Ejemplo n.º 1
void SpriteD3D::createVertexBuffer() {

    const int numVertices(6);
    const int bufferSize(numVertices * sizeof(SPRITE_VERTEX));

    WindowsPlatform* pWin(static_cast<WindowsPlatform*>(Platform::getInstancePtr()));

    assert(!FAILED(pWin->getDevice()->CreateVertexBuffer(bufferSize, 0, FVF_SPRITE_VERTEX, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pVertexBuffer_, nullptr)));

    SPRITE_VERTEX *pVertices( nullptr);

    assert(!FAILED(pVertexBuffer_->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pVertices, 0)));

    pVertices[0] = vertices_[3];
    pVertices[1] = vertices_[0];
    pVertices[2] = vertices_[1];

    pVertices[3] = vertices_[3];
    pVertices[4] = vertices_[1];
    pVertices[5] = vertices_[2];

Ejemplo n.º 2
// renders the isosurface to given D3D device - just geometry, all texture states
// etc. should be done outside of this
void CIsoSurface::Render()
  std::vector<sLight> pVertices(m_iVxCount);

  for ( int n = 0; n < m_iVxCount; n++ )
    pVertices[n].vertex.x = m_pVxs[n].x - 0.5f;
    pVertices[n].vertex.y = m_pVxs[n].y - 0.5f;
    pVertices[n].vertex.z = m_pVxs[n].z - 0.5f;

    pVertices[n].normal.x = m_pNorms[n].x;
    pVertices[n].normal.y = m_pNorms[n].y;
    pVertices[n].normal.z = m_pNorms[n].z;
    pVertices[n].normal = glm::normalize(pVertices[n].normal);

    // these UV coordinated are possibly not the most useful
    pVertices[n].coord = m_pVxs[n];
    pVertices[n].color = glm::vec4(1.0f);

  glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(sLight)*m_iVxCount, &pVertices[0], GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
  glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_iVxCount);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool CMesh::Init(CGeometry *pOrgGeom, CStrAny sMatSemantic, uint8_t btMatSemanticIndex)
  ASSERT(pOrgGeom && pOrgGeom->m_ePrimitiveType == CGeometry::PT_TRIANGLELIST);
  UINT uiVertices, uiIndices, i;

  m_pOrgGeom = pOrgGeom;

  uiVertices = pOrgGeom->GetVBVertexCount();
  uiIndices = pOrgGeom->GetIBIndexCount();
  ASSERT(uiVertices && uiIndices);
  CAutoDeleteArrayPtr<TVertex *> pVertices(new TVertex *[uiVertices]);


  int iPosIndex, iPosOffset, iVertSize;
  int iMatIndex, iMatOffset;
  CInputDesc::TInputElement *pPosElem, *pMatElem;

  pPosElem = pOrgGeom->m_pInputDesc->GetElementInfo(sPOSITION, 0, &iPosIndex);
  ASSERT(pPosElem && pPosElem->m_Type == CInputDesc::T_FLOAT && pPosElem->m_btElements == 3);
  iPosOffset = pOrgGeom->m_pInputDesc->GetElementOffset(iPosIndex);
  iVertSize = pOrgGeom->m_pInputDesc->GetSize();

  if (sMatSemantic.Length()) {
    pMatElem = pOrgGeom->m_pInputDesc->GetElementInfo(sMatSemantic, btMatSemanticIndex, &iMatIndex);
    ASSERT(pMatElem && pMatElem->m_Type == CInputDesc::T_FLOAT);
    iMatOffset = pOrgGeom->m_pInputDesc->GetElementOffset(iMatIndex);
  } else
    iMatOffset = -1;

  UINT uiVertMapFlags = (pOrgGeom->m_pVB->m_uiFlags & CResource::RF_KEEPSYSTEMCOPY) ? CResource::RMF_SYSTEM_ONLY : 0;
  uint8_t *pVertex = pOrgGeom->m_pVB->Map(0, uiVertMapFlags);

  int iMatID = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < uiVertices; i++) {
    CVector<3> *pPos = (CVector<3> *) (pVertex + iPosOffset);
    if (iMatOffset >= 0)
      iMatID = (int) *(float *) (pVertex + iMatOffset);
    pVertices[i] = AddVertex(*pPos, iMatID);
    pVertex += iVertSize;


  UINT uiIndMapFlags = (pOrgGeom->m_pIB->m_uiFlags & CResource::RF_KEEPSYSTEMCOPY) ? CResource::RMF_SYSTEM_ONLY : 0;
  uint16_t *pIndex = (uint16_t *) pOrgGeom->m_pIB->Map(0, uiIndMapFlags);

  for (i = 0; i < uiIndices; i += 3) {
    ASSERT(pIndex[0] < uiVertices && pIndex[1] < uiVertices && pIndex[2] < uiVertices);
    AddTriangle(pVertices[pIndex[0]], pVertices[pIndex[1]], pVertices[pIndex[2]]);
    pIndex += 3;


  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Model_TexturedNM::Initialize( const PrimitiveFactory & PrimMaker, const Graphics & Gfx )
	// Set the stride for this model type
	m_Stride = sizeof( VertexBufferTypeAllInOneNMap );

	// Create the vertex array.
	auto vertPosition = PrimMaker.GetVertices();

	// Set the number of verticex indices in the vertex array.
	m_vertexCount = vertPosition.size();
	m_indexCount = vertPosition.size();

	// Get the color
	auto color = PrimMaker.GetColor();
	// Get the texture coordinates
	auto uvs = PrimMaker.GetUVs();
	// Get normals
	auto normals = PrimMaker.GetNormals();
	// Get precalculated Tangent, biTangent and CoNormal
	auto tangent = PrimMaker.GetTangent();
	auto binormal = PrimMaker.GetBiTangent();
	// TODO: later add functionality to deal w files w NO normals
	// Load the vertex buffer array with data.
	std::vector<VertexBufferTypeAllInOneNMap> pVertices( m_vertexCount );
	for( UINT idx = 0; idx < m_vertexCount; ++idx )
		pVertices[ idx ].color = color;
		pVertices[ idx ].position = vertPosition[ idx ];
		pVertices[ idx ].uv = uvs[ idx ];
		pVertices[ idx ].tangent = tangent[ idx ];
		pVertices[ idx ].binormal = binormal[ idx ];
		pVertices[ idx ].normal = normals[ idx ];

	// Load the index array with data.
	auto indices = PrimMaker.GetIndices();

	// Set the number of indices in the index array.
	m_indexCount = indices.size();

	// use vertex and index arrays to create the vertex and index buffers.
	bool result = initializeBuffers( pVertices.data(), indices.data(), Gfx );
	RETURN_MESSAGE_IF_FALSE( result, L"Could not initialize the model's buffers." );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CAreaProxy::ReadPolygonsForAreaSolid( CCryFile& file, int numberOfPolygons, bool bObstruction )
	static const int numberOfStaticVertices(200);
	Vec3 pStaticVertices[numberOfStaticVertices];

	for( int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; ++i )
		int numberOfVertices(0);
		Vec3* pVertices(NULL);
		if( numberOfVertices > numberOfStaticVertices )
			pVertices = new Vec3[numberOfVertices];
			pVertices = pStaticVertices;
		for( int k = 0; k < numberOfVertices; ++k )
		m_pArea->AddConvexHullToSolid(pVertices, bObstruction, numberOfVertices);
		if( pVertices != pStaticVertices )
			delete [] pVertices;