Ejemplo n.º 1
static void parseClass (tokenInfo *const token)
	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_class));
	readToken (token);
	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
		makeEiffelClassTag (token);
		readToken (token);
		vStringCopy (token->className, token->string);
		vStringUpper (token->className);
		if (PrintClass)
			puts (vStringValue (token->className));
		if (! PrintReferences)
			exit (0);
		readToken (token);

		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET))
			parseGeneric (token, TRUE);
		else if (! isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
			readToken (token);
		else switch (token->keyword)
			case KEYWORD_inherit:  parseInherit (token);        break;
			case KEYWORD_feature:  parseFeatureClauses (token); break;
			default:               readToken (token);           break;
	} while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** @see BencSerializer.h */
static int32_t parseDictionary(const struct Reader* reader,
                               const struct Allocator* allocator,
                               Dict* output)
    uint8_t nextChar;
    readUntil('{', reader);

    String* key;
    Object* value;
    struct Dict_Entry* entryPointer;
    struct Dict_Entry* lastEntryPointer = NULL;
    int ret = 0;

    for (;;) {
        while (!ret) {
            ret = reader->read(&nextChar, 0, reader);
            switch (nextChar) {
                case '"':

                case '}':
                    reader->skip(1, reader);
                    *output = lastEntryPointer;
                    return 0;

                case '/':

                    reader->skip(1, reader);
        if (ret) {
            printf("Unterminated dictionary\n");
            return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;

        // Get key and value.
        if ((ret = parseString(reader, allocator, &key)) != 0) {
            return ret;

        readUntil(':', reader);

        if ((ret = parseGeneric(reader, allocator, &value)) != 0) {
            return ret;

        /* Allocate the entry. */
        entryPointer = allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct Dict_Entry), allocator);

        entryPointer->next = lastEntryPointer;
        entryPointer->key = key;
        entryPointer->val = value;
        lastEntryPointer = entryPointer;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void parseClass (tokenInfo *const token)
	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_class));
	readToken (token);
	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
		makeEiffelClassTag (token);
		readToken (token);

		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET))
			parseGeneric (token, TRUE);
		else if (! isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
			readToken (token);
		else switch (token->keyword)
			case KEYWORD_inherit:  parseInherit (token);        break;
			case KEYWORD_feature:  parseFeatureClauses (token); break;
			case KEYWORD_convert:  parseConvert (token);        break;
			default:               readToken (token);           break;
	} while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
	         ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    ParsedElement parsedElement;
    parsedElement.type = XML_WPACKET_RX;
    return parsedElement;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Animxmlparser::parseP ()
  ParsedElement parsedElement;
  parsedElement.isWpacket = false;
  parsedElement.type = XML_PACKET_RX;
  parseGeneric (parsedElement);
  return parsedElement;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/** @see BencSerializer.h */
static int32_t parseList(const struct Reader* reader,
                         const struct Allocator* allocator,
                         List* output)
    #define OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ -2
    #define UNPARSABLE -3

    char nextChar;
    if (reader->read(&nextChar, 1, reader) != 0) {
        return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;
    if (nextChar != 'l') {
        return UNPARSABLE;

    Object* element;
    struct List_Item* thisEntry = NULL;
    struct List_Item** lastEntryPointer = output;
    int ret;

    if (reader->read(&nextChar, 0, reader) != 0) {
        return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;
    *lastEntryPointer = NULL;

    while (nextChar != 'e') {
        ret = parseGeneric(reader, allocator, &element);
        if (ret != 0) {
            return ret;
        thisEntry = Allocator_malloc(allocator, sizeof(struct List_Item));
        thisEntry->elem = element;

        /* Read backwards so that the list reads out forward. */
        *lastEntryPointer = thisEntry;
        lastEntryPointer = &(thisEntry->next);

        if (reader->read(&nextChar, 0, reader) != 0) {
            return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;

    if (thisEntry) {
        thisEntry->next = NULL;

    /* move the pointer to after the 'e' at the end of the list. */
    reader->skip(1, reader);

    return 0;

    #undef UNPARSABLE
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void parseType (tokenInfo *const token)
    boolean bitType;
    Assert (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER));
    reportType (token);
    bitType = (boolean)(strcmp ("BIT", vStringValue (token->string)) == 0);
    readToken (token);
    if (bitType && isType (token, TOKEN_NUMERIC))
        readToken (token);
    else if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET))
        parseGeneric (token, FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: eiffel.c Proyecto: koron/ctags
static boolean parseType (tokenInfo *const token)
	tokenInfo* const id = newToken ();
	copyToken (id, token);
	readToken (token);
	if (isType (token, TOKEN_COLON))  /* check for "{entity: TYPE}" */
		readToken (id);
		readToken (token);
	if (isKeyword (id, KEYWORD_like))
		if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) ||
				isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_Current))
			readToken (token);
		if (isKeyword (id, KEYWORD_attached) ||
		    isKeyword (id, KEYWORD_detachable) ||
		    isKeyword (id, KEYWORD_expanded))
			copyToken (id, token);
			readToken (token);
		if (isType (id, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
			reportType (id);
			if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET))
				parseGeneric (token, FALSE);
			else if ((strcmp ("BIT", vStringValue (id->string)) == 0))
				readToken (token);  /* read token after number of bits */
	deleteToken (id);
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** @see BencSerializer.h */
static int32_t parseList(const struct Reader* reader,
                         const struct Allocator* allocator,
                         List* output)
    char nextChar;
    readUntil('[', reader);

    Object* element;
    struct List_Item* thisEntry = NULL;
    struct List_Item** lastEntryPointer = output;
    int ret;

    for (;;) {
        for (;;) {
            if (reader->read(&nextChar, 0, reader) != 0) {
                printf("Unterminated list\n");
                return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;
            if (nextChar == '/') {
                if ((ret = parseComment(reader)) != 0) {
                    return ret;
            switch (nextChar) {
                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':
                case '7':
                case '8':
                case '9':
                case '[':
                case '{':
                case '"':

                case ']':
                    reader->skip(1, reader);
                    return 0;

                    // FIXME: silently skipping anything we don't understand
                    // might not be the best idea
                    reader->skip(1, reader);

        if ((ret = parseGeneric(reader, allocator, &element)) != 0) {
            return ret;
        thisEntry = allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct List_Item), allocator);
        thisEntry->elem = element;
        thisEntry->next = NULL;

        // Read backwards so that the list reads out forward.
        *lastEntryPointer = thisEntry;
        lastEntryPointer = &(thisEntry->next);
Ejemplo n.º 10
/** @see BencSerializer.h */
static int32_t parseDictionary(const struct Reader* reader,
                               const struct Allocator* allocator,
                               Dict* output)
    #define OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ -2
    #define UNPARSABLE -3

    char nextChar;
    if (reader->read(&nextChar, 1, reader) < 0) {
        return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;
    if (nextChar != 'd') {
        /* Not a dictionary. */
        return UNPARSABLE;

    String* key;
    Object* value;
    struct Dict_Entry* entryPointer;
    struct Dict_Entry* lastEntryPointer = NULL;
    int ret;

    for (;;) {
        /* Peek at the next char. */
        if (reader->read(&nextChar, 0, reader) < 0) {
            /* Ran over read buffer. */
            return OUT_OF_CONTENT_TO_READ;
        if (nextChar == 'e') {
            /* Got to the end. */

        /* Get key and value. */
        ret = parseString(reader, allocator, &key);
        if (ret != 0) {
            return ret;
        ret = parseGeneric(reader, allocator, &value);
        if (ret != 0) {
            return ret;

        /* Allocate the entry. */
        entryPointer = Allocator_malloc(allocator, sizeof(struct Dict_Entry));

        entryPointer->next = lastEntryPointer;
        entryPointer->key = key;
        entryPointer->val = value;
        lastEntryPointer = entryPointer;

    /* We got an 'e', leave the pointer on the next char after it. */
    reader->skip(1, reader);

    *output = lastEntryPointer;

    return 0;

    #undef UNPARSABLE
Ejemplo n.º 11
ShapeParser::ShapeParseResult ShapeParser::serialized(const XMLNode& node, ParserState& S)
	auto filename = S.map_asset_filepath(S.def_storage.prop_string(node, "filename"));
	int submesh_index = S.def_storage.prop_int(node, "shapeIndex");
	bool flipNormals = S.def_storage.prop_bool(node, "flipNormals", false);
	bool faceNormals = S.def_storage.prop_bool(node, "faceNormals", false);
	float maxSmoothAngle = S.def_storage.prop_float(node, "maxSmoothAngle", 0.0f);

	auto name = boost::filesystem::path(filename).stem().string();
	auto compiled_tar_folder = S.scene.getFileManager()->getCompiledMeshPath("") + name + "/";

	auto get_compiled_submesh_filename = [&](size_t i)
		return compiled_tar_folder + std::to_string(i) + ".xmsh";

	if (!boost::filesystem::exists(compiled_tar_folder) || !boost::filesystem::exists(get_compiled_submesh_filename(0)))

		enum DataPresentFlag : uint32_t
			VertexNormals = 0x0001,
			TextureCoords = 0x0002,
			VertexColors = 0x0008,
			UseFaceNormals = 0x0010,
			SinglePrecision = 0x1000,
			DoublePrecision = 0x2000,

		struct inflateStream
			std::ifstream& m_childStream;
			size_t str_length;
			z_stream m_inflateStream;
			uint8_t m_inflateBuffer[32768];
			inflateStream(std::ifstream& str)
				size_t pos = m_childStream.tellg();
				m_childStream.seekg(0, m_childStream.end);
				str_length = m_childStream.tellg();
				m_childStream.seekg(pos, m_childStream.beg);

				m_inflateStream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
				m_inflateStream.zfree = Z_NULL;
				m_inflateStream.opaque = Z_NULL;
				m_inflateStream.avail_in = 0;
				m_inflateStream.next_in = Z_NULL;

				int windowBits = 15;
				auto retval = inflateInit2(&m_inflateStream, windowBits);
				if (retval != Z_OK)
					std::cout << "erro, ret : " << retval << std::endl;

			void read(void *ptr, size_t size)
				uint8_t *targetPtr = (uint8_t *)ptr;
				while (size > 0) {
					if (m_inflateStream.avail_in == 0) {
						size_t remaining = str_length - m_childStream.tellg();
						m_inflateStream.next_in = m_inflateBuffer;
						m_inflateStream.avail_in = (uInt)std::min(remaining, sizeof(m_inflateBuffer));
						if (m_inflateStream.avail_in == 0)
							std::cout << "more bytes req : " << size << std::endl;
						m_childStream.read((char*)m_inflateBuffer, m_inflateStream.avail_in);

					m_inflateStream.avail_out = (uInt)size;
					m_inflateStream.next_out = targetPtr;

					int retval = inflate(&m_inflateStream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
					switch (retval) {
					case Z_STREAM_ERROR:
						throw std::runtime_error("inflate(): stream error!");
					case Z_NEED_DICT:
						throw std::runtime_error("inflate(): need dictionary!");
					case Z_DATA_ERROR:
						throw std::runtime_error("inflate(): data error!");
					case Z_MEM_ERROR:
						throw std::runtime_error("inflate(): memory error!");

					size_t outputSize = size - (size_t)m_inflateStream.avail_out;
					targetPtr += outputSize;
					size -= outputSize;

					if (size > 0 && retval == Z_STREAM_END)
						throw std::runtime_error("inflate(): attempting to read past the end of the stream!");

		std::ifstream ser_str(filename, std::ios::binary);

		uint16_t magic_maj, version_maj;
		ser_str.read((char*)&magic_maj, 2);
		if (magic_maj != 1052)
			throw std::runtime_error("corrupt file");
		ser_str.read((char*)&version_maj, 2);

		ser_str.seekg(-4, ser_str.end);
		uint32_t n_meshes;
		ser_str.read((char*)&n_meshes, sizeof(n_meshes));
		ser_str.seekg(-(sizeof(uint32_t) + (version_maj == 4 ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t)) * n_meshes), ser_str.end);
		std::vector<uint64_t> mesh_offsets(n_meshes);
		if (version_maj == 4)
			ser_str.read((char*)mesh_offsets.data(), n_meshes * sizeof(uint64_t));
			auto q = std::vector<uint32_t>(n_meshes);
			ser_str.read((char*)q.data(), n_meshes * sizeof(uint32_t));
			for (size_t i = 0; i < n_meshes; i++)
				mesh_offsets[i] = q[i];

		for (size_t num_submesh = 0; num_submesh < n_meshes; num_submesh++)
			ser_str.seekg(mesh_offsets[num_submesh], ser_str.beg);
			uint16_t magic, version;
			ser_str.read((char*)&magic, 2);
			if (magic == 0)
			ser_str.read((char*)&version, 2);
			if (version != 3 && version != 4)
				throw std::runtime_error("invalid version in serialized mesh file");

			inflateStream comp_str(ser_str);
			DataPresentFlag flag;
			comp_str.read(&flag, sizeof(flag));
			std::string name = "default";
			if (version == 4)
				name = "";
				char last_read;
					comp_str.read(&last_read, sizeof(last_read));
					name += last_read;
				} while (last_read != 0);
			uint64_t nVertices, nTriangles;
			comp_str.read(&nVertices, sizeof(nVertices));
			comp_str.read(&nTriangles, sizeof(nTriangles));

			std::vector<Vec3f> positions(nVertices), normals(nVertices), colors(nVertices);
			std::vector<Vec2f> uvcoords(nVertices);
			std::vector<uint32_t> indices(nTriangles * 3);

			bool isSingle = true;

			auto read_n_vector = [&](int dim, float* buffer)
				if (isSingle)
					comp_str.read((char*)buffer, sizeof(float) * dim * nVertices);
					double* double_storage = (double*)alloca(dim * sizeof(double));
					for (size_t i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
						comp_str.read((char*)double_storage, dim * sizeof(double));
						for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
							buffer[i * dim + j] = float(double_storage[j]);

			read_n_vector(3, (float*)positions.data());
			if ((flag & DataPresentFlag::VertexNormals) == DataPresentFlag::VertexNormals)
				read_n_vector(3, (float*)normals.data());
			if ((flag & DataPresentFlag::TextureCoords) == DataPresentFlag::TextureCoords)
				read_n_vector(2, (float*)uvcoords.data());
			else std::fill(uvcoords.begin(), uvcoords.end(), Vec2f(0.0f));
			if ((flag & DataPresentFlag::VertexColors) == DataPresentFlag::VertexColors)
				read_n_vector(3, (float*)colors.data());

			comp_str.read((char*)indices.data(), sizeof(uint32_t) * nTriangles * 3);
			for (size_t i = 0; i < nTriangles * 3; i += 3)
				std::swap(indices[i + 0], indices[i + 2]);

			auto compiled_submesh_filename = get_compiled_submesh_filename(num_submesh);
			FileOutputStream fOut(compiled_submesh_filename);
			fOut << (unsigned int)MeshCompileType::Static;
			auto mat = Material(name.size() > 60 ? name.substr(0, 60) : name);
			mat.bsdf = CreateAggregate<BSDFALL>(diffuse());
			Mesh::CompileMesh(positions.data(), (int)positions.size(), normals.data(), uvcoords.data(), indices.data(), (int)indices.size(), mat, 0.0f, fOut, flipNormals, faceNormals, maxSmoothAngle);

	auto obj = S.scene.CreateNode(get_compiled_submesh_filename(submesh_index));
	parseGeneric(obj, node, S);
	return obj;