Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Jump to CM vector table
 * \param code_addr Application start address (vector table address)
#if defined   (__CC_ARM)     /* Keil µVision 4 */
__asm__ void jump_to_app(void *code_addr)
	mov r1, r0
	ldr r0, [r1, # 4]
	ldr sp, [r1]
	blx r0

#elif defined (__ICCARM__)   /* IAR Ewarm 5.41+ */
void jump_to_app(void *code_addr)
			"mov     r1, r0        \n"
			"ldr     r0, [r1, #4]  \n"
			"ldr     sp, [r1]      \n"
			"blx     r0"

#elif defined (__GNUC__)     /* GCC CS3 2009q3-68 */
void jump_to_app(void *code_addr)
			"mov   r1, r0        \n"
			"ldr   r0, [r1, #4]  \n"
			"ldr   sp, [r1]      \n"
			"blx   r0"

#else /* General C, no stack reset */
void jump_to_app(void *code_addr)
	void (*pFct)(void) = NULL;
	/* Point on __main address located in the second word in vector table */
	pFct = (void (*)(void))(*(uint32_t *)((uint32_t)code_addr + 4));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Jump to the first address to execute application
static void GoToJumpAddress(unsigned int jumpAddr, unsigned int matchType)
    typedef void(*fctType)(volatile unsigned int, volatile unsigned int);
    void(*pFct)(volatile unsigned int r0_val, volatile unsigned int r1_val);

    pFct = (fctType)jumpAddr;
    pFct(0/*dummy value in r0*/, matchType/*matchType in r1*/);

    while(1);//never reach