    int num_classes = 16;
    params.evaluator_id = world.rank();
    MetronamicaCalibrationObjectiveFunction metro_eval(params);

    if (world.rank() == 0)
//        std::ofstream ofs(time_fname.c_str());
//        if (ofs.is_open())
//        {
//            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(timer_info, 3));
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file for writing time elapsed for search, using std::cout";
//            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(3));
//        }

        //create evaluator server
        boost::filesystem::path eval_log = params.save_dir.second / "evaluation_timing.log";
        std::ofstream eval_strm(eval_log.c_str());
        ParallelEvaluatePopServerNonBlocking eval_server(env, world, metro_eval.getProblemDefinitions());
        if (eval_strm.is_open())
            eval_server.log(ParallelEvaluatorBase::LVL1, eval_strm);

        // The random number generator
        typedef std::mt19937 RNG;
        if (params.search_rand_seed == -1) params.search_rand_seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
        RNG rng(params.search_rand_seed);

        // The optimiser
        NSGAII<RNG> optimiser(rng, eval_server);
        if (eval_strm.is_open())
            optimiser.log(eval_strm, eval_log, NSGAII<RNG>::LVL1 );
        std::vector<double> ref_point =  {-0.1, 1, -0.1};
        std::vector<double> unitise_point = {1,0, 1};
        createCheckpoints(optimiser, params, ref_point, unitise_point);

        // Initialise population

        PopulationSPtr pop(new Population);
        if (params.pop_file_xml.first != "none")
            pop = restore_population(params.pop_file_xml.second);
        else if (params.pop_file_txt.first != "none")
            pop.reset(new Population(params.pop_file_txt.second, metro_eval.getProblemDefinitions()));
            pop = intialisePopulationRandomDVAssignment(params.pop_size, metro_eval.getProblemDefinitions(), rng);

//        hvol(pop);
//        std::cout << "Hypervolume: " << hvol.getVal() << std::endl;

        // Run the optimisation

        postProcessResults(metro_eval, pop, params);

        std::string log_file_name = "worker_" + std::to_string(world.rank()) + "_timing.log";
        boost::filesystem::path eval_log = params.save_dir.second / log_file_name;
        std::ofstream eval_strm(eval_log.c_str());
        ParallelEvaluatePopClientNonBlocking eval_client(env, world, metro_eval.getProblemDefinitions(), metro_eval);
        if (eval_strm.is_open())
            eval_client.log(ParallelEvaluatorBase::LVL1, eval_strm);

        //logging eval_client
//        std::string log_filename = "evaluation_timing_worker" + std::to_string(world.rank()) + ".log";
//        boost::filesystem::path eval_log = working_dir.second / log_filename;
//        std::ofstream eval_strm(eval_log.c_str());
//        if (eval_strm.is_open())
//        {
//            eval_client.log(ParallelEvaluatorBase::LVL1, eval_strm);
//        }
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void)
  //std::cout << "Generating a time series on device "<< tim.get_nsamps() << std::endl;
  //DeviceTimeSeries<float> d_tim(8388608);
  TimeSeries<float> tim;
  DeviceTimeSeries<float> d_tim(tim);
  unsigned int size = d_tim.get_nsamps();
  TimeSeriesFolder folder(size);
  //DeviceTimeSeries<float> d_tim_r(fft_size); //<----for resampled data
  //TimeDomainResampler resampler;

  float* folded_buffer;
  cudaError_t error;
  cufftResult result;
  error = cudaMalloc((void**)&folded_buffer, sizeof(float)*size);

  unsigned nints = 64;
  unsigned nbins = 32;

  cufftComplex* fft_out;
  error = cudaMalloc((void**)&fft_out, sizeof(cufftComplex)*nints*nbins);
  cufftHandle plan;
  result = cufftPlan1d(&plan,nbins,CUFFT_R2C, nints);
  Stopwatch timer;

  FoldedSubints<float> folded_array(nbins,nints);

  std::cout << "made it here" << std::endl;

  FoldOptimiser optimiser(nbins,nints);
  for (int ii=0;ii<1;ii++){
    //FoldedSubints<float> folded_array(nbins,nints);
  float* temp = new float [nints*nbins];

  for (int ii=0;ii<nints*nbins;ii++)
    std::cout << temp[ii] << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Total execution time (s): " << timer.getTime()<<std::endl;
  std::cout << "Average execution time (s): " << timer.getTime()/1000.0 << std::endl;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  //    rmsPropTest();
  if (argc < 3) {
    cout << "usage rnnsynth [config_options] config_file" << endl;
    cout << "config_options syntax: --<variable_name>=<variable_value>" << endl;
    cout << "whitespace not allowed in variable names or values" << endl;
    cout << "all config_file variables overwritten by config_options" << endl;
    cout << "setting <variable_value> = \"\" removes the variable from the "
            "config" << endl;
    cout << "repeated variables overwritten by last specified" << endl;
  ConfigFile conf(argv[argc - 2]);
  ConfigFile conf_1(argv[argc - 1]);
  bool autosave = false;
  string configFilename;
  string task = conf.get<string>("task");
  CHECK_STRICT(task == "prediction", "must have prediction task");
  if (task == "prediction" && conf.get<int>("predictionSteps", 1) == 1) {
    task = conf.set_val<string>("task", "window-prediction");
  verbose = true;
  ostream &out = cout;
  string dataset = conf.get<string>("dataset", "train");
  check(in(validDatasets, dataset),
        dataset + " given as 'dataset' parameter in config file '" +
            configFilename + "'\nmust be one of '" + str(validDatasets) + "'");
  string dataFileString = dataset + "File";

  vector<string> dataFiles = conf.get_list<string>(dataFileString);
  int dataFileNum = conf.get<int>("dataFileNum", 0);
  check(dataFiles.size() > dataFileNum,
        "no " + ordinal(dataFileNum) + " file in size " +
            str(dataFiles.size()) + " file list " + dataFileString + " in " +
  string datafile = dataFiles[dataFileNum];
  DataHeader header(datafile, task, 1);

  PRINT(task, out);

  std::unique_ptr<Mdrnn> net;
  net.reset(new VerticalNet(out, conf, header));

  // build weight container after net is created
  WeightContainer &wc = WeightContainer::instance();;
  Rmsprop optimiser("weight_optimiser", out, wc.weights, wc.derivatives);
  int numWeights = WeightContainer::instance().weights.size();
  out << "loading dynamic data from " << conf.filename << endl;
  out << "number of weights to load " << numWeights << endl;
  DataExportHandler::instance().load(conf, out);
  Vector<real_t> weights = wc.weights;
  Vector<real_t> derivatives = wc.derivatives;
  Vector<real_t> deltas = optimiser.deltas;
  Vector<real_t> n = optimiser.n;
  Vector<real_t> g = optimiser.g;
  out << "loading dynamic data from " << conf_1.filename << endl;
  DataExportHandler::instance().load(conf_1, out);
  addVectors(wc.weights, weights);
  addVectors(wc.derivatives, derivatives);
  addVectors(optimiser.deltas, deltas);
  addVectors(optimiser.n, n);
  addVectors(optimiser.g, g);
  const std::string filename("");
  ofstream fout(filename.c_str());
  if (fout.is_open()) {
    out << "saving to " << filename << endl;
    fout << DataExportHandler::instance();
  } else {
    out << "WARNING unable to save to file " << filename << endl;

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::filesystem::path working_dir = boost::filesystem::initial_path();
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    MinMaxFON test_problem;
    if (world.rank() == 0)
        //create evaluator server

        //create evaluator server
        std::string eval_log_fname("mpi_msgs.txt");
        std::ofstream eval_strm(eval_log_fname.c_str());
        ParallelEvaluatePopServerNonBlocking eval_server(env, world, test_problem.getProblemDefinitions());
        if (eval_strm.is_open())
            eval_server.log(ParallelEvaluatorBase::LVL1, eval_strm);

        std::stringstream timer_info;
        boost::scoped_ptr<boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer> t((boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer *) nullptr);
        std::string time_fname("run_time_fon.txt");
        std::ofstream ofs(time_fname.c_str());
        if (ofs.is_open())
            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(timer_info, 3));
            std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file for writing time elapsed for search, using std::cout";
            t.reset(new boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer(3));

        // The random number generator
        typedef std::mt19937 RNG;
        unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
        RNG rng(seed);

        // The optimiser
        int max_gen = 100;
        NSGAII<RNG> optimiser(rng, eval_server);
        MaxGenCheckpoint max_gen_terminate(max_gen);
    //    SavePopCheckpoint save_pop(1, working_dir);
        std::vector<double> ref_point = {1, -1};
        Hypervolume hvol(ref_point, working_dir, 1, Hypervolume::TERMINATION, 50);
    //    hvol.log();
        std::string mail_subj("Hypervolume of front from FON optimiser ");
    //    MailCheckpoint mail(10, hvol, mail_subj);
    //    std::string my_address("*****@*****.**");
    //    mail.addAddress(my_address);
        MetricLinePlot hvol_plot(hvol);
        PlotFrontVTK plotfront;
    //    ResetMutXvrDebugFlags reset_flags;
    //    SerialiseCheckpoint<NSGAII<RNG> > save_state(1, optimiser, working_dir);
    //    optimiser.add_checkpoint(save_state);
    //    optimiser.add_checkpoint(save_pop);
    //    optimiser.add_checkpoint(mail);
    //    optimiser.add_checkpoint(reset_flags);
    //    optimiser.visualise();

        // Initialise population
        int pop_size = 1000;
        PopulationSPtr pop = intialisePopulationRandomDVAssignment(pop_size, test_problem.getProblemDefinitions(), rng);

        // Run the optimisation

        t.reset((boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer *) nullptr);
        if (ofs.is_open())
            ofs << timer_info.str();
        std::cout << timer_info.str() << std::endl;

        // create evaluator client
        ParallelEvaluatePopClientNonBlocking eval_client(env, world, test_problem.getProblemDefinitions(), test_problem);
        //logging eval_client
        std::string log_filename = "evaluation_timing_worker" + std::to_string(world.rank()) + ".log";
        std::ofstream eval_strm(log_filename.c_str());
        if (eval_strm.is_open())
            eval_client.log(ParallelEvaluatorBase::LVL1, eval_strm);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;