Ejemplo n.º 1
STDMETHODIMP CValueAxis::put_TitleFont(IFontDisp* pFont)
	if (pFont)
		CComQIPtr<IFont, &IID_IFont> p(pFont);
		if (p)
			// 如果想等即返回
			CComQIPtr<IFont, &IID_IFont> pOld(m_spTitleFont);
			if (p->IsEqual(pOld) == S_OK)
				return S_OK;
			m_spTitleFont = 0;
			CComPtr<IFont> pFont;
			if (pFont)
				pFont->QueryInterface(IID_IFontDisp, (void**) &m_spTitleFont);
		if (m_spTitleFont == NULL)
			return S_OK;
		m_spTitleFont = 0;
	return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PolygonLine :: computeIntersectionPoints(Element *element, std :: vector< FloatArray > &oIntersectionPoints)
    printf("Warning: entering  PolygonLine :: computeIntersectionPoints(Element *element, std::vector< FloatArray > &oIntersectionPoints).\n");

    if ( !boundingBoxIntersects(element) ) {

    for ( int i = 1; i <= element->giveNumberOfBoundarySides(); i++ ) {
        std :: vector< FloatArray >oneLineIntersects;
        ///@todo Move semantics or something would be useful here to avoid multiple copies.
        FloatArray a = * element->giveDofManager ( i )->giveCoordinates();
        FloatArray b;
        if ( i != element->giveNumberOfBoundarySides() ) {
            b = * element->giveDofManager ( i + 1 )->giveCoordinates();
        } else {
            b = * element->giveDofManager ( 1 )->giveCoordinates();

        Line l(a, b);

        computeIntersectionPoints(& l, oneLineIntersects);
        for ( FloatArray &interSect: oneLineIntersects ) {
            // Check that the intersection point has not already been identified.
            // This may happen if the crack intersects the element exactly at a node,
            // so that intersection is detected for both element edges in that node.

            // TODO: Set tolerance in a more transparent way.
            double distTol = 1.0e-9;

            bool alreadyFound = false;

            bPoint2 pNew( interSect.at(1), interSect.at(2) );

            for ( FloatArray &pInterSect: oIntersectionPoints ) {
                bPoint2 pOld( pInterSect.at(1), pInterSect.at(2) );

                if ( bDist(pOld, pNew) < distTol ) {
                    alreadyFound = true;

            if ( !alreadyFound ) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
int ElTawil2D::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)
 	this->YieldSurface_BC2D::displaySelf(theViewer, displayMode, fact);
Vector pOld(3), pCurr(3);
Vector rgb(3);
rgb(0) = 0.1; rgb(1) = 0.5; rgb(2) = 0.5;
	if(displayMode == this->SurfOnly)
		rgb(0) = 0.7; rgb(1) = 0.7; rgb(2) = 1.0;

	// double incr = ((yPosCap/capY) - (yNegCap/capY)) / 10;
	double incr =  fabs(0.33333333*yNegCap/capY);
	if(fact < 1) incr = fact;
 	double xOld = 0;
 	double yOld = yNegCap/capY;
 	// hModel->toDeformedCoord(xOld, yOld);
 	double err = 1e-4;
    for(double yc = yNegCap/capY; yc <= yPosCap/capY + err; yc = yc+incr)
		double y    = yc;	
		double yVal = y*capY;
		double xVal;

		if(y < 0)
			xVal = xBal*(1 - pow( fabs(yVal/yNegCap) , ty));
			xVal = xBal*(1 - pow( (yVal/yPosCap) , cz));

		double x = xVal/capX;

			opserr << "(undeformed) x = " << x << ", y = " << y;
 		double x1 = x;
		double y1 = y;
		double x2 = -x;
		double y2 = y;
		double x1Old = xOld;
		double y1Old = yOld;
		double x2Old = -xOld;
		double y2Old = yOld;

        hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1, y1);
        hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1Old, y1Old);
        hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2, y2);
        hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2Old, y2Old);

//		if(displayMode==100)
//			opserr << " (deformed) x = " << x << ", y = " << y << endln;
		pCurr(0) = x1;
		pCurr(1) = y1;
		pOld(0)  = x1Old;
		pOld(1)  = y1Old;
		theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);
		pCurr(0) = x2;
		pCurr(1) = y2;
		pOld(0)  = x2Old;
		pOld(1)  = y2Old;
		theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);
		xOld = x;
		yOld = y;

	// displayForcePoint(theViewer, displayMode, fact);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int Hajjar2D::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)
 	this->YieldSurface_BC2D::displaySelf(theViewer, displayMode, fact);
// 	return 0;

Vector pOld(3), pCurr(3);
Vector rgb(3);
rgb(0) = 0; rgb(1) = 0; rgb(2) = 0;
double incr = 0.1;
double x1, y1, xOld, yOld, x2, y2;
 double phi = 1;
    xOld = 0; //y = 0
	yOld = sqrt( (phi - c1*xOld*xOld)/(c2 + c3*xOld*xOld) ); //x = 1
	/*yOld += centroidY;*/

	double xmax = sqrt(1/c1);

	opserr << " xmax = " << xmax << ", ymax = " << yOld << "( " << sqrt(1/c2) << ")\n";
	if(fact < 1) incr = fact;

	double err = 0.5*incr;

    //for(double y = 0; y <= 1+err; y = y+incr)
	for(double x = 0; x <= xmax+err; x = x+incr)
		if(x > xmax) x = xmax;
        double y =  (phi - c1*x*x)/(c2 + c3*x*x);
		if(y > 0) y  = sqrt(y);
		/*y += centroidY;*/

		//if( x < 0.2) incr = 0.02;

		//if(x < 0.2 || x > 0.85)
				opserr << " x = " << x << ", y = " << y << "\n";

            //////////////////////// x>0, y>0
            x1 = x;
            y1 = y;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1, y1);
            pCurr(0) = x1;
            pCurr(1) = y1;

            x2 = xOld;
            y2 = yOld;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2, y2);
            pOld(0) = x2;
            pOld(1) = y2;
            theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);

            ///////////////////////// x<0, y>0
            x1 = -1*x;
            y1 = y;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1, y1);
            pCurr(0) = x1;
            pCurr(1) = y1;

            x2 = -1*xOld;
            y2 = yOld;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2, y2);
            pOld(0) = x2;
            pOld(1) = y2;

            theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);

            //////////////////////// x>0, y<0
            x1 = x;
            y1 = -1*y /*+ 2*centroidY*/;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1, y1);
            pCurr(0) = x1;
            pCurr(1) = y1;

            x2 = xOld;
            y2 = -1*yOld/* + 2*centroidY*/;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2, y2);
            pOld(0) = x2;
            pOld(1) = y2;

            theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);

            //////////////////////// x<0, y<0
            x1 = -1*x;
            y1 = -1*y/* + 2*centroidY*/;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x1, y1);
            pCurr(0) = x1;
            pCurr(1) = y1;

            x2 = -1*xOld;
            y2 = -1*yOld/* + 2*centroidY*/;
            hModel->toDeformedCoord(x2, y2);
            pOld(0) = x2;
            pOld(1) = y2;

            theViewer.drawLine(pOld, pCurr, rgb, rgb);

            xOld = x;
            yOld = y;

        }//x > 0

	// displayForcePoint(theViewer, displayMode, fact);

	return 0;