Ejemplo n.º 1
    void GLSLProgramManagerCommon::extractConstantDefs(const String& src,
        GpuNamedConstants& defs, const String& filename)
        // Parse the output string and collect all uniforms
        // NOTE this relies on the source already having been preprocessed
        // which is done in GLSLProgram::loadFromSource
        String line;
        String::size_type currPos = src.find("uniform");
        while (currPos != String::npos)
            // Now check for using the word 'uniform' in a larger string & ignore
            bool inLargerString = false;
            if (currPos != 0)
                char prev = src.at(currPos - 1);
                if (prev != ' ' && prev != '\t' && prev != '\r' && prev != '\n'
                    && prev != ';')
                    inLargerString = true;
            if (!inLargerString && currPos + 7 < src.size())
                char next = src.at(currPos + 7);
                if (next != ' ' && next != '\t' && next != '\r' && next != '\n')
                    inLargerString = true;

            // skip 'uniform'
            currPos += 7;

            if (!inLargerString)
                String::size_type endPos;
                GpuSharedParametersPtr blockSharedParams;

                // Check for a type. If there is one, then the semicolon is missing
                // otherwise treat as if it is a uniform block
                String::size_type lineEndPos = src.find_first_of("\n\r", currPos);
                line = src.substr(currPos, lineEndPos - currPos);
                StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, " \t");
                StringToEnumMap::iterator typei = mTypeEnumMap.find(parts.front());
                if (typei == mTypeEnumMap.end())
                    // Gobble up the external name
                    String externalName = parts.front();

                    // Now there should be an opening brace
                    String::size_type openBracePos = src.find("{", currPos);
                    if (openBracePos != String::npos)
                        currPos = openBracePos + 1;
                        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Missing opening brace in GLSL Uniform Block in file "
                                                              + filename);

                    // First we need to find the internal name for the uniform block
                    String::size_type endBracePos = src.find("}", currPos);

                    // Find terminating semicolon
                    currPos = endBracePos + 1;
                    endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
                    if (endPos == String::npos)
                        // problem, missing semicolon, abort

                    // TODO: We don't need the internal name. Just skip over to the end of the block
                    // But we do need to know if this is an array of blocks. Is that legal?

// Find the internal name.
// This can be an array.
//                    line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);
//                    StringVector internalParts = StringUtil::split(line, ", \t\r\n");
//                    String internalName = "";
//                    uint16 arraySize = 0;
//                    for (StringVector::iterator i = internalParts.begin(); i != internalParts.end(); ++i)
//                    {
//                        StringUtil::trim(*i);
//                        String::size_type arrayStart = i->find("[", 0);
//                        if (arrayStart != String::npos)
//                        {
//                            // potential name (if butted up to array)
//                            String name = i->substr(0, arrayStart);
//                            StringUtil::trim(name);
//                            if (!name.empty())
//                                internalName = name;
//                            String::size_type arrayEnd = i->find("]", arrayStart);
//                            String arrayDimTerm = i->substr(arrayStart + 1, arrayEnd - arrayStart - 1);
//                            StringUtil::trim(arrayDimTerm);
//                            arraySize = StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(arrayDimTerm);
//                        }
//                        else
//                        {
//                            internalName = *i;
//                        }
//                    }
//                    // Ok, now rewind and parse the individual uniforms in this block
//                    currPos = openBracePos + 1;
//                    blockSharedParams = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getSharedParameters(externalName);
//                    if(blockSharedParams.isNull())
//                        blockSharedParams = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().createSharedParameters(externalName);
//                    do
//                    {
//                        lineEndPos = src.find_first_of("\n\r", currPos);
//                        endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
//                        line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);
//                        // TODO: Give some sort of block id
//                        // Parse the normally structured uniform
//                        parseIndividualConstant(src, defs, currPos, filename, blockSharedParams);
//                        currPos = lineEndPos + 1;
//                    } while (endBracePos > currPos);
                    // find terminating semicolon
                    endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
                    if (endPos == String::npos)
                        // problem, missing semicolon, abort
                    parseIndividualConstant(src, defs, currPos, filename, blockSharedParams);
                line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);
            } // not commented or a larger symbol
            // Find next one
            currPos = src.find("uniform", currPos);
	void GLSLESProgramManagerCommon::extractConstantDefs(const String& src,
		GpuNamedConstants& defs, const String& filename)
		// Parse the output string and collect all uniforms
		// NOTE this relies on the source already having been preprocessed
		// which is done in GLSLESProgram::loadFromSource
		String line;
		String::size_type currPos = src.find("uniform");
		while (currPos != String::npos)
			GpuConstantDefinition def;
			String paramName;

			// Now check for using the word 'uniform' in a larger string & ignore
			bool inLargerString = false;
			if (currPos != 0)
				char prev = src.at(currPos - 1);
				if (prev != ' ' && prev != '\t' && prev != '\r' && prev != '\n'
					&& prev != ';')
					inLargerString = true;
			if (!inLargerString && currPos + 7 < src.size())
				char next = src.at(currPos + 7);
				if (next != ' ' && next != '\t' && next != '\r' && next != '\n')
					inLargerString = true;

			// skip 'uniform'
			currPos += 7;

			if (!inLargerString)
                String::size_type endPos;
                String typeString;
                GpuSharedParametersPtr blockSharedParams;

                // Check for a type. If there is one, then the semicolon is missing
                // otherwise treat as if it is a uniform block
				String::size_type lineEndPos = src.find_first_of("\n\r", currPos);
				line = src.substr(currPos, lineEndPos - currPos);
                StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, " \t");

                // Skip over precision keywords
                if(StringUtil::match((parts.front()), "lowp") ||
                   StringUtil::match((parts.front()), "mediump") ||
                   StringUtil::match((parts.front()), "highp"))
                    typeString = parts[1];
                    typeString = parts[0];

                StringToEnumMap::iterator typei = mTypeEnumMap.find(typeString);
                if (typei == mTypeEnumMap.end())
                    // Gobble up the external name
                    String externalName = parts.front();

                    // Now there should be an opening brace
                    String::size_type openBracePos = src.find("{", currPos);
                    if (openBracePos != String::npos)
                        currPos = openBracePos + 1;
                        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Missing opening brace in GLSL Uniform Block in file "
                                                              + filename);

                    // First we need to find the internal name for the uniform block
                    String::size_type endBracePos = src.find("}", currPos);

                    // Find terminating semicolon
                    currPos = endBracePos + 1;
                    endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
                    if (endPos == String::npos)
                        // problem, missing semicolon, abort
                    // find terminating semicolon
                    endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
                    if (endPos == String::npos)
                        // problem, missing semicolon, abort
                    parseIndividualConstant(src, defs, currPos, filename, blockSharedParams);
                line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);
			} // not commented or a larger symbol

			// Find next one
			currPos = src.find("uniform", currPos);