Ejemplo n.º 1
//! Construct a reduction mask for which parts (blocks) of the force array are touched on which thread task
static void
calc_bonded_reduction_mask(int natoms,
                           f_thread_t *f_thread,
                           const t_idef *idef,
                           int thread, int nthread)
    static_assert(BITMASK_SIZE == GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS, "For the error message below we assume these two are equal.");

    if (nthread > BITMASK_SIZE)
#pragma omp master
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "You are using %d OpenMP threads, which is larger than GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS (%d). Decrease the number of OpenMP threads or rebuild GROMACS with a larger value for GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS.",
                  nthread, GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS);
#pragma omp barrier
    GMX_ASSERT(nthread <= BITMASK_SIZE, "We need at least nthread bits in the mask");

    int nblock = (natoms + reduction_block_size - 1) >> reduction_block_bits;

    if (nblock > f_thread->block_nalloc)
        f_thread->block_nalloc = over_alloc_large(nblock);
        srenew(f_thread->mask,        f_thread->block_nalloc);
        srenew(f_thread->block_index, f_thread->block_nalloc);
        snew_aligned(f_thread->f,     f_thread->block_nalloc*reduction_block_size, 128);

    gmx_bitmask_t *mask = f_thread->mask;

    for (int b = 0; b < nblock; b++)

    for (int ftype = 0; ftype < F_NRE; ftype++)
        if (ftype_is_bonded_potential(ftype))
            int nb = idef->il[ftype].nr;
            if (nb > 0)
                int nat1 = interaction_function[ftype].nratoms + 1;

                int nb0 = idef->il_thread_division[ftype*(nthread + 1) + thread];
                int nb1 = idef->il_thread_division[ftype*(nthread + 1) + thread + 1];

                for (int i = nb0; i < nb1; i += nat1)
                    for (int a = 1; a < nat1; a++)
                        bitmask_set_bit(&mask[idef->il[ftype].iatoms[i+a] >> reduction_block_bits], thread);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void make_cyl_refgrps(t_commrec *cr, t_pull *pull, t_mdatoms *md,
                             t_pbc *pbc, double t, rvec *x, rvec *xp)
    int           c, i, ii, m, start, end;
    rvec          g_x, dx, dir;
    double        r0_2, sum_a, sum_ap, dr2, mass, weight, wmass, wwmass, inp;
    t_pull_coord *pcrd;
    t_pull_group *pref, *pgrp, *pdyna;
    gmx_ga2la_t   ga2la = NULL;

    if (pull->dbuf_cyl == NULL)
        snew(pull->dbuf_cyl, pull->ncoord*4);

    if (cr && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        ga2la = cr->dd->ga2la;

    start = 0;
    end   = md->homenr;

    r0_2 = dsqr(pull->cyl_r0);

    /* loop over all groups to make a reference group for each*/
    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pcrd  = &pull->coord[c];

        /* pref will be the same group for all pull coordinates */
        pref  = &pull->group[pcrd->group[0]];
        pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->group[1]];
        pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
        copy_rvec(pcrd->vec, dir);
        sum_a          = 0;
        sum_ap         = 0;
        wmass          = 0;
        wwmass         = 0;
        pdyna->nat_loc = 0;

        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            g_x[m] = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*(pcrd->init + pcrd->rate*t);

        /* loop over all atoms in the main ref group */
        for (i = 0; i < pref->nat; i++)
            ii = pref->ind[i];
            if (ga2la)
                if (!ga2la_get_home(ga2la, pref->ind[i], &ii))
                    ii = -1;
            if (ii >= start && ii < end)
                pbc_dx_aiuc(pbc, x[ii], g_x, dx);
                inp = iprod(dir, dx);
                dr2 = 0;
                for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                    dr2 += dsqr(dx[m] - inp*dir[m]);

                if (dr2 < r0_2)
                    /* add to index, to sum of COM, to weight array */
                    if (pdyna->nat_loc >= pdyna->nalloc_loc)
                        pdyna->nalloc_loc = over_alloc_large(pdyna->nat_loc+1);
                        srenew(pdyna->ind_loc, pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                        srenew(pdyna->weight_loc, pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                    pdyna->ind_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = ii;
                    mass   = md->massT[ii];
                    weight = get_weight(sqrt(dr2), pull->cyl_r1, pull->cyl_r0);
                    pdyna->weight_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = weight;
                    sum_a += mass*weight*inp;
                    if (xp)
                        pbc_dx_aiuc(pbc, xp[ii], g_x, dx);
                        inp     = iprod(dir, dx);
                        sum_ap += mass*weight*inp;
                    wmass  += mass*weight;
                    wwmass += mass*sqr(weight);
        pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+0] = wmass;
        pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+1] = wwmass;
        pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+2] = sum_a;
        pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+3] = sum_ap;

    if (cr && PAR(cr))
        /* Sum the contributions over the nodes */
        gmx_sumd(pull->ncoord*4, pull->dbuf_cyl, cr);

    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pcrd  = &pull->coord[c];

        pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
        pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->group[1]];

        wmass         = pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+0];
        wwmass        = pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+1];
        pdyna->wscale = wmass/wwmass;
        pdyna->invtm  = 1.0/(pdyna->wscale*wmass);

        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            g_x[m]      = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*(pcrd->init + pcrd->rate*t);
            pdyna->x[m] = g_x[m] + pcrd->vec[m]*pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+2]/wmass;
            if (xp)
                pdyna->xp[m] = g_x[m] + pcrd->vec[m]*pull->dbuf_cyl[c*4+3]/wmass;

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Pull cylinder group %d:%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f m:%8.3f\n",
                    c, pdyna->x[0], pdyna->x[1],
                    pdyna->x[2], 1.0/pdyna->invtm);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int setup_specat_communication(gmx_domdec_t               *dd,
                               ind_req_t                  *ireq,
                               gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t   *spac,
                               gmx_hash_t                 *ga2la_specat,
                               int                         at_start,
                               int                         vbuf_fac,
                               const char                 *specat_type,
                               const char                 *add_err)
    int               nsend[2], nlast, nsend_zero[2] = {0, 0}, *nsend_ptr;
    int               d, dim, ndir, dir, nr, ns, i, nrecv_local, n0, start, indr, ind, buf[2];
    int               nat_tot_specat, nat_tot_prev, nalloc_old;
    gmx_bool          bPBC;
    gmx_specatsend_t *spas;

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "Begin setup_specat_communication for %s\n", specat_type);

    /* nsend[0]: the number of atoms requested by this node only,
     *           we communicate this for more efficients checks
     * nsend[1]: the total number of requested atoms
    nsend[0] = ireq->n;
    nsend[1] = nsend[0];
    nlast    = nsend[1];
    for (d = dd->ndim-1; d >= 0; d--)
        /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */
        dim  = dd->dim[d];
        bPBC = (dim < dd->npbcdim);
        if (dd->nc[dim] == 2)
            /* Only 2 cells, so we only need to communicate once */
            ndir = 1;
            ndir = 2;
        for (dir = 0; dir < ndir; dir++)
            if (!bPBC &&
                dd->nc[dim] > 2 &&
                ((dir == 0 && dd->ci[dim] == dd->nc[dim] - 1) ||
                 (dir == 1 && dd->ci[dim] == 0)))
                /* No pbc: the fist/last cell should not request atoms */
                nsend_ptr = nsend_zero;
                nsend_ptr = nsend;
            /* Communicate the number of indices */
            dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward,
                            nsend_ptr, 2, spac->nreq[d][dir], 2);
            nr = spac->nreq[d][dir][1];
            if (nlast+nr > ireq->nalloc)
                ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nlast+nr);
                srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc);
            /* Communicate the indices */
            dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward,
                            ireq->ind, nsend_ptr[1], ireq->ind+nlast, nr);
            nlast += nr;
        nsend[1] = nlast;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "Communicated the counts\n");

    /* Search for the requested atoms and communicate the indices we have */
    nat_tot_specat = at_start;
    nrecv_local    = 0;
    for (d = 0; d < dd->ndim; d++)
        /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */
        if (dd->dim[d] >= dd->npbcdim || dd->nc[dd->dim[d]] > 2)
            ndir = 2;
            ndir = 1;
        nat_tot_prev = nat_tot_specat;
        for (dir = ndir-1; dir >= 0; dir--)
            if (nat_tot_specat > spac->bSendAtom_nalloc)
                nalloc_old             = spac->bSendAtom_nalloc;
                spac->bSendAtom_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nat_tot_specat);
                srenew(spac->bSendAtom, spac->bSendAtom_nalloc);
                for (i = nalloc_old; i < spac->bSendAtom_nalloc; i++)
                    spac->bSendAtom[i] = FALSE;
            spas = &spac->spas[d][dir];
            n0   = spac->nreq[d][dir][0];
            nr   = spac->nreq[d][dir][1];
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "dim=%d, dir=%d, searching for %d atoms\n",
                        d, dir, nr);
            start       = nlast - nr;
            spas->nsend = 0;
            nsend[0]    = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
                indr = ireq->ind[start+i];
                ind  = -1;
                /* Check if this is a home atom and if so ind will be set */
                if (!ga2la_get_home(dd->ga2la, indr, &ind))
                    /* Search in the communicated atoms */
                    ind = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, indr);
                if (ind >= 0)
                    if (i < n0 || !spac->bSendAtom[ind])
                        if (spas->nsend+1 > spas->a_nalloc)
                            spas->a_nalloc = over_alloc_large(spas->nsend+1);
                            srenew(spas->a, spas->a_nalloc);
                        /* Store the local index so we know which coordinates
                         * to send out later.
                        spas->a[spas->nsend] = ind;
                        spac->bSendAtom[ind] = TRUE;
                        if (spas->nsend+1 > spac->ibuf_nalloc)
                            spac->ibuf_nalloc = over_alloc_large(spas->nsend+1);
                            srenew(spac->ibuf, spac->ibuf_nalloc);
                        /* Store the global index so we can send it now */
                        spac->ibuf[spas->nsend] = indr;
                        if (i < n0)
            nlast = start;
            /* Clear the local flags */
            for (i = 0; i < spas->nsend; i++)
                spac->bSendAtom[spas->a[i]] = FALSE;
            /* Send and receive the number of indices to communicate */
            nsend[1] = spas->nsend;
            dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward,
                            nsend, 2, buf, 2);
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Send to rank %d, %d (%d) indices, "
                        "receive from rank %d, %d (%d) indices\n",
                        dd->neighbor[d][1-dir], nsend[1], nsend[0],
                        dd->neighbor[d][dir], buf[1], buf[0]);
                if (gmx_debug_at)
                    for (i = 0; i < spas->nsend; i++)
                        fprintf(debug, " %d", spac->ibuf[i]+1);
                    fprintf(debug, "\n");
            nrecv_local += buf[0];
            spas->nrecv  = buf[1];
            if (nat_tot_specat + spas->nrecv > dd->gatindex_nalloc)
                dd->gatindex_nalloc =
                    over_alloc_dd(nat_tot_specat + spas->nrecv);
                srenew(dd->gatindex, dd->gatindex_nalloc);
            /* Send and receive the indices */
            dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward,
                            spac->ibuf, spas->nsend,
                            dd->gatindex+nat_tot_specat, spas->nrecv);
            nat_tot_specat += spas->nrecv;

        /* Allocate the x/f communication buffers */
        ns = spac->spas[d][0].nsend;
        nr = spac->spas[d][0].nrecv;
        if (ndir == 2)
            ns += spac->spas[d][1].nsend;
            nr += spac->spas[d][1].nrecv;
        if (vbuf_fac*ns > spac->vbuf_nalloc)
            spac->vbuf_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(vbuf_fac*ns);
            srenew(spac->vbuf, spac->vbuf_nalloc);
        if (vbuf_fac == 2 && vbuf_fac*nr > spac->vbuf2_nalloc)
            spac->vbuf2_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(vbuf_fac*nr);
            srenew(spac->vbuf2, spac->vbuf2_nalloc);

        /* Make a global to local index for the communication atoms */
        for (i = nat_tot_prev; i < nat_tot_specat; i++)
            gmx_hash_change_or_set(ga2la_specat, dd->gatindex[i], i);

    /* Check that in the end we got the number of atoms we asked for */
    if (nrecv_local != ireq->n)
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Requested %d, received %d (tot recv %d)\n",
                    ireq->n, nrecv_local, nat_tot_specat-at_start);
            if (gmx_debug_at)
                for (i = 0; i < ireq->n; i++)
                    ind = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, ireq->ind[i]);
                    fprintf(debug, " %s%d",
                            (ind >= 0) ? "" : "!",
                fprintf(debug, "\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\nDD cell %d %d %d: Neighboring cells do not have atoms:",
                dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ]);
        for (i = 0; i < ireq->n; i++)
            if (gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, ireq->ind[i]) < 0)
                fprintf(stderr, " %d", ireq->ind[i]+1);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "DD cell %d %d %d could only obtain %d of the %d atoms that are connected via %ss from the neighboring cells. This probably means your %s lengths are too long compared to the domain decomposition cell size. Decrease the number of domain decomposition grid cells%s%s.",
                  dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ],
                  nrecv_local, ireq->n, specat_type,
                  specat_type, add_err,
                  dd_dlb_is_on(dd) ? " or use the -rcon option of mdrun" : "");

    spac->at_start = at_start;
    spac->at_end   = nat_tot_specat;

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "Done setup_specat_communication\n");

    return nat_tot_specat;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int dd_make_local_vsites(gmx_domdec_t *dd, int at_start, t_ilist *lil)
    gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t *spac;
    ind_req_t                *ireq;
    gmx_hash_t                ga2la_specat;
    int  ftype, nral, i, j, a;
    t_ilist                  *lilf;
    t_iatom                  *iatoms;
    int  at_end;

    spac         = dd->vsite_comm;
    ireq         = &spac->ireq[0];
    ga2la_specat = dd->ga2la_vsite;

    ireq->n = 0;
    /* Loop over all the home vsites */
    for (ftype = 0; ftype < F_NRE; ftype++)
        if (interaction_function[ftype].flags & IF_VSITE)
            nral = NRAL(ftype);
            lilf = &lil[ftype];
            for (i = 0; i < lilf->nr; i += 1+nral)
                iatoms = lilf->iatoms + i;
                /* Check if we have the other atoms */
                for (j = 1; j < 1+nral; j++)
                    if (iatoms[j] < 0)
                        /* This is not a home atom,
                         * we need to ask our neighbors.
                        a = -iatoms[j] - 1;
                        /* Check to not ask for the same atom more than once */
                        if (gmx_hash_get_minone(dd->ga2la_vsite, a) == -1)
                            /* Add this non-home atom to the list */
                            if (ireq->n+1 > ireq->nalloc)
                                ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ireq->n+1);
                                srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc);
                            ireq->ind[ireq->n++] = a;
                            /* Temporarily mark with -2,
                             * we get the index later.
                            gmx_hash_set(ga2la_specat, a, -2);

    at_end = setup_specat_communication(dd, ireq, dd->vsite_comm, ga2la_specat,
                                        at_start, 1, "vsite", "");

    /* Fill in the missing indices */
    for (ftype = 0; ftype < F_NRE; ftype++)
        if (interaction_function[ftype].flags & IF_VSITE)
            nral = NRAL(ftype);
            lilf = &lil[ftype];
            for (i = 0; i < lilf->nr; i += 1+nral)
                iatoms = lilf->iatoms + i;
                for (j = 1; j < 1+nral; j++)
                    if (iatoms[j] < 0)
                        iatoms[j] = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, -iatoms[j]-1);

    return at_end;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void gmx_sort_ilist_fe(t_idef *idef, const real *qA, const real *qB)
    int        ftype, nral, i, ic, ib, a;
    t_iparams *iparams;
    t_ilist   *ilist;
    t_iatom   *iatoms;
    gmx_bool   bPert;
    t_iatom   *iabuf;
    int        iabuf_nalloc;

    if (qB == NULL)
        qB = qA;

    iabuf_nalloc = 0;
    iabuf        = NULL;

    iparams = idef->iparams;

    for (ftype = 0; ftype < F_NRE; ftype++)
        if (interaction_function[ftype].flags & IF_BOND)
            ilist  = &idef->il[ftype];
            iatoms = ilist->iatoms;
            nral   = NRAL(ftype);
            ic     = 0;
            ib     = 0;
            i      = 0;
            while (i < ilist->nr)
                /* Check if this interaction is perturbed */
                if (ip_q_pert(ftype, iatoms+i, iparams, qA, qB))
                    /* Copy to the perturbed buffer */
                    if (ib + 1 + nral > iabuf_nalloc)
                        iabuf_nalloc = over_alloc_large(ib+1+nral);
                        srenew(iabuf, iabuf_nalloc);
                    for (a = 0; a < 1+nral; a++)
                        iabuf[ib++] = iatoms[i++];
                    /* Copy in place */
                    for (a = 0; a < 1+nral; a++)
                        iatoms[ic++] = iatoms[i++];
            /* Now we now the number of non-perturbed interactions */
            ilist->nr_nonperturbed = ic;

            /* Copy the buffer with perturbed interactions to the ilist */
            for (a = 0; a < ib; a++)
                iatoms[ic++] = iabuf[a];

            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "%s non-pert %d pert %d\n",


    idef->ilsort = ilsortFE_SORTED;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int dd_make_local_constraints(gmx_domdec_t *dd, int at_start,
                              const struct gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                              const int *cginfo,
                              gmx_constr_t constr, int nrec,
                              t_ilist *il_local)
    gmx_domdec_constraints_t   *dc;
    t_ilist                    *ilc_local, *ils_local;
    ind_req_t                  *ireq;
    const t_blocka             *at2con_mt;
    const int                 **at2settle_mt;
    gmx_hash_t                 *ga2la_specat;
    int at_end, i, j;
    t_iatom                    *iap;

    // This code should not be called unless this condition is true,
    // because that's the only time init_domdec_constraints is
    // called...
    GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(dd->bInterCGcons || dd->bInterCGsettles, "dd_make_local_constraints called when there are no local constraints");
    // ... and init_domdec_constraints always sets
    // dd->constraint_comm...
    GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(dd->constraint_comm, "Invalid use of dd_make_local_constraints before construction of constraint_comm");
    // ... which static analysis needs to be reassured about, because
    // otherwise, when dd->bInterCGsettles is
    // true. dd->constraint_comm is unilaterally dereferenced before
    // the call to atoms_to_settles.

    dc = dd->constraints;

    ilc_local = &il_local[F_CONSTR];
    ils_local = &il_local[F_SETTLE];

    dc->ncon      = 0;
    ilc_local->nr = 0;
    if (dd->constraint_comm)
        at2con_mt = atom2constraints_moltype(constr);
        ireq      = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[0];
        ireq->n   = 0;
        // Currently unreachable
        at2con_mt = NULL;
        ireq      = NULL;

    if (dd->bInterCGsettles)
        at2settle_mt  = atom2settle_moltype(constr);
        ils_local->nr = 0;
        /* Settle works inside charge groups, we assigned them already */
        at2settle_mt = NULL;

    if (at2settle_mt == NULL)
        atoms_to_constraints(dd, mtop, cginfo, at2con_mt, nrec,
                             ilc_local, ireq);
        int t0_set;
        int thread;

        /* Do the constraints, if present, on the first thread.
         * Do the settles on all other threads.
        t0_set = ((at2con_mt != NULL && dc->nthread > 1) ? 1 : 0);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(dc->nthread) schedule(static)
        for (thread = 0; thread < dc->nthread; thread++)
                if (at2con_mt && thread == 0)
                    atoms_to_constraints(dd, mtop, cginfo, at2con_mt, nrec,
                                         ilc_local, ireq);

                if (thread >= t0_set)
                    int        cg0, cg1;
                    t_ilist   *ilst;
                    ind_req_t *ireqt;

                    /* Distribute the settle check+assignments over
                     * dc->nthread or dc->nthread-1 threads.
                    cg0 = (dd->ncg_home*(thread-t0_set  ))/(dc->nthread-t0_set);
                    cg1 = (dd->ncg_home*(thread-t0_set+1))/(dc->nthread-t0_set);

                    if (thread == t0_set)
                        ilst = ils_local;
                        ilst = &dc->ils[thread];
                    ilst->nr = 0;

                    ireqt = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[thread];
                    if (thread > 0)
                        ireqt->n = 0;

                    atoms_to_settles(dd, mtop, cginfo, at2settle_mt,
                                     cg0, cg1,
                                     ilst, ireqt);

        /* Combine the generate settles and requested indices */
        for (thread = 1; thread < dc->nthread; thread++)
            t_ilist   *ilst;
            ind_req_t *ireqt;
            int        ia;

            if (thread > t0_set)
                ilst = &dc->ils[thread];
                if (ils_local->nr + ilst->nr > ils_local->nalloc)
                    ils_local->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ils_local->nr + ilst->nr);
                    srenew(ils_local->iatoms, ils_local->nalloc);
                for (ia = 0; ia < ilst->nr; ia++)
                    ils_local->iatoms[ils_local->nr+ia] = ilst->iatoms[ia];
                ils_local->nr += ilst->nr;

            ireqt = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[thread];
            if (ireq->n+ireqt->n > ireq->nalloc)
                ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ireq->n+ireqt->n);
                srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc);
            for (ia = 0; ia < ireqt->n; ia++)
                ireq->ind[ireq->n+ia] = ireqt->ind[ia];
            ireq->n += ireqt->n;

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Settles: total %3d\n", ils_local->nr/4);

    if (dd->constraint_comm)
        int nral1;

        at_end =
            setup_specat_communication(dd, ireq, dd->constraint_comm,
                                       at_start, 2,
                                       "constraint", " or lincs-order");

        /* Fill in the missing indices */
        ga2la_specat = dd->constraints->ga2la;

        nral1 = 1 + NRAL(F_CONSTR);
        for (i = 0; i < ilc_local->nr; i += nral1)
            iap = ilc_local->iatoms + i;
            for (j = 1; j < nral1; j++)
                if (iap[j] < 0)
                    iap[j] = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, -iap[j]-1);

        nral1 = 1 + NRAL(F_SETTLE);
        for (i = 0; i < ils_local->nr; i += nral1)
            iap = ils_local->iatoms + i;
            for (j = 1; j < nral1; j++)
                if (iap[j] < 0)
                    iap[j] = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, -iap[j]-1);
        // Currently unreachable
        at_end = at_start;

    return at_end;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*! \brief Looks up constraint for the local atoms */
static void atoms_to_constraints(gmx_domdec_t *dd,
                                 const gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                                 const int *cginfo,
                                 const t_blocka *at2con_mt, int nrec,
                                 t_ilist *ilc_local,
                                 ind_req_t *ireq)
    const t_blocka             *at2con;
    gmx_ga2la_t                *ga2la;
    gmx_mtop_atomlookup_t       alook;
    int                         ncon1;
    gmx_molblock_t             *molb;
    t_iatom                    *ia1, *ia2, *iap;
    int                         nhome, cg, a, a_gl, a_mol, a_loc, b_lo, offset, mb, molnr, b_mol, i, con, con_offset;
    gmx_domdec_constraints_t   *dc;
    gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t   *dcc;

    dc  = dd->constraints;
    dcc = dd->constraint_comm;

    ga2la  = dd->ga2la;

    alook = gmx_mtop_atomlookup_init(mtop);

    nhome = 0;
    for (cg = 0; cg < dd->ncg_home; cg++)
        if (GET_CGINFO_CONSTR(cginfo[cg]))
            for (a = dd->cgindex[cg]; a < dd->cgindex[cg+1]; a++)
                a_gl = dd->gatindex[a];

                gmx_mtop_atomnr_to_molblock_ind(alook, a_gl, &mb, &molnr, &a_mol);
                molb = &mtop->molblock[mb];

                ncon1 = mtop->moltype[molb->type].ilist[F_CONSTR].nr/NRAL(F_SETTLE);

                ia1 = mtop->moltype[molb->type].ilist[F_CONSTR].iatoms;
                ia2 = mtop->moltype[molb->type].ilist[F_CONSTRNC].iatoms;

                /* Calculate the global constraint number offset for the molecule.
                 * This is only required for the global index to make sure
                 * that we use each constraint only once.
                con_offset =
                    dc->molb_con_offset[mb] + molnr*dc->molb_ncon_mol[mb];

                /* The global atom number offset for this molecule */
                offset = a_gl - a_mol;
                at2con = &at2con_mt[molb->type];
                for (i = at2con->index[a_mol]; i < at2con->index[a_mol+1]; i++)
                    con = at2con->a[i];
                    iap = constr_iatomptr(ncon1, ia1, ia2, con);
                    if (a_mol == iap[1])
                        b_mol = iap[2];
                        b_mol = iap[1];
                    if (ga2la_get_home(ga2la, offset+b_mol, &a_loc))
                        /* Add this fully home constraint at the first atom */
                        if (a_mol < b_mol)
                            if (dc->ncon+1 > dc->con_nalloc)
                                dc->con_nalloc = over_alloc_large(dc->ncon+1);
                                srenew(dc->con_gl, dc->con_nalloc);
                                srenew(dc->con_nlocat, dc->con_nalloc);
                            dc->con_gl[dc->ncon]     = con_offset + con;
                            dc->con_nlocat[dc->ncon] = 2;
                            if (ilc_local->nr + 3 > ilc_local->nalloc)
                                ilc_local->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(ilc_local->nr + 3);
                                srenew(ilc_local->iatoms, ilc_local->nalloc);
                            b_lo = a_loc;
                            ilc_local->iatoms[ilc_local->nr++] = iap[0];
                            ilc_local->iatoms[ilc_local->nr++] = (a_gl == iap[1] ? a    : b_lo);
                            ilc_local->iatoms[ilc_local->nr++] = (a_gl == iap[1] ? b_lo : a   );
                        /* We need the nrec constraints coupled to this constraint,
                         * so we need to walk out of the home cell by nrec+1 atoms,
                         * since already atom bg is not locally present.
                         * Therefore we call walk_out with nrec recursions to go
                         * after this first call.
                        walk_out(con, con_offset, b_mol, offset, nrec,
                                 ncon1, ia1, ia2, at2con,
                                 dd->ga2la, TRUE, dc, dcc, ilc_local, ireq);


    if (debug)
                "Constraints: home %3d border %3d atoms: %3d\n",
                nhome, dc->ncon-nhome,
                dd->constraint_comm ? ireq->n : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
/*! \brief Looks up SETTLE constraints for a range of charge-groups */
static void atoms_to_settles(gmx_domdec_t *dd,
                             const gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                             const int *cginfo,
                             const int **at2settle_mt,
                             int cg_start, int cg_end,
                             t_ilist *ils_local,
                             ind_req_t *ireq)
    gmx_ga2la_t            *ga2la;
    gmx_mtop_atomlookup_t   alook;
    int                     settle;
    int                     nral, sa;
    int                     cg, a, a_gl, a_glsa, a_gls[3], a_locs[3];
    int                     mb, molnr, a_mol, offset;
    const gmx_molblock_t   *molb;
    const t_iatom          *ia1;
    gmx_bool                a_home[3];
    int                     nlocal;
    gmx_bool                bAssign;

    ga2la  = dd->ga2la;

    alook = gmx_mtop_atomlookup_settle_init(mtop);

    nral = NRAL(F_SETTLE);

    for (cg = cg_start; cg < cg_end; cg++)
        if (GET_CGINFO_SETTLE(cginfo[cg]))
            for (a = dd->cgindex[cg]; a < dd->cgindex[cg+1]; a++)
                a_gl = dd->gatindex[a];

                gmx_mtop_atomnr_to_molblock_ind(alook, a_gl, &mb, &molnr, &a_mol);
                molb = &mtop->molblock[mb];

                settle = at2settle_mt[molb->type][a_mol];

                if (settle >= 0)
                    offset = a_gl - a_mol;

                    ia1 = mtop->moltype[molb->type].ilist[F_SETTLE].iatoms;

                    bAssign = FALSE;
                    nlocal  = 0;
                    for (sa = 0; sa < nral; sa++)
                        a_glsa     = offset + ia1[settle*(1+nral)+1+sa];
                        a_gls[sa]  = a_glsa;
                        a_home[sa] = ga2la_get_home(ga2la, a_glsa, &a_locs[sa]);
                        if (a_home[sa])
                            if (nlocal == 0 && a_gl == a_glsa)
                                bAssign = TRUE;

                    if (bAssign)
                        if (ils_local->nr+1+nral > ils_local->nalloc)
                            ils_local->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(ils_local->nr+1+nral);
                            srenew(ils_local->iatoms, ils_local->nalloc);

                        ils_local->iatoms[ils_local->nr++] = ia1[settle*4];

                        for (sa = 0; sa < nral; sa++)
                            if (ga2la_get_home(ga2la, a_gls[sa], &a_locs[sa]))
                                ils_local->iatoms[ils_local->nr++] = a_locs[sa];
                                ils_local->iatoms[ils_local->nr++] = -a_gls[sa] - 1;
                                /* Add this non-home atom to the list */
                                if (ireq->n+1 > ireq->nalloc)
                                    ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ireq->n+1);
                                    srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc);
                                ireq->ind[ireq->n++] = a_gls[sa];
                                /* A check on double atom requests is
                                 * not required for settle.

Ejemplo n.º 9
/*! \brief Walks over the constraints out from the local atoms into the non-local atoms and adds them to a list */
static void walk_out(int con, int con_offset, int a, int offset, int nrec,
                     int ncon1, const t_iatom *ia1, const t_iatom *ia2,
                     const t_blocka *at2con,
                     const gmx_ga2la_t *ga2la, gmx_bool bHomeConnect,
                     gmx_domdec_constraints_t *dc,
                     gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t *dcc,
                     t_ilist *il_local,
                     ind_req_t *ireq)
    int            a1_gl, a2_gl, a_loc, i, coni, b;
    const t_iatom *iap;

    if (dc->gc_req[con_offset+con] == 0)
        /* Add this non-home constraint to the list */
        if (dc->ncon+1 > dc->con_nalloc)
            dc->con_nalloc = over_alloc_large(dc->ncon+1);
            srenew(dc->con_gl, dc->con_nalloc);
            srenew(dc->con_nlocat, dc->con_nalloc);
        dc->con_gl[dc->ncon]       = con_offset + con;
        dc->con_nlocat[dc->ncon]   = (bHomeConnect ? 1 : 0);
        dc->gc_req[con_offset+con] = 1;
        if (il_local->nr + 3 > il_local->nalloc)
            il_local->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(il_local->nr+3);
            srenew(il_local->iatoms, il_local->nalloc);
        iap = constr_iatomptr(ncon1, ia1, ia2, con);
        il_local->iatoms[il_local->nr++] = iap[0];
        a1_gl = offset + iap[1];
        a2_gl = offset + iap[2];
        /* The following indexing code can probably be optizimed */
        if (ga2la_get_home(ga2la, a1_gl, &a_loc))
            il_local->iatoms[il_local->nr++] = a_loc;
            /* We set this index later */
            il_local->iatoms[il_local->nr++] = -a1_gl - 1;
        if (ga2la_get_home(ga2la, a2_gl, &a_loc))
            il_local->iatoms[il_local->nr++] = a_loc;
            /* We set this index later */
            il_local->iatoms[il_local->nr++] = -a2_gl - 1;
    /* Check to not ask for the same atom more than once */
    if (gmx_hash_get_minone(dc->ga2la, offset+a) == -1)
        /* Add this non-home atom to the list */
        if (ireq->n+1 > ireq->nalloc)
            ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ireq->n+1);
            srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc);
        ireq->ind[ireq->n++] = offset + a;
        /* Temporarily mark with -2, we get the index later */
        gmx_hash_set(dc->ga2la, offset+a, -2);

    if (nrec > 0)
        for (i = at2con->index[a]; i < at2con->index[a+1]; i++)
            coni = at2con->a[i];
            if (coni != con)
                /* Walk further */
                iap = constr_iatomptr(ncon1, ia1, ia2, coni);
                if (a == iap[1])
                    b = iap[2];
                    b = iap[1];
                if (!ga2la_get_home(ga2la, offset+b, &a_loc))
                    walk_out(coni, con_offset, b, offset, nrec-1,
                             ncon1, ia1, ia2, at2con,
                             ga2la, FALSE, dc, dcc, il_local, ireq);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void make_cyl_refgrps(t_commrec *cr, struct pull_t *pull, t_mdatoms *md,
                             t_pbc *pbc, double t, rvec *x)
    /* The size and stride per coord for the reduction buffer */
    const int       stride = 9;
    int             c, i, ii, m, start, end;
    rvec            g_x, dx, dir;
    double          inv_cyl_r2;
    pull_comm_t    *comm;
    gmx_ga2la_t    *ga2la = NULL;

    comm = &pull->comm;

    if (comm->dbuf_cyl == NULL)
        snew(comm->dbuf_cyl, pull->ncoord*stride);

    if (cr && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        ga2la = cr->dd->ga2la;

    start = 0;
    end   = md->homenr;

    inv_cyl_r2 = 1.0/gmx::square(pull->params.cylinder_r);

    /* loop over all groups to make a reference group for each*/
    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pull_coord_work_t *pcrd;
        double             sum_a, wmass, wwmass;
        dvec               radf_fac0, radf_fac1;

        pcrd   = &pull->coord[c];

        sum_a  = 0;
        wmass  = 0;
        wwmass = 0;

        if (pcrd->params.eGeom == epullgCYL)
            pull_group_work_t *pref, *pgrp, *pdyna;

            /* pref will be the same group for all pull coordinates */
            pref  = &pull->group[pcrd->params.group[0]];
            pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->params.group[1]];
            pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
            copy_rvec(pcrd->vec, dir);
            pdyna->nat_loc = 0;

            /* We calculate distances with respect to the reference location
             * of this cylinder group (g_x), which we already have now since
             * we reduced the other group COM over the ranks. This resolves
             * any PBC issues and we don't need to use a PBC-atom here.
            if (pcrd->params.rate != 0)
                /* With rate=0, value_ref is set initially */
                pcrd->value_ref = pcrd->params.init + pcrd->params.rate*t;
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                g_x[m] = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*pcrd->value_ref;

            /* loop over all atoms in the main ref group */
            for (i = 0; i < pref->params.nat; i++)
                ii = pref->params.ind[i];
                if (ga2la)
                    if (!ga2la_get_home(ga2la, pref->params.ind[i], &ii))
                        ii = -1;
                if (ii >= start && ii < end)
                    double dr2, dr2_rel, inp;
                    dvec   dr;

                    pbc_dx_aiuc(pbc, x[ii], g_x, dx);
                    inp = iprod(dir, dx);
                    dr2 = 0;
                    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                        /* Determine the radial components */
                        dr[m] = dx[m] - inp*dir[m];
                        dr2  += dr[m]*dr[m];
                    dr2_rel = dr2*inv_cyl_r2;

                    if (dr2_rel < 1)
                        double mass, weight, dweight_r;
                        dvec   mdw;

                        /* add to index, to sum of COM, to weight array */
                        if (pdyna->nat_loc >= pdyna->nalloc_loc)
                            pdyna->nalloc_loc = over_alloc_large(pdyna->nat_loc+1);
                            srenew(pdyna->ind_loc,    pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->weight_loc, pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->mdw,        pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->dv,         pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                        pdyna->ind_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = ii;

                        mass      = md->massT[ii];
                        /* The radial weight function is 1-2x^2+x^4,
                         * where x=r/cylinder_r. Since this function depends
                         * on the radial component, we also get radial forces
                         * on both groups.
                        weight    = 1 + (-2 + dr2_rel)*dr2_rel;
                        dweight_r = (-4 + 4*dr2_rel)*inv_cyl_r2;
                        pdyna->weight_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = weight;
                        sum_a    += mass*weight*inp;
                        wmass    += mass*weight;
                        wwmass   += mass*weight*weight;
                        dsvmul(mass*dweight_r, dr, mdw);
                        copy_dvec(mdw, pdyna->mdw[pdyna->nat_loc]);
                        /* Currently we only have the axial component of the
                         * distance (inp) up to an unkown offset. We add this
                         * offset after the reduction needs to determine the
                         * COM of the cylinder group.
                        pdyna->dv[pdyna->nat_loc] = inp;
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            radf_fac0[m] += mdw[m];
                            radf_fac1[m] += mdw[m]*inp;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+0] = wmass;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+1] = wwmass;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+2] = sum_a;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+3] = radf_fac0[XX];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+4] = radf_fac0[YY];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+5] = radf_fac0[ZZ];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+6] = radf_fac1[XX];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+7] = radf_fac1[YY];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+8] = radf_fac1[ZZ];

    if (cr != NULL && PAR(cr))
        /* Sum the contributions over the ranks */
        pull_reduce_double(cr, comm, pull->ncoord*stride, comm->dbuf_cyl);

    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pull_coord_work_t *pcrd;

        pcrd  = &pull->coord[c];

        if (pcrd->params.eGeom == epullgCYL)
            pull_group_work_t *pdyna, *pgrp;
            double             wmass, wwmass, dist;

            pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
            pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->params.group[1]];

            wmass          = comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+0];
            wwmass         = comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+1];
            pdyna->mwscale = 1.0/wmass;
            /* Cylinder pulling can't be used with constraints, but we set
             * wscale and invtm anyhow, in case someone would like to use them.
            pdyna->wscale  = wmass/wwmass;
            pdyna->invtm   = wwmass/(wmass*wmass);

            /* We store the deviation of the COM from the reference location
             * used above, since we need it when we apply the radial forces
             * to the atoms in the cylinder group.
            pcrd->cyl_dev  = 0;
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                g_x[m]         = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*pcrd->value_ref;
                dist           = -pcrd->vec[m]*comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+2]*pdyna->mwscale;
                pdyna->x[m]    = g_x[m] - dist;
                pcrd->cyl_dev += dist;
            /* Now we know the exact COM of the cylinder reference group,
             * we can determine the radial force factor (ffrad) that when
             * multiplied with the axial pull force will give the radial
             * force on the pulled (non-cylinder) group.
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                pcrd->ffrad[m] = (comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+6+m] +

            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Pull cylinder group %d:%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f m:%8.3f\n",
                        c, pdyna->x[0], pdyna->x[1],
                        pdyna->x[2], 1.0/pdyna->invtm);
                fprintf(debug, "ffrad %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",
                        pcrd->ffrad[XX], pcrd->ffrad[YY], pcrd->ffrad[ZZ]);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int dd_make_local_constraints(gmx_domdec_t *dd,int at_start,
                              const gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                              const int *cginfo,
                              gmx_constr_t constr,int nrec,
                              t_ilist *il_local)
    gmx_domdec_constraints_t *dc;
    t_ilist *ilc_local,*ils_local;
    ind_req_t *ireq;
    const t_blocka *at2con_mt;
    const int **at2settle_mt;
    gmx_hash_t ga2la_specat;
    int at_end,i,j;
    t_iatom *iap;
    dc = dd->constraints;
    ilc_local = &il_local[F_CONSTR];
    ils_local = &il_local[F_SETTLE];

    dc->ncon      = 0;
    ilc_local->nr = 0;
    if (dd->constraint_comm)
        at2con_mt = atom2constraints_moltype(constr);
        ireq = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[0];
        ireq->n = 0;
        at2con_mt = NULL;
        ireq = NULL;

    if (dd->bInterCGsettles)
        at2settle_mt = atom2settle_moltype(constr);
        ils_local->nr = 0;
        /* Settle works inside charge groups, we assigned them already */
        at2settle_mt = NULL;

    if (at2settle_mt == NULL)
        int t0_set;
        int thread;

        /* Do the constraints, if present, on the first thread.
         * Do the settles on all other threads.
        t0_set = ((at2con_mt != NULL && dc->nthread > 1) ? 1 : 0);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(dc->nthread) schedule(static)
        for(thread=0; thread<dc->nthread; thread++)
            if (at2con_mt && thread == 0)

            if (thread >= t0_set)
                int cg0,cg1;
                t_ilist *ilst;
                ind_req_t *ireqt;

                /* Distribute the settle check+assignments over
                 * dc->nthread or dc->nthread-1 threads.
                cg0 = (dd->ncg_home*(thread-t0_set  ))/(dc->nthread-t0_set);
                cg1 = (dd->ncg_home*(thread-t0_set+1))/(dc->nthread-t0_set);

                if (thread == t0_set)
                    ilst = ils_local;
                    ilst = &dc->ils[thread];
                ilst->nr = 0;

                ireqt = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[thread];
                if (thread > 0)
                    ireqt->n = 0;


        /* Combine the generate settles and requested indices */
        for(thread=1; thread<dc->nthread; thread++)
            t_ilist *ilst;
            ind_req_t *ireqt;
            int ia;

            if (thread > t0_set)
                ilst = &dc->ils[thread];
                if (ils_local->nr + ilst->nr > ils_local->nalloc)
                    ils_local->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ils_local->nr + ilst->nr);
                for(ia=0; ia<ilst->nr; ia++)
                    ils_local->iatoms[ils_local->nr+ia] = ilst->iatoms[ia];
                ils_local->nr += ilst->nr;

            ireqt = &dd->constraint_comm->ireq[thread];
            if (ireq->n+ireqt->n > ireq->nalloc)
                ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_large(ireq->n+ireqt->n);
            for(ia=0; ia<ireqt->n; ia++)
                ireq->ind[ireq->n+ia] = ireqt->ind[ia];
            ireq->n += ireqt->n;

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug,"Settles: total %3d\n",ils_local->nr/4);

    if (dd->constraint_comm) {
        int nral1;

        at_end =
                                       "constraint"," or lincs-order");
        /* Fill in the missing indices */
        ga2la_specat = dd->constraints->ga2la;

        nral1 = 1 + NRAL(F_CONSTR);
        for(i=0; i<ilc_local->nr; i+=nral1)
            iap = ilc_local->iatoms + i;
            for(j=1; j<nral1; j++)
                if (iap[j] < 0)
                    iap[j] = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat,-iap[j]-1);

        nral1 = 1 + NRAL(F_SETTLE);
        for(i=0; i<ils_local->nr; i+=nral1)
            iap = ils_local->iatoms + i;
            for(j=1; j<nral1; j++)
                if (iap[j] < 0)
                    iap[j] = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat,-iap[j]-1);
        at_end = at_start;
    return at_end;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* Sets up the work division over the threads */
static void lincs_thread_setup(struct gmx_lincsdata *li,int natoms)
    lincs_thread_t *li_m;
    int th;
    unsigned *atf;
    int a;

    if (natoms > li->atf_nalloc)
        li->atf_nalloc = over_alloc_large(natoms);

    atf = li->atf;
    /* Clear the atom flags */
    for(a=0; a<natoms; a++)
        atf[a] = 0;

    for(th=0; th<li->nth; th++)
        lincs_thread_t *li_th;
        int b;

        li_th = &li->th[th];
        /* The constraints are divided equally over the threads */
        li_th->b0 = (li->nc* th   )/li->nth;
        li_th->b1 = (li->nc*(th+1))/li->nth;

        if (th < sizeof(*atf)*8)
            /* For each atom set a flag for constraints from each */
            for(b=li_th->b0; b<li_th->b1; b++)
                atf[li->bla[b*2]  ] |= (1U<<th);
                atf[li->bla[b*2+1]] |= (1U<<th);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(li->nth) schedule(static)
    for(th=0; th<li->nth; th++)
        lincs_thread_t *li_th;
        unsigned mask;
        int b;

        li_th = &li->th[th];
        if (li_th->b1 - li_th->b0 > li_th->ind_nalloc)
            li_th->ind_nalloc = over_alloc_large(li_th->b1-li_th->b0);

        if (th < sizeof(*atf)*8)
            mask = (1U<<th) - 1U;

            li_th->nind   = 0;
            li_th->nind_r = 0;
            for(b=li_th->b0; b<li_th->b1; b++)
                /* We let the constraint with the lowest thread index
                 * operate on atoms with constraints from multiple threads.
                if (((atf[li->bla[b*2]]   & mask) == 0) &&
                    ((atf[li->bla[b*2+1]] & mask) == 0))
                    /* Add the constraint to the local atom update index */
                    li_th->ind[li_th->nind++] = b;
                    /* Add the constraint to the rest block */
                    li_th->ind_r[li_th->nind_r++] = b;
            /* We are out of bits, assign all constraints to rest */
            for(b=li_th->b0; b<li_th->b1; b++)
                li_th->ind_r[li_th->nind_r++] = b;

    /* We need to copy all constraints which have not be assigned
     * to a thread to a separate list which will be handled by one thread.
    li_m = &li->th[li->nth];

    li_m->nind = 0;
    for(th=0; th<li->nth; th++)
        lincs_thread_t *li_th;
        int b;

        li_th   = &li->th[th];

        if (li_m->nind + li_th->nind_r > li_m->ind_nalloc)
            li_m->ind_nalloc = over_alloc_large(li_m->nind+li_th->nind_r);

        for(b=0; b<li_th->nind_r; b++)
            li_m->ind[li_m->nind++] = li_th->ind_r[b];

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug,"LINCS thread %d: %d constraints\n",

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug,"LINCS thread r: %d constraints\n",