Ejemplo n.º 1
static void resize(int x,int y){
  // simple orthogonal projection for 0-1;0-1
  static const float matrix[16] = {
     2,  0, 0, 0,
     0, -2, 0, 0,
     0,  0, 0, 0,
    -1,  1, 0, 1,
  mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_V,"[gl_tiled] Resize: %dx%d\n",x,y);
  if(aspect_scaling()) {
    aspect(&x, &y, A_WINZOOM);
    x += vo_panscan_x;
    y += vo_panscan_y;
    glViewport( (vo_dwidth-x)/2, (vo_dheight-y)/2, x, y);
  } else {
    //aspect(x, y, A_NOZOOM);
    if (WinID >= 0) {
      int left = 0, top = 0, w = x, h = y;
      geometry(&left, &top, &w, &h, vo_dwidth, vo_dheight);
      top = y - h - top;
      glViewport(left, top, w, h);
    } else
      glViewport( 0, 0, x, y );

Ejemplo n.º 2
static void resize(int x,int y){
  // simple orthogonal projection for 0-image_width;0-image_height
  float matrix[16] = {
    2.0/image_width,   0, 0, 0,
    0, -2.0/image_height, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    -1, 1, 0, 1
  mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_V, "[gl] Resize: %dx%d\n",x,y);
  if (WinID >= 0) {
    int left = 0, top = 0, w = x, h = y;
    geometry(&left, &top, &w, &h, vo_dwidth, vo_dheight);
    top = y - h - top;
    mpglViewport(left, top, w, h);
  } else
    mpglViewport( 0, 0, x, y );

  ass_border_x = ass_border_y = 0;
  if (aspect_scaling() && use_aspect) {
    int new_w, new_h;
    GLdouble scale_x, scale_y;
    aspect(&new_w, &new_h, A_WINZOOM);
    new_w += vo_panscan_x;
    new_h += vo_panscan_y;
    scale_x = (GLdouble)new_w / (GLdouble)x;
    scale_y = (GLdouble)new_h / (GLdouble)y;
    matrix[0]  *= scale_x;
    matrix[12] *= scale_x;
    matrix[5]  *= scale_y;
    matrix[13] *= scale_y;
    ass_border_x = (vo_dwidth - new_w) / 2;
    ass_border_y = (vo_dheight - new_h) / 2;


  if (!scaled_osd) {
    // adjust font size to display size
    force_load_font = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void resize(int x,int y){
  mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_V, "[gl] Resize: %dx%d\n",x,y);
  if (WinID >= 0) {
    int top = 0, left = 0, w = x, h = y;
    geometry(&top, &left, &w, &h, vo_screenwidth, vo_screenheight);
    Viewport(top, left, w, h);
  } else
  Viewport( 0, 0, x, y );

  ass_border_x = ass_border_y = 0;
  if (aspect_scaling() && use_aspect) {
    int new_w, new_h;
    GLdouble scale_x, scale_y;
    aspect(&new_w, &new_h, A_WINZOOM);
    new_w += vo_panscan_x;
    new_h += vo_panscan_y;
    scale_x = (GLdouble)new_w / (GLdouble)x;
    scale_y = (GLdouble)new_h / (GLdouble)y;
    Scaled(scale_x, scale_y, 1);
    ass_border_x = (vo_dwidth - new_w) / 2;
    ass_border_y = (vo_dheight - new_h) / 2;
  Ortho(0, image_width, image_height, 0, -1,1);


  if (!scaled_osd) {
  // adjust font size to display size
  force_load_font = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Calculate the appropriate source and destination rectangle to
 * get a correctly scaled picture, including pan-scan.
 * Can be extended to take future cropping support into account.
 * \param crop specifies the cropping border size in the left, right, top and bottom members, may be NULL
 * \param borders the border values as e.g. EOSD (ASS) and properly placed DVD highlight support requires,
 *                may be NULL and only left and top are currently valid.
void calc_src_dst_rects(int src_width, int src_height, struct vo_rect *src, struct vo_rect *dst,
                        struct vo_rect *borders, const struct vo_rect *crop) {
  static const struct vo_rect no_crop = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  int scaled_width  = 0;
  int scaled_height = 0;
  if (!crop) crop = &no_crop;
  src_width  -= crop->left + crop->right;
  src_height -= crop->top  + crop->bottom;
  if (src_width  < 2) src_width  = 2;
  if (src_height < 2) src_height = 2;
  dst->left = 0; dst->right  = vo_dwidth;
  dst->top  = 0; dst->bottom = vo_dheight;
  src->left = 0; src->right  = src_width;
  src->top  = 0; src->bottom = src_height;
  if (borders) {
    borders->left = 0; borders->top = 0;
  if (aspect_scaling()) {
    aspect(&scaled_width, &scaled_height, A_WINZOOM);
    scaled_width  += vo_panscan_x;
    scaled_height += vo_panscan_y;
    if (borders) {
      borders->left = (vo_dwidth  - scaled_width ) / 2;
      borders->top  = (vo_dheight - scaled_height) / 2;
    src_dst_split_scaling(src_width, vo_dwidth, scaled_width,
                          &src->left, &src->right, &dst->left, &dst->right);
    src_dst_split_scaling(src_height, vo_dheight, scaled_height,
                          &src->top, &src->bottom, &dst->top, &dst->bottom);
  src->left += crop->left; src->right  += crop->left;
  src->top  += crop->top;  src->bottom += crop->top;
  src->width  = src->right  - src->left;
  src->height = src->bottom - src->top;
  dst->width  = dst->right  - dst->left;
  dst->height = dst->bottom - dst->top;
Ejemplo n.º 5
struct vo *init_best_video_out(struct MPOpts *opts, struct vo_x11_state *x11,
                               struct mp_fifo *key_fifo,
                               struct input_ctx *input_ctx)
    char **vo_list = opts->video_driver_list;
    int i;
    struct vo *vo = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, vo);
    struct vo initial_values = {
        .opts = opts,
        .x11 = x11,
        .key_fifo = key_fifo,
        .input_ctx = input_ctx,
        .event_fd = -1,
        .registered_fd = -1,
    // first try the preferred drivers, with their optional subdevice param:
    if (vo_list && vo_list[0])
        while (vo_list[0][0]) {
            char *name = strdup(vo_list[0]);
            vo_subdevice = strchr(name,':');
            if (!strcmp(name, "pgm"))
                mp_tmsg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_ERR, "The pgm video output driver has been replaced by -vo pnm:pgmyuv.\n");
            if (!strcmp(name, "md5"))
                mp_tmsg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_ERR, "The md5 video output driver has been replaced by -vo md5sum.\n");
            if (vo_subdevice) {
                vo_subdevice[0] = 0;
            for (i = 0; video_out_drivers[i]; i++) {
                const struct vo_driver *video_driver = video_out_drivers[i];
                const vo_info_t *info = video_driver->info;
                if (!strcmp(info->short_name, name)) {
                    // name matches, try it
                    *vo = initial_values;
                    vo->driver = video_driver;
                    if (!vo_preinit(vo, vo_subdevice)) {
                        return vo; // success!
            // continue...
            if (!(vo_list[0]))
                return NULL; // do NOT fallback to others
    // now try the rest...
    vo_subdevice = NULL;
    for (i = 0; video_out_drivers[i]; i++) {
        const struct vo_driver *video_driver = video_out_drivers[i];
        *vo = initial_values;
        vo->driver = video_driver;
        if (!vo_preinit(vo, vo_subdevice))
            return vo; // success!
    return NULL;

static int event_fd_callback(void *ctx, int fd)
    struct vo *vo = ctx;
    return MP_INPUT_NOTHING;

int vo_config(struct vo *vo, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
                     uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags,
                     char *title, uint32_t format)
    struct MPOpts *opts = vo->opts;
    aspect_save_orig(vo, width, height);
    aspect_save_prescale(vo, d_width, d_height);

    if (vo_control(vo, VOCTRL_UPDATE_SCREENINFO, NULL) == VO_TRUE) {
        aspect(vo, &d_width, &d_height, A_NOZOOM);
        vo->dx = (int)(opts->vo_screenwidth - d_width) / 2;
        vo->dy = (int)(opts->vo_screenheight - d_height) / 2;
        geometry(&vo->dx, &vo->dy, &d_width, &d_height,
                 opts->vo_screenwidth, opts->vo_screenheight);
        geometry_xy_changed |= xinerama_screen >= 0;
        vo->dx += xinerama_x;
        vo->dy += xinerama_y;
        vo->dwidth = d_width;
        vo->dheight = d_height;

    int ret = vo->driver->config(vo, width, height, d_width, d_height, flags,
                                 title, format);
    vo->config_ok = (ret == 0);
    vo->config_count += vo->config_ok;
    if (vo->registered_fd == -1 && vo->event_fd != -1 && vo->config_ok) {
        mp_input_add_key_fd(vo->input_ctx, vo->event_fd, 1, event_fd_callback,
                            NULL, vo);
        vo->registered_fd = vo->event_fd;
    return ret;

 * \brief lookup an integer in a table, table must have 0 as the last key
 * \param key key to search for
 * \result translation corresponding to key or "to" value of last mapping
 *         if not found.
int lookup_keymap_table(const struct mp_keymap *map, int key) {
  while (map->from && map->from != key) map++;
  return map->to;

 * \brief helper function for the kind of panscan-scaling that needs a source
 *        and destination rectangle like Direct3D and VDPAU
static void src_dst_split_scaling(int src_size, int dst_size, int scaled_src_size,
                                  int *src_start, int *src_end, int *dst_start, int *dst_end) {
  if (scaled_src_size > dst_size) {
    int border = src_size * (scaled_src_size - dst_size) / scaled_src_size;
    // round to a multiple of 2, this is at least needed for vo_direct3d and ATI cards
    border = (border / 2 + 1) & ~1;
    *src_start = border;
    *src_end   = src_size - border;
    *dst_start = 0;
    *dst_end   = dst_size;
  } else {
    *src_start = 0;
    *src_end   = src_size;
    *dst_start = (dst_size - scaled_src_size) / 2;
    *dst_end   = *dst_start + scaled_src_size;

 * Calculate the appropriate source and destination rectangle to
 * get a correctly scaled picture, including pan-scan.
 * Can be extended to take future cropping support into account.
 * \param crop specifies the cropping border size in the left, right, top and bottom members, may be NULL
 * \param borders the border values as e.g. EOSD (ASS) and properly placed DVD highlight support requires,
 *                may be NULL and only left and top are currently valid.
void calc_src_dst_rects(struct vo *vo, int src_width, int src_height,
                        struct vo_rect *src, struct vo_rect *dst,
                        struct vo_rect *borders, const struct vo_rect *crop)
  static const struct vo_rect no_crop = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  int scaled_width  = 0;
  int scaled_height = 0;
  if (!crop) crop = &no_crop;
  src_width  -= crop->left + crop->right;
  src_height -= crop->top  + crop->bottom;
  if (src_width  < 2) src_width  = 2;
  if (src_height < 2) src_height = 2;
  dst->left = 0; dst->right  = vo->dwidth;
  dst->top  = 0; dst->bottom = vo->dheight;
  src->left = 0; src->right  = src_width;
  src->top  = 0; src->bottom = src_height;
  if (borders) {
    borders->left = 0; borders->top = 0;
  if (aspect_scaling()) {
    aspect(vo, &scaled_width, &scaled_height, A_WINZOOM);
    scaled_width  += vo->panscan_x;
    scaled_height += vo->panscan_y;
    if (borders) {
      borders->left = (vo->dwidth  - scaled_width ) / 2;
      borders->top  = (vo->dheight - scaled_height) / 2;
    src_dst_split_scaling(src_width, vo->dwidth, scaled_width,
                          &src->left, &src->right, &dst->left, &dst->right);
    src_dst_split_scaling(src_height, vo->dheight, scaled_height,
                          &src->top, &src->bottom, &dst->top, &dst->bottom);
  src->left += crop->left; src->right  += crop->left;
  src->top  += crop->top;  src->bottom += crop->top;
  src->width  = src->right  - src->left;
  src->height = src->bottom - src->top;
  dst->width  = dst->right  - dst->left;
  dst->height = dst->bottom - dst->top;

 * Generates a mouse movement message if those are enable and sends it
 * to the "main" MPlayer.
 * \param posx new x position of mouse
 * \param posy new y position of mouse
void vo_mouse_movement(struct vo *vo, int posx, int posy)
  char cmd_str[40];
  if (!enable_mouse_movements)
  snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "set_mouse_pos %i %i", posx, posy);
  mp_input_queue_cmd(vo->input_ctx, mp_input_parse_cmd(cmd_str));
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void set_window( void ){

         drwcX = vo_dx;
         drwcY = vo_dy;
         drwWidth  = vo_dwidth;
         drwHeight = vo_dheight;

         aspect(&drwWidth, &drwHeight, A_WINZOOM);
         drwWidth  += vo_panscan_x;
         drwHeight += vo_panscan_y;
         drwWidth  = FFMIN(drwWidth, vo_screenwidth);
         drwHeight = FFMIN(drwHeight, vo_screenheight);
         drwX = (vo_dwidth  - drwWidth ) / 2;
         drwY = (vo_dheight - drwHeight) / 2;
         drwcX += drwX;
         drwcY += drwY;

#ifdef VO_XMGA
		 	XineramaScreenInfo *screens;
		 	int num_screens;
		 	int i;

		 	screens = XineramaQueryScreens(mDisplay,&num_screens);

		 	/* find the screen we are on */
		 	i = 0;
		 	while(i<num_screens &&
		 	    ((screens[i].x_org < drwcX) ||
		 	     (screens[i].y_org < drwcY) ||
		 	     (screens[i].x_org + screens[i].width >= drwcX) ||
		 	     (screens[i].y_org + screens[i].height >= drwcY)))

				/* save the screen we are on */
				xinerama_screen = i;
			} else {
				/* oops.. couldnt find the screen we are on
				 * because the upper left corner left the
				 * visual range. assume we are still on the
				 * same screen
				i = xinerama_screen;

			if(xinerama_screen == -1)
				// The default value of the xinerama_screen is
				// still there. Which means we could never
				// figure out on which screen we are.
				// Choose the first screen as default
				xinerama_screen = i = 0;

		 	/* set drwcX and drwcY to the right values */
		 	drwcX = drwcX - screens[i].x_org;
		 	drwcY = drwcY - screens[i].y_org;



	 if ( ioctl( f,MGA_VID_CONFIG,&mga_vid_config ) ) mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_WARN,"Error in mga_vid_config ioctl (wrong mga_vid.o version?)" );