bool TetGenInterface::readNodesFromStream (std::ifstream &ins) { std::string line; getline (ins, line); size_t pos_beg (line.find_first_not_of(" ")); size_t n_nodes, dim, n_attributes; bool boundary_markers; bool not_read_header (true); while (! && not_read_header) { line = line.substr(pos_beg); if (,1,"#") == 0) { // this line is a comment - skip getline (ins, line); pos_beg = line.find_first_not_of(" "); } else // read header line not_read_header = !parseNodesFileHeader(line, n_nodes, dim, n_attributes, boundary_markers); } if (not_read_header) return false; if (!parseNodes(ins, n_nodes, dim)) return false; return true; }
void GraphvizPlotter::parseSubgraphs(Agraph_t *g, GraphComponent *g_component, processedProperties *props) { // nacteni zpracovanych komponent pro jejich mozne budouci preskoceni v aktualni iteraci string_map node_attrs_bak = props->node_attrs; string_map edge_attrs_bak = props->edge_attrs; string_map graph_attrs_bak = props->graph_attrs; // prochazeni vsech podgrafu daneho grafu/podgrafu for (Agraph_t *subg = agfstsubg(g); subg; subg = agnxtsubg(subg)) { // vytvoreni podgrafu v datovem modelu Subgraph *subgraph = g_component->addSubgraph(agnameof(subg)); // zpracovani atributu grafu/podgrafu a ulozeni do datoveho modelu k danemu podgrafu parseGraphAttrs(subg, subgraph, props); // zpracovani podgrafu a ulozeni do datoveho modelu k danemu pdgrafu parseSubgraphs(subg, subgraph, props); // stejne zpracovani v pripade parseNodes(subg, subgraph, props); parseEdges(subg, subgraph, props); // pro dalsi podgraf nactu zpet zpracovane komponenty props->graph_attrs.clear(); props->node_attrs.clear(); props->edge_attrs.clear(); props->graph_attrs = graph_attrs_bak; props->node_attrs = node_attrs_bak; props->edge_attrs = edge_attrs_bak; } }
void Level::parseScene(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { TiXmlElement *element; element = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("nodes"); if(element) { parseNodes(element); } }
virtual void parse(QDomElement & resources) { QDomNodeList nodes = resources.elementsByTagName("computer"); parseNodes(nodes); QDomNodeList stores = resources.elementsByTagName("storage"); parseStores(stores); QDomNodeList switches = resources.elementsByTagName("router"); parseSwitches(switches); QDomNodeList links = resources.elementsByTagName("link"); parseLinks(links); }
virtual void parse(QDomElement & demand) { this->demand = demand; QString name = demand.attribute("id"); request->setName(name.toStdString()); QDomNodeList nodes = demand.elementsByTagName("vm"); parseNodes(nodes); QDomNodeList stores = demand.elementsByTagName("storage"); parseStores(stores); QDomNodeList links = demand.elementsByTagName("link"); parseLinks(links); }
void GraphvizPlotter::parse() { processedProperties processed_props; // zpracovani atributu grafu parseGraphAttrs(g_graph, graph, &processed_props); // zpracovani podgrafu grafu parseSubgraphs(g_graph, graph, &processed_props); // zpracovani vrcholu grafu parseNodes(g_graph, graph, &processed_props); // zpracovani hran grafu parseEdges(g_graph, graph, &processed_props); }
void DevicePluginOsdomotics::networkManagerReplyReady(QNetworkReply *reply) { int status = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); // create user finished if (m_asyncSetup.contains(reply)) { Device *device = m_asyncSetup.take(reply); // check HTTP status code if (status != 200) { qCWarning(dcOsdomotics) << "Setup reply HTTP error:" << reply->errorString(); emit deviceSetupFinished(device, DeviceManager::DeviceSetupStatusFailure); reply->deleteLater(); return; } QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); parseNodes(device, data); emit deviceSetupFinished(device, DeviceManager::DeviceSetupStatusSuccess); } else if (m_asyncNodeRescans.contains(reply)) { Device *device = m_asyncSetup.take(reply); // check HTTP status code if (status != 200) { qCWarning(dcOsdomotics) << "Setup reply HTTP error:" << reply->errorString(); emit deviceSetupFinished(device, DeviceManager::DeviceSetupStatusFailure); reply->deleteLater(); return; } QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); parseNodes(device, data); } reply->deleteLater(); }
bool procTree_c::loadProcFile( const char* fname ) { parser_c p; if ( p.openFile( fname ) ) { g_core->RedWarning( "procTree_c::loadProcFile: cannot open %s\n", fname ); return true; // error } // check for Doom3 ident first if ( p.atWord( "mapProcFile003" ) == false ) { if ( p.atWord( "PROC" ) ) { // Quake4 ident str version = p.getToken(); } else { g_core->RedWarning( "procTree_c::loadProcFile: %s has bad ident %s, should be %s or %s\n", fname, p.getToken(), "mapProcFile003", "PROC" ); return true; // error } } while ( p.atEOF() == false ) { if ( p.atWord( "model" ) ) { r_model_c* newModel = new r_model_c; this->models.push_back( newModel ); if ( newModel->parseProcModel( p ) ) { return true; // error occured during model parsing } newModel->recalcModelTBNs(); model_c* m = RF_AllocModel( newModel->getName() ); m->initProcModel( this, newModel ); if ( newModel->isAreaModel() ) { u32 areaNum = newModel->getAreaNumber(); this->setAreaModel( areaNum, newModel ); } } else if ( p.atWord( "interAreaPortals" ) ) { if ( parseAreaPortals( p, fname ) ) { return true; } } else if ( p.atWord( "nodes" ) ) { if ( parseNodes( p, fname ) ) { return true; } } else if ( p.atWord( "shadowModel" ) ) { p.skipCurlyBracedBlock(); } else { g_core->RedWarning( "procTree_c::loadProcFile: skipping unknown token %s in file %s at line %i\n", p.getToken(), fname, p.getCurrentLineNumber() ); } } this->procFileName = fname; // create model VBOs and IBOs for ( u32 i = 0; i < models.size(); i++ ) { r_model_c* m = models[i]; m->createVBOsAndIBOs(); } g_core->RedWarning( "procTree_c::loadProcFile: %s has %i models, %i areas, %i portals, and %i nodes\n", fname, models.size(), areas.size(), portals.size(), nodes.size() ); return false; // OK }