Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* main routine, calls optionInt and sets database */
char *outFile = NULL;
boolean memTest=FALSE;
char *db = NULL;
if(argc == 1)
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
db = optionVal("db", NULL);
if(db == NULL)
    errAbort("Must set -db flag. Try -help for usage.");
outFile = optionVal("agxOut", NULL);
singleExonOk = optionExists("singleExonOk");
if(outFile == NULL)
    errAbort("Must specify output file with -agxOut flag. Try -help for usage.");
if(optionVal("chromNib", NULL) != NULL)
    initializeChromNib(optionVal("chromNib", NULL));
minAli = optionFloat("minAli", 0.0);
minCover = optionFloat("minCover", 0.0);
memTest = optionExists("memTest");
weightMrna = optionExists("weightMrna");
if(memTest == TRUE)
    warn("Testing for memory leaks, use top to monitor and CTRL-C to stop.");
uniqPos = newHash(10);
createAltSplices(db, outFile, memTest );
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
maxGap = optionInt("maxGap", maxGap);
maxChain = optionInt("maxChain", maxChain);
minIdRatio = optionFloat("minId", 0.0)/100.0;
minScore = optionFloat("minScore", minScore);
bedOut = optionExists("bed");
if (argc != 5)
doIt(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
markovTable = optionVal("markovTable", NULL);
originalCoordinates = optionExists("originalCoordinates");
minScoreCutoff = optionFloat("minScoreCutoff", 0);
prior = optionFloat("prior", prior);
priorBackoff = optionFloat("priorBackoff", priorBackoff);
topOnly = optionExists("topOnly");
uniformBackground = optionExists("uniformBackground");
if (argc < 4)
motifFinder(argv[1], argv[2], argc-3, argv+3);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
int minSizeT = 0;
int minSizeQ = 0;
int minChainT = 0;
int minChainQ = 0;
double minMatch = LIFTOVER_MINMATCH;
double minBlocks = LIFTOVER_MINBLOCKS;

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
minMatch = optionFloat("minMatch", minMatch);
minBlocks = optionFloat("minBlocks", minBlocks);
fudgeThick = optionExists("fudgeThick");
multiple = optionExists("multiple");
noSerial = optionExists("noSerial");
if ((!multiple) && (optionExists("minSizeT")  || optionExists("minSizeQ") ||
		    optionExists("minChainT") || optionExists("minChainQ") ||
		    optionExists("chainTable") || optionExists("noSerial")))
    errAbort("minSizeT/Q, minChainT/Q, noSerial and chainTable can only be used with -multiple.");
if (optionExists("minSizeT") && optionExists("minChainT"))
    errAbort("minSizeT is currently a deprecated synonym for minChainT. Can't set both.");
minSizeT = optionInt("minSizeT", minChainT); /* note: we're setting minChainT */
minSizeQ = optionInt("minSizeQ", minSizeQ);
minChainT = optionInt("minChainT", minChainT);
minChainQ = optionInt("minChainQ", minChainQ);
if (optionExists("bedPlus"))
    bedPlus = optionInt("bedPlus", bedPlus);
    if (bedPlus < 3 || bedPlus > 15)
        errAbort("-bedPlus=%d is out of range -- BED has between 3 and 15 fields.", bedPlus);
ends = optionInt("ends", ends);
hasBin = optionExists("hasBin");
tabSep = optionExists("tab") || optionExists("tabSep");
if ((hasBin || tabSep) && !bedPlus)
chainTable = optionVal("chainTable", chainTable);
if (optionExists("errorHelp"))
    errAbort("%s", liftOverErrHelp());
if (argc != 5)
liftOver(argv[1], argv[2], minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, minSizeQ, 
	 minChainT, minChainQ, multiple, noSerial, chainTable, argv[3], argv[4]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static float optionFrac(char *name, float def)
/* get an option that must be in the range 0.0 and 1.0, or -1.0 to disable. */
float val = optionFloat(name, def);
if (((val < 0.0) || (val > 1.0)) && (val != -1.0))
    errAbort("-%s must be in the range 0.0..1.0 (or -1.0 to disable)", name);
return val;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
struct tm *tm;

if (argc < 2)
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);

if (!optionExists("age"))
    verbose(1,"ERROR: must specify an age argument, e.g.: -age=8\n");
if (time(&timeNow) < 1)
    errAbort("can not obtain current time via time() function\n");
tm = localtime(&timeNow);
ageHours = optionFloat("age", 0.0);
time_t ageSeconds = (time_t)(ageHours * 3600);	/*	age in seconds	*/
dropTime = timeNow - ageSeconds;
if (ageHours > 0.0)
    verbose(2,"#	specified age = %f hours = %ld seconds\n", ageHours,
	(unsigned long)ageSeconds);
    verbose(2,"#	current time: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %ld\n",
	1900+tm->tm_year, 1+tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday,
        tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, (unsigned long)timeNow);
    tm = localtime(&dropTime);
    verbose(2,"#	   drop time: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %ld\n",
	1900+tm->tm_year, 1+tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday,
        tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, (unsigned long)dropTime);
    verbose(1,"ERROR: specified age %.f must be greater than 0.0\n", ageHours);
drop = optionExists("drop");
historyToo = optionExists("historyToo");
db = optionVal("db",db);
extFileCheck = optionExists("extFile");
extDel = optionExists("extDel");
tableStatus = optionExists("tableStatus");
topDir = optionVal("topDir", topDir);
verbose(2,"#	drop requested: %s\n", drop ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
verbose(2,"#	    historyToo: %s\n", historyToo ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
verbose(2,"#	       extFile: %s\n", extFileCheck ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
verbose(2,"#	        extDel: %s\n", extDel ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
verbose(2,"#	   tableStatus: %s\n", tableStatus ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
verbose(2,"#	        topDir: %s\n", topDir);
verbose(2,"#	database: %s\n", db);

if (verboseLevel() > 1)
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void twinOrfStats(char *axtFile, char *raFile, char *outFile)
/* twinOrfStats - Collect stats on refSeq cDNAs aligned to another species via axtForEst. */
struct hash *rsiHash = readRefRa(raFile);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(axtFile, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct axt *axt;
static struct countMatrix kozak[10], all, utr5, utr3, cds;
static struct c2Counts c2All, c2Utr5, c2Utr3, c2Cds;
char label[64];
char *predictFile = optionVal("predict", NULL);
int i;
struct codonCounts codons;

initCounts(&codons, 1);

threshold = optionFloat("threshold", threshold);
while ((axt = axtRead(lf)) != NULL)
    struct refSeqInfo *rsi = hashFindVal(rsiHash, axt->tName);
    if (rsi != NULL && rsi->cdsStart >= 5)
	if (checkAtg(axt, rsi->cdsStart))
	    for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
		addPos(&kozak[i], axt, rsi->cdsStart - 5 + i);
	    addRange(&all, &c2All, axt, 0, rsi->size);
	    addRange(&utr5, &c2Utr5, axt, 0, rsi->cdsStart);
	    addRange(&cds, &c2Cds, axt, rsi->cdsStart, rsi->cdsEnd);
	    addRange(&utr3, &c2Utr3, axt, rsi->cdsEnd, rsi->size);
	    addCodons(&codons, axt, rsi->cdsStart, rsi->cdsEnd-3);
dumpCounts(f, &all, "all");
dumpCounts(f, &utr5, "utr5");
dumpCounts(f, &cds, "cds");
dumpCounts(f, &utr3, "utr3");
dumpM1(f, &c2All, "c2_all");
dumpM1(f, &c2Utr5, "c2_utr5");
dumpM1(f, &c2Cds, "c2_cds");
dumpM1(f, &c2Utr3, "c2_utr3");
for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
    sprintf(label, "kozak[%d]", i-5);
    dumpCounts(f, &kozak[i], label);
dumpCodon(f, &codons, "codon");
if (predictFile)
    predict(kozak, &all, axtFile, predictFile, rsiHash);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);

obsolete = optionExists("obsolete");
if (! obsolete)
    verbose(1,"ERROR: This loader is obsolete.  Please use: 'wigEncode'\n");
    verbose(1,"\t(use -obsolete flag to run this encoder despite it being obsolete)\n");
    errAbort("ERROR: wigAsciiToBinary is obsolete, use 'wigEncode' instead");

if (argc < 2)

add_offset = optionLongLong("offset", 0);
binsize = optionLongLong("binsize", 1024);
dataSpan = optionLongLong("dataSpan", 1);
chrom = optionVal("chrom", NULL);
wibFile = optionVal("wibFile", NULL);
name = optionVal("name", NULL);
minVal = optionFloat("minVal", -1 * INFINITY);
maxVal = optionFloat("maxVal", INFINITY);
trimVals = optionExists("minVal") || optionExists("maxVal");

verbose(2, "options: -verbose, offset= %llu, binsize= %llu, dataSpan= %llu\n",
    add_offset, binsize, dataSpan);
if (chrom)
    verbose(2, "-chrom=%s\n", chrom);
if (wibFile)
    verbose(2, "-wibFile=%s\n", wibFile);
if (name)
    verbose(2, "-name=%s\n", name);
wigAsciiToBinary(argc, argv);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
gExonOverlap = optionFloat("exonOverlap", 0.0);
gCdsOnly = optionExists("cds");
if (argc != 4)
geneOverlap(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 4)
minAli = optionFloat("minAli", minAli);
nearTop = optionFloat("nearTop", nearTop);
minCover = optionFloat("minCover", minCover);
minNearTopSize = optionInt("minNearTopSize", minNearTopSize);
ignoreSize = optionExists("ignoreSize");
if (optionExists("sizeMatters"))
    warn("warning: -sizeMatters is deprecated and is now the default");
noIntrons = optionExists("noIntrons");
singleHit = optionExists("singleHit");
noHead = optionExists("nohead");
ignoreNs = optionExists("ignoreNs");
coverQSizeFile = optionVal("coverQSizes", NULL);
pslReps(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionHash(&argc, argv);
scale = optionFloat("scale", scale);
maxGap = optionInt("maxGap", maxGap);
near = optionInt("near", near);
sampleList = optionVal("samples", cloneString(sampleList));

if (argc != 2)
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);

aHitAny = optionExists("aHitAny");
bScore = optionExists("bScore");
minCoverage = optionFloat("minCoverage", minCoverage);
strictTab = optionExists("tab");
allowStartEqualEnd = optionExists("allowStartEqualEnd");
if (argc != 4)
bedIntersect(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
userName = cloneString(getUser());
optionHashSome(&argc, argv, TRUE);
if (argc < 2)
paraHubHost = optionVal("host", paraHubHost);
cpuUsage = optionFloat("cpu", cpuUsage);
if (cpuUsage < 0)
ramUsage = paraParseRam(optionVal("ram","0"));
if (ramUsage == -1)
parasol(argv[1], argc-2, argv+2);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionHash(&argc, argv);
clRegion = optionVal("region", clRegion);
bigWinSize = optionInt("bigWinSize", bigWinSize);
bigStepSize = optionInt("bigStepSize", bigStepSize);
smallWinSize = optionInt("smallWinSize", smallWinSize);
threshold = optionFloat("threshold", threshold);
picksPer = optionInt("picksPer", picksPer);
htmlOutput = optionVal("html", htmlOutput);
avoidFile = optionVal("avoid", avoidFile);
randSeed = optionInt("randSeed", randSeed);
printWin = optionExists("printWin");
if (argc != 4)
regionPicker(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 6)
if (optionExists("prot"))
    qType = tType = "prot";
qType = optionVal("q", qType);
tType = optionVal("t", tType);
if (sameWord(tType, "prot") || sameWord(tType, "dnax") || sameWord(tType, "rnax"))
    minIdentity = 25;
minIdentity = optionFloat("minIdentity", minIdentity);
minScore = optionInt("minScore", minScore);
dots = optionInt("dots", 0);
outputFormat = optionVal("out", outputFormat);
/* set global for fuzzy find functions */
setFfIntronMax(optionInt("maxIntron", ffIntronMaxDefault));
gfClient(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], tType, qType);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);

if (argc < 2)

minCover = optionFloat("minCover", 80.0);
maxGap = optionInt("maxGap", 1000);
agp = optionExists("agp");
allowDuplicates = optionExists("allowDuplicates");

verbose(2,"#\tminCover: %% %g\n", minCover);
verbose(2,"#\tmaxGap: %u\n", maxGap);
verbose(2,"#\toutput type: %s\n", agp ? "AGP" : "BED");

clusterClone(argc, argv);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionHash(&argc, argv);
if (argc != 2)
xBins = optionInt("xBins", xBins);
yBins = optionInt("yBins", yBins);
xBinSize = optionInt("xBinSize", xBinSize);
yBinSize = optionInt("yBinSize", yBinSize);
xMin = optionInt("xMin", xMin);
yMin = optionInt("yMin", yMin);
psFile = optionVal("ps", NULL);
psSize = optionInt("psSize", psSize);
margin = optionInt("margin", margin);
doLog = optionExists("log");
labelStep = optionInt("labelStep", labelStep);
postScale = optionFloat("postScale", postScale);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void borfMatcher(char *bedIn, char *borfIn, char *bedOutFile, char *genePredOutFile)
/* Top level function to open files and call other functions. */
struct borf *borf = NULL, *borfList = NULL;
struct bed *bed = NULL, *bedList = NULL;
struct genePred *gp = NULL;
float threshold = optionFloat("minScore", 50);
FILE *bedOut = mustOpen(bedOutFile, "w");
FILE *genePredOut = mustOpen(genePredOutFile, "w");
boolean keepSmall = optionExists("keepSmall");
boolean keepNmd = optionExists("keepNmd");

borfList = borfLoadAll(borfIn);
bedList = bedLoadAll(bedIn);
for(bed = bedList, borf = borfList; bed != NULL && borf != NULL; bed = bed->next, borf = borf->next)
    if(!stringIn(bed->name, borf->name))
	errAbort("Trying to match up %s bed with %s borf - bad idea!", bed->name, borf->name);
    /* Have to adjust cds end. Borf puts stop codon outside of cds, 
       we put it inside. */
    borf->cdsEnd = min(borf->cdsEnd+3, borf->size);
    if((borf->score > threshold || (keepSmall && borf->cdsSize > 0)) && sameString(borf->strand, "+"))
	setThickStartStop(bed, borf);
	if(keepNmd || !nmdTarget(bed))
	    gp = bedToGenePred(bed);
	    bedTabOutN(bed, 12, bedOut);
	    genePredTabOut(gp, genePredOut);
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 3)
database = optionVal("database", database);
doAverage = optionExists("average");
transpose = optionExists("transpose");
minAbsVal = optionFloat("minAbsVal", minAbsVal);
minMaxVal = optionInt("minMaxVal", minMaxVal);
c = optionDouble("addConst", c);
clump = optionVal("clump", clump);
doLoad = !optionExists("noLoad");
if (optionExists("tab"))
    tabDir = optionVal("tab", tabDir);
limit = optionInt("limit", limit);
hgRatioMicroarray(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct lineFile *pf, *prf;
  char filename[64], *pslTable;

  optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
  if (argc < 4)

  VERBOSE = optionExists("verbose");
  SLOP = optionExists("slop");
  SHORT = optionExists("short");
  LONG = optionExists("long");
  MISMATCH = optionExists("mismatch");
  ORPHAN = optionExists("orphan");
  NORANDOM = optionExists("noRandom");
  NOBIN = optionExists("noBin");
  MIN = optionInt("min",MIN);
  MAX = optionInt("max",MAX);
  TINSERT = optionInt("tInsert",TINSERT);
  HARDMAX = optionInt("hardMax",HARDMAX);
  if (SLOP)
      SLOPVAL = optionInt("slopval",SLOPVAL);
      SLOPVAL = 0;
  NEARTOP = optionFloat("nearTop",NEARTOP);
  MIN_ID = optionFloat("minId",MIN_ID);
  MIN_ORPHAN_ID = optionFloat("minOrphanId",MIN_ORPHAN_ID);

  pf = pslFileOpen(argv[1]);
  prf = lineFileOpen(argv[2],TRUE);
  pslTable = cloneString(argv[3]);

  sprintf(filename, "%s.pairs", argv[4]);
  of = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  if (SLOP)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.slop", argv[4]);
      sf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  if (ORPHAN)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.orphan", argv[4]);
      orf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
      sprintf(filename, "%s.mismatch", argv[4]);
      mf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  if (SHORT)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.short", argv[4]);
      esf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  if (LONG)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.long", argv[4]);
      elf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  if (VERBOSE)
    printf("Reading pair file\n");
  clones = newHash(23);
  leftNames = newHash(23);
  rightNames = newHash(23);
  if (VERBOSE)
    printf("Reading psl file\n");
  if (VERBOSE)
    printf("Creating Pairs\n");
  if (VERBOSE) 
    printf("Writing to files\n");
  if (ORPHAN)
  if (SLOP)
  if (SHORT)
  if (LONG)
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void twinOrfStats(char *axtFile, char *raFile, char *outFile)
/* twinOrfStats - Collect stats on refSeq cDNAs aligned to another species via axtForEst. */
struct hash *rsiHash = readRefRa(raFile);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(axtFile, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct axt *axt;
static struct c1Counts c1Kozak[10], c1all, c1utr5, c1utr3, c1cds;
static struct c2Counts c2Kozak[10], c2All, c2Utr5, c2Utr3, c2Cds;
static struct c3Counts c3All, c3Utr5, c3Utr3, c3Cds;
char label[64];
char *predictFile = optionVal("predict", NULL);
int i;
static struct c3Counts cod1, cod2, cod3, stop, earlyCod1, earlyCod2, earlyCod3;
int earlySize;

initC3Counts(&cod1, 0);
initC3Counts(&cod2, 0);
initC3Counts(&cod3, 0);
initC3Counts(&earlyCod1, 0);
initC3Counts(&earlyCod2, 0);
initC3Counts(&earlyCod3, 0);
initC3Counts(&c3Utr3, 0);
initC3Counts(&c3Utr5, 0);
initC3Counts(&stop, 0);

threshold = optionFloat("threshold", threshold);
earlyAaSize = optionInt("earlyAaSize", earlyAaSize);
earlySize = 3*earlyAaSize;
while ((axt = axtRead(lf)) != NULL)
    struct refSeqInfo *rsi = hashFindVal(rsiHash, axt->tName);
    if (rsi != NULL && rsi->cdsStart >= 6)
	if (checkAtg(axt, rsi->cdsStart))
	    for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
		addPos(&c1Kozak[i], &c2Kozak[i], axt, rsi->cdsStart - 5 + i);
	    addRange(&c1all, &c2All, &c3All, axt, 0, rsi->size);
	    addRange(&c1utr5, &c2Utr5, &c3Utr5, axt, 0, rsi->cdsStart);
	    addRange(&c1cds, &c2Cds, &c3Cds, axt, rsi->cdsStart, rsi->cdsEnd);
	    addRange(&c1utr3, &c2Utr3, &c3Utr3, axt, rsi->cdsEnd, rsi->size);

	    /* The +3+1 in the expression below breaks down as so:  the
	     * +3 is to move past the first 'ATG' codon, which is part of
	     * the Kozak consensus model, not the coding model.  The +1
	     * is so that we look at the 2nd and 3rd bases of the previous
	     * codon, and the first base of the current codon.   */
	    addCodons(&earlyCod1, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+1, rsi->cdsStart+1+earlySize);
	    addCodons(&earlyCod2, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+2, rsi->cdsStart+2+earlySize);
	    addCodons(&earlyCod3, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+3, rsi->cdsStart+3+earlySize);
	    addCodons(&cod1, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+1+earlySize, rsi->cdsEnd-5);
	    addCodons(&cod2, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+2+earlySize, rsi->cdsEnd-4);
	    addCodons(&cod3, axt, rsi->cdsStart+3+3+earlySize, rsi->cdsEnd-3);
	    addCodons(&stop, axt, rsi->cdsEnd-3, rsi->cdsEnd);

dumpC1(f, &c1all, "c1_all");
dumpC2(f, &c2All, "c2_all");
dumpC3(f, &c3All, "c3_all");

dumpC1(f, &c1utr5, "c1_utr5");
dumpC2(f, &c2Utr5, "c2_utr5");
dumpC3(f, &c3Utr5, "c3_utr5");

dumpC1(f, &c1cds, "c1_cds");
dumpC2(f, &c2Cds, "c2_cds");
dumpC3(f, &c3Cds, "c3_cds");

dumpC1(f, &c1utr3, "c1_utr3");
dumpC2(f, &c2Utr3, "c2_utr3");
dumpC3(f, &c3Utr3, "c3_utr3");

for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
    sprintf(label, "c1_kozak[%d]", i-5);
    dumpC1(f, &c1Kozak[i], label);
    sprintf(label, "c2_kozak[%d]", i-5);
    dumpC2(f, &c2Kozak[i], label);
dumpC3(f, &earlyCod1, "earlyCod1");
dumpC3(f, &earlyCod2, "earlyCod2");
dumpC3(f, &earlyCod3, "earlyCod3");
dumpC3(f, &cod1, "cod1");
dumpC3(f, &cod2, "cod2");
dumpC3(f, &cod3, "cod3");
dumpC3(f, &stop, "stop");

if (predictFile)
    predict(c1Kozak, &c1all, axtFile, predictFile, rsiHash);
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* entry */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char *selectFile, *inFile, *outFile, *dropFile;
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 4)
    usage("wrong # args");
selectFile = argv[1];
inFile = argv[2];
outFile = argv[3];

/* select file options */
if (optionExists("selectFmt") && optionExists("selectCoordCols"))
    errAbort("can't specify both -selectFmt and -selectCoordCols");

if (optionExists("selectFmt"))
    selectFmt = parseFormatSpec(optionVal("selectFmt", NULL));
else if (optionExists("selectCoordCols"))
    selectCoordCols = coordColsParseSpec("selectCoordCols",
                                         optionVal("selectCoordCols", NULL));
    selectFmt = COORD_COLS_FMT;
    selectFmt = getFileFormat(selectFile);

if (optionExists("selectCds"))
    selectCaOpts |= chromAnnCds;
if (optionExists("selectRange"))
    selectCaOpts |= chromAnnRange;
if ((selectFmt == PSLQ_FMT) || (selectFmt == CHAINQ_FMT))
    selectCaOpts |= chromAnnUseQSide;

/* in file options */
if (optionExists("inFmt") && optionExists("inCoordCols"))
    errAbort("can't specify both -inFmt and -inCoordCols");
if (optionExists("inFmt"))
    inFmt = parseFormatSpec(optionVal("inFmt", NULL));
else if (optionExists("inCoordCols"))
    inCoordCols = coordColsParseSpec("inCoordCols",
                                     optionVal("inCoordCols", NULL));
    inFmt = COORD_COLS_FMT;
    inFmt = getFileFormat(inFile);

inCaOpts = chromAnnSaveLines; // need lines for output
if (optionExists("inCds"))
    inCaOpts |= chromAnnCds;
if (optionExists("inRange"))
    inCaOpts |= chromAnnRange;
if ((inFmt == PSLQ_FMT) || (inFmt == CHAINQ_FMT))
    inCaOpts |= chromAnnUseQSide;

/* select options */
useAggregate = optionExists("aggregate");
nonOverlapping = optionExists("nonOverlapping");
if (optionExists("strand") && optionExists("oppositeStrand"))
    errAbort("can only specify one of -strand and -oppositeStrand");
if (optionExists("strand"))
    selectOpts |= selStrand;
if (optionExists("oppositeStrand"))
    selectOpts |= selOppositeStrand;
if (optionExists("excludeSelf") && (optionExists("idMatch")))
    errAbort("can't specify both -excludeSelf and -idMatch");
if (optionExists("excludeSelf"))
    selectOpts |= selExcludeSelf;
if (optionExists("idMatch"))
    selectOpts |= selIdMatch;

criteria.threshold = optionFloat("overlapThreshold", 0.0);
criteria.thresholdCeil = optionFloat("overlapThresholdCeil", 1.1);
criteria.similarity = optionFloat("overlapSimilarity", 0.0);
criteria.similarityCeil = optionFloat("overlapSimilarityCeil", 1.1);
criteria.bases = optionInt("overlapBases", -1);

/* output options */
mergeOutput = optionExists("mergeOutput");
idOutput = optionExists("idOutput");
statsOutput = optionExists("statsOutput") || optionExists("statsOutputAll") || optionExists("statsOutputBoth");
if ((mergeOutput + idOutput + statsOutput) > 1)
    errAbort("can only specify one of -mergeOutput, -idOutput, -statsOutput, -statsOutputAll, or -statsOutputBoth");
outputAll = optionExists("statsOutputAll");
outputBoth = optionExists("statsOutputBoth");
if (outputBoth)
    outputAll = TRUE;
if (mergeOutput)
    if (nonOverlapping)
        errAbort("can't use -mergeOutput with -nonOverlapping");
    if (useAggregate)
        errAbort("can't use -mergeOutput with -aggregate");
    if ((selectFmt == CHAIN_FMT) || (selectFmt == CHAINQ_FMT)
        || (inFmt == CHAIN_FMT) || (inFmt == CHAINQ_FMT))
    if (useAggregate)
        errAbort("can't use -mergeOutput with chains");
    selectCaOpts |= chromAnnSaveLines;
dropFile = optionVal("dropped", NULL);

/* check for options incompatible with aggregate mode */
if (useAggregate)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; aggIncompatible[i] != NULL; i++)
        if (optionExists(aggIncompatible[i]))
            errAbort("-%s is not allowed -aggregate", aggIncompatible[i]);

overlapSelect(selectFile, inFile, outFile, dropFile);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
boolean drop, move, copy;
struct sigaction sigSpec;

sigSpec.sa_handler = sigStopSignaled;
sigSpec.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigSpec, NULL) < 0)
    errnoAbort("can't set SIGUSR1 handler");

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
drop = optionExists("drop");
move = optionExists("move");
copy = optionExists("copy");
gReload = optionExists("reload");
if (move || copy) 
    if (argc != 3)
else if (argc != 2)
if ((drop+move+copy) > 1)
    errAbort("can only specify one of -drop, -move, or -copy");

gbVerbInit(optionInt("verbose", 0));
if (gbVerbose >= 6)
if (drop)
else if (move)
    moveAll(argv[1], argv[2]);
else if (copy)
    copyAll(argv[1], argv[2]);
    char *reloadList = optionVal("reloadList", NULL);
    gDatabase = argv[1];
    gOptions = dbLoadOptionsParse(gDatabase);
    gForceIgnoreDelete = optionExists("forceIgnoreDelete");
    if (optionExists("rebuildDerived"))

    gMaxShrinkage = optionFloat("maxShrinkage", 0.1);

    gGbdbGenBank = optionVal("gbdbGenBank", NULL);
    if (gGbdbGenBank == NULL)
        gGbdbGenBank = gbConfGet(gOptions.conf, "gbdb.genbank");
    if (gGbdbGenBank == NULL)
        gGbdbGenBank = "/gbdb/genbank";
    gWorkDir = optionVal("workdir", "work/load");

    if (gOptions.flags & DBLOAD_DRY_RUN)
        printf("*** using dry run mode ***\n");

return 0;
void netFilter(int inCount, char *inFiles[])
/* netFilter - Filter out parts of net.. */
FILE *f = stdout;
int i;
boolean doLine = optionExists("line");

tHash = hashCommaOption("t");
notTHash = hashCommaOption("notT");
qHash = hashCommaOption("q");
notQHash = hashCommaOption("notQ");
minScore = optionInt("minScore", -BIGNUM);
maxScore = optionFloat("maxScore", 9e99);
qStartMin = optionInt("qStartMin", -BIGNUM);
qStartMax = optionInt("qStartMax", BIGNUM);
qEndMin = optionInt("qEndMin", -BIGNUM);
qEndMax = optionInt("qEndMax", BIGNUM);
tStartMin = optionInt("tStartMin", -BIGNUM);
tStartMax = optionInt("tStartMax", BIGNUM);
tEndMin = optionInt("tEndMin", -BIGNUM);
tEndMax = optionInt("tEndMax", BIGNUM);
qOverlapStart = optionInt("qOverlapStart", -BIGNUM);
qOverlapEnd = optionInt("qOverlapEnd", BIGNUM);
tOverlapStart = optionInt("tOverlapStart", -BIGNUM);
tOverlapEnd = optionInt("tOverlapEnd", BIGNUM);
doSyn = optionExists("syn");
minTopScore = optionFloat("minTopScore", minTopScore);
minSynScore = optionFloat("minSynScore", minSynScore);
minSynSize = optionFloat("minSynSize", minSynSize);
minSynAli = optionFloat("minSynAli", minSynAli);
maxFar = optionFloat("maxFar", maxFar);
doChimpSyn = optionExists("chimpSyn");
doNonSyn = optionExists("nonsyn");
minGap = optionInt("minGap", minGap);
minAli = optionInt("minAli", minAli);
minSizeT = optionInt("minSizeT", minSizeT);
minSizeQ = optionInt("minSizeQ", minSizeQ);
fillOnly = optionExists("fill");
gapOnly = optionExists("gap");
types = optionMultiVal("type", types);
noRandom = optionExists("noRandom");
noHap = optionExists("noHap");

for (i=0; i<inCount; ++i)
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inFiles[i], TRUE);
    if (doLine)
	netLineFilter(lf, f);
	struct chainNet *net;
	while ((net = chainNetRead(lf)) != NULL)
	    boolean writeIt = TRUE;
	    if (tHash != NULL && !hashLookup(tHash, net->name))
		writeIt = FALSE;
	    if (notTHash != NULL && hashLookup(notTHash, net->name))
		writeIt = FALSE;
	    if (noRandom && (endsWith(net->name, "_random")
			     || startsWith("chrUn", net->name)
			     || sameWord("chrNA", net->name) /* danRer */
			     || sameWord("chrU", net->name)))  /* dm */
	        writeIt = FALSE;
	    if (noHap && stringIn("_hap",net->name))
		writeIt = FALSE;
	    if (writeIt)
		writeFiltered(net, f);
Ejemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line into global variables and call blat. */
boolean tIsProtLike, qIsProtLike;

#ifdef DEBUG
char *cmd = "blat hCrea.geno hCrea.mrna foo.psl -t=dnax -q=rnax";
char *words[16];

printf("Debugging parameters\n");
cmd = cloneString(cmd);
argc = chopLine(cmd, words);
argv = words;
#endif /* DEBUG */

optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 4)

/* Get database and query sequence types and make sure they are
 * legal and compatable. */
if (optionExists("prot"))
    qType = tType = gftProt;
if (optionExists("t"))
    tType = gfTypeFromName(optionVal("t", NULL));
trimA = optionExists("trimA") || optionExists("trima");
trimT = optionExists("trimT") || optionExists("trimt");
trimHardA = optionExists("trimHardA");
switch (tType)
    case gftProt:
    case gftDnaX:
        tIsProtLike = TRUE;
    case gftDna:
        tIsProtLike = FALSE;
	tIsProtLike = FALSE;
        errAbort("Illegal value for 't' parameter");
if (optionExists("q"))
    qType = gfTypeFromName(optionVal("q", NULL));
if (qType == gftRnaX || qType == gftRna)
    trimA = TRUE;
if (optionExists("noTrimA"))
    trimA = FALSE;
switch (qType)
    case gftProt:
    case gftDnaX:
    case gftRnaX:
	minIdentity = 25;
        qIsProtLike = TRUE;
        qIsProtLike = FALSE;
if ((tIsProtLike ^ qIsProtLike) != 0)
    errAbort("t and q must both be either protein or dna");

/* Set default tile size for protein-based comparisons. */
if (tIsProtLike)
    tileSize = 5;
    minMatch = 1;
    oneOff = FALSE;
    maxGap = 0;

/* Get tile size and related parameters from user and make sure
 * they are within range. */
tileSize = optionInt("tileSize", tileSize);
stepSize = optionInt("stepSize", tileSize);
minMatch = optionInt("minMatch", minMatch);
oneOff = optionExists("oneOff");
fastMap = optionExists("fastMap");
minScore = optionInt("minScore", minScore);
maxGap = optionInt("maxGap", maxGap);
minRepDivergence = optionFloat("minRepDivergence", minRepDivergence);
minIdentity = optionFloat("minIdentity", minIdentity);
gfCheckTileSize(tileSize, tIsProtLike);
if (minMatch < 0)
    errAbort("minMatch must be at least 1");
if (maxGap > 100)
    errAbort("maxGap must be less than 100");

/* Set repMatch parameter from command line, or
 * to reasonable value that depends on tile size. */
if (optionExists("repMatch"))
    repMatch = optionInt("repMatch", repMatch);
    repMatch = gfDefaultRepMatch(tileSize, stepSize, tIsProtLike);

/* Gather last few command line options. */
noHead = optionExists("noHead");
ooc = optionVal("ooc", NULL);
makeOoc = optionVal("makeOoc", NULL);
mask = optionVal("mask", NULL);
qMask = optionVal("qMask", NULL);
repeats = optionVal("repeats", NULL);
if (repeats != NULL && mask != NULL && differentString(repeats, mask))
    errAbort("The -mask and -repeat settings disagree.  "
             "You can just omit -repeat if -mask is on");
if (mask != NULL)	/* Mask setting will also set repeats. */
    repeats = mask;
outputFormat = optionVal("out", outputFormat);
dotEvery = optionInt("dots", 0);
/* set global for fuzzy find functions */
setFfIntronMax(optionInt("maxIntron", ffIntronMaxDefault));

/* Call routine that does the work. */
blat(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
return 0;