Ejemplo n.º 1
Controller::setStickySessionId(Client *client, Request *req) {
	if (req->stickySession) {
		// TODO: This is not entirely correct. Clients MAY send multiple Cookie
		// headers, although this is in practice extremely rare.
		// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16305814/are-multiple-cookie-headers-allowed-in-an-http-request
		const LString *cookieHeader = req->headers.lookup(HTTP_COOKIE);
		if (cookieHeader != NULL && cookieHeader->size > 0) {
			const LString *cookieName = getStickySessionCookieName(req);
			vector< pair<StaticString, StaticString> > cookies;
			pair<StaticString, StaticString> cookie;

			parseCookieHeader(req->pool, cookieHeader, cookies);
			foreach (cookie, cookies) {
				if (psg_lstr_cmp(cookieName, cookie.first)) {
					// This cookie matches the one we're looking for.
					req->options.stickySessionId = stringToUint(cookie.second);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * parse key-value pairs out of a "Cookie" request header
	 * (i.e. this=that; a=value)
	 * @param dict dictionary for key-values pairs
	 * @param cookie_header header string to be parsed
	 * @param set_cookie_header set true if parsing Set-Cookie response header
	 * @return bool true if successful
	static inline bool parseCookieHeader(HTTPTypes::CookieParams& dict,
		const std::string& cookie_header, bool set_cookie_header)
		return parseCookieHeader(dict, cookie_header.c_str(), cookie_header.size(), set_cookie_header);