Ejemplo n.º 1
QString RSLinkClipboard::toHtmlFull()
    QList<RetroShareLink> links;

    QString res ;
    for(int i = 0; i < links.size(); ++i)
        res += links[i].toHtmlFull() + "<br>" ;

    return res ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool RSLinkClipboard::empty(RetroShareLink::enumType type /* = RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN*/)
    QList<RetroShareLink> links;

    if (type == RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
        return links.empty();

    for (QList<RetroShareLink>::iterator link = links.begin(); link != links.end(); link++) {
        if (link->type() == type) {
            return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void RSLinkClipboard::pasteLinks(QList<RetroShareLink> &links)
    return parseClipboard(links);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ExtendedTableWidget::paste()
    // Get list of selected items
    QItemSelectionModel* selection = selectionModel();
    QModelIndexList indices = selection->selectedIndexes();

    // Abort if there's nowhere to paste

    SqliteTableModel* m = qobject_cast<SqliteTableModel*>(model());

    // We're also checking for system clipboard data first. Only if the data in the system clipboard is not ours, we use the system
    // clipboard, otherwise we prefer the internal buffer.  That's because the data in the internal buffer is easier to parse and more
    // accurate, too. However, if we always preferred the internal copy-paste buffer there would be no way to copy data from other
    // applications in here once the internal buffer has been filled.

    // If clipboard contains an image and no text, just insert the image
    const QMimeData* mimeClipboard = qApp->clipboard()->mimeData();
    if (mimeClipboard->hasImage() && !mimeClipboard->hasText()) {
        QImage img = qApp->clipboard()->image();
        QByteArray ba;
        QBuffer buffer(&ba);
        img.save(&buffer, "PNG");       // We're always converting the image format to PNG here. TODO: Is that correct?

        m->setData(indices.first(), ba);

    // Get the clipboard text
    QString clipboard = qApp->clipboard()->text();

    // If data in system clipboard is ours and the internal copy-paste buffer is filled, use the internal buffer; otherwise parse the
    // system clipboard contents (case for data copied by other application).

    QList<QByteArrayList> clipboardTable;
    QList<QByteArrayList>* source;

    if(mimeClipboard->hasHtml() && mimeClipboard->html().contains(m_generatorStamp) && !m_buffer.isEmpty())
        source = &m_buffer;
    } else {
        clipboardTable = parseClipboard(clipboard);
        source = &clipboardTable;

    // Stop here if there's nothing to paste

    // Starting from assumption that selection is rectangular, and then first index is upper-left corner and last is lower-right.
    int rows = source->size();
    int columns = source->first().size();

    int firstRow = indices.front().row();
    int firstColumn = indices.front().column();
    int selectedRows = indices.back().row() - firstRow + 1;
    int selectedColumns = indices.back().column() - firstColumn + 1;

    // If last row and column are after table size, clamp it
    int lastRow = qMin(firstRow + rows - 1, m->rowCount() - 1);
    int lastColumn = qMin(firstColumn + columns - 1, m->columnCount() - 1);

    // Special case: if there is only one cell of data to be pasted, paste it into all selected fields
    if(rows == 1 && columns == 1)
        QByteArray data = source->first().first();
        for(int row=firstRow;row<firstRow+selectedRows;row++)
            for(int column=firstColumn;column<firstColumn+selectedColumns;column++)
                m->setData(m->index(row, column), data);

    // If more than one cell was selected, check if the selection matches the cliboard dimensions
    if(selectedRows != rows || selectedColumns != columns)
        // Ask user if they are sure about this
        if(QMessageBox::question(this, QApplication::applicationName(),
                                 tr("The content of the clipboard is bigger than the range selected.\nDo you want to insert it anyway?"),
                                 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes)
            // If the user doesn't want to paste the clipboard data anymore, stop now

    // If we get here, we can definitely start pasting: either the ranges match in their size or the user agreed to paste anyway

    // Copy the data cell by cell and as-is from the source buffer to the table
    int row = firstRow;
    for(const QByteArrayList& source_row : *source)
        int column = firstColumn;
        for(const QByteArray& source_cell : source_row)
            m->setData(m->index(row, column), source_cell);

            if (column > lastColumn)

        if (row > lastRow)