Ejemplo n.º 1
   bool CProto::WriteDataByLocalIdentifier()
      TRACE_FUN( Routine, "CProto::WriteDataByLocalIdentifier" );

      bool ret( false );


      _writeResultCode = wrcNotExecuted;

      l2max::CByteArray param;
      l2max::CBuffer paramStream( &param );

      paramStream.open( l2max::CAbstractIODevice::omWriteOnly );

      _abstractMode4->Serialize( paramStream );

      l2max::CByteArray resp;

      if( ret = MakeTransaction( mECUFunc, param, resp ) )
         HAbstractMode4 abstractMode4Clone( _abstractMode4->clone() );

         l2max::CBuffer respStream( &resp );
         respStream.open( l2max::CAbstractIODevice::omReadOnly );

         if( ret = abstractMode4Clone->Deserialize( respStream ) )
            if( *_abstractMode4 == *abstractMode4Clone )
               _writeResultCode = wrcAccept;
               _writeResultCode = wrcReject;
            CAbstractProto::_errorCode = ecBinaryError;

            _errorCode = ecMode4Deserialization;

      return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    static Box fromString(const std::string &str) {
	// boost::regex boxReg("((\\r\\n|\\n)+)?obj box ID[\\t ]+\\d+[\\t ]+"
	// "mat ID \\d+[\\t ]+(([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+[\\t ]+){14})"
	// "([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+");
	// if (!boost::regex_match(str, boxReg))
	//     throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid box parameter string");
	std::stringstream paramStream(str);
	// Skip the "obj box ID" preamble
	std::string dummy;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
	    paramStream >> dummy;

	int id, matId;
	paramStream >> id;
	// Skip the "mat ID" preamble
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
	    paramStream >> dummy;
	paramStream >> matId;
	Eigen::Vector4d center, u, v, w;
	center = Eigen::Vector4d::Ones();
	u = v = w = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    paramStream >> center[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    paramStream >> u[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    paramStream >> v[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    paramStream >> w[i];
	double uWidth, vWidth, wWidth;
	paramStream >> uWidth >> vWidth >> wWidth;
	return Box(center, u, v, w, id, matId, uWidth, vWidth, wWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   bool CProto::ReadDataByLocalIdentifier()
      TRACE_FUN( Routine, "CProto::ReadDataByLocalIdentifier" );

      bool ret( false );


      l2max::CByteArray param;
      l2max::CBuffer paramStream( &param );

      paramStream << ( unsigned char )( 0x00 );

      l2max::CByteArray resp;

      if( ret = MakeTransaction( mTransmitData, param, resp ) )
         l2max::CBuffer respStream( &resp );
         respStream.open( l2max::CAbstractIODevice::omReadOnly );

         if( ret = _abstractMode1Data0->Deserialize( respStream ) )
            if( !_abstractMode4.IsNull() )
            CAbstractProto::_errorCode = ecBinaryError;

            _errorCode = ecMode1Data0Deserialization;

      return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Parse the command line into its pieces.
void ParseCommandLine::parseLine( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

	// Add the options piece to the usage string, because there always are at
	// least two types of options (help and version information).
	usageString += "[options]";

	// Convert the command line into strings.
	// During this process, transform all flags into lower case.
	vector<string> cmdLine;
	for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
		string next( argv[i] );
		if( next[0] == '-' ) {
			transform( next.begin(), next.end(), next.begin(), ::tolower );
		cmdLine.push_back( next );
	//unsigned int length = cmdLine.size();

	// Check if a help flag exists.
	// If one does, print out a usage message, set an error, and return.
	// This isn't a real error, it's just to stop parsing and running later.
	vector<string>::iterator helpIt;
	for( unsigned int i = 1; i <= standardHelpFlags.size(); i++ ) {
		string next = standardHelpFlags[i-1];
		helpIt = find( cmdLine.begin(), cmdLine.end(), next );
		if( helpIt != cmdLine.end() ) {

	// Check if a version flag exists.
	// If one does, print out a version message, set an error, and return.
	// This isn't a real error, it's just to stop parsing and running later.
	vector<string>::iterator versionIt;
	for( unsigned int i = 1; i <= standardVersionFlags.size(); i++ ) {
		string next = standardVersionFlags[i-1];
		versionIt = find( cmdLine.begin(), cmdLine.end(), next );
		if( versionIt != cmdLine.end() ) {
			cout << interfaceName << ": Version " << version << "." << endl
			     << "Copyright Mathews Lab, University of Rochester." << endl;

	// Populate the parsed data map.
	unsigned int numParams = 0;
	for( unsigned int i = 1; i <= cmdLine.size(); i++ ) {

		// Get the next command line argument.
		string next = cmdLine[i-1];

		// If the argument doesn't start with "-", call it a parameter.
		if( next[0] != '-' ) {
			stringstream paramStream( stringstream::in | stringstream::out );
			paramStream << "param" << numParams;
			parsedData[paramStream.str()] = next;

		// Otherwise, process the flag.
		else {
			// Create a variable to track whether the flag exists.
			bool exists = false;

			// Check the flag against the possible flags with no parameters.
			// Set the flag's value if found.
			set<string>::iterator it1;
			set<string> s1 = lowerOptionsNoFlags;
			for( it1 = s1.begin(); it1 != s1.end(); it1++ ) {
				string flag = *it1;
				if( next == flag ) {
					parsedData[next] = "";
					exists = true;

			// Check the flag against the possible options with parameters.
			// Set the flag's value if found.
			// Only do this if a flag wasn't previously found.
			if( exists == false ) {
				set<string>::iterator it2;
				set<string> s2 = lowerOptionsWithFlags;
				for( it2 = s2.begin(); it2 != s2.end(); it2++ ) {
					string flag = *it2;
					if( next == flag ) {
						bool noParam =
							( i == cmdLine.size() ) ||
							( cmdLine[i][0] == '-' );
						if( noParam == true ) {
							double test = 0.0;
							stringstream testStream( cmdLine[i] );
							if( testStream >> test ) { noParam = false; }

						if( noParam ) {
							cerr << "Option missing for flag: " << next << endl;
						} else {
							parsedData[next] = cmdLine[i];
							exists = true;