Ejemplo n.º 1
void VolumeViewer::initObjects(const std::string &renderer_type)
  // Create an OSPRay renderer.
  renderer = ospNewRenderer(renderer_type.c_str());
  exitOnCondition(renderer == NULL, "could not create OSPRay renderer object");

  // Set renderer defaults (if not using 'aoX' renderers)
  if (renderer_type[0] != 'a' && renderer_type[1] != 'o')
    ospSet1i(renderer, "aoSamples", 1);
    ospSet1i(renderer, "shadowsEnabled", 1);

  // Create OSPRay ambient and directional lights. GUI elements will modify their parameters.
  ambientLight = ospNewLight(renderer, "AmbientLight");
  exitOnCondition(ambientLight == NULL, "could not create ambient light");

  directionalLight = ospNewLight(renderer, "DirectionalLight");
  exitOnCondition(directionalLight == NULL, "could not create directional light");

  // Set the light sources on the renderer.
  std::vector<OSPLight> lights;

  ospSetData(renderer, "lights", ospNewData(lights.size(), OSP_OBJECT, &lights[0]));

  // Create an OSPRay transfer function.
  transferFunction = ospNewTransferFunction("piecewise_linear");
  exitOnCondition(transferFunction == NULL, "could not create OSPRay transfer function object");

  // Load OSPRay objects from files.
  for (size_t i=0 ; i < objectFileFilenames.size() ; i++)

  // Get the bounding box of all volumes of the first model.
  if(modelStates.size() > 0 && modelStates[0].volumes.size() > 0) {
    ospGetVec3f(modelStates[0].volumes[0], "boundingBoxMin", (osp::vec3f*)&boundingBox.lower);
    ospGetVec3f(modelStates[0].volumes[0], "boundingBoxMax", (osp::vec3f*)&boundingBox.upper);

    for (size_t i=1; i<modelStates[0].volumes.size(); i++) {
      ospcommon::box3f volumeBoundingBox;
      ospGetVec3f(modelStates[0].volumes[i], "boundingBoxMin", (osp::vec3f*)&volumeBoundingBox.lower);
      ospGetVec3f(modelStates[0].volumes[i], "boundingBoxMax", (osp::vec3f*)&volumeBoundingBox.upper);

Ejemplo n.º 2
OSPLight OSPObjectFile::importLight(const tinyxml2::XMLNode *root)
  // Create the OSPRay object.
  OSPLight light = ospNewLight(NULL, root->ToElement()->Attribute("type"));

  // Iterate over object attributes.
  for (const tinyxml2::XMLNode *node = root->FirstChild() ; node ; node = node->NextSibling()) {

    // Light color.
    if (!strcmp(node->ToElement()->Name(), "color")) { importAttributeFloat3(node, light);  continue; }

    // Light direction.
    if (!strcmp(node->ToElement()->Name(), "direction")) { importAttributeFloat3(node, light);  continue; }

    // Light half angle for spot lights.
    if (!strcmp(node->ToElement()->Name(), "halfAngle")) { importAttributeFloat(node, light);  continue; }

    // Light position.
    if (!strcmp(node->ToElement()->Name(), "position")) { importAttributeFloat3(node, light);  continue; }

    // Light illumination distance cutoff.
    if (!strcmp(node->ToElement()->Name(), "range")) { importAttributeFloat(node, light);  continue; }

    // Error check.
    exitOnCondition(true, "unrecognized XML element type '" + std::string(node->ToElement()->Name()) + "'");

  // The populated light object.
  return light;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  OSPObjectCatalog OSPObjectFile::importLight(const tinyxml2::XMLNode *root) {

    //! Create the OSPRay object.
    OSPLight light = ospNewLight(NULL, root->ToElement()->Attribute("type"));

    //! Iterate over object attributes.
    for (const tinyxml2::XMLNode *node = root->FirstChild() ; node ; node = node->NextSibling()) importLightAttribute(node, light);

    //! Catalog the object attributes to allow introspection by the application.
    return(new ObjectCatalog(root->ToElement()->Attribute("name"), (ManagedObject *) light));
