Ejemplo n.º 1
** Name: OPU_RELEASE	- Return memory to the global memory pool
** Description:
**      This routine returns memory from the given mark to the end of the
**	ULM memory stream to the global memory pool.
** Inputs:
**	global -
**	    State info for the current query.
**      ulmrcb -
**          address of local control block, or NULL if
**	    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb should be used
**	mark -
**	    The mark stating where to start returning memory.
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    none
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    Memory is returned to the global memory pool
** History:
**      18-apr-87 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
	OPS_STATE   *global,
	ULM_RCB     *ulmrcb,
	ULM_SMARK   *mark)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    if (!ulmrcb)
	ulmrcb = &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb; /* use global ulmrcb if
					    ** control block is not defined */
	ulmrcb->ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_streamid; 
					    /* mark memory
					    ** in the global stream */
    /* store the mark to be initialized */
    ulmrcb->ulm_smark = mark;

    ulmstatus = ulm_reclaim( ulmrcb );
    if ( DB_FAILURE_MACRO(ulmstatus) )
	if (ulmrcb->ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		ulmrcb->ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Name: OPU_RSMEMORY_RECLAIM	- Return memory to the global memory pool
** Description:
**      This routine returns memory from the given mark to the end of the
**	ULM memory stream to the global memory pool.
** Inputs:
**	global -
**	    State info for the current query.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb -
**	    The ULM control block.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid -
**	    The stream id.
**	mark -
**	    The mark stating where to start returning memory.
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    The address of the allocated memory.
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    Memory is returned to the global memory pool
** History:
**      19-July-87 (eric)
**          written
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
	OPS_STATE   *global,
	ULM_SMARK   *mark)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    /* store the stream id */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid;

    /* store the mark to be initialized */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_smark = mark;

    if ( (ulmstatus = ulm_reclaim( &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb )) != E_DB_OK )
	if (global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
Ejemplo n.º 3
** Name: OPU_GSMEMORY_CLOSE	- Get memory from the stack ULM memory stream
** Description:
**      This routine allocates memory from the ULM memory stream that is used 
**      for the stack style memory usage.
** Inputs:
**	global -
**	    State info for the current query.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb -
**	    The ULM control block.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid -
**	    The stream id.
**	size -
**	    size of the piece of memory to allocate.
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    The address of the allocated memory.
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      19-July-87 (eric)
**          written
**      21-feb-91 (seputis)
**          make non-zero initialization of memory an xDEBUG feature
**      16-sep-93 (smc)
**          Moved <cs.h> for CS_SID.
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
	OPS_STATE   *global,
	i4	    size)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    /* store the stream id */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid;

    /* store the size to be allocate */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_psize = size;

    if ( (ulmstatus = ulm_palloc( &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb )) != E_DB_OK )
	if (global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
#ifdef xDEBUG
    MEfill( size, (u_char)127, (PTR)global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_pptr); /*FIXME
                                            ** remove this initialization after
                                            ** test for uninitialized memory
                                            ** is not required any more */
    /* return the allocated memory */
    return( global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_pptr );
Ejemplo n.º 4
** Name: opu_allocate	- allocate a new private memory stream
** Description:
**      This routine will allocate a new private memory stream from the ULM
** Inputs:
**      global                          ptr to global state variable
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    PTR which represents the new memory stream
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	16-jun-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
    OPS_STATE          *global)
    DB_STATUS       ulmstatus;		/* return status from ulm */

    /* Tell ULM to return streamid into ulm_streamid */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p =
    ulmstatus = ulm_openstream(&global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb);
    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(ulmstatus))
        opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0);
        opx_verror(ulmstatus, E_OP0002_NOMEMORY,
    return ( global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid );
Ejemplo n.º 5
** Name: opu_memory	- get joinop memory
** Description:
**      This routine will allocate the requested size of memory from the 
**      joinop memory stream.  Memory in this stream is not deallocated 
**      until the optimization has completed.  The allocated memory will
**      be aligned for any datatype.
** Inputs:
**      global                          ptr to global state variable
**      size                            size of memory block requested.
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    PTR to aligned memory of "size" bytes
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	16-jun-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	4-mar-91 (seputis)
**	    make initialization of memory an xDEBUG feature
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
**	5-oct-2007 (dougi)
**	    Accumulate memory acquisition stats.
	OPS_STATE          *global,
	i4                size)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    if (size >= 2048)
    global->ops_mstate.ops_totalloc += size;

    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_streamid; /* allocate memory
					    ** from the global stream */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_psize = size;    /* size of request */
    ulmstatus = ulm_palloc( &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb );
    if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(ulmstatus))
	if (global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
#ifdef xDEBUG
    MEfill( size, (u_char)247, (PTR)global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_pptr); /*FIXME
                                            ** remove this initialization after
                                            ** test for uninitialized memory
                                            ** is not required any more */
    return( global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_pptr );  /* return the allocated
					    ** memory */
Ejemplo n.º 6
** Name: OPU_OSMEMORY_OPEN	- Initialize the stack ULM memory stream
** Description:
**      This routine initializes the ULM memory stream that will be used 
**      for the stack style memory allocation and deallocation. 
** Inputs:
**	global -
**	    State info for the current query.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb -
**	    The ULM control block.
** Outputs:
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid -
**	    The new stream id.
**	Returns:
**	    Nothing
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      19-July-87 (eric)
**          written
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
	OPS_STATE   *global)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    /* Set the output streamid location for ULM */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid;

    if ( (ulmstatus = ulm_openstream( &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb )) != E_DB_OK )
	if (global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
Ejemplo n.º 7
** Name: OPU_CSMEMORY_CLOSE	- Close the stack ULM memory stream
** Description:
**      This routine closes the ULM memory stream that was used 
**      for the stack style memory allocation and deallocation. 
** Inputs:
**	global -
**	    State info for the current query.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb -
**	    The ULM control block.
**	global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid -
**	    The stream id.
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    Nothing
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      19-July-87 (eric)
**          written
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
	OPS_STATE   *global)
    DB_STATUS      ulmstatus;		    /* return status from ULM */

    /* store the stream id */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid;
    /* ULM will nullify ops_sstreamid */

    if ( (ulmstatus = ulm_closestream( &global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb )) != E_DB_OK )
	if (global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code == E_UL0005_NOMEM)
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_error( E_OP0002_NOMEMORY);  /* out of memory */
#ifdef E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0093_ULM_ERROR, 
		global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_error.err_code); /* check for error */
Ejemplo n.º 8
		OPS_STATE          *global)
    DB_STATUS	    	ret;

    global->ops_gmask |= OPS_OPCEXCEPTION;  /* mark facility as being in OPC */
#ifdef OPT_F033_OPF_TO_OPC
    if (opt_strace(global->ops_cb, OPT_F033_OPF_TO_OPC) == TRUE)
	char	temp[OPT_PBLEN + 1];
	bool	init = 0;

	if (global->ops_cstate.opc_prbuf == NULL)
	    global->ops_cstate.opc_prbuf = temp;

	/* Trace all of 'global' */
        if (global->ops_statement != NULL)
	if (init)
	    global->ops_cstate.opc_prbuf = NULL;

    if ( opt_strace(global->ops_cb, OPT_F071_QEP_WITHOUT_COST ) == TRUE && global->ops_subquery)
	opt_cotree_without_stats( global );

    /* If this is CREATE TABLE, check for primary, unique, foreign key
    ** constraints to use for default base table structure. */
    if (global->ops_statement &&
	global->ops_statement->pst_type == PST_CREATE_TABLE_TYPE &&
			pst_createTableFlags == PST_CRT_TABLE)
	QEU_CB *qeucb = global->ops_statement->pst_specific.pst_createTable.pst_createTableQEUCB;
	DMU_CB *dmucb = (DMU_CB *) qeucb->qeu_d_cb;
	bool checkit = FALSE;

	if (BTtest(DMU_AUTOSTRUCT, dmucb->dmu_chars.dmu_indicators))
	    checkit = (dmucb->dmu_chars.dmu_flags & DMU_FLAG_AUTOSTRUCT) != 0;
	    checkit = opt_strace(global->ops_cb, OPT_F084_TBLAUTOSTRUCT ) ||
			global->ops_cb->ops_alter.ops_autostruct != 0;
	if (checkit)
	    opc_checkcons(global->ops_statement, dmucb);

    /* On entry for rule processing, assume ops_qpinit == TRUE. There	    */
    /* is no need to allocate a memory stream since we are contuing	    */
    /* processing on the QP that was started by the triggering statement. */
    if (global->ops_qpinit == FALSE)
	/* First, lets open the stack ULM memory stream that OPC uses */

	/* Tell QSF that we want to store an object; */
	global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_type = QSO_QP_OBJ;
	if (global->ops_procedure->pst_flags & PST_REPEAT_DYNAMIC)
	    char	*p;

	    global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_lname = sizeof(DB_CURSOR_ID) + sizeof(i4);
	    MEfill(sizeof(global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_name), 0,
		   sizeof (global->ops_procedure->pst_dbpid.db_cursor_id[0]),
	    p = (char *) global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_name + 2*sizeof(i4);
	    if (global->ops_caller_cb->opf_locator)
		MEcopy((PTR)"ql", sizeof("ql"), p);
	    else MEcopy((PTR)"qp", sizeof("qp"), p);
	    p = (char *) global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_name + sizeof(DB_CURSOR_ID);
	    I4ASSIGN_MACRO(global->ops_caller_cb->opf_udbid, *(i4 *) p); 

	else if (   global->ops_procedure->pst_isdbp == TRUE
	    || (   global->ops_qheader != NULL
		&& (global->ops_qheader->pst_mask1 & PST_RPTQRY)
	    global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_lname = 
		sizeof (global->ops_procedure->pst_dbpid);
		   sizeof (global->ops_procedure->pst_dbpid),
	    global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id.qso_lname = 0;

	/* Also allow for the case where a concurrent clash causes a new
	** object at an awkward point */
	if ((ret = qsf_call(QSO_CREATE, &global->ops_qsfcb)) != E_DB_OK &&
	    !(ret == E_DB_ERROR &&
		global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_error.err_code == E_QS001C_EXTRA_OBJECT) &&
	    !((global->ops_procedure->pst_flags & PST_SET_INPUT_PARAM)  &&
	     global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_error.err_code == E_QS001C_EXTRA_OBJECT))
	    /* if object exists and we have a named query plan. */
	    if (global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_error.err_code
		/* Log query info */
		QSO_OBID    *obj = &global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_obj_id;
		char	    *qrytype;
		char	    *objtype;
		char	    *objname;
		char	    *qrytext;
		char	    tmp[(DB_OWN_MAXNAME + DB_CURSOR_MAXNAME)  + 3 + 1];
		DB_STATUS   status;
		QSF_RCB	    qsf_rb;
		PSQ_QDESC   *qdesc;

		if (global->ops_procedure->pst_isdbp == TRUE)
		    qrytype = "database procedure";
		else if (global->ops_qheader != NULL
			 && (global->ops_qheader->pst_mask1 & PST_RPTQRY)
		    qrytype = "repeat query";
		    qrytype = "non-repeat query";

		objtype = "QSO_QP_OBJ";

		if (obj->qso_lname == 0)
		    objname = "QSF object has no name";
		    char	    fmt[30];
		    DB_CURSOR_ID    *curid;
		    char	    *user;
		    i4		    *dbid;

		    curid = (DB_CURSOR_ID *)obj->qso_name;
		    user = curid->db_cur_name + DB_CURSOR_MAXNAME;
		    dbid = (i4 *)(user + DB_OWN_MAXNAME);

		    STprintf(fmt, ":%%lx:%%lx:%%.%ds:%%.%ds:%%lx:",

		    STprintf(tmp, fmt, (i4)curid->db_cursor_id[0], 
			curid->db_cur_name, user, (i4)(*dbid));

		    objname = tmp;
		qsf_rb.qsf_type = QSFRB_CB;
		qsf_rb.qsf_ascii_id = QSFRB_ASCII_ID;
		qsf_rb.qsf_length = sizeof(qsf_rb);
		qsf_rb.qsf_owner = (PTR)DB_OPF_ID;
		qsf_rb.qsf_obj_id.qso_handle = global->ops_caller_cb->opf_thandle;

		qrytext = "Query text was not available.";

		if (qsf_rb.qsf_obj_id.qso_handle != NULL)
		    status = qsf_call(QSO_INFO, &qsf_rb);

		    if (DB_SUCCESS_MACRO(status))
			qdesc = (PSQ_QDESC*) qsf_rb.qsf_root;

			qrytext = qdesc->psq_qrytext;

		/* log an error */
		opx_lerror((OPX_ERROR)E_OP089F_QSF_FAILCREATE, (i4)4,
		    (PTR)qrytype, (PTR)objtype, (PTR)objname, (PTR)qrytext);

	    opx_verror(ret, E_OP0882_QSF_CREATE, 

	/* Put the handle for the QEP into the callers CB; 
	** - will be used for deallocation in case of an error
	** - both the object id and the lock id are needed in order to destroy
	** the object
	global->ops_qplk_id = global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_lk_id;
	global->ops_qpinit = TRUE;

	/* Allocate and initialize the QP. */

    /* Continue the QP compilation by adding the current statement */
    if (global->ops_statement != NULL)

    /* if it's time to stop compiling the query, then lets close stuff. */
    /* The caller is responsible for making one additional call to OPC	    */
    /* with ops_statement == NULL after all statements in the QP we are	    */
    /* currently building have been compiled. Note that this is a change    */
    /* from the previous version of this routine which required the extra   */
    /* call only if a db procedure was being compiled. Such a call must	    */
    /* also be made after the last statement in each rule list. This allows */
    /* OPC to link all conditionals statements in the rule list together    */
    /* before continuing with the next user statement to be compiled. */
    if (global->ops_statement == NULL)
	/* We're finished compiling all of the statements, so lets finish
	** the QP

	/* The QP is only associated with the outer query, not a rule list  */
	if (!global->ops_inAfterRules && !global->ops_inBeforeRules)
	    /* Tell QSF what the root of the QEP is; */
	    global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_root = (PTR) global->ops_cstate.opc_qp;
	    if ((ret = qsf_call(QSO_SETROOT, &global->ops_qsfcb)) != E_DB_OK)
		opx_verror(ret, E_OP0883_QSF_SETROOT, 

	    if ((ret = qsf_call(QSO_UNLOCK, &global->ops_qsfcb)) != E_DB_OK)
		opx_verror(ret, E_OP089E_QSF_UNLOCK, 

	    /* Now lets close the stack ULM memory stream that OPC used */
    global->ops_gmask &= (~OPS_OPCEXCEPTION);  /* mark facility as leaving OPC */
Ejemplo n.º 9
** Name: opn_ceval	- evaluate the cost of the join operator tree
** Description:
**      Entry point for routines which evaluate cost of a join operator tree.
**      Contains checks for timeouts within the optimizer.
** Inputs:
**      subquery                        ptr to subquery being analyzed
**          ->ops_estate.opn_sroot      ptr to root of join operator tree
** Outputs:
**      subquery->ops_bestco            ptr to best plan found
**      subquery->ops_cost              cost of best plan found
**	Returns:
**	    VOID
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	11-jun-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation from costeval
**	2-nov-88 (seputis)
**          changed CSstatistics interface
**	2-nov-88 (seputis)
**          add trace flag to timeout on number of plans being evaluated
**	15-aug-89 (seputis)
**	    add trace flag to adjust timeout factor which converts cost to time
**	    used to help isolate early timeout problems
**	16-may-90 (seputis)
**	    - b21582, move timeout checking to opn_timeout routine so it can be
**	    called from opn_arl
**	17-oct-90 (seputis)
**	    - b33386 - print error is no qep is found
**	22-apr-91 (seputis)
**	    - fix floating point exception handling problems
**	19-nov-99 (inkdo01)
**	    Changes to remove EXsignal from opn_exit processing.
**	18-oct-02 (inkdo01)
**	    Changes to enable new enumeration.
**	30-mar-2004 (hayke02)
**	    Call opn_exit() with a FALSE longjump.
**	30-Jun-2006 (kiria01) b116309
**	    Capture memory exhaustion error to errlog.log. 
**	11-Mar-2008 (kschendel) b122118
**	    Remove unused ops_tempco.  Fix up bfexception stuff so that we
**	    stop calling recover pointlessly at the start of every query.
	OPS_SUBQUERY       *subquery)
    EX_CONTEXT	    excontext;		/* context block for exception 
                                        ** handler*/
    OPN_SUBTREE     *opn_ssubtp;        /* dummy var ignored at this level
                                        ** - list of subtrees with possible cost
                                        ** orderings (including reformats)
                                        ** - all element in the list have same
                                        ** relations but in different order or
                                        ** use a different tree structure.
    OPN_RLS         *opn_srlmp;         /* dummy var ignored at this level
                                        ** - list of list of subtrees, with a
                                        ** different set of relations for each
                                        ** OPN_RLS element
    OPN_EQS         *opn_seqp;          /* dummy var ignored at this level
                                        ** - used to create a list of different
                                        ** OPN_SUBTREE (using indexes) if
                                        ** an index exists.
    OPN_STATUS	    sigstat = OPN_SIGOK;

    if ( EXdeclare(opn_mhandler, &excontext) == EX_DECLARE ) /* set
				    ** up exception handler to 
				    ** recover from out of memory
				    ** errors */
	/* this point will only be reached if the enumeration processing has
	** run out of memory.  The optimizer will try to continue by copying 
	** the best CO tree found so far, out of enumeration memory, and  
	** reinitializing the enumeration stream, and continuing.  
	** The out-of-memory error will be reported if a complete pass of 
	** cost evaluation cannot be completed. */
	(VOID)EXdelete();		    /* cancel exception handler prior
					    ** to exiting routine */
	if (subquery->ops_global->ops_gmask & OPS_FLINT)
	    subquery->ops_global->ops_gmask &= ~OPS_FLINT; /* reset exception
					    ** indicator */
	    return(OPN_SIGOK);		    /* skip this plan if a float
					    ** or integer exception has occurred
					    ** during processing */
	if ( EXdeclare(opn_mhandler, &excontext) == EX_DECLARE ) /* set
				    ** exception handler to catch case in
				    ** which no progress is made */
	    (VOID)EXdelete();		    /* cancel exception handler prior
					    ** to exiting routine */
	    if (subquery->ops_bestco)
		opx_verror(E_DB_WARN, E_OP0400_MEMORY, (OPX_FACILITY)0); /* report 
					    ** warning message to caller */
		opx_lerror(E_OP0400_MEMORY, 0); /* Output to errlog.log as well kiria01-b116309 */
		opx_error(E_OP0400_MEMORY); /* exit with a user error if the query
					    ** cannot find at least one acceptable
					    ** query plan */
	    opn_exit(subquery, FALSE);		    /* exit with current query plan */
	opn_recover(subquery);              /* routine will copy best CO tree 
					    ** and reinitialize memory stream

    subquery->ops_global->ops_gmask &= (~OPS_FPEXCEPTION); /* reset fp exception
					    ** indicator before evaluating
					    ** plan */
    if (subquery->ops_global->ops_gmask & OPS_BFPEXCEPTION
      && subquery->ops_bestco != NULL)
	opn_recover(subquery);		    /* if the current best plan occurred with
					    ** exceptions then enumeration memory needs
					    ** to be flushed, so that subsequent plans
					    ** do not use subtrees which may have
					    ** been created with exceptions, this means
					    ** that the OPF cache of sub-trees is not
					    ** used if one exception has occurred and
					    ** the current best plan was created with
					    ** exceptions */

    (VOID) opn_nodecost (  subquery, 
		    (subquery->ops_mask & OPS_LAENUM) ? subquery->ops_laeqcmap :
		    &opn_srlmp, &sigstat);

    if (sigstat != OPN_SIGEXIT && 
	!(subquery->ops_mask & OPS_LAENUM) &&
	opn_timeout(subquery))    	    /* check for timeout (but only for 
					    ** old style enumeration) */
	(VOID)EXdelete();		    /* cancel exception handler prior
					    ** to exiting routine, call after
					    ** opn_timeout in case out of memory
					    ** errors occur */
	opn_exit(subquery, FALSE);	    /* at this point we 
					    ** return the subquery->opn_bestco
					    ** tree, this
					    ** could also happen in freeco
					    ** and enumerate */
    (VOID)EXdelete();			    /* cancel exception handler prior
					    ** to exiting routine */
Ejemplo n.º 10
** Name: ops_init - initialize structures needed for optimization
** Description:
**	This routine will initialize the "global state" variable which contains
**      all information for the optimization of this query for this session.
** Inputs:
**      global				ptr to global state variable
**          .ops_cb                     ptr to session control block
**          .ops_caller_cb              ptr to same object as opf_cb
**      opf_cb                          caller's control block
** Outputs:
**      global                          all components initialized
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK, E_DB_ERROR
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	24-feb-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
**	26-nov-90 (stec)
**	    Added initialization of ops_prbuf in OPS_STATE struct.
**	28-dec-90 (stec)
**	    Changed initialization of print buffer; ops_prbuf has been
**	    removed, opc_prbuf in OPC_STATE struct will be initialized
**	    instead.
**      28-jan-91 (seputis)
**          added support for OPF ACTIVE FLAG
**	11-jun-91 (seputis)
**	    ifdef distributed code until header files merge
**      04-sep-92 (fpang)
**          Fixed initialization of rdr_r1_distrib.
**      27-apr-95 (inkdo01)
**          Init ops_osubquery to NULL 
**	26-nov-96 (inkdo01)
**	    Allow users OPF memory equal to 1.5 config.dat definition. That way
**	    the boundary users don't dictate the size of the mem pool (it being
**	    highly unlikely that all users will want big memory simultaneously).
**	12-dec-96 (inkdo01)
**	    Shamed into doing the above change more rigourously. Now a new 
**	    config parm (opf_maxmemf) defines the proportion of the OPF pool
**	    available to any session. This gets computed in opsstartup, so the
**	    code added for the previous change is now removed.
**	20-jun-1997 (nanpr01)
**	    Initialize the rdf_info_blk to NULL. This is specially required
**	    for  query without a base table.
**	23-oct-98 (inkdo01)
**	    Init opc_retrowno, opc_retrowoff for row producing procs.
**	27-oct-98 (inkdo01)
**	    Quicky afterthought to init opc_retrow_rsd.
**	11-oct-2006 (hayke02)
**	    Send E_OP0002_NOMEMORY to errlog.log. This change fixes bug 116309.
**      25-Nov-2008 (hanal04) Bug 121248
**          Initialise new caller_ref field in the opv_rdfcb to avoid SEGVs
**          later on.
**	25-feb-10 (smeke01) b123333
**	    As the NULL-ing of ops_trace.opt_conode has been remmoved from 
**	    opt_printCostTree() we need to make sure it is initialised here  
**	    prior to any call of opt_cotree() by trace point op145 (set qep).
	OPF_CB             *opf_cb,
	OPS_STATE          *global)
    /* initialize some variables so that error recovery can determine which
    ** resources to free (i.e. which resources have been successfully
    ** allocated)
    ** - this must be done prior to the allocation of a memory stream since
    ** the streamid is used to indicate whether any resources at all have
    ** been allocated

    global->ops_cb = (OPS_CB *)opf_cb->opf_scb; /* save session control block */
    /* global->ops_caller_cb initialized before exception handler established */
    global->ops_adfcb = global->ops_cb->ops_adfcb; /* get current ADF control
                                        ** block for session */
    if (global->ops_adfcb)
    {	/* init adf_constants since this may uninitialized after the
	** previous query executed by QEF, and may cause ADF to write
	** to deallocated memory */
	global->ops_adfcb->adf_constants = (ADK_CONST_BLK *)NULL;
    global->ops_qheader = NULL;		
    global->ops_statement = NULL;		
    global->ops_procedure = NULL;	/* - NULL indicates that QSF query
                                        ** tree has not been fixed 
                                        ** - used by error handling to determine
                                        ** if this resource needs to be 
                                        ** deallocated
    /* global->ops_lk_id initialized below */
    /* global->ops_parmtotal initialized below */

    global->ops_mstate.ops_streamid = NULL;/* init so deallocate routines do not
                                        ** access unless it is necessary */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_sstreamid = NULL; /* init so deallocate routines do
                                        ** not access unless it is necessary */
    global->ops_mstate.ops_tstreamid = NULL; /* the temporary buffer stream is
                                        ** allocated only when needed */
    global->ops_subquery = NULL;        /* initialize the subquery list */
    global->ops_osubquery = NULL;

    /* initialise pointer used in opt_printCostTree() for tracing CO node */
    global->ops_trace.opt_conode = NULL;  

    /* global->ops_astate initialized by aggregate processing phase */
    /* global->ops_estate initialized by joinop processing phase */
    global->ops_qpinit = FALSE;		/* query plan object not allocated yet*/
    global->ops_cstate.opc_prbuf = NULL;/* trace print buffer ptr. */
    global->ops_cstate.opc_relation = NULL;  /* init relation descriptor
                                            ** so deallocation routine will
                                            ** only be done if OPC allocates
                                            ** an RDF descriptor */
    global->ops_cstate.opc_retrowno = -1;
    global->ops_cstate.opc_retrowoff = 0;  /* result row buffer init */
    global->ops_cstate.opc_retrow_rsd = (PST_QNODE *) NULL;
    ops_qinit(global, (PST_STATEMENT *)NULL); /* init range table only for resource
					** deallocation */
	/* allocate a memory stream to be used by the optimizer
        ** - the streamid PTR was initialized to NULL earlier - prior to the
        ** establishment of the exception handler so that it can be used
        ** to indicate to the cleanup routines that no resources have been
        ** allocated
        DB_STATUS       ulmstatus;

        global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_facility = DB_OPF_ID; /* identifies optimizer
					** so that ULM can make SCF calls on
                                        ** behave of the optimizer */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_poolid = global->ops_cb->ops_server->opg_memory;
                                        /* poolid of OPF
                                        ** obtained at server startup time */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_blocksize = 0; /* use default for 
					** now */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_memleft =global->ops_cb->ops_alter.ops_maxmemory;
                                        /* save amount of memory which can be 
                                        ** used by this session */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_mlimit = global->ops_mstate.ops_memleft / 10;
					/* if 10% of memory is left trigger 
                                        ** garbage collection routines */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_memleft = &global->ops_mstate.ops_memleft; /* 
					** and point to it for ULM */
	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_streamid_p = &global->ops_mstate.ops_streamid; /*
					** Where ULM will return streamid */
	global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb.ulm_flags = ULM_PRIVATE_STREAM;
					/* Allocate private, thread-safe streams */
        ulmstatus = ulm_openstream(&global->ops_mstate.ops_ulmrcb); /* get memory for the
                                        ** optimizer */
        if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(ulmstatus))
	    opx_lerror(E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    opx_verror( ulmstatus, E_OP0002_NOMEMORY, 
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tptr = NULL; /* init temp buffer ptr from 
                                        ** ops_tstreamid*/
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tsize = 0;          /* init temp buffer size */
					/* ULM has set ops_streamid to the
                                        ** streamid for "global optimizer"
                                        ** memory, note the enumeration will
                                        ** create other streamids for "local"
                                        ** memory but still use the 
                                        ** same control ops_ulmrcb 
                                        ** in order to decrement and
                                        ** increment the same "memleft" counter
	/* initialize ptrs to full size array of ptrs, allocate once for DB procedure
	** or 4K will be wasted for each assignment statement and query */
        global->ops_mstate.ops_trt = NULL;
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tft = NULL;
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tat = NULL;
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tet = NULL;
        global->ops_mstate.ops_tbft = NULL;
	global->ops_mstate.ops_usemain = FALSE; /* disable redirection of
					** memory allocation */
	global->ops_mstate.ops_totalloc = 0;	/* init stats fields */
	global->ops_mstate.ops_countalloc = 0;
	global->ops_mstate.ops_count2kalloc = 0;
	global->ops_mstate.ops_recover = 0;

	/* get the procedure from QSF */
        DB_STATUS	       qsfstatus;  /* QSF return status */

	qsfstatus = ops_gqtree(global); /* get procedure from QSF */
        if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(qsfstatus))
	    opx_verror( qsfstatus, E_OP0085_QSO_LOCK, 
		global->ops_qsfcb.qsf_error.err_code); /* report error */


	/* initialize the RDF control block used to fetch information for
        ** the global range table */
	RDR_RB                 *rdfrb;      /* ptr to RDF request block */

	rdfrb = &global->ops_rangetab.opv_rdfcb.rdf_rb;
	global->ops_rangetab.opv_rdfcb.rdf_info_blk = NULL;
        global->ops_rangetab.opv_rdfcb.caller_ref = (RDR_INFO **)NULL;
	rdfrb->rdr_db_id = global->ops_cb->ops_dbid; /* save the data base id
                                            ** for this session only */
        rdfrb->rdr_unique_dbid = global->ops_cb->ops_udbid; /* save unique
                                            ** dbid for all sessions */
        rdfrb->rdr_session_id = global->ops_cb->ops_sid; /* save the session id
                                            ** for this session */
        rdfrb->rdr_fcb = global->ops_cb->ops_server->opg_rdfhandle; /* save the
					    ** poolid for the RDF info */
        if (global->ops_cb->ops_smask & OPS_MDISTRIBUTED)
            rdfrb->rdr_r1_distrib = DB_3_DDB_SESS;
            rdfrb->rdr_r1_distrib = 0;
	if (global->ops_cb->ops_smask & OPS_MCONDITION)
	    rdfrb->rdr_2types_mask = RDR2_TIMEOUT; /* indicate that timeout should
					    ** occur on all RDF accesses */
	    rdfrb->rdr_2types_mask = 0;
	rdfrb->rdr_instr = RDF_NO_INSTR;