/*implements A* algorithm*/ tree astar(int x, int y, int d, int heuristic){ char a = 'X';//X simbolize that no action was taken to get there tree t, t1, t2; char **mat1, **mat2; int i, j; int level; double f; queue_vector aux; int k; //copy the starting matrix mat1 = newMatrix(); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(j = 0; j < m; j++) mat1[i][j] = w[i][j]; } t1 = insertTree(NULL, d, x, y, mat1, a, 0); t = t1; //compute the f value according to the heuristic f = computeHeuristic(x, y, 0, heuristic); insertQueue(t1, f); while(n_queue > 0){ //remove the first element of the queue removeQueue(&aux.t, &aux.f); t1 = aux.t; d = t1 -> dirt; mat1 = t1 -> mat; a = t1 -> action; x = t1 -> x; y = t1 -> y; level = t1 -> level; //increments the number of nodes expanded expanded++; //adds into the queue if(y != 0 && mat1[y-1][x] != '#'){ mat2 = newMatrix(); copyMatrix(mat1, mat2); a = mat1[y-1][x]; mat2[y-1][x] = '@'; mat2[y][x] = '_'; if(a == '*') k = d-1; else k = d; if(checkDuplicate(t, mat2, hashFunction(x, y-1), k) == 0){ //inserts in lowercase if there is dirt if(a == '*'){ removeListDirt(x, y-1); t2 = insertTree(t1, d-1, x, y-1, mat2, 'n', level + 1); if(d-1 == 0) return t2; } else t2 = insertTree(t1, d, x, y-1, mat2, 'N', level + 1); t1 -> N = t2; //compute the f value according to the heuristic f = computeHeuristic(x, y-1, level+1, heuristic); insertQueue(t2, f); generated++; } } if(y != n - 1 && mat1[y+1][x] != '#'){ mat2 = newMatrix(); copyMatrix(mat1, mat2); a = mat1[y+1][x]; mat2[y+1][x] = '@'; mat2[y][x] = '_'; if(a == '*') k = d-1; else k = d; if(checkDuplicate(t, mat2, hashFunction(x, y+1), k) == 0){ //inserts in lowercase if there is dirt if(a == '*'){ removeListDirt(x, y+1); t2 = insertTree(t1, d-1, x, y+1, mat2, 's', level + 1); if(d-1 == 0) return t2; } else t2 = insertTree(t1, d, x, y+1, mat2, 'S', level + 1); t1 -> S = t2; //compute the f value according to the heuristic f = computeHeuristic(x, y-1, level+1, heuristic); insertQueue(t2, f); generated++; } } if(x != 0 && mat1[y][x-1] != '#'){ mat2 = newMatrix(); copyMatrix(mat1, mat2); a = mat1[y][x-1]; mat2[y][x-1] = '@'; mat2[y][x] = '_'; if(a == '*') k = d-1; else k = d; if(checkDuplicate(t, mat2, hashFunction(x - 1, y), k) == 0){ //inserts in lowercase if there is dirt if(a == '*'){ removeListDirt(x-1, y); t2 = insertTree(t1, d-1, x-1, y, mat2, 'w', level + 1); if(d-1 == 0) return t2; } else t2 = insertTree(t1, d, x-1, y, mat2, 'W', level + 1); t1 -> W = t2; //compute the f value according to the heuristic f = computeHeuristic(x, y-1, level+1, heuristic); insertQueue(t2, f); generated++; } } if(x != m - 1 && mat1[y][x+1] != '#'){ mat2 = newMatrix(); copyMatrix(mat1, mat2); a = mat1[y][x+1]; mat2[y][x+1] = '@'; mat2[y][x] = '_'; if(a == '*') k = d-1; else k = d; if(checkDuplicate(t, mat2, hashFunction(x + 1, y), k) == 0){ //inserts in lowercase if there is dirt if(a == '*'){ removeListDirt(x+1, y); t2 = insertTree(t1, d-1, x+1, y, mat2, 'e', level + 1); if(d-1 == 0) return t2; } else t2 = insertTree(t1, d, x+1, y, mat2, 'E', level + 1); t1 -> E = t2; //compute the f value according to the heuristic f = computeHeuristic(x, y-1, level+1, heuristic); insertQueue(t2, f); generated++; } } orderQueue(); } return NULL; }
void REV_process(tMapQ3 * map) { //Variables f32 preWait = 0, postWait = 0; static u8 firstFrame = 1; TRACKER * auxT; setUp3D(); //Wait just before drawing (instead of after), this should enhance performance VIDEO_Flush(); preWait = (f32)(ticks_to_millisecs(gettime())); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); postWait = (f32)(ticks_to_millisecs(gettime())); GPUWaitTime = 0.001f * (postWait - preWait); //Update physics updatePhysics(); setBGColor(SC_BLUE); //Clasify objects into solid or transparent queues //This is done before everything else because this clasification is the same for every viewport clasify3D(mainRoot->rootNode); //Now we use the clasified queues to render shadows //if(mainRoot->shadowCaster) //mainRoot->shadowScene(); //Render each Viewport into it's texture GX_SetBlendMode(GX_BM_BLEND, GX_BL_SRCALPHA, GX_BL_INVSRCALPHA, GX_LO_CLEAR); //GX_SetZMode (GX_TRUE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); std::multimap<CAMERA*, TRender2Texture*>::iterator iter = mainRoot->m_Render2Textures.begin(); for(;iter != mainRoot->m_Render2Textures.end(); ++iter) { (*iter).second->setForRender(perspective); (*iter).second->getCamera()->setForRender(view); //Before rendering the scene, render the skyBox GX_SetZMode (GX_FALSE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); mainRoot->skyBox.render((*iter).second->getCamera()); GX_SetZMode (GX_TRUE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); //Now render the map //GX_LoadPosMtxImm(view, GX_PNMTX0); //if(map) //renderQ3Map(tTex->cam->getPos(), map); //Now render objects GX_SetCullMode(GX_CULL_NONE); auxT = solidQueue; while(auxT) { render(auxT->target, (*iter).second->getCamera()->getPos()); auxT = auxT->next; } orderQueue((*iter).second->getCamera()); auxT = transQueue; while(auxT) { render(auxT->target, (*iter).second->getCamera()->getPos()); auxT = auxT->next; } //Copy the embeded frame buffer to the texture (*iter).second->copyTexture(); } while(solidQueue) { auxT = solidQueue; solidQueue = solidQueue->next; free(auxT); } while(transQueue) { auxT = transQueue; transQueue = transQueue->next; free(auxT); } setBGColor(SC_WHITE); //2D System //GX_SetZMode (GX_FALSE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); GX_SetCopyFilter(rMode->aa,rMode->sample_pattern,GX_TRUE,rMode->vfilter); GX_SetViewport(0,0, w, h,0,1); GX_SetScissor(0,0, w, h); guOrtho(perspective,0,h,0,w, 1.0,100.0); GX_LoadProjectionMtx(perspective, GX_ORTHOGRAPHIC); GX_SetCullMode(GX_CULL_NONE); setUp2D(); parse2D(mainRoot->rootN2D); order2D(); render2D(); GX_DrawDone(); GX_CopyDisp(frameBuffer[fb],GX_TRUE); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(frameBuffer[fb]); //Set out black screen after first frame if(firstFrame) { firstFrame = 0; VIDEO_SetBlack(FALSE); } fb ^= 1; }