Ejemplo n.º 1
 *   Check for a "-plain" option; if it's there, set the terminal to plain
 *   text mode.  We must make this check before doing anything else, because
 *   os_plain() must be called prior to os_init() if it's going to be called
 *   at all.  
static void check_plain_option(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;

    /* scan the argument list for the "-plain" option */
    for (i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i)
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-plain") == 0)
            /* set plain text mode in the OS layer */
            /* we've found what we're looking for - no need to look further */
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /* set plain ASCII mode */
 void set_plain_mode() { os_plain(); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *   Main entrypoint 
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int stat;
    int i;
    CVmHostIfc *hostifc;
    CVmMainClientConsole clientifc;

     *   Check for a "-plain" option; if it's there, set the terminal to
     *   plain text mode.  We must make this check before doing anything
     *   else, because os_plain() must be called prior to os_init() if
     *   it's going to be called at all.  
    for (i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i)
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-plain") == 0)
            /* set plain text mode in the OS layer */

            /* we've found what we're looking for - no need to look further */

     *   Initialize the OS layer.  Since this is a command-line-only
     *   implementation, there's no need to ask the OS layer to try to get us
     *   a filename to run, so pass in null for the prompt and filename
     *   buffer.  
    os_init(&argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);

    /* install the OS break handler while we're running */

    /* create the host interface */
    hostifc = new CVmHostIfcStdio(argv[0]);

    /* invoke the basic entrypoint */
    stat = vm_run_image_main(&clientifc, "t3run", argc, argv,
                             TRUE, FALSE, hostifc);

#ifdef TADSNET
     *   Disconnect the Web UI, if applicable.  Leave any final UI window
     *   state displayed until the user manually closes it, so that the user
     *   can read any final messages displayed when the game program
     *   terminated. 

    /* shut down the network layer, if applicable */

    /* remove the OS break handler */

    /* uninitialize the OS layer */

    /* delete the host interface object */
    delete hostifc;

    /* show any unfreed memory */

    /* exit with status code */

    /* we shouldn't get here, but in case os_term doesn't really exit... */
    AFTER_OS_TERM(return stat;)