Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Function:  p7_oprofile_Sample()
 * Synopsis:  Sample a random profile.
 * Incept:    MSF Tue Nov 3, 2009 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Sample a random profile of <M> nodes for alphabet <abc>,
 *            using <r> as the source of random numbers. Parameterize
 *            it for generation of target sequences of mean length
 *            <L>. Calculate its log-odds scores using background
 *            model <bg>.
 * Args:      r       - random number generator
 *            abc     - emission alphabet 
 *            bg      - background frequency model
 *            M       - size of sampled profile, in nodes
 *            L       - configured target seq mean length
 *            opt_hmm - optRETURN: sampled HMM
 *            opt_gm  - optRETURN: sampled normal profile
 *            opt_om  - RETURN: optimized profile
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    (no abnormal error conditions)
p7_oprofile_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, const P7_BG *bg, int M, int L,
		   P7_HMM **opt_hmm, P7_PROFILE **opt_gm, P7_OPROFILE **ret_om)
  P7_HMM         *hmm  = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm   = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om   = NULL;
  int             status;

  if ((gm = p7_profile_Create (M, abc)) == NULL)  { status = eslEMEM; goto ERROR; }
  if ((om = p7_oprofile_Create(M, abc)) == NULL)  { status = eslEMEM; goto ERROR; }

  if ((status = p7_hmm_Sample(r, M, abc, &hmm))             != eslOK) goto ERROR;
  if ((status = p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL)) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
  if ((status = p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om))                != eslOK) goto ERROR;
  if ((status = p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L))          != eslOK) goto ERROR;

  if (opt_hmm != NULL) *opt_hmm = hmm; else p7_hmm_Destroy(hmm);
  if (opt_gm  != NULL) *opt_gm  = gm;  else p7_profile_Destroy(gm);
  *ret_om = om;
  return eslOK;

  if (opt_hmm != NULL) *opt_hmm = NULL;
  if (opt_gm  != NULL) *opt_gm  = NULL;
  *ret_om = NULL;
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
utest_oprofileSendRecv(int my_rank, int nproc)
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r    = esl_randomness_CreateFast(42);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc  = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  P7_HMM         *hmm  = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg   = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm   = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om   = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om2  = NULL;
  int             M    = 200;
  int             L    = 400;
  char           *wbuf = NULL;
  int             wn   = 0;
  int             i;
  char            errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];

  p7_hmm_Sample(r, M, abc, &hmm); /* master and worker's sampled profiles are identical */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_bg_SetLength  (bg, L);

  if (my_rank == 0)
      for (i = 1; i < nproc; i++)
	  ESL_DPRINTF1(("Master: receiving test profile\n"));
	  p7_oprofile_MPIRecv(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wbuf, &wn, &abc, &om2);
	  ESL_DPRINTF1(("Master: test profile received\n"));

	  if (p7_oprofile_Compare(om, om2, 0.001, errbuf) != eslOK) 
	    p7_Die("Received profile not identical to what was sent\n%s", errbuf);

      ESL_DPRINTF1(("Worker %d: sending test profile\n", my_rank));
      p7_oprofile_MPISend(om, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wbuf, &wn);
      ESL_DPRINTF1(("Worker %d: test profile sent\n", my_rank));

Ejemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go     = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r      = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc    = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm    = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm     = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg     = NULL;
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq    = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq     = NULL;
  int             M      = 6;
  int             L      = 10;
  int             ntrace = 1000;

  if ((abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO))         == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create alphabet");
  if (p7_hmm_Sample(r, M, abc, &hmm)                != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to sample an HMM");
  if ((bg = p7_bg_Create(abc))                      == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create null model");
  if ((gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc))         == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create profile");
  if (p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL)    != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to config profile");
  if ((om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc))         == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create optimized profile");
  if (p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om)                   != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to convert profile");

  /* Test with randomly generated (iid) sequence */
  if ((dsq = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) *(L+2)))  == NULL)  esl_fatal("malloc failed");
  if (esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("seq generation failed");
  utest_stotrace(go, r, abc, gm, om, dsq, L, ntrace);

  /* Test with seq sampled from profile */
  if ((sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc))             == NULL) esl_fatal("sequence allocation failed");
  if (p7_ProfileEmit(r, hmm, gm, bg, sq, NULL)    != eslOK) esl_fatal("profile emission failed");
  utest_stotrace(go, r, abc, gm, om, sq->dsq, sq->n, ntrace);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char **argv)
  char         *hmmfile = argv[1];
  ESL_ALPHABET *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE   *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM       *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG        *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE   *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE  *om1     = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE  *om2     = NULL;
  int           status;

  char          errmsg[512];

  status = p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("Failed to open HMM file %s for reading.\n",                   hmmfile);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("File %s does not appear to be in a recognized HMM format.\n", hmmfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n",       status, hmmfile);  

  status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm);
  if      (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Bad file format in HMM file %s:\n%s\n",          hfp->fname, hfp->errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) esl_fatal("HMM in %s is not in the expected %s alphabet\n", hfp->fname, esl_abc_DecodeType(abc->type));
  else if (status == eslEOF)       esl_fatal("Empty HMM file %s? No HMM data found.\n",        hfp->fname);
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s\n",     hfp->fname);

  bg  = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  gm  = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);   
  om1 = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, 400, p7_LOCAL);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om1);
  om2 = p7_oprofile_Copy(om1);
  if (p7_oprofile_Compare(om1, om2, 0.001f, errmsg) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Compare failed %s\n", errmsg);

  return eslOK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  int             i;

  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M = %d\n", gm->M);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* recalibrate_model()
 * Optionally, user can choose (with --recal) to replace the
 * statistical parameters of the HMM.  The calibrated params are used
 * to generate "expected" distributions in output plots.  see
 * p7_Calibrate(), which this is a partial copy of. (p7_Calibrate()
 * requires a P7_BUILDER object that we don't have.)
 * On success, returns <eslOK> and the statistical parameters of the
 * <hmm> have been recalibrated and replaced.
static int
recalibrate_model(ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg, char *errbuf, P7_HMM *hmm)
  P7_PROFILE  *gm   = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE *om   = NULL;
  int          EmL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmL");
  int          EmN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmN");
  int          EvL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvL");
  int          EvN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvN");
  int          EfL  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfL");
  int          EfN  = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfN");
  double       Eft  = esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--Eft");
  double       lambda, mmu, vmu, ftau;

  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, cfg->abc);
  p7_profile_Config(gm, hmm, cfg->bg);      /* dual-mode multihit; L=0 (no length model needed right now) */
   P7_HARDWARE *hw;
  if ((hw = p7_hardware_Create ()) == NULL)  p7_Fail("Couldn't get HW information data structure"); 
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, cfg->abc, hw->simd);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);	/* om is now *local* multihit */

  p7_Lambda(hmm, cfg->bg, &lambda);
  p7_MSVMu    (cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EmL, EmN, lambda,      &mmu);
  p7_ViterbiMu(cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EvL, EvN, lambda,      &vmu);
  p7_Tau      (cfg->r, om, cfg->bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft, &ftau);

  hmm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = ftau;
  hmm->flags              |= p7H_STATS;

  return eslOK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void 
search_thread(void *arg)
  int               i;
  int               count;
  int               seed;
  int               status;
  int               workeridx;
  WORKER_INFO      *info;
  ESL_THREADS      *obj;
  ESL_SQ            dbsq;
  ESL_STOPWATCH    *w        = NULL;         /* timing stopwatch               */
  P7_BUILDER       *bld      = NULL;         /* HMM construction configuration */
  P7_BG            *bg       = NULL;         /* null model                     */
  P7_PIPELINE      *pli      = NULL;         /* work pipeline                  */
  P7_TOPHITS       *th       = NULL;         /* top hit results                */
  P7_PROFILE       *gm       = NULL;         /* generic model                  */
  P7_OPROFILE      *om       = NULL;         /* optimized query profile        */

  obj = (ESL_THREADS *) arg;
  esl_threads_Started(obj, &workeridx);

  info = (WORKER_INFO *) esl_threads_GetData(obj, workeridx);
  w    = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  bg   = p7_bg_Create(info->abc);

  /* set up the dummy description and accession fields */
  dbsq.desc = "";
  dbsq.acc  = "";

  /* process a query sequence or hmm */
  if (info->seq != NULL) {
    bld = p7_builder_Create(NULL, info->abc);
    if ((seed = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--seed")) > 0) {
      esl_randomness_Init(bld->r, seed);
      bld->do_reseeding = TRUE;
    bld->EmL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EmL");
    bld->EmN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EmN");
    bld->EvL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EvL");
    bld->EvN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EvN");
    bld->EfL = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EfL");
    bld->EfN = esl_opt_GetInteger(info->opts, "--EfN");
    bld->Eft = esl_opt_GetReal   (info->opts, "--Eft");

    if (esl_opt_IsOn(info->opts, "--mxfile")) status = p7_builder_SetScoreSystem (bld, esl_opt_GetString(info->opts, "--mxfile"), NULL, esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--popen"), esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--pextend"), bg);
    else                                      status = p7_builder_LoadScoreSystem(bld, esl_opt_GetString(info->opts, "--mx"),           esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--popen"), esl_opt_GetReal(info->opts, "--pextend"), bg); 
    if (status != eslOK) {
      //client_error(info->sock, status, "hmmgpmd: failed to set single query sequence score system: %s", bld->errbuf);
      fprintf(stderr, "hmmpgmd: failed to set single query sequence score system: %s", bld->errbuf);
    p7_SingleBuilder(bld, info->seq, bg, NULL, NULL, NULL, &om); /* bypass HMM - only need model */
  } else {
    gm = p7_profile_Create (info->hmm->M, info->abc);
    om = p7_oprofile_Create(info->hmm->M, info->abc);
    p7_ProfileConfig(info->hmm, bg, gm, 100, p7_LOCAL);
    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* Create processing pipeline and hit list */
  th  = p7_tophits_Create(); 
  pli = p7_pipeline_Create(info->opts, om->M, 100, FALSE, p7_SEARCH_SEQS);
  p7_pli_NewModel(pli, om, bg);

  if (pli->Z_setby == p7_ZSETBY_NTARGETS) pli->Z = info->db_Z;

  /* loop until all sequences have been processed */
  count = 1;
  while (count > 0) {
    int          inx;
    int          blksz;
    HMMER_SEQ  **sq;

    /* grab the next block of sequences */
    if (pthread_mutex_lock(info->inx_mutex) != 0) p7_Fail("mutex lock failed");
    inx = *info->inx;
    blksz = *info->blk_size;
    if (inx > *info->limit) {
      blksz /= 5;
      if (blksz < 1000) {
        *info->limit = info->sq_cnt * 2;
      } else {
        *info->limit = inx + (info->sq_cnt - inx) * 2 / 3; 
    *info->blk_size = blksz;
    *info->inx += blksz;
    if (pthread_mutex_unlock(info->inx_mutex) != 0) p7_Fail("mutex unlock failed");

    sq = info->sq_list + inx;

    count = info->sq_cnt - inx;
    if (count > blksz) count = blksz;

    /* Main loop: */
    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++sq) {
      if ( !(info->range_list) || hmmpgmd_IsWithinRanges ((*sq)->idx, info->range_list)) {
        dbsq.name  = (*sq)->name;
        dbsq.dsq   = (*sq)->dsq;
        dbsq.n     = (*sq)->n;
        dbsq.idx   = (*sq)->idx;
        if((*sq)->desc != NULL) dbsq.desc  = (*sq)->desc;

        p7_bg_SetLength(bg, dbsq.n);
        p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, dbsq.n);

        p7_Pipeline(pli, om, bg, &dbsq, th);


  /* make available the pipeline objects to the main thread */
  info->th = th;
  info->pli = pli;

  /* clean up */

  if (gm != NULL)  p7_profile_Destroy(gm);

  info->elapsed = w->elapsed;


  esl_threads_Finished(obj, workeridx);

Ejemplo n.º 8
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *seqfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox1     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox2     = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp    = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr      = NULL;
  int             format  = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  char            errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  float           fsc, bsc;
  float           accscore;
  int             status;

  /* Read in one HMM */
  if (p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, NULL) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)            != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");
  /* Read in one sequence */
  sq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  status = esl_sqfile_OpenDigital(abc, seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("No such file.");
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Format unrecognized.");
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    p7_Fail("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Open failed, code %d.", status);
  if  (esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read sequence");
  /* Configure a profile from the HMM */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                 p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);    p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, sq->n, p7_LOCAL); /* multihit local: H3 default */
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* Allocations */
  ox1 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, sq->n, sq->n);
  ox2 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, sq->n, sq->n);
  gx  = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, sq->n);
  tr  = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();

  /* Run Forward, Backward; do OA fill and trace */
  p7_Forward (sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox1,      &fsc);
  p7_Backward(sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox1, ox2, &bsc);
  p7_Decoding(om, ox1, ox2, ox2);                   /* <gx2> is now the posterior decoding matrix */
  p7_OptimalAccuracy(om, ox2, ox1, &accscore);	    /* <gx1> is now the OA matrix */
  p7_OATrace(om, ox2, ox1, tr);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-d")) { p7_omx_FDeconvert(ox2, gx);  p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx, p7_DEFAULT); }
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-m")) { p7_omx_FDeconvert(ox1, gx);  p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx, p7_DEFAULT); }

  p7_trace_Dump(stdout, tr, gm, sq->dsq);

  if (p7_trace_Validate(tr, abc, sq->dsq, errbuf) != eslOK) p7_Die("trace fails validation:\n%s\n", errbuf);

  printf("fwd = %.4f nats\n", fsc);
  printf("bck = %.4f nats\n", bsc);
  printf("acc = %.4f (%.2f%%)\n", accscore, accscore * 100. / (float) sq->n);

  /* Cleanup */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx1     = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx2     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox1     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox2     = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr      = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  int             i;
  float           fsc, bsc, accscore;
  float           fsc_g, bsc_g, accscore_g;
  double          Mcs;


  if (p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, NULL) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)            != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                 p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);    p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x") && p7_FLogsumError(-0.4, -0.5) > 0.0001)
    p7_Fail("-x here requires p7_Logsum() recompiled in slow exact mode");

  ox1 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  ox2 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  tr  = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();

  esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
  p7_Forward (dsq, L, om, ox1,      &fsc);
  p7_Backward(dsq, L, om, ox1, ox2, &bsc);
  p7_Decoding(om, ox1, ox2, ox2);              

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      p7_OptimalAccuracy(om, ox2, ox1, &accscore);

      if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--notrace"))
	  p7_OATrace(om, ox2, ox1, tr);

  Mcs        = (double) N * (double) L * (double) gm->M * 1e-6 / (double) w->user;
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M    = %d\n",   gm->M);
  printf("# %.1f Mc/s\n", Mcs);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-c") || esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x") )
      gx1 = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L);
      gx2 = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L);
      p7_GForward (dsq, L, gm, gx1, &fsc_g);
      p7_GBackward(dsq, L, gm, gx2, &bsc_g);
      p7_GDecoding(gm, gx1, gx2, gx2);             
      p7_GOptimalAccuracy(gm, gx2, gx1, &accscore_g);

      printf("generic:  fwd=%8.4f  bck=%8.4f  acc=%8.4f\n", fsc_g, bsc_g, accscore_g);
      printf("VMX:      fwd=%8.4f  bck=%8.4f  acc=%8.4f\n", fsc,   bsc,   accscore);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS      *go       = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_RANDOMNESS   *rng      = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET     *abc      = NULL;
  char             *ghmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1); /* HMMs parameterized for sequence generation */
  char             *ahmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2); /* HMMs parameterized for alignment */
  int               N        = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  P7_HMMFILE       *ghfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE       *ahfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM           *ghmm     = NULL;
  P7_HMM           *ahmm     = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE       *ggm      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE       *agm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE      *aom      = NULL;
  P7_BG            *bg       = NULL;
  ESL_SQ           *sq       = NULL;
  P7_TRACE         *reftr    = p7_trace_Create();
  P7_TRACE         *testtr   = p7_trace_Create();
  P7_TRACE_METRICS *tmetrics = p7_trace_metrics_Create();
  P7_REFMX         *rmx      = p7_refmx_Create(100,100);
  //  P7_FILTERMX      *ox       = NULL;
   P7_HARDWARE *hw;
  if ((hw = p7_hardware_Create ()) == NULL)  p7_Fail("Couldn't get HW information data structure"); 
  P7_SPARSEMASK    *sm       = p7_sparsemask_Create(100, 100, hw->simd);
  P7_SPARSEMX      *sxv      = p7_sparsemx_Create(NULL);
  int               idx;
  char              errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  int               status;

  /* open HMM file containing models parameterized for generation (sampling) of seqs */
  status = p7_hmmfile_OpenE(ghmmfile, NULL, &ghfp, errbuf);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n", ghmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("File format problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                ghmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                       status, ghmmfile, errbuf);  

  /* open HMM file containing models parameterized for alignment (may be the same as ghmmfile) */
  status = p7_hmmfile_OpenE(ahmmfile, NULL, &ahfp, errbuf);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n", ahmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("File format problem in trying to open HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                ahmmfile, errbuf);
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n%s\n",                       status, ahmmfile, errbuf);  
  while ( (status = p7_hmmfile_Read(ghfp, &abc, &ghmm)) == eslOK) /* <abc> gets set on first read  */
      /* read the counterpart HMM from <ahfp> */
      status = p7_hmmfile_Read(ahfp, &abc, &ahmm);
      if      (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Bad file format in HMM file %s:\n%s\n",          ahfp->fname, ahfp->errbuf);
      else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) p7_Fail("HMM in %s is not in the expected %s alphabet\n", ahfp->fname, esl_abc_DecodeType(abc->type));
      else if (status == eslEOF)       p7_Fail("Empty HMM file %s? No HMM data found.\n",        ahfp->fname);
      else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s\n",     ahfp->fname);

      /* try to validate that they're the "same" */
      if (ahmm->M != ghmm->M || strcmp(ahmm->name, ghmm->name) != 0) p7_Fail("<gen-hmmfile>, <ali-hmmfile> contain different set or order of models");

      /* deferred one-time creation of structures that need to know the alphabet */
      if (!bg) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
      if (!sq) sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);

      ggm = p7_profile_Create(ghmm->M,  abc);
      agm = p7_profile_Create(ahmm->M,  abc);

      aom = p7_oprofile_Create(ahmm->M, abc, hw->simd);

      p7_profile_ConfigCustom(ggm, ghmm, bg, esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--gL"), esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--gnj"), esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--gpglocal"));
      p7_profile_ConfigCustom(agm, ahmm, bg, 100,                            esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--anj"), esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--apglocal"));
      p7_oprofile_Convert(agm, aom);

      for (idx = 1; idx <= N; idx++)
	  p7_ProfileEmit(rng, ghmm, ggm, bg, sq, reftr);

	  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dumpseqs")) {
	    esl_sq_FormatName(sq, "seq%d", idx);
	    esl_sqio_Write(stdout, sq, eslSQFILE_FASTA, FALSE);

	  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
	  p7_profile_SetLength(agm, sq->n);
	  p7_sparsemask_Reinit(sm, agm->M, sq->n);

	  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vit"))  p7_ReferenceViterbi(sq->dsq, sq->n, agm,     rmx, testtr, /*opt_vsc=*/NULL);
	  else                         	        p7_SparseViterbi   (sq->dsq, sq->n, agm, sm, sxv, testtr, /*opt_vsc=*/NULL);

	  p7_trace_metrics(reftr, testtr, tmetrics);


  /* we leave the loop with <status> set by a p7_hmmfile_Read() on ghfp; if all is well, status=eslEOF */
  if      (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Bad file format in HMM file %s:\n%s\n",          ghfp->fname, ghfp->errbuf);
  else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) p7_Fail("HMM in %s is not in the expected %s alphabet\n", ghfp->fname, esl_abc_DecodeType(abc->type));
  else if (status != eslEOF)       p7_Fail("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s\n",     ghfp->fname);
  p7_trace_metrics_Dump(stdout, tmetrics);

  //  p7_filtermx_Destroy(ox);
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Function:  p7_oprofile_ReadInfoMSV()
 * Synopsis:  Read MSV filter info, but not the scores.
 * Incept:    MSF, Thu Oct 15, 2009 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Read just enough of the MSV filter header from the
 *            <.h3f> file associated with an open HMM file <hfp>
 *            to skip ahead to the next MSV filter. Allocate a new
 *            model, populate it with just the file offsets of this
 *            model and return a pointer to it in <*ret_om>. 
 *            The <.h3f> file was opened automatically, if it existed,
 *            when the HMM file was opened with <p7_hmmfile_Open()>.
 *            When no more HMMs remain in the file, return <eslEOF>.
 * Args:      hfp     - open HMM file, with associated .h3p file
 *            byp_abc - BYPASS: <*byp_abc == ESL_ALPHABET *> if known; 
 *                              <*byp_abc == NULL> if desired; 
 *                              <NULL> if unwanted.
 *            ret_om  - RETURN: newly allocated <om> with partial MSV
 *                      filter data filled in.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success. <*ret_om> is allocated here;
 *            caller free's with <p7_oprofile_Destroy()>.
 *            <*byp_abc> is allocated here if it was requested;
 *            caller free's with <esl_alphabet_Destroy()>.
 *            Returns <eslEFORMAT> if <hfp> has no <.h3f> file open,
 *            or on any parsing error.
 *            Returns <eslEINCOMPAT> if the HMM we read is incompatible
 *            with the existing alphabet <*byp_abc> led us to expect.
 *            On any returned error, <hfp->errbuf> contains an
 *            informative error message.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
p7_oprofile_ReadInfoMSV(P7_HMMFILE *hfp, ESL_ALPHABET **byp_abc, P7_OPROFILE **ret_om)
  P7_OPROFILE  *om = NULL;
  uint32_t      magic;
  off_t         roff;
  int           M, Q16;
  int           n;
  int           alphatype;
  int           status;

  if (hfp->errbuf != NULL) hfp->errbuf[0] = '\0';
  if (hfp->ffp == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "no MSV profile file; hmmpress probably wasn't run");
  if (feof(hfp->ffp))   { status = eslEOF; goto ERROR; }	/* normal EOF: no more profiles */
  /* keep track of the starting offset of the MSV model */
  roff = ftello(hfp->ffp);

  if (! fread( (char *) &magic,     sizeof(uint32_t), 1, hfp->ffp)) { status = eslEOF; goto ERROR; }
  if (magic == v3a_fmagic)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "this is an outdated HMM database (3/a format); please hmmpress your HMM file again");
  if (magic != v3b_fmagic)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "bad magic; not an HMM database?");

  if (! fread( (char *) &M,         sizeof(int),      1, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read model size M");
  if (! fread( (char *) &alphatype, sizeof(int),      1, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read alphabet type");  
  Q16 = p7O_NQB(M);

  /* Set or verify alphabet. */
  if (byp_abc == NULL || *byp_abc == NULL)	{	/* alphabet unknown: whether wanted or unwanted, make a new one */
    if ((abc = esl_alphabet_Create(alphatype)) == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, hfp->errbuf, "allocation failed: alphabet");
  } else {			/* alphabet already known: verify it against what we see in the HMM */
    abc = *byp_abc;
    if (abc->type != alphatype) 
      ESL_XFAIL(eslEINCOMPAT, hfp->errbuf, "Alphabet type mismatch: was %s, but current profile says %s", 
		esl_abc_DecodeType(abc->type), esl_abc_DecodeType(alphatype));
  /* Now we know the sizes of things, so we can allocate. */
  if ((om = p7_oprofile_Create(M, abc)) == NULL)         ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, hfp->errbuf, "allocation failed: oprofile");
  om->M = M;
  om->roff = roff;

  /* calculate the remaining length of the msv model */
  om->name = NULL;
  if (!fread((char *) &n, sizeof(int), 1, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read name length");
  roff += (sizeof(int) * 3);                          /* magic, model size, and alphabet type    */
  roff += sizeof(int) + n + 1;                        /* length, name string and terminator '\0' */
  roff += (sizeof(float) + sizeof(uint8_t) * 5);      /* transition  costs, bias, scale and base */
  roff += (sizeof(__m128i) * abc->Kp * Q16);          /* msv scores                              */
  roff += (sizeof(float) * p7_NEVPARAM);              /* stat params                             */
  roff += (sizeof(off_t) * p7_NOFFSETS);              /* hmmpfam offsets                         */
  roff += (sizeof(float) * p7_MAXABET);               /* model composition                       */

  /* keep track of the ending offset of the MSV model */
  p7_oprofile_Position(hfp, roff);
  om->eoff = ftello(hfp->ffp) - 1;

  if (byp_abc != NULL) *byp_abc = abc;  /* pass alphabet (whether new or not) back to caller, if caller wanted it */
  *ret_om = om;
  return eslOK;

  if (abc != NULL && (byp_abc == NULL || *byp_abc == NULL)) esl_alphabet_Destroy(abc); /* destroy alphabet if we created it here */
  if (om != NULL) p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);
  *ret_om = NULL;
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* Function:  p7_Calibrate()
 * Synopsis:  Calibrate the E-value parameters of a model.
 * Incept:    SRE, Thu Dec 25 09:29:31 2008 [Magallon]
 * Purpose:   Calibrate the E-value parameters of a model with 
 *            one calculation ($\lambda$) and two brief simulations
 *            (Viterbi $\mu$, Forward $\tau$).
 * Args:      hmm     - HMM to be calibrated
 *            cfg_b   - OPTCFG: ptr to optional build configuration;
 *                      if <NULL>, use default parameters.
 *            byp_rng - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <ESL_RANDOMNESS> generator
 *                      if already known; 
 *                      <*byp_rng> == NULL> if <rng> return is desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_bg  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <P7_BG> if already known; 
 *                      <*byp_bg == NULL> if <bg> return is desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_gm  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <gm> profile if already known;
 *                      pass <*byp_gm == NULL> if <gm> return desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.
 *            byp_om  - BYPASS optimization: pass ptr to <om> profile if already known;
 *                      pass <*byp_om == NULL> if <om> return desired;
 *                      pass <NULL> to use and discard internal default.          
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.
 *            <eslEINVAL> if <hmm>, <gm>, <om> aren't compatible somehow.
 * Xref:      J4/41
p7_Calibrate(P7_HMM *hmm, P7_BUILDER *cfg_b, ESL_RANDOMNESS **byp_rng, P7_BG **byp_bg, P7_PROFILE **byp_gm, P7_OPROFILE **byp_om)
  P7_BG          *bg     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_bg)  ? *byp_bg  : NULL); 
  P7_PROFILE     *gm     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_gm)  ? *byp_gm  : NULL); 
  P7_OPROFILE    *om     = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om)  ? *byp_om  : NULL); 
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r      = (esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_rng) ? *byp_rng : NULL);
  char           *errbuf = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->errbuf : NULL);
  int             EmL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EmL    : 200);
  int             EmN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EmN    : 200);
  int             EvL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EvL    : 200);
  int             EvN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EvN    : 200);
  int             EfL    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EfL    : 100);
  int             EfN    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->EfN    : 200);
  double          Eft    = ((cfg_b != NULL) ? cfg_b->Eft    : 0.04);
  double          lambda, mmu, vmu, tau;
  int             status;
  /* Configure any objects we need
   * that weren't already passed to us as a bypass optimization 
  if (r  == NULL) {
    if ((r = esl_randomness_CreateFast(42)) == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to create RNG");
  } else if (cfg_b != NULL && cfg_b->do_reseeding) {
    esl_randomness_Init(r, esl_randomness_GetSeed(r));

  if (bg == NULL) {
    if ((bg = p7_bg_Create(hmm->abc)) == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to allocate background");

  /* there's an odd case where the <om> is provided and a <gm> isn't going to be returned
   * where we don't need a <gm> at all, and <gm> stays <NULL> after the next block.
   * Note that the <EvL> length in the ProfileConfig doesn't matter; the individual
   * calibration routines MSVMu(), etc. contain their own length reconfig calls.
  if ((esl_byp_IsInternal(byp_gm) && ! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om)) || esl_byp_IsReturned(byp_gm)) {
    if  ( (gm     = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, hmm->abc))          == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to allocate profile");
    if  ( (status = p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, EvL, p7_LOCAL)) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to configure profile");

  if (om == NULL) {
    if ((om     = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, hmm->abc)) == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, errbuf, "failed to create optimized profile");
    if ((status = p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om))         != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to convert to optimized profile");

  /* The calibration steps themselves */
  if ((status = p7_Lambda(hmm, bg, &lambda))                          != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine lambda");
  if ((status = p7_MSVMu    (r, om, bg, EmL, EmN, lambda, &mmu))      != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine msv mu");
  if ((status = p7_ViterbiMu(r, om, bg, EvL, EvN, lambda, &vmu))      != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine vit mu");
  if ((status = p7_Tau      (r, om, bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft, &tau)) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status,  errbuf, "failed to determine fwd tau");

  /* Store results */
  hmm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = om->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
  hmm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = om->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = om->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
  hmm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = om->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = tau;
  hmm->flags              |= p7H_STATS;

  if (gm != NULL) {
    gm->evparam[p7_MLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA] = lambda;
    gm->evparam[p7_MMU]     = mmu;
    gm->evparam[p7_VMU]     = vmu;
    gm->evparam[p7_FTAU]    = tau;
  if (byp_rng != NULL) *byp_rng = r;  else esl_randomness_Destroy(r); /* bypass convention: no-op if rng was provided.*/
  if (byp_bg  != NULL) *byp_bg  = bg; else p7_bg_Destroy(bg);         /* bypass convention: no-op if bg was provided. */
  if (byp_gm  != NULL) *byp_gm  = gm; else p7_profile_Destroy(gm);    /* bypass convention: no-op if gm was provided. */
  if (byp_om  != NULL) *byp_om  = om; else p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);   /* bypass convention: no-op if om was provided. */
  return eslOK;

  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_rng)) esl_randomness_Destroy(r);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_bg))  p7_bg_Destroy(bg);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_gm))  p7_profile_Destroy(gm);
  if (! esl_byp_IsProvided(byp_om))  p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 13
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *seqfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp    = NULL;
  int             format  = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  float           vfraw, nullsc, vfscore;
  float           graw, gscore;
  double          P, gP;
  int             status;

  /* Read in one HMM */
  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  /* Read in one sequence */
  sq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  status = esl_sqfile_Open(seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("No such file.");
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Format unrecognized.");
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    p7_Fail("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Open failed, code %d.", status);

  /* create default null model, then create and optimize profile */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, sq->n, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* allocate DP matrices, both a generic and an optimized one */
  ox = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, sq->n);
  gx = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, sq->n);

  /* Useful to place and compile in for debugging: 
     p7_oprofile_Dump(stdout, om);      dumps the optimized profile
     p7_omx_SetDumpMode(ox, TRUE);      makes the fast DP algorithms dump their matrices
     p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx);           dumps a generic DP matrix

  while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq)) == eslOK)
      p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, sq->n);
      p7_ReconfigLength(gm,          sq->n);
      p7_bg_SetLength(bg,            sq->n);
      p7_omx_GrowTo(ox, om->M, 0,    sq->n); 
      p7_gmx_GrowTo(gx, gm->M,       sq->n); 

      p7_ViterbiFilter  (sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox, &vfraw);
      p7_bg_NullOne (bg, sq->dsq, sq->n, &nullsc);
      vfscore = (vfraw - nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2;
      P        = esl_gumbel_surv(vfscore,  om->evparam[p7_VMU],  om->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA]);

      p7_GViterbi       (sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx, &graw); 
      gscore   = (graw - nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2;
      gP       = esl_gumbel_surv(gscore,  gm->evparam[p7_VMU],  gm->evparam[p7_VLAMBDA]);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-1"))
	  printf("%-30s\t%-20s\t%9.2g\t%7.2f\t%9.2g\t%7.2f\n", sq->name, hmm->name, P, vfscore, gP, gscore);
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-P"))
	{ /* output suitable for direct use in profmark benchmark postprocessors: */
	  printf("%g\t%.2f\t%s\t%s\n", P, vfscore, sq->name, hmm->name);
	  printf("target sequence:      %s\n",        sq->name);
	  printf("vit filter raw score: %.2f nats\n", vfraw);
	  printf("null score:           %.2f nats\n", nullsc);
	  printf("per-seq score:        %.2f bits\n", vfscore);
	  printf("P-value:              %g\n",        P);
	  printf("GViterbi raw score:   %.2f nats\n", graw);
	  printf("GViterbi seq score:   %.2f bits\n", gscore);
	  printf("GViterbi P-value:     %g\n",        gP);

  /* cleanup */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr      = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  P7_ALIDISPLAY  *ad      = NULL;
  int             i,z;

  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, 0);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, 0, p7_UNIGLOCAL); /* that sets N,C,J to generate nothing */
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-p")) tr = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();
  else                              tr = p7_trace_Create();

  sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      p7_ProfileEmit(r, hmm, gm, bg, sq, tr);
      esl_sq_SetName(sq, "random");

      if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-b")) 
	  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-p")) 
	    for (z = 0; z < tr->N; z++)
	      if (tr->i[z] > 0) tr->pp[z] = esl_random(r);

	  ad = p7_alidisplay_Create(tr, 0, om, sq);
	  p7_alidisplay_Print(stdout, ad, 40, 80, FALSE);
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
main(int argc, char **argv)
  char           *hmmfile = argv[1];
  char           *seqfile = argv[2];
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp    = NULL;
  int             format  = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  float           sc;
  int             status;

  /* Read in one HMM */
  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  /* Read in one sequence */
  sq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  status = esl_sqfile_Open(seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("No such file.");
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Format unrecognized.");
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    p7_Fail("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Open failed, code %d.", status);
  if  (esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read sequence");

  /* create default null model, then create and optimize profile */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, sq->n, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* allocate DP matrices, both a generic and an optimized one */
  ox = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, sq->n);
  gx = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, sq->n);

  /* Useful to place and compile in for debugging: 
     p7_oprofile_Dump(stdout, om);      dumps the optimized profile
     p7_omx_SetDumpMode(ox, TRUE);      makes the fast DP algorithms dump their matrices
     p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx);           dumps a generic DP matrix

  p7_ViterbiScore(sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox, &sc);  printf("viterbi (non-optimized):  %.2f nats\n", sc);
  p7_GViterbi    (sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx, &sc);  printf("viterbi (generic):        %.2f nats\n", sc);

  /* now in a real app, you'd need to convert raw nat scores to final bit
   * scores, by subtracting the null model score and rescaling.

  /* cleanup */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *seqfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng     = esl_randomness_CreateFast(0);
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *fwd     = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr      = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp    = NULL;
  int             format  = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  int             i;
  float           vsc, fsc, tsc;
  char            errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  int             status;

  /* Read in one HMM */
  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  /* Read in one sequence */
  sq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  status = esl_sqfile_Open(seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("No such file.");
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Format unrecognized.");
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    p7_Fail("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Open failed, code %d.", status);
  if  (esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read sequence");

  /* create default null model, then create and optimize profile */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);   p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, sq->n, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);   p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-p")) p7_oprofile_Dump(stdout, om);  

  fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, sq->n, sq->n);
  gx  = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, sq->n);
  tr  = p7_trace_Create();

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-m") == TRUE) p7_omx_SetDumpMode(stdout, fwd, TRUE); 
  p7_GViterbi(sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx,  &vsc);
  p7_Forward (sq->dsq, sq->n, om, fwd, &fsc);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      p7_StochasticTrace(rng, sq->dsq, sq->n, om, fwd, tr);
      p7_trace_Score(tr, sq->dsq, gm, &tsc);
      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-t") == TRUE) p7_trace_Dump(stdout, tr, gm, sq->dsq);
      if (p7_trace_Validate(tr, abc, sq->dsq, errbuf) != eslOK)  p7_Die("trace %d fails validation:\n%s\n", i, errbuf);

      printf("Sampled trace:  %.4f nats\n", tsc);
  printf("Forward score:  %.4f nats\n", fsc);
  printf("Viterbi score:  %.4f nats\n", vsc);

  /* cleanup */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* process_workunit()
 * This is the routine that actually does the work.
 * A work unit consists of one HMM, <hmm>.
 * The result is the <scores> array, which contains an array of N scores;
 * caller provides this memory.
 * How those scores are generated is controlled by the application configuration in <cfg>.
static int
process_workunit(ESL_GETOPTS *go, struct cfg_s *cfg, char *errbuf, P7_HMM *hmm, double *scores, int *alilens)
  int             L   = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  P7_PROFILE     *gm  = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om  = NULL;
  P7_REFMX       *rmx = NULL;
  P7_CHECKPTMX   *cx  = NULL;
  P7_FILTERMX    *fx  = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr  = NULL;
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq = NULL;
  int             i;
  int             scounts[p7T_NSTATETYPES]; /* state usage counts from a trace */
  float           sc;
  float           nullsc;
  int             status;
   P7_HARDWARE *hw;
  if ((hw = p7_hardware_Create ()) == NULL)  p7_Fail("Couldn't get HW information data structure"); 
  /* Optionally set a custom background, determined by model composition;
   * an experimental hack. 
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--bgcomp")) 
      float *p = NULL;
      float  KL;

      p7_hmm_CompositionKLDist(hmm, cfg->bg, &KL, &p);
      esl_vec_FCopy(p, cfg->abc->K, cfg->bg->f);

  /* Create and configure our generic profile, as requested */
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, cfg->abc);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--multi")) 
      if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dual"))   { p7_profile_Config      (gm, hmm, cfg->bg);    }
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--local"))  { p7_profile_ConfigLocal (gm, hmm, cfg->bg, L); }
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--glocal")) { p7_profile_ConfigGlocal(gm, hmm, cfg->bg, L); }
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--uni")) 
      if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--dual"))   { p7_profile_ConfigCustom   (gm, hmm, cfg->bg, L, 0.0, 0.5); }
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--local"))  { p7_profile_ConfigUnilocal (gm, hmm, cfg->bg, L);           }
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--glocal")) { p7_profile_ConfigUniglocal(gm, hmm, cfg->bg, L);           }
  p7_profile_SetLength(gm, L);
  p7_bg_SetLength(cfg->bg, L);  

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--x-no-lengthmodel")) elide_length_model(gm, cfg->bg);

  /* Allocate DP matrix for <gm>.
  rmx = p7_refmx_Create(gm->M, L);

  /* Create and configure the vectorized profile, if needed;
   * and allocate its DP matrix
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vector"))
      om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, cfg->abc, om->simd);
      p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
      cx = p7_checkptmx_Create(gm->M, L, ESL_MBYTES(32), om->simd);
      fx = p7_filtermx_Create(gm->M, om->simd);
  /* Remaining allocation */
  ESL_ALLOC(dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  tr = p7_trace_Create();

  /* Collect scores from N random sequences of length L  */
  for (i = 0; i < cfg->N; i++)
      esl_rsq_xfIID(cfg->r, cfg->bg->f, cfg->abc->K, L, dsq);
      sc = eslINFINITY;

      /* Vectorized implementations of Viterbi, MSV may overflow.
       * In this case, they'll leave sc=eslINFINITY.
       * Then we fail over to the nonvector "generic" implementation.
       * That's why this next block isn't an if/else.
      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vector")) 
	  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vit")) p7_ViterbiFilter(dsq, L, om, fx, &sc);
	  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--fwd")) p7_ForwardFilter(dsq, L, om, cx, &sc);
	  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--msv")) p7_MSVFilter    (dsq, L, om, fx, &sc);

      /* If we tried a vector calculation above but it overflowed,
       * or if we're to do --generic DP calculations, sc==eslINFINITY now;
       * hence the if condition here:
      if (sc == eslINFINITY)
	  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--fwd"))  p7_ReferenceForward(dsq, L, gm, rmx,     &sc); /* any mode: dual,local,glocal; gm's config takes care of this */
	  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vit"))  p7_ReferenceViterbi(dsq, L, gm, rmx, tr, &sc); /* local-only mode. cmdline opts processing has already assured that --local set */
	  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--msv"))  p7_Die("We used to be able to do a generic MSV algorithm - but no longer");

      /* Optional: get Viterbi alignment length too. */
      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-a"))  /* -a only works with Viterbi; getopts has checked this already; <tr> must be valid */
	  p7_trace_GetStateUseCounts(tr, scounts);

	  /* there's various ways we could counts "alignment length". 
	   * Here we'll use the total length of model used, in nodes: M+D states.
           * score vs al would gives us relative entropy / model position.
	  /* alilens[i] = scounts[p7T_D] + scounts[p7T_I]; SRE: temporarily testing this instead */
	  alilens[i] = scounts[p7T_ML] + scounts[p7T_DL] + scounts[p7T_IL] +
	    scounts[p7T_MG] + scounts[p7T_DG] + scounts[p7T_IG];

      p7_bg_NullOne(cfg->bg, dsq, L, &nullsc);
      scores[i] = (sc - nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2;

      if (cx) p7_checkptmx_Reuse(cx);
      if (fx) p7_filtermx_Reuse(fx);
  status      = eslOK;
  /* deliberate flowthru */
  if (dsq != NULL) free(dsq);
  if (status == eslEMEM) sprintf(errbuf, "allocation failure");
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 18
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *fwd     = NULL;
  P7_TRACE       *tr      = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  int             i;
  float           sc, fsc, vsc;
  float           bestsc  = -eslINFINITY;
  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);   p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_UNILOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);   p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  gx  = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L);
  tr  = p7_trace_Create();
  esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);

  p7_GViterbi(dsq, L, gm, gx,  &vsc);
  p7_Forward (dsq, L, om, fwd, &fsc);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      p7_StochasticTrace(r, dsq, L, om, fwd, tr);
      p7_trace_Score(tr, dsq, gm, &sc);
      bestsc = ESL_MAX(bestsc, sc);
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");

  printf("forward sc   = %.4f nats\n", fsc);
  printf("viterbi sc   = %.4f nats\n", vsc);
  printf("max trace sc = %.4f nats\n", bestsc);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS   *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_ALPHABET  *abc     = NULL;
  char          *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  P7_HMMFILE    *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM        *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG         *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE    *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE   *om      = NULL;
  char          *fname   = NULL;
  char          *pname   = NULL;
  FILE          *ffp     = NULL;
  FILE          *pfp     = NULL;
  int            nmodel  = 0;
  uint64_t       totM    = 0;
  int            status;

  status = p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("Failed to open HMM file %s for reading.\n",                   hmmfile);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("File %s does not appear to be in a recognized HMM format.\n", hmmfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d in opening HMM file %s.\n",       status, hmmfile);  

  esl_sprintf(&fname, "%s.h3f", hmmfile);  
  esl_sprintf(&pname, "%s.h3f", hmmfile);  
  if ((ffp = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL) esl_fatal("failed to open %s\n", fname);
  if ((pfp = fopen(pname, "wb")) == NULL) esl_fatal("failed to open %s\n", pname);

  while ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) == eslOK)
      if (nmodel == 0) { 	/* first time initialization, now that alphabet known */
	bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
	p7_bg_SetLength(bg, 400);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) printf("%s\n", hmm->name);
      totM += hmm->M;

      gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
      p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, 400, p7_LOCAL);
      om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
      p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
      p7_oprofile_Write(ffp, pfp, om);

  if      (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("bad file format in HMM file %s",             hmmfile);
  else if (status == eslEINCOMPAT) esl_fatal("HMM file %s contains different alphabets",   hmmfile);
  else if (status != eslEOF)       esl_fatal("Unexpected error in reading HMMs from %s",   hmmfile);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox1     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox2     = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  float           null2[p7_MAXCODE];
  int             i,j,d,pos;
  int             nsamples = 200;
  float           fsc, bsc;
  double          Mcs;

  if (p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, NULL) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)            != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                 p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);    p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L);

  ox1 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  ox2 = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);

  esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
  p7_Forward (dsq, L, om, ox1,      &fsc);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-t"))
      P7_TRACE *tr   = p7_trace_Create();
      float    *n2sc = malloc(sizeof(float) * (L+1));

      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	{ /* This is approximately what p7_domaindef.c::region_trace_ensemble() is doing: */
	  for (j = 0; j < nsamples; j++)
	      p7_StochasticTrace(r, dsq, L, om, ox1, tr);
	      pos = 1; 
	      for (d = 0; d < tr->ndom; d++)
		  p7_Null2_ByTrace(om, tr, tr->tfrom[d], tr->tto[d], ox2, null2);
		  for (; pos <= tr->sqfrom[d]; pos++) n2sc[pos] += 1.0;
		  for (; pos < tr->sqto[d];    pos++) n2sc[pos] += null2[dsq[pos]];
	      for (; pos <= L; pos++)  n2sc[pos] += 1.0;

	  for (pos = 1; pos <= L; pos++)
	    n2sc[pos] = logf(n2sc[pos] / nsamples);

      p7_Backward(dsq, L, om, ox1, ox2, &bsc);
      p7_Decoding(om, ox1, ox2, ox2);              

      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	p7_Null2_ByExpectation(om, ox2, null2);

  Mcs = (double) N * (double) L * (double) gm->M * 1e-6 / (double) w->user;
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M    = %d\n",   gm->M);
  printf("# %.1f Mc/s\n", Mcs);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *ox      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  int             i;
  float           sc1, sc2;
  double          base_time, bench_time, Mcs;

  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x")) p7_profile_SameAsVF(om, gm);

  ox = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, 0);
  gx = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L);

  /* Get a baseline time: how long it takes just to generate the sequences */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
  base_time = w->user;

  /* Run the benchmark */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
      p7_ViterbiFilter(dsq, L, om, ox, &sc1);   

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-c")) 
	  p7_GViterbi(dsq, L, gm, gx, &sc2); 
	  printf("%.4f %.4f\n", sc1, sc2);  

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x"))
	  p7_GViterbi(dsq, L, gm, gx, &sc2); 
	  sc2 /= om->scale_w;
	  if (om->mode == p7_UNILOCAL)   sc2 -= 2.0; /* that's ~ L \log \frac{L}{L+2}, for our NN,CC,JJ */
	  else if (om->mode == p7_LOCAL) sc2 -= 3.0; /* that's ~ L \log \frac{L}{L+3}, for our NN,CC,JJ */
	  printf("%.4f %.4f\n", sc1, sc2);  
  bench_time = w->user - base_time;
  Mcs        = (double) N * (double) L * (double) gm->M * 1e-6 / (double) bench_time;
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M    = %d\n",   gm->M);
  printf("# %.1f Mc/s\n", Mcs);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *fwd     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *bck     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *pp      = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  int             i;
  float           fsc, bsc;
  double          Mcs;

  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);                 p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);    p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L);

  fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  bck = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  pp  = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);

  esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
  p7_Forward (dsq, L, om, fwd,      &fsc);
  p7_Backward(dsq, L, om, fwd, bck, &bsc);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    p7_Decoding(om, fwd, bck, pp);              

  Mcs = (double) N * (double) L * (double) gm->M * 1e-6 / (double) w->user;
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M    = %d\n",   gm->M);
  printf("# %.1f Mc/s\n", Mcs);

  return eslOK;
Ejemplo n.º 23
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  double          lambda  = 0.0;
  double          mmu     = 0.0;
  double          vmu     = 0.0;
  double          ftau    = 0.0;
  int             Z       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-Z");
  int             EmL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmL");
  int             EmN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EmN");
  int             EvL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvL");
  int             EvN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EvN");
  int             EfL     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfL");
  int             EfN     = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--EfN");
  int             Eft     = esl_opt_GetReal   (go, "--Eft");
  int             iteration;
  int             do_msv, do_vit, do_fwd;
  int             status;

  if      (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--msvonly") == TRUE) { do_msv =  TRUE; do_vit = FALSE; do_fwd = FALSE; }
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vitonly") == TRUE) { do_msv = FALSE; do_vit =  TRUE; do_fwd = FALSE; }
  else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--fwdonly") == TRUE) { do_msv = FALSE; do_vit = FALSE; do_fwd =  TRUE; }
  else                                                  { do_msv =  TRUE; do_vit =  TRUE; do_fwd =  TRUE; }

  if (p7_hmmfile_OpenE(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp, NULL) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  while ((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)) != eslEOF) 
      if (bg == NULL) bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
      gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
      p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, EvL, p7_LOCAL); /* the EvL doesn't matter */
      om = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
      p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

      if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--lambda"))	lambda = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--lambda"); 
      else p7_Lambda(hmm, bg, &lambda);	  

      for (iteration = 0; iteration < Z; iteration++)
	  if (do_msv) p7_MSVMu     (r, om, bg, EmL, EmN, lambda,       &mmu);
	  if (do_vit) p7_ViterbiMu (r, om, bg, EvL, EvN, lambda,       &vmu);
	  if (do_fwd) p7_Tau       (r, om, bg, EfL, EfN, lambda, Eft,  &ftau);
	  printf("%s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", hmm->name, lambda, mmu, vmu, ftau);


  return eslOK;
Ejemplo n.º 24
/* Function:  p7_oprofile_MPIUnpack()
 * Synopsis:  Unpacks an OPROFILE from an MPI buffer.
 * Incept:    MSF, Wed Oct 21, 2009 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Unpack a newly allocated OPROFILE from MPI packed buffer
 *            <buf>, starting from position <*pos>, where the total length
 *            of the buffer in bytes is <n>. 
 *            Caller may or may not already know what alphabet the OPROFILE
 *            is expected to be in.  A reference to the current
 *            alphabet is passed in <abc>. If the alphabet is unknown,
 *            pass <*abc = NULL>, and when the OPROFILE is received, an
 *            appropriate new alphabet object is allocated and passed
 *            back to the caller via <*abc>.  If the alphabet is
 *            already known, <*abc> is that alphabet, and the new
 *            OPROFILE's alphabet type is verified to agree with it. This
 *            mechanism allows an application to let the first OPROFILE
 *            determine the alphabet type for the application, while
 *            still keeping the alphabet under the application's scope
 *            of control.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success. <*pos> is updated to the position of
 *            the next element in <buf> to unpack (if any). <*ret_om>
 *            contains a newly allocated OPROFILE, which the caller is
 *            responsible for free'ing.  If <*abc> was passed as
 *            <NULL>, it now points to an <ESL_ALPHABET> object that
 *            was allocated here; caller is responsible for free'ing
 *            this.
 *            Returns <eslEINCOMPAT> if the OPROFILE is in a different
 *            alphabet than <*abc> said to expect. In this case,
 *            <*abc> is unchanged, <*buf> and <*nalloc> may have been
 *            changed, and <*ret_om> is <NULL>.
 * Throws:    <eslESYS> on an MPI call failure. <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.
 *            In either case, <*ret_om> is <NULL>, and the state of <buf>
 *            and <*pos> is undefined and should be considered to be corrupted.
p7_oprofile_MPIUnpack(char *buf, int n, int *pos, MPI_Comm comm, ESL_ALPHABET **abc, P7_OPROFILE **ret_om)
  int   status;
  int   M, K, atype;
  int   len;
  int   x;

  int   Q4, Q8, Q16;
  int   vsz = sizeof(vector float);


  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &M,                1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &atype,            1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* Set or verify the alphabet */
  if (*abc == NULL)	{	/* still unknown: set it, pass control of it back to caller */
    if ((*abc = esl_alphabet_Create(atype)) == NULL)       { status = eslEMEM;      goto ERROR; }
  } else {			/* already known: check it */
    if ((*abc)->type != atype)                             { status = eslEINCOMPAT; goto ERROR; }

  Q4  = p7O_NQF(M);
  Q8  = p7O_NQW(M);
  Q16 = p7O_NQB(M);

  if ((om = p7_oprofile_Create(M, *abc)) == NULL) { status = eslEMEM; goto ERROR;    }
  om->M = M;

  K = (*abc)->Kp;

  /* model configuration */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->L,            1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->mode,         1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->nj,           1,                    MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* MSV Filter information */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->tbm_b,        1,                     MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->tec_b,        1,                     MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->tjb_b,        1,                     MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->scale_b,      1,                    MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->base_b,       1,                     MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->bias_b,       1,                     MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  for (x = 0; x < K; x++)
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->rbv[x],     vsz*Q16,               MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* Viterbi Filter information */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->scale_w,      1,                    MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->base_w,       1,                    MPI_SHORT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->ddbound_w,    1,                    MPI_SHORT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->ncj_roundoff, 1,                    MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->twv,          8*vsz*Q8,              MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  for (x = 0; x < p7O_NXSTATES; x++)
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->xw[x],      p7O_NXTRANS,          MPI_SHORT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  for (x = 0; x < K; x++)
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->rwv[x],     vsz*Q8,                MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* Forward/Backward information */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->tfv,          8*vsz*Q4,              MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  for (x = 0; x < p7O_NXSTATES; x++)
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->xf[x],      p7O_NXTRANS,          MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  for (x = 0; x < K; x++)
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->rfv[x],     vsz*Q4,                MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* Forward/Backward information */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->offs,         p7_NOFFSETS,  MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->roff,         1,            MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &om->eoff,         1,            MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  /* Annotation information */
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->name, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->name,       len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->name[len-1] = '\0';
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->acc, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->acc,        len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->acc[len-1] = '\0';
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->desc, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->desc,       len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->desc[len-1] = '\0';
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->rf, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->rf,         len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->rf[len-1] = '\0';
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->cs, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->cs,         len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->cs[len-1] = '\0';
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos, &len,              1,                      MPI_INT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (len > 0) {
    ESL_ALLOC(om->consensus, len);
    if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->consensus,  len,                   MPI_CHAR, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
    om->consensus[len-1] = '\0';

  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->evparam,      p7_NEVPARAM,          MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->cutoff,       p7_NCUTOFFS,          MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");
  if (MPI_Unpack(buf, n, pos,  om->compo,        p7_MAXABET,           MPI_FLOAT, comm) != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslESYS, "mpi unpack failed");

  *ret_om = om;
  return eslOK;

  if (om != NULL) p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ESL_GETOPTS   *go	= esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
	char	*hmmfile	= esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
	char	*seqfile	= esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
	ESL_STOPWATCH *w	= esl_stopwatch_Create();
	ESL_RANDOMNESS*r	= esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
	P7_HMMFILE	*hfp	= NULL;
	P7_HMM		*hmm	= NULL;
	P7_BG		*bg		= NULL;
	P7_PROFILE	*gm1, *gm2;
	int			L		= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
	int			N		= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N") / SSE16_NVALS;
	int			MaxPart	= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-M");
	int			NROUNDS	= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-R");
   	int			check	= esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-c");
	__m128		resdata[10];
	int			i, j;
	float		*sc1 	= (float*) resdata;
	ESL_SQFILE   *sqfp	= NULL;
	DATA_COPS16 *dcops;
	struct timeb tbstart, tbend;
	int sumlengths = 0;
	float* results = NULL;

	if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
	if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)	 != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

	bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
	p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
	gm1 = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
	gm2 = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
	p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm1, L, p7_UNILOCAL);
	p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm2, L, p7_UNILOCAL);

	dcops = p7_ViterbiCOPSw_Create(gm1);
	p7_ViterbiCOPSW_Setup(dcops, L+100, MaxPart); // use max L
	dcops->L = L;

    int dbsize = SSE16_NVALS*N;
	SEQ **seqsdb= calloc(dbsize+1, sizeof(SEQ*));
	int equallength = 1;

	if (esl_sqfile_OpenDigital(abc, seqfile, eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &sqfp) == eslOK)
	{	// Use Sequence file
		ESL_SQ* sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
        int maxseqs, len=0;
        if (esl_opt_IsDefault(go, "-N"))    // N not specified in cmdline
            maxseqs = INT_MAX;   // no limit
            maxseqs = SSE16_NVALS*N;      // use cmdline limit

		for (j = 0; j < maxseqs && esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) == eslOK; j++)
		 	if (equallength && sq->n != len && j > 0)
                equallength = 0;
			len = sq->n;
			if (j > dbsize)
			{	seqsdb = realloc(seqsdb, 2*(dbsize+1)*sizeof(SEQ*));
				dbsize *= 2;
			ESL_DSQ* dsq = sq->dsq;
			seqsdb[j] = malloc(sizeof(SEQ));
			seqsdb[j]->length = len;
			seqsdb[j]->seq = malloc((len+4)*sizeof(ESL_DSQ));
			memcpy(seqsdb[j]->seq, dsq, len+2);
			sumlengths += len;
		N = j/SSE16_NVALS;
    else	// Not found database. Generate random sequences
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < SSE16_NVALS; j++)
				int len = L; // - rand()%1000;
				seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j] = malloc(sizeof(SEQ));
				seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->seq = malloc(len+4);
				seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length = len;
				esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, len, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->seq);
				sumlengths += len;

   	printf("Viterbi COPS Word with %d threads, model %s. ModelLen: %d, #Segms: %d, SeqL.: %d, #seqs: %d, Partition: %d, #parts: %d\n",
			NTHREADS, hmmfile, gm1->M, (int) ceil(gm1->M/SSE16_NVALS), L, SSE16_NVALS*N*NROUNDS, dcops->partition, dcops->Npartitions);
/*	// No. of partitions computed without full parallelism ( == no. of threads active while some are idle)
	int Niters_part	= dcops->Npartitions % NTHREADS;
	// No. of Model lines that could be computed but are wasted by idle threads waiting on the end
	int Nwasted_threads	= dcops->partition * ((NTHREADS-Niters_part) % NTHREADS);
	// No. of lines in the last partition that go beyond M. It's wasted comp time by a single thread
	int Nwasted_leftover= (dcops->partition - gm1->M % dcops->partition) % dcops->partition;
	// Total number of wasted lines
	int wastedcomp = Nwasted_threads + Nwasted_leftover;
	// Total number of lines computed and waited for
	int totalcomp = wastedcomp + gm1->M; // same as: roundtop(gm1->M, dcops->partition * NTHREADS);
	printf("Total Comp Lines: %d | Wasted Comp Lines: %d\n", totalcomp, wastedcomp);

   	if (check) results = (float*) alloc_m128_aligned64((N+1)*2);

	if (!equallength)
	{	// Sort sequences by length
		qsort(seqsdb, N*SSE16_NVALS, sizeof(SEQ*), compare_seqs);

	for (j = 0; j < NROUNDS; j++) 
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        //	if (i % 1000 == 0) printf("Seq %d\n", i);

            p7_ViterbiCOPSw_run(dcops, seqsdb+i*SSE16_NVALS, sc1);

         	if (check) memcpy(results+i*SSE16_NVALS, sc1, 32);	// 32 bytes indeed! SSE16_NVALS floats

	double secs = TIMEDIFF(tbstart,tbend);
	w->elapsed = w->user = secs;
	esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# Opt CPU time: ");
	double compmillioncells = NROUNDS * (double) sumlengths * (double) hmm->M * 1e-6;
	printf("# %.0fM cells in %.1f Mc/s\n", compmillioncells, compmillioncells / secs);

	if (check)
    {   P7_OPROFILE *om = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, gm1->abc);
		p7_oprofile_Convert(gm1, om);
		P7_OMX		*ox	= p7_omx_Create(hmm->M, 0, 0);
		printf("Compare results against base version\n");

        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            int maxll = 0; float sc2;
            for (j = 0; j < SSE16_NVALS; j++)
                if (maxll < seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length)
                    maxll = seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length;

            p7_oprofile_ReconfigRestLength(om, maxll);
    //      p7_ReconfigLength(gm2, maxll);	// emulate the lock-step inter-sequence reconfigs

            for (j = 0; j < SSE16_NVALS; j++)
    //			p7_ReconfigLength(gm2, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length);
    //			p7_Viterbi_unilocal(seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length, gm2, &sc3);
    //			p7_Viterbi_unilocal_word(seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length, gm2, &sc2);

    //			p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length);
                p7_ViterbiFilter(seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length, om, ox, &sc2);
   				sc2 += 1.0;	// -2.0nat optimization, Local to Unilocal mode		
                if (fabs(results[i*SSE16_NVALS+j] - sc2) > 0.0001)
                {	printf("Seq %d Len %4d: %f - %f\tdiff: %f\n", i*SSE16_NVALS+j, seqsdb[i*SSE16_NVALS+j]->length, 
							results[i*SSE16_NVALS+j], sc2, fabs(results[i*SSE16_NVALS+j] - sc2));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
/* Function:  p7_oprofile_ReadMSV()
 * Synopsis:  Read MSV filter part of an optimized profile.
 * Incept:    SRE, Wed Jan 21 10:39:20 2009 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Read the MSV filter part of a profile from the
 *            <.h3f> file associated with an open HMM file <hfp>.
 *            Allocate a new model, populate it with this minimal
 *            MSV filter information, and return a pointer to it
 *            in <*ret_om>. 
 *            Our alphabet may get set by the first HMM we read.  If
 *            <*byp_abc> is <NULL> at start, create a new alphabet and
 *            return a pointer to it in <*byp_abc>. If <*byp_abc> is
 *            non-<NULL>, it is assumed to be a pointer to an existing
 *            alphabet; we verify that the HMM's alphabet matches it
 *            and <*ret_abc> isn't changed.  This is the same
 *            convention used by <p7_hmmfile_Read()>.
 *            The <.h3f> file was opened automatically, if it existed,
 *            when the HMM file was opened with <p7_hmmfile_Open()>.
 *            When no more HMMs remain in the file, return <eslEOF>.
 * Args:      hfp     - open HMM file, with associated .h3p file
 *            byp_abc - BYPASS: <*byp_abc == ESL_ALPHABET *> if known; 
 *                              <*byp_abc == NULL> if desired; 
 *                              <NULL> if unwanted.
 *            ret_om  - RETURN: newly allocated <om> with MSV filter
 *                      data filled in.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success. <*ret_om> is allocated here;
 *            caller free's with <p7_oprofile_Destroy()>.
 *            <*byp_abc> is allocated here if it was requested;
 *            caller free's with <esl_alphabet_Destroy()>.
 *            Returns <eslEFORMAT> if <hfp> has no <.h3f> file open,
 *            or on any parsing error.
 *            Returns <eslEINCOMPAT> if the HMM we read is incompatible
 *            with the existing alphabet <*byp_abc> led us to expect.
 *            On any returned error, <hfp->errbuf> contains an
 *            informative error message.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
p7_oprofile_ReadMSV(P7_HMMFILE *hfp, ESL_ALPHABET **byp_abc, P7_OPROFILE **ret_om)
  P7_OPROFILE  *om = NULL;
  uint32_t      magic;
  off_t         roff;
  int           M, Q16;
  int           x,n;
  int           alphatype;
  int           status;

  if (hfp->errbuf != NULL) hfp->errbuf[0] = '\0';
  if (hfp->ffp == NULL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "no MSV profile file; hmmpress probably wasn't run");
  if (feof(hfp->ffp))   { status = eslEOF; goto ERROR; }	/* normal EOF: no more profiles */
  /* keep track of the starting offset of the MSV model */
  roff = ftello(hfp->ffp);

  if (! fread( (char *) &magic,     sizeof(uint32_t), 1, hfp->ffp)) { status = eslEOF; goto ERROR; }
  if (magic == v3a_fmagic)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "this is an outdated HMM database (3/a format); please hmmpress your HMM file again");
  if (magic != v3b_fmagic)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "bad magic; not an HMM database?");

  if (! fread( (char *) &M,         sizeof(int),      1, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read model size M");
  if (! fread( (char *) &alphatype, sizeof(int),      1, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read alphabet type");  
  Q16 = p7O_NQB(M);

  /* Set or verify alphabet. */
  if (byp_abc == NULL || *byp_abc == NULL)	{	/* alphabet unknown: whether wanted or unwanted, make a new one */
    if ((abc = esl_alphabet_Create(alphatype)) == NULL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, hfp->errbuf, "allocation failed: alphabet");
  } else {			/* alphabet already known: verify it against what we see in the HMM */
    abc = *byp_abc;
    if (abc->type != alphatype) 
      ESL_XFAIL(eslEINCOMPAT, hfp->errbuf, "Alphabet type mismatch: was %s, but current profile says %s", 
		esl_abc_DecodeType(abc->type), esl_abc_DecodeType(alphatype));
  /* Now we know the sizes of things, so we can allocate. */
  if ((om = p7_oprofile_Create(M, abc)) == NULL)         ESL_XFAIL(eslEMEM, hfp->errbuf, "allocation failed: oprofile");
  om->M = M;
  om->roff = roff;

  if (! fread((char *) &n,               sizeof(int),     1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read name length");
  ESL_ALLOC(om->name, sizeof(char) * (n+1));
  if (! fread((char *) om->name,         sizeof(char),    n+1,         hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read name");

  if (! fread((char *) &(om->tbm_b),     sizeof(uint8_t), 1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read tbm");
  if (! fread((char *) &(om->tec_b),     sizeof(uint8_t), 1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read tec");
  if (! fread((char *) &(om->tjb_b),     sizeof(uint8_t), 1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read tjb");
  if (! fread((char *) &(om->scale_b),   sizeof(float),   1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read scale");
  if (! fread((char *) &(om->base_b),    sizeof(uint8_t), 1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read base");
  if (! fread((char *) &(om->bias_b),    sizeof(uint8_t), 1,           hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read bias");
  for (x = 0; x < abc->Kp; x++)
    if (! fread((char *) om->rbv[x],     sizeof(__m128i), Q16,         hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read msv scores at %d [residue %c]", x, abc->sym[x]); 
  if (! fread((char *) om->evparam,      sizeof(float),   p7_NEVPARAM, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read stat params");
  if (! fread((char *) om->offs,         sizeof(off_t),   p7_NOFFSETS, hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read hmmpfam offsets");
  if (! fread((char *) om->compo,        sizeof(float),   p7_MAXABET,  hfp->ffp)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, hfp->errbuf, "failed to read model composition");

  /* keep track of the ending offset of the MSV model */
  om->eoff = ftello(hfp->ffp) - 1;;

  if (byp_abc != NULL) *byp_abc = abc;  /* pass alphabet (whether new or not) back to caller, if caller wanted it */
  *ret_om = om;
  return eslOK;

  if (abc != NULL && (byp_abc == NULL || *byp_abc == NULL)) esl_alphabet_Destroy(abc); /* destroy alphabet if we created it here */
  if (om != NULL) p7_oprofile_Destroy(om);
  *ret_om = NULL;
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 27
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *seqfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *fwd     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *bck     = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq      = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp    = NULL;
  int             format  = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  float           fraw, braw, nullsc, fsc;
  float           gfraw, gbraw, gfsc;
  double          P, gP;
  int             status;

  /* Read in one HMM */
  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  /* Open sequence file for reading */
  sq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  status = esl_sqfile_Open(seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) p7_Fail("No such file.");
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   p7_Fail("Format unrecognized.");
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    p7_Fail("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        p7_Fail("Open failed, code %d.", status);

  /* create default null model, then create and optimize profile */
  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);               
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, sq->n);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc); 
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, sq->n, p7_UNILOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);

  /* p7_oprofile_Dump(stdout, om);  */

  /* allocate DP matrices for O(M+L) parsers */
  fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, sq->n);
  bck = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, sq->n);
  gx  = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M,    sq->n);

  /* allocate DP matrices for O(ML) fills */
  /* fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, sq->n, sq->n); */
  /* bck = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, sq->n, sq->n); */

  /* p7_omx_SetDumpMode(stdout, fwd, TRUE); */     /* makes the fast DP algorithms dump their matrices */
  /* p7_omx_SetDumpMode(stdout, bck, TRUE); */  

  while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq)) == eslOK)
      p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, sq->n);
      p7_ReconfigLength(gm,          sq->n);
      p7_bg_SetLength(bg,            sq->n);
      p7_omx_GrowTo(fwd, om->M, 0,   sq->n); 
      p7_omx_GrowTo(bck, om->M, 0,   sq->n); 
      p7_gmx_GrowTo(gx,  gm->M,      sq->n); 

      p7_bg_NullOne  (bg, sq->dsq, sq->n, &nullsc);
      p7_ForwardParser (sq->dsq, sq->n, om,      fwd, &fraw);
      p7_BackwardParser(sq->dsq, sq->n, om, fwd, bck, &braw);

      /* p7_Forward (sq->dsq, sq->n, om,      fwd, &fsc);        printf("forward:              %.2f nats\n", fsc);  */
      /* p7_Backward(sq->dsq, sq->n, om, fwd, bck, &bsc);        printf("backward:             %.2f nats\n", bsc);  */

      /* Comparison to other F/B implementations */
      p7_GForward     (sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx,  &gfraw);
      p7_GBackward    (sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx,  &gbraw);

      /* p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx);  */

      fsc  =  (fraw-nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2;
      gfsc = (gfraw-nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2;
      P  = esl_exp_surv(fsc,   om->evparam[p7_FTAU],  om->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA]);
      gP = esl_exp_surv(gfsc,  gm->evparam[p7_FTAU],  gm->evparam[p7_FLAMBDA]);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-1"))
	  printf("%-30s\t%-20s\t%9.2g\t%6.1f\t%9.2g\t%6.1f\n", sq->name, hmm->name, P, fsc, gP, gfsc);
      else if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-P"))
	{ /* output suitable for direct use in profmark benchmark postprocessors: */
	  printf("%g\t%.2f\t%s\t%s\n", P, fsc, sq->name, hmm->name);
	  printf("target sequence:      %s\n",        sq->name);
	  printf("fwd filter raw score: %.2f nats\n", fraw);
	  printf("bck filter raw score: %.2f nats\n", braw);
	  printf("null score:           %.2f nats\n", nullsc);
	  printf("per-seq score:        %.2f bits\n", fsc);
	  printf("P-value:              %g\n",        P);
	  printf("GForward raw score:   %.2f nats\n", gfraw);
	  printf("GBackward raw score:  %.2f nats\n", gbraw);
	  printf("GForward seq score:   %.2f bits\n", gfsc);
	  printf("GForward P-value:     %g\n",        gP);


  /* cleanup */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  ESL_STOPWATCH  *w       = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r       = esl_randomness_CreateFast(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = NULL;
  P7_HMMFILE     *hfp     = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm     = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg      = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm      = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE    *om      = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx      = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *fwd     = NULL;
  P7_OMX         *bck     = NULL;
  int             L       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
  int             N       = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq     = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2));
  int             i;
  float           fsc, bsc;
  float           fsc2, bsc2;
  double          base_time, bench_time, Mcs;


  if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp) != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
  if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)     != eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

  bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_LOCAL);
  om = p7_oprofile_Create(gm->M, abc);
  p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
  p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, L);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x") && p7_FLogsumError(-0.4, -0.5) > 0.0001)
    p7_Fail("-x here requires p7_Logsum() recompiled in slow exact mode");

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-P")) {
    fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, L);
    bck = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, 0, L);
  } else {
    fwd = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
    bck = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L);
  gx  = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L);

  /* Get a baseline time: how long it takes just to generate the sequences */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
  base_time = w->user;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq);
      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-P")) {
	if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-B"))  p7_ForwardParser (dsq, L, om,      fwd, &fsc);
	if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-F"))  p7_BackwardParser(dsq, L, om, fwd, bck, &bsc);
      } else {
	if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-B"))  p7_Forward (dsq, L, om,      fwd, &fsc);
	if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-F"))  p7_Backward(dsq, L, om, fwd, bck, &bsc);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-c") || esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-x"))
	  p7_GForward (dsq, L, gm, gx, &fsc2); 
	  p7_GBackward(dsq, L, gm, gx, &bsc2); 
	  printf("%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", fsc, bsc, fsc2, bsc2);  
  bench_time = w->user - base_time;
  Mcs        = (double) N * (double) L * (double) gm->M * 1e-6 / (double) bench_time;
  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# CPU time: ");
  printf("# M    = %d\n",   gm->M);
  printf("# %.1f Mc/s\n", Mcs);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ESL_GETOPTS   *go	= esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
	char	*hmmfile	= esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
	char	*seqfile	= esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
	ESL_STOPWATCH *w	= esl_stopwatch_Create();
	ESL_RANDOMNESS*r	= esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s"));
	P7_HMMFILE	*hfp	= NULL;
	P7_HMM		*hmm	= NULL;
	P7_BG		*bg		= NULL;
	P7_PROFILE	*gm1, *gm2;
	int			L		= 2000;		// esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-L");
	int			N		= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
	int			MaxPart	= esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-M");
	__m128		resdata[10];
	float		*sc1 	= (float*)	(resdata+0);	// uses 1 __m128s
	ESL_DSQ		*dsq	= NULL;
	int			i, j;
	ESL_SQFILE   *sqfp	= NULL;
	DATA_STREAM *dstream;
	struct timeb tbstart, tbend;
	int sumlengths = 0;

	if (p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, NULL, &hfp)!= eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to open HMM file %s", hmmfile);
	if (p7_hmmfile_Read(hfp, &abc, &hmm)	!= eslOK) p7_Fail("Failed to read HMM");

	bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
	p7_bg_SetLength(bg, L);

	gm1 = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
	gm2 = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
	p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm1, L, p7_UNILOCAL);
	p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm2, L, p7_UNILOCAL);

	dstream = p7_ViterbiStream_Create(gm1);
	p7_ViterbiStream_Setup(dstream, L+100, MaxPart); // use max L
	dstream->L = L;

	// No. of partitions computed without full parallelism ( == no. of threads active while some are idle)
	int Niters_part	= dstream->Npartitions % NTHREADS;
	// No. of Model lines that could be computed but are wasted by idle threads waiting on the end
	int Nwasted_threads	= dstream->partition * ((NTHREADS-Niters_part) % NTHREADS);
	// No. of lines in the last partition that go beyond M. It's wasted comp time by a single thread
	int Nwasted_leftover= (dstream->partition - gm1->M % dstream->partition) % dstream->partition;
	// Total number of wasted lines
	int wastedcomp = Nwasted_threads + Nwasted_leftover;
	// Total number of lines computed and waited for
	int totalcomp = wastedcomp + gm1->M; // same as: roundtop(gm1->M, dstream->partition * NTHREADS);

	printf("Viterbi Stream Word with %d Threads, model %s: Modelsize %d, #Segms: %d, SeqL: %d, Nseqs %d, Part %d, #Parts %d\n",
			NTHREADS, hmmfile, gm1->M, (int) ceil(gm1->M/8.0), L, 8*N, dstream->partition, dstream->Npartitions);
	printf("Total Comp Lines: %d | Wasted Comp Lines: %d\n", totalcomp, wastedcomp);

	// for ViterbiFilter
	P7_OPROFILE *om = p7_oprofile_Create(hmm->M, gm1->abc);
	p7_oprofile_Convert(gm1, om);
	P7_OMX		*ox	= p7_omx_Create(hmm->M, 0, 0);

	dsq_cmp_t **seqsdb= calloc(8*N+64, sizeof(dsq_cmp_t*));
{	ESL_SQ* sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
	if (esl_sqfile_OpenDigital(abc, seqfile, eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &sqfp) != eslOK)
	{	p7_Fail("Failed to open sequence file\n");	return -1; }

	for (j = 0; j < 8*N; j++)
		int res = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq);
		if (res != eslOK) { printf("ATENCAO: faltam sequencias\n"); break; }
		int len = sq->n;
		dsq = sq->dsq;
		seqsdb[j] = malloc(sizeof(dsq_cmp_t));
		seqsdb[j]->length = len;
		seqsdb[j]->seq = malloc((len+4)*sizeof(ESL_DSQ));
		memcpy(seqsdb[j]->seq, dsq, len+2);
		sumlengths += len;

	N = j/8;
	printf("N = %d\n", N);
		// Sort sequences by length
	qsort(seqsdb, N*8, sizeof(dsq_cmp_t*), compare_seqs);
else if(0)
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			int len = L - rand()%1000;
			seqsdb[i*8+j] = malloc(sizeof(dsq_cmp_t));
			seqsdb[i*8+j]->seq = malloc(len+4);
			seqsdb[i*8+j]->length = len;
		    esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, len, seqsdb[i*8+j]->seq);
			sumlengths += len;

//	double sumerrors = 0;
	float* results = (float*) alloc_m128_aligned64(N*2+2);	

	for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	//	if (i % 10000 == 0) printf("START %d\n", i);

		p7_ViterbiStream(dstream, seqsdb+i*8, sc1);

	//	memcpy(results+i*8, sc1, 32);

	double secs = TIMEDIFF(tbstart,tbend);
//	printf("Qsort time: %6.3f | Viterbi time: %6.3f\n", TIMEDIFF(tbqsort,tbstart), secs);
	w->elapsed = w->user = secs;
	esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "# Opt CPU time: ");
	printf("# %.0fM cells in %.1f Mc/s\n", (sumlengths * (double) gm1->M) / 1e6, (sumlengths * (double) gm1->M * 1e-6) / secs);

if(0)	// compare results against base version
	for (i = 0; i < 1000 && i < N; i++)
		int maxll = 0; float sc2;
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			if (maxll < seqsdb[i*8+j]->length)
				maxll = seqsdb[i*8+j]->length;

//		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)	printf("%d ", seqsdb[i*8+j]->length); printf("\n");
//		if (i % 10 == 0) printf("i %d\n", i);

		p7_oprofile_ReconfigRestLength(om, maxll);
		p7_ReconfigLength(gm2, maxll);	// fazer Reconfig aqui para emular compl o VitStream

		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
//			p7_ReconfigLength(gm2, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length);
//			p7_Viterbi_unilocal(seqsdb[i*8+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length, gm2, &sc3);
//			p7_Viterbi_unilocal_word(seqsdb[i*8+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length, gm2, &sc2);

//			p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length);
			p7_ViterbiFilter(seqsdb[i*8+j]->seq, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length, om, ox, &sc2);
			//sumerrors += fabs(sc1[j]- sc2);
			if (fabs(results[i*8+j] - sc2) > 0.00001)
			{	printf("%3d-%d L %4d: VS %f d %f\t| Base SerI %f\n", i, j, seqsdb[i*8+j]->length, 
						results[i*8+j], fabs(results[i*8+j] - sc2), sc2);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
int init_hmmer_wrapper(const char* hmmfile) {

  int status, index;
  P7_HMM* model = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE* gm = NULL;

  status = p7_hmmfile_Open(hmmfile, p7_HMMDBENV, &hmm_fp);

  if(status != eslOK) {
    if(hmm_fp) {

    if(!hmm_fp->is_pressed) {
      return MODELS_NOT_PRESSED;

    return -status;

  model = NULL;

  while((status = p7_hmmfile_Read(hmm_fp, &abc, &model)) == eslOK) {
    if(bg == NULL) {
      bg = p7_bg_Create(abc);
      p7_bg_SetLength(bg, 400);

    gm = p7_profile_Create(model->M, abc);
    om = p7_oprofile_Create(model->M, abc);

    p7_ProfileConfig(model, bg, gm, 400, p7_UNILOCAL);
    p7_oprofile_Convert(gm, om);
    /*while((status = p7_oprofile_ReadMSV(hmm_fp, &abc, &om)) == eslOK) {
      p7_oprofile_ReadRest(hmm_fp, om);*/

    if(num_models >= models_capacity) {
      models_capacity += INC_NUM_MODELS;
      models = (P7_OPROFILE**)realloc(models, sizeof(P7_OPROFILE*) * models_capacity);
      gmodels = (P7_PROFILE**)realloc(gmodels, sizeof(P7_PROFILE*) * models_capacity);

    models[num_models] = om;
    gmodels[num_models] = gm;


    model = NULL;
    om = NULL;
    gm = NULL;

  if(models == 0) {
    return 0;

  tr = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();

  oxf = p7_omx_Create(400, 400, 400);
  oxb = p7_omx_Create(400, 400, 400);
  wrapper_results = (WRAPPER_RESULT**)malloc(sizeof(WRAPPER_RESULT*) * num_models);
  for(index = 0;index < num_models;index++) {
    wrapper_results[index] = new_result();

  num_results = 0;

  return num_models;