Ejemplo n.º 1
osip_body_clone (const osip_body_t * body, osip_body_t ** dest)
  int pos;
  int i;
  osip_body_t *copy;

  if (body == NULL || body->length<=0)
    return -1;

  i = osip_body_init (&copy);
  if (i != 0)
    return -1;

  copy->body = (char*)osip_malloc(body->length+2);
  copy->length = body->length;

  if (body->content_type != NULL)
      i = osip_content_type_clone (body->content_type, &(copy->content_type));
      if (i != 0)
	goto bc_error1;

    osip_header_t *header;
    osip_header_t *header2;

    pos = 0;
    while (!osip_list_eol (body->headers, pos))
	header = (osip_header_t *) osip_list_get (body->headers, pos);
	i = osip_header_clone (header, &header2);
	if (i != 0)
	  goto bc_error1;
	osip_list_add (copy->headers, header2, -1);	/* insert as last element */

  *dest = copy;
  return 0;
  osip_body_free (copy);
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
_eXosip_build_response_default (osip_message_t ** dest,
                                osip_dialog_t * dialog, int status,
                                osip_message_t * request)
  osip_generic_param_t *tag;
  osip_message_t *response;
  int pos;
  int i;

  *dest = NULL;
  if (request == NULL)
    return -1;

  i = osip_message_init (&response);
  if (i != 0)
    return -1;
  /* initialise osip_message_t structure */
  /* yet done... */

  response->sip_version = (char *) osip_malloc (8 * sizeof (char));
  sprintf (response->sip_version, "SIP/2.0");
  osip_message_set_status_code (response, status);

  /* handle some internal reason definitions. */
  if (MSG_IS_NOTIFY (request) && status == 481)
      response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Subcription Does Not Exist");
  } else if (MSG_IS_SUBSCRIBE (request) && status == 202)
      response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Accepted subscription");
  } else
      response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup (osip_message_get_reason (status));
      if (response->reason_phrase == NULL)
          if (response->status_code == 101)
            response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Dialog Establishement");
            response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Unknown code");
      response->req_uri = NULL;
      response->sip_method = NULL;

  i = osip_to_clone (request->to, &(response->to));
  if (i != 0)
    goto grd_error_1;

  i = osip_to_get_tag (response->to, &tag);
  if (i != 0)
    {                           /* we only add a tag if it does not already contains one! */
      if ((dialog != NULL) && (dialog->local_tag != NULL))
        /* it should contain the local TAG we created */
          osip_to_set_tag (response->to, osip_strdup (dialog->local_tag));
      } else
          if (status != 100)
            osip_to_set_tag (response->to, osip_to_tag_new_random ());

  i = osip_from_clone (request->from, &(response->from));
  if (i != 0)
    goto grd_error_1;

  pos = 0;
  while (!osip_list_eol (request->vias, pos))
      osip_via_t *via;
      osip_via_t *via2;

      via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (request->vias, pos);
      i = osip_via_clone (via, &via2);
      if (i != -0)
        goto grd_error_1;
      osip_list_add (response->vias, via2, -1);

  i = osip_call_id_clone (request->call_id, &(response->call_id));
  if (i != 0)
    goto grd_error_1;
  i = osip_cseq_clone (request->cseq, &(response->cseq));
  if (i != 0)
    goto grd_error_1;

  if (MSG_IS_SUBSCRIBE (request))
      osip_header_t *exp;
      osip_header_t *evt_hdr;

      osip_message_header_get_byname (request, "event", 0, &evt_hdr);
      if (evt_hdr != NULL && evt_hdr->hvalue != NULL)
        osip_message_set_header (response, "Event", evt_hdr->hvalue);
        osip_message_set_header (response, "Event", "presence");
      i = osip_message_get_expires (request, 0, &exp);
      if (exp == NULL)
          osip_header_t *cp;

          i = osip_header_clone (exp, &cp);
          if (cp != NULL)
            osip_list_add (response->headers, cp, 0);

  osip_message_set_allow (response, "INVITE");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "ACK");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "OPTIONS");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "CANCEL");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "BYE");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "SUBSCRIBE");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "NOTIFY");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "MESSAGE");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "INFO");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "REFER");
  osip_message_set_allow (response, "UPDATE");

  *dest = response;
  return 0;

  osip_message_free (response);
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
_eXosip_call_retry_request (eXosip_call_t * jc,
                            eXosip_dialog_t * jd, osip_transaction_t * out_tr)
  osip_transaction_t *tr = NULL;
  osip_message_t *msg = NULL;
  osip_event_t *sipevent;

  int cseq;
  osip_via_t *via;
  osip_contact_t *co;
  int pos;
  int i;
  int protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;

  if (jc == NULL)
  if (jd != NULL)
      if (jd->d_out_trs == NULL)
        return OSIP_BADPARAMETER;
  if (out_tr == NULL
      || out_tr->orig_request == NULL || out_tr->last_response == NULL)

  i = osip_message_clone (out_tr->orig_request, &msg);
  if (i != 0)
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: could not clone msg for authentication\n"));
      return i;

  via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&msg->vias, 0);
  if (via == NULL || msg->cseq == NULL || msg->cseq->number == NULL)
      osip_message_free (msg);
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: missing via or cseq header\n"));
      return OSIP_SYNTAXERROR;

  if (MSG_IS_STATUS_3XX (out_tr->last_response))
      co = NULL;
      pos = 0;
      while (!osip_list_eol (&out_tr->last_response->contacts, pos))
          co =
            (osip_contact_t *) osip_list_get (&out_tr->last_response->contacts,
          if (co != NULL && co->url != NULL)
              /* check tranport? Only allow UDP, right now */
              osip_uri_param_t *u_param;
              int pos2;

              u_param = NULL;
              pos2 = 0;
              while (!osip_list_eol (&co->url->url_params, pos2))
                  u_param =
                    (osip_uri_param_t *) osip_list_get (&co->url->url_params,
                  if (u_param == NULL || u_param->gname == NULL
                      || u_param->gvalue == NULL)
                      u_param = NULL;
                      /* skip */
                  } else if (0 == osip_strcasecmp (u_param->gname, "transport"))
                      if (0 == osip_strcasecmp (u_param->gvalue, "udp"))
                          u_param = NULL;
                          protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
                          break;        /* ok */
                      } else if (0 == osip_strcasecmp (u_param->gvalue, "tcp"))
                          protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
                          u_param = NULL;

              if (u_param == NULL || u_param->gname == NULL
                  || u_param->gvalue == NULL)
                  break;        /* default is udp! */
          co = NULL;

      if (co == NULL || co->url == NULL)
          osip_message_free (msg);
          OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                      (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                       "eXosip: contact header\n"));
          return OSIP_SYNTAXERROR;

      /* TODO:
         remove extra parameter from new request-uri
         check usual parameter like "transport"

      if (msg->req_uri != NULL && msg->req_uri->host != NULL
          && co->url->host != NULL
          && 0 == osip_strcasecmp (co->url->host, msg->req_uri->host))
          osip_uri_param_t *maddr_param = NULL;
          osip_uri_uparam_get_byname (co->url, "maddr", &maddr_param);
          if (maddr_param != NULL && maddr_param->gvalue != NULL)
              /* This is a redirect server, the route should probably be removed? */
              osip_route_t *route = NULL;
              osip_generic_param_t *tag = NULL;
              osip_message_get_route (msg, 0, &route);
              if (route != NULL)
                  osip_to_get_tag (msg->to, &tag);
                  if (tag == NULL && route != NULL && route->url != NULL)
                      osip_list_remove (&msg->routes, 0);
                      osip_route_free (route);

      /* replace request-uri with NEW contact address */
      osip_uri_free (msg->req_uri);
      msg->req_uri = NULL;
      osip_uri_clone (co->url, &msg->req_uri);

      /* support for diversions headers/draft! */
        int count = 0;
        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&out_tr->last_response->headers, pos))
            osip_header_t *copy = NULL;
            osip_header_t *head =
              osip_list_get (&out_tr->last_response->headers, pos);
            if (head != NULL && 0 == osip_strcasecmp (head->hname, "diversion"))
                i = osip_header_clone (head, &copy);
                if (i == 0)
                    osip_list_add (&msg->headers, copy, count);

  /* remove all previous authentication headers */
  osip_list_special_free (&msg->authorizations,
                          (void *(*)(void *)) &osip_authorization_free);
  osip_list_special_free (&msg->proxy_authorizations,
                          (void *(*)(void *)) &osip_proxy_authorization_free);

  /* increment cseq */
  cseq = atoi (msg->cseq->number);
  osip_free (msg->cseq->number);
  msg->cseq->number = strdup_printf ("%i", cseq + 1);
  if (jd != NULL && jd->d_dialog != NULL)

  i = eXosip_update_top_via (msg);
  if (i != 0)
      osip_message_free (msg);
      return i;

  if (out_tr->last_response->status_code == 401
      || out_tr->last_response->status_code == 407)
    eXosip_add_authentication_information (msg, out_tr->last_response);
    eXosip_add_authentication_information (msg, NULL);
  osip_message_force_update (msg);

  if (0 != osip_strcasecmp (msg->sip_method, "INVITE"))
      i = _eXosip_transaction_init (&tr, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, msg);
  } else
      i = _eXosip_transaction_init (&tr, ICT, eXosip.j_osip, msg);

  if (i != 0)
      osip_message_free (msg);
      return i;

  if (out_tr == jc->c_out_tr)
      /* replace with the new tr */
      osip_list_add (&eXosip.j_transactions, jc->c_out_tr, 0);
      jc->c_out_tr = tr;

      /* fix dialog issue */
      if (jd != NULL)
          REMOVE_ELEMENT (jc->c_dialogs, jd);
          eXosip_dialog_free (jd);
          jd = NULL;
  } else
      /* add the new tr for the current dialog */
      osip_list_add (jd->d_out_trs, tr, 0);

  sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage (msg);

#ifndef MINISIZE
  osip_transaction_set_your_instance (tr, __eXosip_new_jinfo (jc, jd, NULL, NULL));
  osip_transaction_set_your_instance (tr, __eXosip_new_jinfo (jc, jd));
  osip_transaction_add_event (tr, sipevent);

  eXosip_update ();             /* fixed? */
  __eXosip_wakeup ();
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
_eXosip_subscribe_automatic_refresh (struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_subscribe_t * js, eXosip_dialog_t * jd, osip_transaction_t * out_tr)
  osip_message_t *sub = NULL;
  osip_header_t *expires;
  int i;

  if (js == NULL || jd == NULL || out_tr == NULL || out_tr->orig_request == NULL)

  i = eXosip_subscribe_build_refresh_request (excontext, jd->d_id, &sub);
  if (i != 0)
    return i;

  i = osip_message_get_expires (out_tr->orig_request, 0, &expires);
  if (expires != NULL && expires->hvalue != NULL) {
    osip_message_set_expires (sub, expires->hvalue);

    int pos = 0;
    osip_accept_t *_accept = NULL;

    i = osip_message_get_accept (out_tr->orig_request, pos, &_accept);
    while (i >= 0 && _accept != NULL) {
      osip_accept_t *_accept2;

      i = osip_accept_clone (_accept, &_accept2);
      if (i != 0) {
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Error in Accept header\n"));
      osip_list_add (&sub->accepts, _accept2, -1);
      _accept = NULL;
      i = osip_message_get_accept (out_tr->orig_request, pos, &_accept);

    int pos = 0;
    osip_header_t *_event = NULL;

    pos = osip_message_header_get_byname (out_tr->orig_request, "Event", 0, &_event);
    while (pos >= 0 && _event != NULL) {
      osip_header_t *_event2;

      i = osip_header_clone (_event, &_event2);
      if (i != 0) {
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Error in Event header\n"));
      osip_list_add (&sub->headers, _event2, -1);
      _event = NULL;
      pos = osip_message_header_get_byname (out_tr->orig_request, "Event", pos, &_event);

  i = eXosip_subscribe_send_refresh_request (excontext, jd->d_id, sub);
  return i;
Ejemplo n.º 5
eXosip_subscribe_build_refresh_request (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int did, osip_message_t ** sub)
  eXosip_dialog_t *jd = NULL;
  eXosip_subscribe_t *js = NULL;

  osip_transaction_t *transaction;
  char *transport;
  int i;

  *sub = NULL;

  if (did <= 0)

  if (did > 0) {
    _eXosip_subscribe_dialog_find (excontext, did, &js, &jd);
  if (jd == NULL) {
    OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "eXosip: No subscribe here?\n"));
    return OSIP_NOTFOUND;

  transaction = NULL;
  transaction = _eXosip_find_last_out_subscribe (js, jd);

  if (transaction != NULL) {
    if (transaction->state != NICT_TERMINATED && transaction->state != NIST_TERMINATED && transaction->state != NICT_COMPLETED && transaction->state != NIST_COMPLETED)
      return OSIP_WRONG_STATE;

  transport = NULL;
  if (transaction != NULL && transaction->orig_request != NULL)
    transport = _eXosip_transport_protocol (transaction->orig_request);

  if (transport == NULL)
    i = _eXosip_build_request_within_dialog (excontext, sub, "SUBSCRIBE", jd->d_dialog, "UDP");
    i = _eXosip_build_request_within_dialog (excontext, sub, "SUBSCRIBE", jd->d_dialog, transport);

  if (i != 0)
    return i;

  if (transaction != NULL && transaction->orig_request != NULL) {
    int pos = 0;
    osip_header_t *_header = NULL;
    osip_call_info_t *_call_info_header = NULL;

    pos = osip_message_get_supported (transaction->orig_request, pos, &_header);
    while (pos >= 0 && _header != NULL) {
      osip_header_t *_header2;

      i = osip_header_clone (_header, &_header2);
      if (i != 0) {
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Error in Supported header\n"));
      osip_list_add (&(*sub)->headers, _header2, -1);
      _header = NULL;
      pos = osip_message_get_supported (transaction->orig_request, pos, &_header);

    pos = 0;
    pos = osip_message_get_call_info (transaction->orig_request, pos, &_call_info_header);
    while (pos >= 0 && _call_info_header != NULL) {
      osip_call_info_t *_header2;

      i = osip_call_info_clone (_call_info_header, &_header2);
      if (i != 0) {
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Error in Call-Info header\n"));
      osip_list_add (&(*sub)->call_infos, _header2, -1);
      _call_info_header = NULL;
      pos = osip_message_get_call_info (transaction->orig_request, pos, &_call_info_header);

  _eXosip_add_authentication_information (excontext, *sub, NULL);

  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
_eXosip_build_response_default (struct eXosip_t *excontext, osip_message_t ** dest, osip_dialog_t * dialog, int status, osip_message_t * request)
  osip_generic_param_t *tag;
  osip_message_t *response;
  int i;

  *dest = NULL;
  if (request == NULL)

  i = osip_message_init (&response);
  if (i != 0)
    return i;
  /* initialise osip_message_t structure */
  /* yet done... */

  response->sip_version = (char *) osip_malloc (8 * sizeof (char));
  if (response->sip_version == NULL) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  sprintf (response->sip_version, "SIP/2.0");
  osip_message_set_status_code (response, status);

#ifndef MINISIZE
  /* handle some internal reason definitions. */
  if (MSG_IS_NOTIFY (request) && status == 481) {
    response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Subscription Does Not Exist");
  else if (MSG_IS_SUBSCRIBE (request) && status == 202) {
    response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Accepted subscription");
  else {
    response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup (osip_message_get_reason (status));
    if (response->reason_phrase == NULL) {
      if (response->status_code == 101)
        response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Dialog Establishement");
        response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Unknown code");
    response->req_uri = NULL;
    response->sip_method = NULL;
  response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup (osip_message_get_reason (status));
  if (response->reason_phrase == NULL) {
    if (response->status_code == 101)
      response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Dialog Establishement");
      response->reason_phrase = osip_strdup ("Unknown code");
  response->req_uri = NULL;
  response->sip_method = NULL;

  if (response->reason_phrase == NULL) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;

  i = osip_to_clone (request->to, &(response->to));
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return i;

  i = osip_to_get_tag (response->to, &tag);
  if (i != 0) {                 /* we only add a tag if it does not already contains one! */
    if ((dialog != NULL) && (dialog->local_tag != NULL))
      /* it should contain the local TAG we created */
      osip_to_set_tag (response->to, osip_strdup (dialog->local_tag));
    else {
      if (status != 100)
        osip_to_set_tag (response->to, _eXosip_malloc_new_random ());

  i = osip_from_clone (request->from, &(response->from));
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return i;

    osip_list_iterator_t it;
    osip_via_t *via = (osip_via_t*)osip_list_get_first(&request->vias, &it);

    while (via != NULL) {
      osip_via_t *via2;

      i = osip_via_clone (via, &via2);
      if (i != 0) {
        osip_message_free (response);
        return i;
      osip_list_add (&response->vias, via2, -1);
      via = (osip_via_t *)osip_list_get_next(&it);

  i = osip_call_id_clone (request->call_id, &(response->call_id));
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return i;
  i = osip_cseq_clone (request->cseq, &(response->cseq));
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_message_free (response);
    return i;
#ifndef MINISIZE
  if (MSG_IS_SUBSCRIBE (request)) {
    osip_header_t *exp;
    osip_header_t *evt_hdr;

    osip_message_header_get_byname (request, "event", 0, &evt_hdr);
    if (evt_hdr != NULL && evt_hdr->hvalue != NULL)
      osip_message_set_header (response, "Event", evt_hdr->hvalue);
      osip_message_set_header (response, "Event", "presence");
    i = osip_message_get_expires (request, 0, &exp);
    if (exp == NULL) {
      osip_header_t *cp;

      i = osip_header_clone (exp, &cp);
      if (cp != NULL)
        osip_list_add (&response->headers, cp, 0);

  osip_message_set_user_agent (response, excontext->user_agent);

  *dest = response;
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
osip_message_clone (const osip_message_t * sip, osip_message_t ** dest)
    osip_message_t *copy;
    int pos = 0;
    int i;

    if (sip == NULL)
        return -1;
    *dest = NULL;

    i = osip_message_init (&copy);
    if (i != 0)
        return -1;

    copy->sip_method = osip_strdup (sip->sip_method);
    copy->sip_version = osip_strdup (sip->sip_version);
    copy->status_code = sip->status_code;
    copy->reason_phrase = osip_strdup (sip->reason_phrase);
    if (sip->req_uri != NULL)
        i = osip_uri_clone (sip->req_uri, &(copy->req_uri));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;

        osip_accept_t *accept;
        osip_accept_t *accept2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->accepts, pos))
            accept = (osip_accept_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->accepts, pos);
            i = osip_accept_clone (accept, &accept2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->accepts, accept2, -1);     /* insert as last element */
        osip_accept_encoding_t *accept_encoding;
        osip_accept_encoding_t *accept_encoding2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->accept_encodings, pos))
            accept_encoding =
                (osip_accept_encoding_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->accept_encodings, pos);
            i = osip_accept_encoding_clone (accept_encoding, &accept_encoding2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->accept_encodings, accept_encoding2, -1);
        osip_accept_language_t *accept_language;
        osip_accept_language_t *accept_language2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->accept_languages, pos))
            accept_language =
                (osip_accept_language_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->accept_languages, pos);
            i = osip_accept_language_clone (accept_language, &accept_language2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->accept_languages, accept_language2, -1);
        osip_alert_info_t *alert_info;
        osip_alert_info_t *alert_info2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->alert_infos, pos))
            alert_info = (osip_alert_info_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->alert_infos, pos);
            i = osip_alert_info_clone (alert_info, &alert_info2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->alert_infos, alert_info2, -1);
        osip_allow_t *allow;
        osip_allow_t *allow2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->allows, pos))
            allow = (osip_allow_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->allows, pos);
            i = osip_allow_clone (allow, &allow2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->allows, allow2, -1);
        osip_authentication_info_t *authentication_info;
        osip_authentication_info_t *authentication_info2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->authentication_infos, pos))
            authentication_info =
                (osip_authentication_info_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->
                        authentication_infos, pos);
            i =
                osip_authentication_info_clone (authentication_info,
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->authentication_infos, authentication_info2, -1);
        osip_authorization_t *authorization;
        osip_authorization_t *authorization2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->authorizations, pos))
            authorization =
                (osip_authorization_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->authorizations, pos);
            i = osip_authorization_clone (authorization, &authorization2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->authorizations, authorization2, -1);
    if (sip->call_id != NULL)
        i = osip_call_id_clone (sip->call_id, &(copy->call_id));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
        osip_call_info_t *call_info;
        osip_call_info_t *call_info2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->call_infos, pos))
            call_info = (osip_call_info_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->call_infos, pos);
            i = osip_call_info_clone (call_info, &call_info2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->call_infos, call_info2, -1);
        osip_contact_t *contact;
        osip_contact_t *contact2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->contacts, pos))
            contact = (osip_contact_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->contacts, pos);
            i = osip_contact_clone (contact, &contact2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->contacts, contact2, -1);
        osip_content_encoding_t *content_encoding;
        osip_content_encoding_t *content_encoding2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->content_encodings, pos))
            content_encoding =
                (osip_content_encoding_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->content_encodings, pos);
            i = osip_content_encoding_clone (content_encoding, &content_encoding2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->content_encodings, content_encoding2, -1);
    if (sip->content_length != NULL)
        i = osip_content_length_clone (sip->content_length, &(copy->content_length));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
    if (sip->content_type != NULL)
        i = osip_content_type_clone (sip->content_type, &(copy->content_type));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
    if (sip->cseq != NULL)
        i = osip_cseq_clone (sip->cseq, &(copy->cseq));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
        osip_error_info_t *error_info;
        osip_error_info_t *error_info2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->error_infos, pos))
            error_info = (osip_error_info_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->error_infos, pos);
            i = osip_error_info_clone (error_info, &error_info2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->error_infos, error_info2, -1);
    if (sip->from != NULL)
        i = osip_from_clone (sip->from, &(copy->from));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
    if (sip->mime_version != NULL)
        i = osip_mime_version_clone (sip->mime_version, &(copy->mime_version));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
        osip_proxy_authenticate_t *proxy_authenticate;
        osip_proxy_authenticate_t *proxy_authenticate2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->proxy_authenticates, pos))
            proxy_authenticate =
                (osip_proxy_authenticate_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->
                        proxy_authenticates, pos);
            i =
                osip_proxy_authenticate_clone (proxy_authenticate, &proxy_authenticate2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->proxy_authenticates, proxy_authenticate2, -1);
        osip_proxy_authentication_info_t *proxy_authentication_info;
        osip_proxy_authentication_info_t *proxy_authentication_info2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->proxy_authentication_infos, pos))
            proxy_authentication_info =
                (osip_proxy_authentication_info_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->
            i =
                osip_proxy_authentication_info_clone (proxy_authentication_info,
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->proxy_authentication_infos,
                           proxy_authentication_info2, -1);
        osip_proxy_authorization_t *proxy_authorization;
        osip_proxy_authorization_t *proxy_authorization2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->proxy_authorizations, pos))
            proxy_authorization =
                (osip_proxy_authorization_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->
                        proxy_authorizations, pos);
            i =
                osip_proxy_authorization_clone (proxy_authorization,
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->proxy_authorizations, proxy_authorization2, -1);
        osip_record_route_t *record_route;
        osip_record_route_t *record_route2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->record_routes, pos))
            record_route =
                (osip_record_route_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->record_routes, pos);
            i = osip_record_route_clone (record_route, &record_route2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->record_routes, record_route2, -1);
        osip_route_t *route;
        osip_route_t *route2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->routes, pos))
            route = (osip_route_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->routes, pos);
            i = osip_route_clone (route, &route2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->routes, route2, -1);
    if (sip->to != NULL)
        i = osip_to_clone (sip->to, &(copy->to));
        if (i != 0)
            goto mc_error1;
        osip_via_t *via;
        osip_via_t *via2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->vias, pos))
            via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->vias, pos);
            i = osip_via_clone (via, &via2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->vias, via2, -1);
        osip_www_authenticate_t *www_authenticate;
        osip_www_authenticate_t *www_authenticate2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->www_authenticates, pos))
            www_authenticate =
                (osip_www_authenticate_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->www_authenticates, pos);
            i = osip_www_authenticate_clone (www_authenticate, &www_authenticate2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->www_authenticates, www_authenticate2, -1);

        osip_header_t *header;
        osip_header_t *header2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->headers, pos))
            header = (osip_header_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->headers, pos);
            i = osip_header_clone (header, &header2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->headers, header2, -1);

        osip_body_t *body;
        osip_body_t *body2;

        pos = 0;
        while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->bodies, pos))
            body = (osip_body_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->bodies, pos);
            i = osip_body_clone (body, &body2);
            if (i != 0)
                goto mc_error1;
            osip_list_add (&copy->bodies, body2, -1);

    copy->message_length = sip->message_length;
    copy->message = osip_strdup (sip->message);
    copy->message_property = sip->message_property;

    *dest = copy;
    return 0;
    osip_message_free (copy);
    return -1;
