Ejemplo n.º 1
/* this is the read handler for my own child procs. In this case,
 * the data is going nowhere - I just output it myself
void orte_iof_hnp_read_local_handler(int fd, short event, void *cbdata)
    orte_iof_read_event_t *rev = (orte_iof_read_event_t*)cbdata;
    unsigned char data[ORTE_IOF_BASE_MSG_MAX];
    int32_t numbytes;
    opal_list_item_t *item;
    orte_iof_proc_t *proct;
    int rc;
    /* read up to the fragment size */
#if !defined(__WINDOWS__)
    numbytes = read(fd, data, sizeof(data));
        DWORD readed;
        HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
        ReadFile(handle, data, sizeof(data), &readed, NULL);
        numbytes = (int)readed;
#endif  /* !defined(__WINDOWS__) */
    if (numbytes < 0) {
        /* either we have a connection error or it was a non-blocking read */
        /* non-blocking, retry */
        if (EAGAIN == errno || EINTR == errno) {
            opal_event_add(&rev->ev, 0);

        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                             "%s iof:hnp:read handler %s Error on connection:%d",
                             ORTE_NAME_PRINT(&rev->name), fd));
        /* Un-recoverable error. Allow the code to flow as usual in order to
         * to send the zero bytes message up the stream, and then close the
         * file descriptor and delete the event.
        numbytes = 0;
    /* is this read from our stdin? */
    if (ORTE_IOF_STDIN & rev->tag) {
        /* if job termination has been ordered, just ignore the
         * data and delete the read event
        if (orte_job_term_ordered) {
        /* cycle through our list of sinks */
        for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
             item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
             item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
            orte_iof_sink_t* sink = (orte_iof_sink_t*)item;
            /* only look at stdin sinks */
            if (!(ORTE_IOF_STDIN & sink->tag)) {
            /* if the daemon is me, then this is a local sink */
            if (ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid == sink->daemon.jobid &&
                ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid == sink->daemon.vpid) {
                OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                                     "%s read %d bytes from stdin - writing to %s",
                                     ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), numbytes,
                /* send the bytes down the pipe - we even send 0 byte events
                 * down the pipe so it forces out any preceding data before
                 * closing the output stream
                if (NULL != sink->wev) {
                    if (ORTE_IOF_MAX_INPUT_BUFFERS < orte_iof_base_write_output(&rev->name, rev->tag, data, numbytes, sink->wev)) {
                        /* getting too backed up - stop the read event for now if it is still active */
                        if (mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active) {
                            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                                                 "buffer backed up - holding"));
                            mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active = false;
            } else {
                OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                                     "%s sending %d bytes from stdin to daemon %s",
                                     ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), numbytes,
                /* send the data to the daemon so it can
                 * write it to the proc's fd - in this case,
                 * we pass sink->name to indicate who is to
                 * receive the data. If the connection closed,
                 * numbytes will be zero so zero bytes will be
                 * sent - this will tell the daemon to close
                 * the fd for stdin to that proc
                orte_iof_hnp_send_data_to_endpoint(&sink->daemon, &sink->name, ORTE_IOF_STDIN, data, numbytes);
        /* if num_bytes was zero, then we need to terminate the event */
        if (0 == numbytes) {
            /* this will also close our stdin file descriptor */
        } else {
            /* if we are looking at a tty, then we just go ahead and restart the
             * read event assuming we are not backgrounded
            if (orte_iof_hnp_stdin_check(fd)) {
                restart_stdin(fd, 0, NULL);
            } else {
                /* delay for awhile and then restart */
                ORTE_TIMER_EVENT(0, 10000, restart_stdin);
        /* nothing more to do */
    /* this must be output from one of my local procs - see
     * if anyone else has requested a copy of this info
    for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
         item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
         item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
        orte_iof_sink_t *sink = (orte_iof_sink_t*)item;
        /* if the target isn't set, then this sink is for another purpose - ignore it */
        if (ORTE_JOBID_INVALID == sink->daemon.jobid) {
        if ((sink->tag & rev->tag) &&
            sink->name.jobid == rev->name.jobid &&
            (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == sink->name.vpid || sink->name.vpid == rev->name.vpid)) {
            /* need to send the data to the remote endpoint - if
             * the connection closed, numbytes will be zero, so
             * the remote endpoint will know to close its local fd.
             * In this case, we pass rev->name to indicate who the
             * data came from.
            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                                 "%s sending data to tool %s",
            orte_iof_hnp_send_data_to_endpoint(&sink->daemon, &rev->name, rev->tag, data, numbytes);

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base.iof_output,
                         "%s read %d bytes from %s of %s",
                         ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), numbytes,
                         (ORTE_IOF_STDOUT & rev->tag) ? "stdout" : ((ORTE_IOF_STDERR & rev->tag) ? "stderr" : "stddiag"),
    if (0 == numbytes) {
        /* if we read 0 bytes from the stdout/err/diag, there is
         * nothing to output - find this proc on our list and
         * release the appropriate event. This will delete the
         * read event and close the file descriptor
        for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.procs);
             item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.procs);
             item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
            proct = (orte_iof_proc_t*)item;
            if (proct->name.jobid == rev->name.jobid &&
                proct->name.vpid == rev->name.vpid) {
                /* found it - release corresponding event. This deletes
                 * the read event and closes the file descriptor
                if (rev->tag & ORTE_IOF_STDOUT) {
                } else if (rev->tag & ORTE_IOF_STDERR) {
                } else if (rev->tag & ORTE_IOF_STDDIAG) {
                /* check to see if they are all done */
                if (NULL == proct->revstdout &&
                    NULL == proct->revstderr &&
                    NULL == proct->revstddiag) {
                    opal_buffer_t cmdbuf;
                    orte_daemon_cmd_flag_t command;
                    /* this proc's iof is complete */
                    opal_list_remove_item(&mca_iof_hnp_component.procs, item);
                    /* setup a cmd to notify that the iof is complete */
                    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&cmdbuf, opal_buffer_t);
                    command = ORTE_DAEMON_IOF_COMPLETE;
                    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&cmdbuf, &command, 1, ORTE_DAEMON_CMD))) {
                        goto CLEANUP;
                    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.pack(&cmdbuf, &proct->name, 1, ORTE_NAME))) {
                        goto CLEANUP;
                    ORTE_MESSAGE_EVENT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, &cmdbuf, ORTE_RML_TAG_DAEMON, orte_daemon_cmd_processor);
    /* see if the user wanted the output directed to files */
    if (NULL != orte_output_filename) {
        /* find the sink for this rank */
        for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
             item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
             item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
            orte_iof_sink_t *sink = (orte_iof_sink_t*)item;
            /* if the target is set, then this sink is for another purpose - ignore it */
            if (ORTE_JOBID_INVALID != sink->daemon.jobid) {
            /* if this sink isn't for output, ignore it */
            if (ORTE_IOF_STDIN & sink->tag) {
            /* is this the desired proc? */
            if (sink->name.jobid == rev->name.jobid &&
                sink->name.vpid == rev->name.vpid) {
                /* output to the corresponding file */
                orte_iof_base_write_output(&rev->name, rev->tag, data, numbytes, sink->wev);
                /* done */
    } else {
        /* output this to our local output */
        if (ORTE_IOF_STDOUT & rev->tag || orte_xml_output) {
            orte_iof_base_write_output(&rev->name, rev->tag, data, numbytes, orte_iof_base.iof_write_stdout->wev);
        } else {
            orte_iof_base_write_output(&rev->name, rev->tag, data, numbytes, orte_iof_base.iof_write_stderr->wev);
    /* re-add the event */
    opal_event_add(&rev->ev, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void orte_iof_hnp_recv(int status, orte_process_name_t* sender,
                       opal_buffer_t* buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag,
                       void* cbdata)
    orte_process_name_t origin, requestor;
    unsigned char data[ORTE_IOF_BASE_MSG_MAX];
    orte_iof_tag_t stream;
    int32_t count, numbytes;
    orte_iof_sink_t *sink;
    opal_list_item_t *item, *next;
    int rc;
    bool exclusive;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s received IOF from proc %s",

    /* unpack the stream first as this may be flow control info */
    count = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buffer, &stream, &count, ORTE_IOF_TAG))) {
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;

    if (ORTE_IOF_XON & stream) {
        /* re-start the stdin read event */
        if (NULL != mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev &&
            !orte_job_term_ordered &&
            !mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active) {
            mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active = true;
            opal_event_add(mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->ev, 0);
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;
    } else if (ORTE_IOF_XOFF & stream) {
        /* stop the stdin read event */
        if (NULL != mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev &&
            !mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active) {
            mca_iof_hnp_component.stdinev->active = false;
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;

    /* get name of the process whose io we are discussing */
    count = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buffer, &origin, &count, ORTE_NAME))) {
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s received IOF cmd from sender %s for source %s",

    /* check to see if a tool has requested something */
    if (ORTE_IOF_PULL & stream) {
        /* get name of the process wishing to be the sink */
        count = 1;
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buffer, &requestor, &count, ORTE_NAME))) {
            goto CLEAN_RETURN;

        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "%s received pull cmd from remote tool %s for proc %s",

        if (ORTE_IOF_EXCLUSIVE & stream) {
            exclusive = true;
        } else {
            exclusive = false;
        /* a tool is requesting that we send it a copy of the specified stream(s)
         * from the specified process(es), so create a sink for it
        if (ORTE_IOF_STDOUT & stream) {
            ORTE_IOF_SINK_DEFINE(&sink, &origin, -1, ORTE_IOF_STDOUT,
                                 NULL, &mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
            sink->daemon.jobid = requestor.jobid;
            sink->daemon.vpid = requestor.vpid;
            sink->exclusive = exclusive;
        if (ORTE_IOF_STDERR & stream) {
            ORTE_IOF_SINK_DEFINE(&sink, &origin, -1, ORTE_IOF_STDERR,
                                 NULL, &mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
            sink->daemon.jobid = requestor.jobid;
            sink->daemon.vpid = requestor.vpid;
            sink->exclusive = exclusive;
        if (ORTE_IOF_STDDIAG & stream) {
            ORTE_IOF_SINK_DEFINE(&sink, &origin, -1, ORTE_IOF_STDDIAG,
                                 NULL, &mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
            sink->daemon.jobid = requestor.jobid;
            sink->daemon.vpid = requestor.vpid;
            sink->exclusive = exclusive;
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;

    if (ORTE_IOF_CLOSE & stream) {
        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "%s received close cmd from remote tool %s for proc %s",
        /* a tool is requesting that we no longer forward a copy of the
         * specified stream(s) from the specified process(es) - remove the sink
        item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
        while (item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks)) {
            next = opal_list_get_next(item);
            sink = (orte_iof_sink_t*)item;
            /* if the target isn't set, then this sink is for another purpose - ignore it */
            if (ORTE_JOBID_INVALID == sink->daemon.jobid) {
            /* if this sink is the designated one, then remove it from list */
            if ((stream & sink->tag) &&
                sink->name.jobid == origin.jobid &&
                (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == sink->name.vpid ||
                 ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == origin.vpid ||
                 sink->name.vpid == origin.vpid)) {
                /* send an ack message to the requestor - this ensures that the RML has
                 * completed sending anything to that requestor before it exits
                orte_iof_hnp_send_data_to_endpoint(&sink->daemon, &origin, ORTE_IOF_CLOSE, NULL, 0);
                opal_list_remove_item(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks, item);
            item = next;
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;

    /* this must have come from a daemon forwarding output - unpack the data */
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buffer, data, &numbytes, OPAL_BYTE))) {
        goto CLEAN_RETURN;
    /* numbytes will contain the actual #bytes that were sent */

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((1, orte_iof_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s unpacked %d bytes from remote proc %s",
                         ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), numbytes,

    /* cycle through the endpoints to see if someone else wants a copy */
    exclusive = false;
    for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
         item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_iof_hnp_component.sinks);
         item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
        sink = (orte_iof_sink_t*)item;
        /* if the target isn't set, then this sink is for another purpose - ignore it */
        if (ORTE_JOBID_INVALID == sink->daemon.jobid) {
        if ((stream & sink->tag) &&
            sink->name.jobid == origin.jobid &&
            (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == sink->name.vpid ||
             ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == origin.vpid ||
             sink->name.vpid == origin.vpid)) {
            /* send the data to the tool */
            orte_iof_hnp_send_data_to_endpoint(&sink->daemon, &origin, stream, data, numbytes);
            if (sink->exclusive) {
                exclusive = true;

    /* output this to our local output unless one of the sinks was exclusive */
    if (!exclusive) {
        if (ORTE_IOF_STDOUT & stream || orte_xml_output) {
            orte_iof_base_write_output(&origin, stream, data, numbytes, orte_iof_base.iof_write_stdout->wev);
        } else {
            orte_iof_base_write_output(&origin, stream, data, numbytes, orte_iof_base.iof_write_stderr->wev);
