Ejemplo n.º 1
int plooptool_grow(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, f;
	off_t new_size = 0; /* in sectors */
	int raw = 0, sparse = 0;
	char *device = NULL;
	static struct option long_opts[] = {
		{ "sparse", no_argument, 0, 'S' },

	while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "f:d:s:S", long_opts, NULL)) != EOF) {
		switch (i) {
		case 'f':
			f = parse_format_opt(optarg);
			if (f < 0) {
				return SYSEXIT_PARAM;
			raw = (f == PLOOP_RAW_MODE);
		case 'd':
			device = optarg;
		case 'S':
			sparse = 1;
		case 's':
			if (parse_size(optarg, &new_size, "-s")) {
				return SYSEXIT_PARAM;
			return SYSEXIT_PARAM;

	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if (((argc != 0 || !device) && (argc != 1 || device)) ||
	    (raw && device) || (new_size == 0)) {

	if (argc == 1 && is_xml_fname(argv[0]))
		int ret;

		struct ploop_disk_images_data *di;
		ret = ploop_open_dd(&di, argv[0]);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

		ret = ploop_grow_image(di, new_size, sparse);

		return ret;
	else if (device)
		return ploop_grow_device(device, new_size);
	else if (raw)
		return ploop_grow_raw_delta_offline(argv[0], new_size, sparse);
		return ploop_grow_delta_offline(argv[0], new_size);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* main desktop management function */
void manage_desktop( WCHAR *arg )
    static const WCHAR messageW[] = {'M','e','s','s','a','g','e',0};
    HDESK desktop = 0;
    GUID guid;
    MSG msg;
    HWND hwnd, msg_hwnd;
    HMODULE graphics_driver;
    unsigned int width, height;
    WCHAR *cmdline = NULL, *driver = NULL;
    WCHAR *p = arg;
    const WCHAR *name = NULL;
    BOOL enable_shell = FALSE;

    /* get the rest of the command line (if any) */
    while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
    if (*p)
        *p++ = 0;
        while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
        if (*p) cmdline = p;

    /* parse the desktop option */
    /* the option is of the form /desktop=name[,widthxheight[,driver]] */
    if (*arg == '=' || *arg == ',')
        name = arg;
        if ((p = strchrW( arg, ',' )))
            *p++ = 0;
            if ((driver = strchrW( p, ',' ))) *driver++ = 0;
        if (!p || !parse_size( p, &width, &height ))
            get_default_desktop_size( name, &width, &height );
    else if ((name = get_default_desktop_name()))
        if (!get_default_desktop_size( name, &width, &height )) width = height = 0;

    if (name)
        enable_shell = get_default_enable_shell( name );

    if (name && width && height)
        if (!(desktop = CreateDesktopW( name, NULL, NULL, 0, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS, NULL )))
            WINE_ERR( "failed to create desktop %s error %d\n", wine_dbgstr_w(name), GetLastError() );
            ExitProcess( 1 );
        SetThreadDesktop( desktop );

    UuidCreate( &guid );
    TRACE( "display guid %s\n", debugstr_guid(&guid) );
    graphics_driver = load_graphics_driver( driver, &guid );

    /* create the desktop window */
    hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, DESKTOP_CLASS_ATOM, NULL,
                            WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &guid );

    /* create the HWND_MESSAGE parent */
    msg_hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, messageW, NULL, WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
                                0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, NULL );

    if (hwnd == GetDesktopWindow())
        using_root = !desktop || !create_desktop( graphics_driver, name, width, height );
        SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)desktop_wnd_proc );
        if (name) set_desktop_window_title( hwnd, name );
        SetWindowPos( hwnd, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN),
                      GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN),
                      SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
        SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, NULL, FALSE );
        ClipCursor( NULL );

        if (graphics_driver)
            HMODULE shell32;
            void (WINAPI *pShellDDEInit)( BOOL );

            if (using_root) enable_shell = FALSE;

            initialize_systray( graphics_driver, using_root, enable_shell );
            if (!using_root) initialize_launchers( hwnd );

            if ((shell32 = LoadLibraryA( "shell32.dll" )) &&
                (pShellDDEInit = (void *)GetProcAddress( shell32, (LPCSTR)188)))
                pShellDDEInit( TRUE );
        DestroyWindow( hwnd );  /* someone beat us to it */
        hwnd = 0;

    if (GetAncestor( msg_hwnd, GA_PARENT )) DestroyWindow( msg_hwnd );  /* someone beat us to it */

    /* if we have a command line, execute it */
    if (cmdline)
        STARTUPINFOW si;

        memset( &si, 0, sizeof(si) );
        si.cb = sizeof(si);
        WINE_TRACE( "starting %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmdline) );
        if (CreateProcessW( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ))
            CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
            CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );

    /* run the desktop message loop */
    if (hwnd)
        WINE_TRACE( "desktop message loop starting on hwnd %p\n", hwnd );
        while (GetMessageW( &msg, 0, 0, 0 )) DispatchMessageW( &msg );
        WINE_TRACE( "desktop message loop exiting for hwnd %p\n", hwnd );

    ExitProcess( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int
handle_options(const unsigned char *opt)
  const unsigned char *n = NULL, *p;

  if (!strcmp("--version", opt)) {
  } else if (!strcmp("--help", opt)) {
  } else if ((p = check_option("--stdin", opt))) {
    stdin_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--stdout", opt))) {
    stdout_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--stderr", opt))) {
    stderr_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--workdir", opt))) {
    working_dir = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--test-file", opt))) {
    test_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--corr-file", opt))) {
    corr_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--info-file", opt))) {
    info_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--input-file", opt))) {
    input_file = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--output-file", opt))) {
    output_file = p;
  } else if (!strcmp("--clear-env", opt)) {
    clear_env_flag = 1;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--env", opt))) {
    env_vars.v[env_vars.u++] = xstrdup(p);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--time-limit"), opt))) {
    parse_int(n, p, &time_limit, 1, 99999);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--time-limit-millis"), opt))) {
    parse_int(n, p, &time_limit_millis, 1, 999999999);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--real-time-limit"), opt))) {
    parse_int(n, p, &real_time_limit, 1, 99999);
  } else if (!strcmp("--no-core-dump", opt)) {
    no_core_dump = 1;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--kill-signal", opt))) {
    kill_signal = p;
  } else if (!strcmp("--memory-limit", opt)) {
    memory_limit = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--secure-exec", opt)) {
    secure_exec = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--security-violation", opt)) {
    security_violation = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--use-stdin", opt)) {
    use_stdin = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--use-stdout", opt)) {
    use_stdout = 1;
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--max-vm-size"), opt))) {
    parse_size(n, p, &max_vm_size, 4096);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--max-stack-size"), opt))) {
    parse_size(n, p, &max_stack_size, 4096);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--max-data-size"), opt))) {
    parse_size(n, p, &max_data_size, 4096);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--mode"), opt))) {
    parse_mode(n, p, &mode);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--group"), opt))) {
    parse_group(n, p, &group);
  } else if ((p = check_option((n = "--test-num"), opt))) {
    parse_int(n, p, &test_num, 1, 99999);
  } else if ((p = check_option("--test-pattern", opt))) {
    test_pattern = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--corr-pattern", opt))) {
    corr_pattern = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--info-pattern", opt))) {
    info_pattern = p;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--tgzdir-pattern", opt))) {
    tgzdir_pattern = p;
  } else if (!strcmp("--update-corr", opt)) {
    update_corr = 1;
  } else if ((p = check_option("--test-dir", opt))) {
    test_dir = p;
  } else if (!strcmp("--all-tests", opt)) {
    all_tests = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--quiet", opt)) {
    quiet_flag = 1;
  } else if (!strcmp("--", opt)) {
    return 1;
  } else if (!strncmp("--", opt, 2)) {
    fatal("invalid option %s");
  } else {
    return 2;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int command_create(args_t * args)
	assert(args != NULL);

	uint32_t block = 0;
	uint32_t size = 0;
	uint32_t pad = 0xff;

	if (parse_size(args->block, &block) < 0)
		return -1;
	if (parse_size(args->size, &size) < 0)
		return -1;
	if (args->pad != NULL)
		if (parse_size(args->pad, &pad) < 0)
			return -1;

	struct stat st;
	if (stat(args->target, &st) < 0) {
		if (errno == ENOENT) {
			create_regular_file(args->target, size, (uint8_t)pad);
		} else {
			return -1;
	} else {
		if (st.st_size != size) {
			create_regular_file(args->target, size, (uint8_t)pad);
		} else {
			if (args->force != f_FORCE && st.st_size != size) {
				UNEXPECTED("--size '%d' differs from actual "
					   "size '%lld', use --force to "
					   "override", size, (long long)st.st_size);
				return -1;

	/* ========================= */

	int create(args_t * args, off_t poffset)
		if (args->verbose == f_VERBOSE)
			printf("%llx: create partition table\n", (long long)poffset);

		const char * target = args->target;
		int debug = args->debug;

		RAII(FILE*, file, fopen_generic(target, "r+", debug), fclose);
		if (file == NULL)
			return -1;
		RAII(ffs_t*, ffs, __ffs_fcreate(file, poffset, block,
		     size / block), __ffs_fclose);
		if (ffs == NULL)
			return -1;

		return 0;

	/* ========================= */

	return command(args, create);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* This is the underlying allocation function.  It's called from
 * a few other places in guestfish.
alloc_disk (const char *filename, const char *size_str, int add, int sparse)
  off_t size;
  int fd;
  char c = 0;

  if (parse_size (size_str, &size) == -1)
    return -1;

  if (!guestfs_is_config (g)) {
    fprintf (stderr, _("can't allocate or add disks after launching\n"));
    return -1;

  fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NOCTTY|O_TRUNC, 0666);
  if (fd == -1) {
    perror (filename);
    return -1;

  if (!sparse) {                /* Not sparse */
    int err = posix_fallocate (fd, 0, size);
    if (err != 0) {
      errno = err;
      perror ("fallocate");
      close (fd);
      unlink (filename);
      return -1;
    /* Slow emulation of posix_fallocate on platforms which don't have it. */
    char buffer[BUFSIZ];
    memset (buffer, 0, sizeof buffer);

    size_t remaining = size;
    while (remaining > 0) {
      size_t n = remaining > sizeof buffer ? sizeof buffer : remaining;
      ssize_t r = write (fd, buffer, n);
      if (r == -1) {
        perror ("write");
        close (fd);
        unlink (filename);
        return -1;
      remaining -= r;
  } else {                      /* Sparse */
    if (lseek (fd, size-1, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) -1) {
      perror ("lseek");
      close (fd);
      unlink (filename);
      return -1;

    if (write (fd, &c, 1) != 1) {
      perror ("write");
      close (fd);
      unlink (filename);
      return -1;

  if (close (fd) == -1) {
    perror (filename);
    unlink (filename);
    return -1;

  if (add) {
    if (guestfs_add_drive_opts (g, filename,
                                GUESTFS_ADD_DRIVE_OPTS_FORMAT, "raw",
                                -1) == -1) {
      unlink (filename);
      return -1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void parse_vm_arguments1(JavaVMInitArgs *vm_args, size_t *p_string_pool_size,
                         jboolean *p_is_class_data_shared, apr_pool_t* pool)
    LogFormat logger_header = LOG_EMPTY;
    *p_string_pool_size = DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE;

    // initialize logging system as soon as possible

    for (int i = 0; i < vm_args->nOptions; i++) {
        const char* option = vm_args->options[i].optionString;
        if (begins_with(option, STRING_POOL_SIZE_OPTION)) {
            const char* arg = option + strlen(STRING_POOL_SIZE_OPTION);
            *p_string_pool_size = parse_size(arg);
            if (0 == *p_string_pool_size) {
                LECHO(34, "Negative or invalid string pool size. A default value is used, "
                    << DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE << " bytes.");
                *p_string_pool_size = DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE;
            TRACE("string_pool_size = " << *p_string_pool_size);
        } else if (!strcmp(option, CLASS_DATA_SHARING_OFF_OPTION)) {
            *p_is_class_data_shared = JNI_FALSE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, CLASS_DATA_SHARING_ON_OPTION)) {
            *p_is_class_data_shared = JNI_TRUE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, PORTLIB_OPTION)) {
            log_set_portlib((HyPortLibrary*) vm_args->options[i].extraInfo);
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "vfprintf")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "exit")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "abort")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xfileline")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_FILELINE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xthread")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_THREAD_ID;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xcategory")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_CATEGORY;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xtimestamp")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_TIMESTAMP;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xfunction")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_FUNCTION;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xwarn")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_WARN;
         * -verbose[:class|:gc|:jni] set specification log filters.
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_CLASS_INFO, 0);
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_GC_INFO, 0);
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_JNI_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:class")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_CLASS_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:gc")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_GC_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:jni")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_JNI_INFO, 0);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xverboselog:")) {
            const char* file_name = option + strlen("-Xverboselog:");
            FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "w");
            if (NULL != f) {
            } else {
                WARN(("Cannot open: %s", file_name));
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xverbose:")) {
            log_enable_info_category(option + strlen("-Xverbose:"), 1);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xnoverbose:")) {
            log_disable_info_category(option + strlen("-Xnoverbose:"), 1);
#ifdef _DEBUG
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xtrace:")) {
            log_enable_trace_category(option + strlen("-Xtrace:"), 1);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xnotrace:")) {
            log_disable_trace_category(option + strlen("-Xnotrace:"), 1);
#endif //_DEBUG
} // parse_vm_arguments1
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void test_parse_size(void) {
        uint64_t bytes;

        assert_se(parse_size("111", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 111);

        assert_se(parse_size("111.4", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 111);

        assert_se(parse_size(" 112 B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 112);

        assert_se(parse_size(" 112.6 B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 112);

        assert_se(parse_size("3.5 K", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 3*1024 + 512);

        assert_se(parse_size("3. K", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 3*1024);

        assert_se(parse_size("3.0 K", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 3*1024);

        assert_se(parse_size("3. 0 K", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size(" 4 M 11.5K", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 4*1024*1024 + 11 * 1024 + 512);

        assert_se(parse_size("3B3.5G", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("3.5G3B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 3ULL*1024*1024*1024 + 512*1024*1024 + 3);

        assert_se(parse_size("3.5G 4B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 3ULL*1024*1024*1024 + 512*1024*1024 + 4);

        assert_se(parse_size("3B3G4T", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("4T3G3B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == (4ULL*1024 + 3)*1024*1024*1024 + 3);

        assert_se(parse_size(" 4 T 3 G 3 B", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == (4ULL*1024 + 3)*1024*1024*1024 + 3);

        assert_se(parse_size("12P", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == 12ULL * 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024);

        assert_se(parse_size("12P12P", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("3E 2P", 1024, &bytes) == 0);
        assert_se(bytes == (3 * 1024 + 2ULL) * 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024);

        assert_se(parse_size("12X", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("12.5X", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("12.5e3", 1024, &bytes) == -EINVAL);

        assert_se(parse_size("1024E", 1024, &bytes) == -ERANGE);
        assert_se(parse_size("-1", 1024, &bytes) == -ERANGE);
        assert_se(parse_size("-1024E", 1024, &bytes) == -ERANGE);

        assert_se(parse_size("-1024P", 1024, &bytes) == -ERANGE);

        assert_se(parse_size("-10B 20K", 1024, &bytes) == -ERANGE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void init_SIB2SF(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)				{ SIB2SF = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 9
void init_cmdFifoQueueSizeTX(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)	{ cmd_fifo_queue_size = (int)parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 10
void init_dnlinkNRB(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)				{ dnlinkNRB = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 11
void init_dnlinkMCS(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)				{ dnlinkMCS = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 12
void init_LTEBand(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)				{ LTEBand = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 13
void init_debugLevel(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)			{ debug_level = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 14
void init_energyDetThr(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)			{ energyDetectionThreshold = parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 15
void init_LatencySamplingRX(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)		{ params[1].latencySampling = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 16
void init_noTxBufsTX(BlinkParams *params, char *typ)			{ no_tx_bufs = (int)parse_size(typ); }
Ejemplo n.º 17
void init_LatencyCDFSizeRX(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)		{ params[1].latencyCDFSize = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 18
void init_inMemorySizeTX(BlinkParams *params, char *size)		{ params[0].inMemorySize = parse_size(size); }
Ejemplo n.º 19
static SIM_RC
memory_option_handler (SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, int opt,
                       char *arg, int is_command)
    switch (opt)

        if (strcasecmp (arg, "all") == 0)
            while (STATE_MEMOPT (sd) != NULL)
                do_memopt_delete (sd,
                                  STATE_MEMOPT (sd)->level,
                                  STATE_MEMOPT (sd)->space,
                                  STATE_MEMOPT (sd)->addr);
            return SIM_RC_OK;
            int level = 0;
            int space = 0;
            address_word addr = 0;
            parse_addr (arg, &level, &space, &addr);
            return do_memopt_delete (sd, level, space, addr);

        char *chp = arg;
        int level = 0;
        int space = 0;
        address_word addr = 0;
        address_word nr_bytes = 0;
        unsigned modulo = 0;
        /* parse the arguments */
        chp = parse_addr (chp, &level, &space, &addr);
        if (*chp != ',')
            sim_io_eprintf (sd, "Missing size for memory-region\n");
            return SIM_RC_FAIL;
        chp = parse_size (chp + 1, &nr_bytes, &modulo);
        /* old style */
        if (*chp == ',')
            modulo = strtoul (chp + 1, &chp, 0);
        /* try to attach/insert it */
        do_memopt_add (sd, level, space, addr, nr_bytes, modulo,
                       &STATE_MEMOPT (sd), NULL);
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        char *chp = arg;
        int level = 0;
        int space = 0;
        address_word addr = 0;
        address_word nr_bytes = 0;
        unsigned modulo = 0;
        sim_memopt *entry;
        /* parse the arguments */
        chp = parse_addr (chp, &level, &space, &addr);
        if (*chp != ',')
            sim_io_eprintf (sd, "Missing size for memory-region\n");
            return SIM_RC_FAIL;
        chp = parse_size (chp + 1, &nr_bytes, &modulo);
        /* try to attach/insert the main record */
        entry = do_memopt_add (sd, level, space, addr, nr_bytes, modulo,
                               &STATE_MEMOPT (sd),
        /* now attach all the aliases */
        while (*chp == ',')
            int a_level = level;
            int a_space = space;
            address_word a_addr = addr;
            chp = parse_addr (chp + 1, &a_level, &a_space, &a_addr);
            do_memopt_add (sd, a_level, a_space, a_addr, nr_bytes, modulo,
                           &entry->alias, entry->buffer);
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        int level = 0;
        int space = 0;
        address_word addr = 0;
        address_word nr_bytes = 0;
        unsigned modulo = 0;
        /* parse the arguments */
        parse_size (arg, &nr_bytes, &modulo);
        /* try to attach/insert it */
        do_memopt_add (sd, level, space, addr, nr_bytes, modulo,
                       &STATE_MEMOPT (sd), NULL);
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        fill_byte_value = (unsigned8) 0;
        fill_byte_flag = 1;
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        unsigned long fill_value;
        parse_ulong_value (arg, &fill_value);
        if (fill_value > 255)
            sim_io_eprintf (sd, "Missing fill value between 0 and 255\n");
            return SIM_RC_FAIL;
        fill_byte_value = (unsigned8) fill_value;
        fill_byte_flag = 1;
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        sim_memopt *entry;
        sim_io_printf (sd, "Memory maps:\n");
        for (entry = STATE_MEMOPT (sd); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
            sim_memopt *alias;
            sim_io_printf (sd, " memory");
            if (entry->alias == NULL)
                sim_io_printf (sd, " region ");
                sim_io_printf (sd, " alias ");
            if (entry->space != 0)
                sim_io_printf (sd, "0x%lx:", (long) entry->space);
            sim_io_printf (sd, "0x%08lx", (long) entry->addr);
            if (entry->level != 0)
                sim_io_printf (sd, "@0x%lx", (long) entry->level);
            sim_io_printf (sd, ",0x%lx",
                           (long) entry->nr_bytes);
            if (entry->modulo != 0)
                sim_io_printf (sd, "%%0x%lx", (long) entry->modulo);
            for (alias = entry->alias;
                    alias != NULL;
                    alias = alias->next)
                if (alias->space != 0)
                    sim_io_printf (sd, "0x%lx:", (long) alias->space);
                sim_io_printf (sd, ",0x%08lx", (long) alias->addr);
                if (alias->level != 0)
                    sim_io_printf (sd, "@0x%lx", (long) alias->level);
            sim_io_printf (sd, "\n");
        return SIM_RC_OK;

        sim_io_eprintf (sd, "Unknown memory option %d\n", opt);
        return SIM_RC_FAIL;


    return SIM_RC_FAIL;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void init_OffCycle(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)				{ lteu_context.offCycle = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: avz/pp
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int res;
	int src;
	int opt;
	int i;
	char *size_suf = NULL;

	int size_in_lines = -1;
	off_t size_base1000 = 0;
	off_t size_base1024 = 0;
	off_t user_defined_size = 0;
	off_t user_defined_size_lines = 0;

	struct copy_options copy_options;


	copy_options.lines_mode = 0;
	copy_options.read_only = 0;
	copy_options.bar = &PROGRESS;

	while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "rlhs:")) != -1) {
		switch(opt) {
			case 'r':
				copy_options.read_only = 1;
			case 'l':
				copy_options.lines_mode = 1;
				if(size_in_lines < 0)
					size_in_lines = 1;
			case 's':
				size_base1000 = parse_size(optarg, 1000, &size_suf);
				size_base1024 = parse_size(optarg, 1024, &size_suf);
				if(size_base1000 == -1) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: %s\n", optarg);

				if(strcasecmp(size_suf, "b") == 0) {
					size_in_lines = 0;
				} else if(strcasecmp(size_suf, "ln") == 0 || strcasecmp(size_suf, "l") == 0) {
					size_in_lines = 1;
				} else if(*size_suf != 0) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: %s\n", optarg);
			case 'h':
			case '?':

	if(size_base1000 || size_base1024) {
		if(size_in_lines > 0) {
			if(!copy_options.lines_mode) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: size in lines has no effect without -l option!\n");

			user_defined_size_lines = size_base1000;
		} else {
			user_defined_size = size_base1024;

	signal(SIGALRM, draw_progress);

	if(argc > optind) {
		for(i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
			if(argc - optind > 1)
				fprintf(stderr, "File %s:\n", argv[i]);

			while((src = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY)) < 1) {
				if(errno != EINTR) {

			progress_init(&PROGRESS, STDERR_FILENO);
			PROGRESS.lines_mode = copy_options.lines_mode;
			PROGRESS.size = user_defined_size ? user_defined_size : filesize(src);
			PROGRESS.size_lines = user_defined_size_lines;


			res = copy(src, STDOUT_FILENO, &copy_options);
			if(res >= 0)
				PROGRESS.force_done = 1;


			fputs("\n", stderr);
			if(res < 0) {
	} else {
		progress_init(&PROGRESS, STDERR_FILENO);
		PROGRESS.lines_mode = copy_options.lines_mode;

		/* if used `pp < file` form */
		PROGRESS.size = user_defined_size ? user_defined_size : filesize(STDIN_FILENO);
		PROGRESS.size_lines = user_defined_size_lines;


		res = copy(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, &copy_options);
		if(res >= 0)
			PROGRESS.force_done = 1;


		fputs("\n", stderr);

Ejemplo n.º 22
void init_CTS_Subframes(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)			{ lteu_context.ctssubframes = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 23
static int ask_offset(struct fdisk_context *cxt,
		      struct fdisk_ask *ask,
		      char *buf, size_t bufsz)
	char prompt[128] = { '\0' };
	const char *q = fdisk_ask_get_query(ask);
	const char *range = fdisk_ask_number_get_range(ask);

	uint64_t dflt = fdisk_ask_number_get_default(ask),
		 low = fdisk_ask_number_get_low(ask),
		 high = fdisk_ask_number_get_high(ask),
		 base = fdisk_ask_number_get_base(ask);


	DBG(ASK, ul_debug("asking for offset ['%s', <%ju,%ju>, base=%ju, default=%ju, range: %s]",
				q, low, high, base, dflt, range));

	if (range && dflt >= low && dflt <= high)
		snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), _("%s (%s, default %ju): "), q, range, dflt);
	else if (dflt >= low && dflt <= high)
		snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), _("%s (%ju-%ju, default %ju): "), q, low, high, dflt);
		snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), _("%s (%ju-%ju): "), q, low, high);

	do {
		uint64_t num = 0;
		char sig = 0, *p;
		int pwr = 0;

		int rc = get_user_reply(cxt, prompt, buf, bufsz);
		if (rc)
			return rc;
		if (!*buf && dflt >= low && dflt <= high)
			return fdisk_ask_number_set_result(ask, dflt);

		p = buf;
		if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') {
			sig = *buf;

		rc = parse_size(p, &num, &pwr);
		if (rc)
		DBG(ASK, ul_debug("parsed size: %ju", num));
		if (sig && pwr) {
			/* +{size}{K,M,...} specified, the "num" is in bytes */
			uint64_t unit = fdisk_ask_number_get_unit(ask);
			num += unit/2;	/* round */
			num /= unit;
		if (sig == '+')
			num += base;
		else if (sig == '-')
			num = base - num;

		DBG(ASK, ul_debug("final offset: %ju [sig: %c, power: %d, %s]",
				num, sig, pwr,
				sig ? "relative" : "absolute"));
		if (num >= low && num <= high) {
			if (sig && pwr)
				fdisk_ask_number_set_relative(ask, 1);
			return fdisk_ask_number_set_result(ask, num);
		fdisk_warnx(cxt, _("Value out of range."));
	} while (1);

	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void init_outBufRX(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)				{ params[1].outBufSize = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 25
run_hexedit (const char *cmd, size_t argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) {
    fprintf (stderr, _("hexedit (device|filename) [max | start max]\n"));
    return -1;

  const char *filename = argv[0];
  off_t size = get_size (filename);
  if (size == -1)
    return -1;

  if (size == 0) {
    fprintf (stderr,
             _("hexedit: %s is a zero length file or device\n"), filename);
    return -1;

  off_t start;
  off_t max;

  if (argc == 1) {              /* hexedit device */
    /* Check we're not going to download a huge file. */
    if (size > MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE) {
      fprintf (stderr,
         _("hexedit: %s is larger than %s. You must supply a limit using\n"
           "  'hexedit %s <max>' (eg. 'hexedit %s 1M') or a range using\n"
           "  'hexedit %s <start> <max>'.\n"),
               filename, MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_TEXT,
               filename, filename,
      return -1;

    start = 0;
    max = size;
  else {
    if (argc == 3) {            /* hexedit device start max */
      if (parse_size (argv[1], &start) == -1)
        return -1;
      if (parse_size (argv[2], &max) == -1)
        return -1;
    } else {                    /* hexedit device max */
      start = 0;
      if (parse_size (argv[1], &max) == -1)
        return -1;

    if (start + max > size)
      max = size - start;

  if (max <= 0) {
    fprintf (stderr, _("hexedit: invalid range\n"));
    return -1;

  /* Download the requested range from the remote file|device into a
   * local temporary file.
  const char *editor;
  int r;
  struct stat oldstat, newstat;
  char tmpfd[sizeof "/dev/fd/" + 3 * sizeof (int)];
  CLEANUP_FREE char *editcmd = NULL;

  CLEANUP_FREE char *tmpdir = guestfs_get_tmpdir (g), *tmp = NULL;
  if (asprintf (&tmp, "%s/guestfishXXXXXX", tmpdir) == -1) {
    perror ("asprintf");
    return -1;

  int fd = mkstemp (tmp);
  if (fd == -1) {
    perror ("mkstemp");
    return -1;

  /* Choose an editor. */
  editor = getenv ("HEXEDITOR");
  if (editor == NULL)
    editor = "hexedit";

  snprintf (tmpfd, sizeof tmpfd, "/dev/fd/%d", fd);

  if (guestfs_download_offset (g, filename, tmpfd, start, max) == -1) {
    unlink (tmp);
    close (fd);
    return -1;

  if (close (fd) == -1) {
    unlink (tmp);
    return -1;

  /* Get the old stat. */
  if (stat (tmp, &oldstat) == -1) {
    perror (tmp);
    unlink (tmp);
    return -1;

  /* Edit it. */
  if (asprintf (&editcmd, "%s %s", editor, tmp) == -1) {
    perror ("asprintf");
    return -1;

  r = system (editcmd);
  if (r != 0) {
    perror (editcmd);
    unlink (tmp);
    return -1;

  /* Get the new stat. */
  if (stat (tmp, &newstat) == -1) {
    perror (tmp);
    unlink (tmp);
    return -1;

  /* Changed? */
  if (oldstat.st_ctime == newstat.st_ctime &&
      oldstat.st_size == newstat.st_size) {
    unlink (tmp);
    return 0;

  /* Write new content. */
  if (guestfs_upload_offset (g, tmp, filename, start) == -1) {
    unlink (tmp);
    return -1;

  unlink (tmp);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void init_outMemorySizeRX(BlinkParams *params, char *size)		{ params[1].outMemorySize = parse_size(size); }
Ejemplo n.º 27
static int opus_packet_parse_impl(const unsigned char *data, int len,
      int self_delimited, unsigned char *out_toc,
      const unsigned char *frames[48], short size[48], int *payload_offset)
   int i, bytes;
   int count;
   int cbr;
   unsigned char ch, toc;
   int framesize;
   int last_size;
   const unsigned char *data0 = data;

   if (size==NULL)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;

   framesize = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data, 48000);

   cbr = 0;
   toc = *data++;
   last_size = len;
   switch (toc&0x3)
   /* One frame */
   case 0:
   /* Two CBR frames */
   case 1:
      cbr = 1;
      if (!self_delimited)
         if (len&0x1)
            return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
         size[0] = last_size = len/2;
   /* Two VBR frames */
   case 2:
      count = 2;
      bytes = parse_size(data, len, size);
      len -= bytes;
      if (size[0]<0 || size[0] > len)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      data += bytes;
      last_size = len-size[0];
   /* Multiple CBR/VBR frames (from 0 to 120 ms) */
   case 3:
      if (len<1)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      /* Number of frames encoded in bits 0 to 5 */
      ch = *data++;
      count = ch&0x3F;
      if (count <= 0 || framesize*count > 5760)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      /* Padding flag is bit 6 */
      if (ch&0x40)
         int padding=0;
         int p;
         do {
            if (len<=0)
               return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
            p = *data++;
            padding += p==255 ? 254: p;
         } while (p==255);
         len -= padding;
      if (len<0)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      /* VBR flag is bit 7 */
      cbr = !(ch&0x80);
      if (!cbr)
         /* VBR case */
         last_size = len;
         for (i=0;i<count-1;i++)
            bytes = parse_size(data, len, size+i);
            len -= bytes;
            if (size[i]<0 || size[i] > len)
               return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
            data += bytes;
            last_size -= bytes+size[i];
         if (last_size<0)
            return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      } else if (!self_delimited)
         /* CBR case */
         last_size = len/count;
         if (last_size*count!=len)
            return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
         for (i=0;i<count-1;i++)
            size[i] = last_size;
   /* Self-delimited framing has an extra size for the last frame. */
   if (self_delimited)
      bytes = parse_size(data, len, size+count-1);
      len -= bytes;
      if (size[count-1]<0 || size[count-1] > len)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      data += bytes;
      /* For CBR packets, apply the size to all the frames. */
      if (cbr)
         if (size[count-1]*count > len)
            return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
         for (i=0;i<count-1;i++)
            size[i] = size[count-1];
      } else if(size[count-1] > last_size)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
   } else
      /* Because it's not encoded explicitly, it's possible the size of the
         last packet (or all the packets, for the CBR case) is larger than
         1275. Reject them here.*/
      if (last_size > 1275)
         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
      size[count-1] = last_size;

   if (frames)
      for (i=0;i<count;i++)
         frames[i] = data;
         data += size[i];

   if (out_toc)
      *out_toc = toc;

   if (payload_offset)
      *payload_offset = data-data0;

   return count;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void init_heapSizeRX(BlinkParams *params, char *siz)			{ params[1].heapSize = parse_size(siz); }
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
	pid_t pid = 0, tree_id = 0;
	int ret = -1;
	bool usage_error = true;
	bool has_exec_cmd = false;
	int opt, idx;
	int log_level = LOG_UNSET;
	char *imgs_dir = ".";
	char *work_dir = NULL;
	static const char short_opts[] = "dSsRf:F:t:p:hcD:o:n:v::x::Vr:jlW:L:M:";
	static struct option long_opts[] = {
		{ "tree",			required_argument,	0, 't'	},
		{ "pid",			required_argument,	0, 'p'	},
		{ "leave-stopped",		no_argument,		0, 's'	},
		{ "leave-running",		no_argument,		0, 'R'	},
		{ "restore-detached",		no_argument,		0, 'd'	},
		{ "restore-sibling",		no_argument,		0, 'S'	},
		{ "daemon",			no_argument,		0, 'd'	},
		{ "contents",			no_argument,		0, 'c'	},
		{ "file",			required_argument,	0, 'f'	},
		{ "fields",			required_argument,	0, 'F'	},
		{ "images-dir",			required_argument,	0, 'D'	},
		{ "work-dir",			required_argument,	0, 'W'	},
		{ "log-file",			required_argument,	0, 'o'	},
		{ "namespaces",			required_argument,	0, 'n'	},
		{ "root",			required_argument,	0, 'r'	},
		{ USK_EXT_PARAM,		optional_argument,	0, 'x'	},
		{ "help",			no_argument,		0, 'h'	},
		{ SK_EST_PARAM,			no_argument,		0, 1042	},
		{ "close",			required_argument,	0, 1043	},
		{ "log-pid",			no_argument,		0, 1044	},
		{ "version",			no_argument,		0, 'V'	},
		{ "evasive-devices",		no_argument,		0, 1045	},
		{ "pidfile",			required_argument,	0, 1046	},
		{ "veth-pair",			required_argument,	0, 1047	},
		{ "action-script",		required_argument,	0, 1049	},
		{ LREMAP_PARAM,			no_argument,		0, 1041	},
		{ OPT_SHELL_JOB,		no_argument,		0, 'j'	},
		{ OPT_FILE_LOCKS,		no_argument,		0, 'l'	},
		{ "page-server",		no_argument,		0, 1050	},
		{ "address",			required_argument,	0, 1051	},
		{ "port",			required_argument,	0, 1052	},
		{ "prev-images-dir",		required_argument,	0, 1053	},
		{ "ms",				no_argument,		0, 1054	},
		{ "track-mem",			no_argument,		0, 1055	},
		{ "auto-dedup",			no_argument,		0, 1056	},
		{ "libdir",			required_argument,	0, 'L'	},
		{ "cpu-cap",			optional_argument,	0, 1057	},
		{ "force-irmap",		no_argument,		0, 1058	},
		{ "ext-mount-map",		required_argument,	0, 'M'	},
		{ "exec-cmd",			no_argument,		0, 1059	},
		{ "manage-cgroups",		optional_argument,	0, 1060	},
		{ "cgroup-root",		required_argument,	0, 1061	},
		{ "inherit-fd",			required_argument,	0, 1062	},
		{ "feature",			required_argument,	0, 1063	},
		{ "skip-mnt",			required_argument,	0, 1064 },
		{ "enable-fs",			required_argument,	0, 1065 },
		{ "enable-external-sharing", 	no_argument, 		0, 1066 },
		{ "enable-external-masters", 	no_argument, 		0, 1067 },
		{ "freeze-cgroup",		required_argument,	0, 1068 },
		{ "ghost-limit",		required_argument,	0, 1069 },
		{ "irmap-scan-path",		required_argument,	0, 1070 },
		{ "lsm-profile",		required_argument,	0, 1071 },
		{ "timeout",			required_argument,	0, 1072 },
		{ "external",			required_argument,	0, 1073	},
		{ },


	if (fault_injection_init())
		return 1;

	setproctitle_init(argc, argv, envp);

	if (argc < 2)
		goto usage;


	if (init_service_fd())
		return 1;

	if (!strcmp(argv[1], "swrk")) {
		if (argc < 3)
			goto usage;
		 * This is to start criu service worker from libcriu calls.
		 * The usage is "criu swrk <fd>" and is not for CLI/scripts.
		 * The arguments semantics can change at any tyme with the
		 * corresponding lib call change.
		opts.swrk_restore = true;
		return cr_service_work(atoi(argv[2]));

	while (1) {
		idx = -1;
		opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, &idx);
		if (opt == -1)

		switch (opt) {
		case 's':
			opts.final_state = TASK_STOPPED;
		case 'R':
			opts.final_state = TASK_ALIVE;
		case 'x':
			if (optarg && unix_sk_ids_parse(optarg) < 0)
				return 1;
			opts.ext_unix_sk = true;
		case 'p':
			pid = atoi(optarg);
			if (pid <= 0)
				goto bad_arg;
		case 't':
			tree_id = atoi(optarg);
			if (tree_id <= 0)
				goto bad_arg;
		case 'c':
			opts.show_pages_content	= true;
		case 'f':
			opts.show_dump_file = optarg;
		case 'F':
			opts.show_fmt = optarg;
		case 'r':
			opts.root = optarg;
		case 'd':
			opts.restore_detach = true;
		case 'S':
			opts.restore_sibling = true;
		case 'D':
			imgs_dir = optarg;
		case 'W':
			work_dir = optarg;
		case 'o':
			opts.output = optarg;
		case 'n':
			if (parse_ns_string(optarg))
				goto bad_arg;
		case 'v':
			if (log_level == LOG_UNSET)
				log_level = 0;
			if (optarg) {
				if (optarg[0] == 'v')
					/* handle -vvvvv */
					log_level += strlen(optarg) + 1;
					log_level = atoi(optarg);
			} else
		case 1041:
			pr_info("Will allow link remaps on FS\n");
			opts.link_remap_ok = true;
		case 1042:
			pr_info("Will dump TCP connections\n");
			opts.tcp_established_ok = true;
		case 1043: {
			int fd;

			fd = atoi(optarg);
			pr_info("Closing fd %d\n", fd);
		case 1044:
			opts.log_file_per_pid = 1;
		case 1045:
			opts.evasive_devices = true;
		case 1046:
			opts.pidfile = optarg;
		case 1047:
				char *aux;

				aux = strchr(optarg, '=');
				if (aux == NULL)
					goto bad_arg;

				*aux = '\0';
				if (veth_pair_add(optarg, aux + 1))
					return 1;
		case 1049:
			if (add_script(optarg, 0))
				return 1;

		case 1050:
			opts.use_page_server = true;
		case 1051:
			opts.addr = optarg;
		case 1052:
			opts.port = htons(atoi(optarg));
			if (!opts.port)
				goto bad_arg;
		case 'j':
			opts.shell_job = true;
		case 'l':
			opts.handle_file_locks = true;
		case 1053:
			opts.img_parent = optarg;
		case 1055:
			opts.track_mem = true;
		case 1056:
			opts.auto_dedup = true;
		case 1057:
			if (parse_cpu_cap(&opts, optarg))
				goto usage;
		case 1058:
			opts.force_irmap = true;
		case 1054:
			opts.check_ms_kernel = true;
		case 'L':
			opts.libdir = optarg;
		case 1059:
			has_exec_cmd = true;
		case 1060:
			if (parse_manage_cgroups(&opts, optarg))
				goto usage;
		case 1061:
				char *path, *ctl;

				path = strchr(optarg, ':');
				if (path) {
					*path = '\0';
					ctl = optarg;
				} else {
					path = optarg;
					ctl = NULL;

				if (new_cg_root_add(ctl, path))
					return -1;
		case 1062:
			if (inherit_fd_parse(optarg) < 0)
				return 1;
		case 1063:
			if (check_add_feature(optarg) < 0)
				return 1;
		case 1064:
			if (!add_skip_mount(optarg))
				return 1;
		case 1065:
			if (!add_fsname_auto(optarg))
				return 1;
		case 1066:
			opts.enable_external_sharing = true;
		case 1067:
			opts.enable_external_masters = true;
		case 1068:
			opts.freeze_cgroup = optarg;
		case 1069:
			opts.ghost_limit = parse_size(optarg);
		case 1070:
			if (irmap_scan_path_add(optarg))
				return -1;
		case 1071:
			if (parse_lsm_arg(optarg) < 0)
				return -1;
		case 1072:
			opts.timeout = atoi(optarg);
		case 'M':
				char *aux;

				if (strcmp(optarg, "auto") == 0) {
					opts.autodetect_ext_mounts = true;

				aux = strchr(optarg, ':');
				if (aux == NULL)
					goto bad_arg;

				*aux = '\0';
				if (ext_mount_add(optarg, aux + 1))
					return 1;
		case 1073:
			if (add_external(optarg))
				return 1;
		case 'V':
			pr_msg("Version: %s\n", CRIU_VERSION);
			if (strcmp(CRIU_GITID, "0"))
				pr_msg("GitID: %s\n", CRIU_GITID);
			return 0;
		case 'h':
			usage_error = false;
			goto usage;
			goto usage;

	if (!opts.restore_detach && opts.restore_sibling) {
		pr_msg("--restore-sibling only makes sense with --restore-detach\n");
		return 1;

	if (!opts.autodetect_ext_mounts && (opts.enable_external_masters || opts.enable_external_sharing)) {
		pr_msg("must specify --ext-mount-map auto with --enable-external-{sharing|masters}");
		return 1;

	if (work_dir == NULL)
		work_dir = imgs_dir;

	if (optind >= argc) {
		pr_msg("Error: command is required\n");
		goto usage;

	if (has_exec_cmd) {
		if (argc - optind <= 1) {
			pr_msg("Error: --exec-cmd requires a command\n");
			goto usage;

		if (strcmp(argv[optind], "restore")) {
			pr_msg("Error: --exec-cmd is available for the restore command only\n");
			goto usage;

		if (opts.restore_detach) {
			pr_msg("Error: --restore-detached and --exec-cmd cannot be used together\n");
			goto usage;

		opts.exec_cmd = xmalloc((argc - optind) * sizeof(char *));
		if (!opts.exec_cmd)
			return 1;
		memcpy(opts.exec_cmd, &argv[optind + 1], (argc - optind - 1) * sizeof(char *));
		opts.exec_cmd[argc - optind - 1] = NULL;

	/* We must not open imgs dir, if service is called */
	if (strcmp(argv[optind], "service")) {
		ret = open_image_dir(imgs_dir);
		if (ret < 0)
			return 1;

	if (chdir(work_dir)) {
		pr_perror("Can't change directory to %s", work_dir);
		return 1;


	if (log_init(opts.output))
		return 1;

	if (!list_empty(&opts.external) && strcmp(argv[optind], "dump")) {
		pr_err("--external is dump-only option\n");
		return 1;

	if (!list_empty(&opts.inherit_fds)) {
		if (strcmp(argv[optind], "restore")) {
			pr_err("--inherit-fd is restore-only option\n");
			return 1;
		/* now that log file is set up, print inherit fd list */

	if (opts.img_parent)
		pr_info("Will do snapshot from %s\n", opts.img_parent);

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "dump")) {

		if (!tree_id)
			goto opt_pid_missing;
		return cr_dump_tasks(tree_id);

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "pre-dump")) {
		if (!tree_id)
			goto opt_pid_missing;

		return cr_pre_dump_tasks(tree_id) != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "restore")) {
		if (tree_id)
			pr_warn("Using -t with criu restore is obsoleted\n");

		ret = cr_restore_tasks();
		if (ret == 0 && opts.exec_cmd) {
			execvp(opts.exec_cmd[0], opts.exec_cmd);
			pr_perror("Failed to exec command %s", opts.exec_cmd[0]);
			ret = 1;

		return ret != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "show"))
		return cr_show(pid) != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "check"))
		return cr_check() != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "exec")) {
		if (!pid)
			pid = tree_id; /* old usage */
		if (!pid)
			goto opt_pid_missing;
		return cr_exec(pid, argv + optind + 1) != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "page-server"))
		return cr_page_server(opts.daemon_mode, -1) > 0 ? 0 : 1;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "service"))
		return cr_service(opts.daemon_mode);

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "dedup"))
		return cr_dedup() != 0;

	if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "cpuinfo")) {
		if (!argv[optind + 1])
			goto usage;
		if (!strcmp(argv[optind + 1], "dump"))
			return cpuinfo_dump();
		else if (!strcmp(argv[optind + 1], "check"))
			return cpuinfo_check();

	pr_msg("Error: unknown command: %s\n", argv[optind]);
"  criu dump|pre-dump -t PID [<options>]\n"
"  criu restore [<options>]\n"
"  criu check [--ms]\n"
"  criu exec -p PID <syscall-string>\n"
"  criu page-server\n"
"  criu service [<options>]\n"
"  criu dedup\n"
"  dump           checkpoint a process/tree identified by pid\n"
"  pre-dump       pre-dump task(s) minimizing their frozen time\n"
"  restore        restore a process/tree\n"
"  check          checks whether the kernel support is up-to-date\n"
"  exec           execute a system call by other task\n"
"  page-server    launch page server\n"
"  service        launch service\n"
"  dedup          remove duplicates in memory dump\n"
"  cpuinfo dump   writes cpu information into image file\n"
"  cpuinfo check  validates cpu information read from image file\n"

	if (usage_error) {
		pr_msg("\nTry -h|--help for more info\n");
		return 1;

"Dump/Restore options:\n"
"* Generic:\n"
"  -t|--tree PID         checkpoint a process tree identified by PID\n"
"  -d|--restore-detached detach after restore\n"
"  -S|--restore-sibling  restore root task as sibling\n"
"  -s|--leave-stopped    leave tasks in stopped state after checkpoint\n"
"  -R|--leave-running    leave tasks in running state after checkpoint\n"
"  -D|--images-dir DIR   directory for image files\n"
"     --pidfile FILE     write root task, service or page-server pid to FILE\n"
"  -W|--work-dir DIR     directory to cd and write logs/pidfiles/stats to\n"
"                        (if not specified, value of --images-dir is used)\n"
"     --cpu-cap [CAP]    require certain cpu capability. CAP: may be one of:\n"
"                        'cpu','fpu','all','ins','none'. To disable capability, prefix it with '^'.\n"
"     --exec-cmd         execute the command specified after '--' on successful\n"
"                        restore making it the parent of the restored process\n"
"  --freeze-cgroup\n"
"                        use cgroup freezer to collect processes\n"
"* Special resources support:\n"
"  -x|--" USK_EXT_PARAM "inode,.." "      allow external unix connections (optionally can be assign socket's inode that allows one-sided dump)\n"
"     --" SK_EST_PARAM "  checkpoint/restore established TCP connections\n"
"  -r|--root PATH        change the root filesystem (when run in mount namespace)\n"
"  --evasive-devices     use any path to a device file if the original one\n"
"                        is inaccessible\n"
"  --veth-pair IN=OUT    map inside veth device name to outside one\n"
"                        can optionally append @<bridge-name> to OUT for moving\n"
"                        the outside veth to the named bridge\n"
"  --link-remap          allow one to link unlinked files back when possible\n"
"  --ghost-limit size    specify maximum size of deleted file contents to be carried inside an image file\n"
"  --action-script FILE  add an external action script\n"
"  -j|--" OPT_SHELL_JOB "        allow one to dump and restore shell jobs\n"
"  -l|--" OPT_FILE_LOCKS "       handle file locks, for safety, only used for container\n"
"  -L|--libdir           path to a plugin directory (by default " CR_PLUGIN_DEFAULT ")\n"
"  --force-irmap         force resolving names for inotify/fsnotify watches\n"
"  --irmap-scan-path FILE\n"
"                        add a path the irmap hints to scan\n"
"  -M|--ext-mount-map KEY:VALUE\n"
"                        add external mount mapping\n"
"  -M|--ext-mount-map auto\n"
"                        attempt to autodetect external mount mapings\n"
"  --enable-external-sharing\n"
"                        allow autoresolving mounts with external sharing\n"
"  --enable-external-masters\n"
"                        allow autoresolving mounts with external masters\n"
"  --manage-cgroups [m]  dump or restore cgroups the process is in usig mode:\n"
"                        'none', 'props', 'soft' (default), 'full' and 'strict'.\n"
"  --cgroup-root [controller:]/newroot\n"
"                        change the root cgroup the controller will be\n"
"                        installed into. No controller means that root is the\n"
"                        default for all controllers not specified.\n"
"  --skip-mnt PATH       ignore this mountpoint when dumping the mount namespace.\n"
"  --enable-fs FSNAMES   a comma separated list of filesystem names or \"all\".\n"
"                        force criu to (try to) dump/restore these filesystem's\n"
"                        mountpoints even if fs is not supported.\n"
"  --external RES        dump objects from this list as external resources:\n"
"                        Formats of RES:\n"
"                            tty[rdev:dev]\n"
"* Logging:\n"
"  -o|--log-file FILE    log file name\n"
"     --log-pid          enable per-process logging to separate FILE.pid files\n"
"  -v[NUM]               set logging level (higher level means more output):\n"
"                          -v1|-v    - only errors and messages\n"
"                          -v2|-vv   - also warnings (default level)\n"
"                          -v3|-vvv  - also information messages and timestamps\n"
"                          -v4|-vvvv - lots of debug\n"
"* Memory dumping options:\n"
"  --track-mem           turn on memory changes tracker in kernel\n"
"  --prev-images-dir DIR path to images from previous dump (relative to -D)\n"
"  --page-server         send pages to page server (see options below as well)\n"
"  --auto-dedup          when used on dump it will deduplicate \"old\" data in\n"
"                        pages images of previous dump\n"
"                        when used on restore, as soon as page is restored, it\n"
"                        will be punched from the image.\n"
"Page/Service server options:\n"
"  --address ADDR        address of server or service\n"
"  --port PORT           port of page server\n"
"  -d|--daemon           run in the background after creating socket\n"
"Other options:\n"
"  -h|--help             show this text\n"
"  -V|--version          show version\n"
"     --ms               don't check not yet merged kernel features\n"

	return 0;

	pr_msg("Error: pid not specified\n");
	return 1;

	if (idx < 0) /* short option */
		pr_msg("Error: invalid argument for -%c: %s\n",
				opt, optarg);
	else /* long option */
		pr_msg("Error: invalid argument for --%s: %s\n",
				long_opts[idx].name, optarg);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static status_t read_sys_info( struct SYSInfo * sysinfo )
    char buff[BUFFLEN], buff1[BUFFLEN], str[BUFFLEN];
    char *new_line, *find_str;
    int i, j, k, net_num, rval, fd;
    int kernel_26 = 0;

    /*************************** Initialization ****************************/

    bzero(buff, BUFFLEN);
    bzero(buff1, BUFFLEN);
    bzero(str, BUFFLEN);


    /* Copy the network interface names from predefined CONSTNETNAME in 
     * util.h if user has not specified a nic name

    if ( ! Defined_Nic_Name )
	for ( i = 0; i < NETTYPE; i++ )
	    strcpy(NETNAME[i], CONSTNETNAME[i]);

    /************** Fill in loopback "interface" as the first NIC **********/
    /* Loopback "interface" has no records in /proc/interrupts. We are still
     * interested in some statistics about this "interface", whose info be
     * found in /proc/net/dev.
    for ( i = 0; i < NETTYPE; i++ ) {
	if ( strncmp(NETNAME[i], "loop", strlen(NETNAME[i])) == 0 ) {
	    sysinfo->net_num = 1;
	    strcpy(sysinfo->net[0].name, "loop");

    /*** Interrupt information is stored in /proc/interrupts in Linux ******/

    if ( (fd = open("/proc/interrupts", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || 
	 (rval=read(fd, buff, BUFFLEN-1)) <= 0) {
        perror("Fail to get interrupt information from /proc/interrupts");
	return NOTOK;

    /**** Frist line of /proc/interrupts indicates the number of CPUs ******/

    for ( i = 0; buff[i] != '\n' && i < BUFFLEN-1; i++) // copy the first line to buff1
           buff1[i] = buff[i];
    if ( strlen(buff) == 0 || ( sysinfo->cpu_num = sscanf(buff1, 
	 "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str)) < 1 ) {
 	perror("Failed to parse /proc/interrupts");
	return NOTOK;
    if ( sysinfo->cpu_num > 8 ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Exceed the maximum CPU number: %d.\n",sysinfo->cpu_num);
	return NOTOK;
    /********** Parse the interrupt information line by line ***************/

    new_line = buff;
    net_num = sysinfo->net_num;
    while ( net_num < MAXNETWORK ) {
	/******************* Copy next line to buff1 for parsing ***********/
        if ( (new_line = strstr(new_line, "\n")) == NULL )
	if ( strlen(new_line) == 0 )
	strncpy(buff1, new_line, BUFFLEN-1);
	for ( i = 0; buff1[i] != '\n' && i < BUFFLEN-1; i++ );
	buff1[i] = '\0';
	/****************** Search the network interface entry *************/

	for ( i = 0; i < NETTYPE; i++ ) {
	    if ( (find_str = strstr(buff1, NETNAME[i])) != NULL ) { // got one
		/******************* First number is IRQ *******************/
		sysinfo->net[net_num].irq = atoi(strtok(buff1, " :\t().,"));  

		/******** Following are interrupts for each CPU ************/
		for ( j = 0; j < sysinfo->cpu_num; j++ ) {
		    sysinfo->cpu[j].net_int[net_num] = atol(strtok(NULL, " :\t()."));
		    sysinfo->net[net_num].interrupt += sysinfo->cpu[j].net_int[net_num];

		/** The last part is device name such as keyboard and eth0 */
		while ( (find_str = (char *)strtok(NULL, " :\t().,")) != NULL ) {
		    if ( (find_str = strstr(find_str, NETNAME[i])) != NULL ) { 
			strncpy(sysinfo->net[net_num].name, find_str, NETNAMELEN-1);

	    } // end of if find_str
	} // end of for loop 
    } // end of while loop 

    sysinfo->net_num = net_num;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, " DEBUG: Parse /proc/interrupts (%d bytes read). CPU: %d  Network-card: %d (%s %s %s)\n",
	   rval, sysinfo->cpu_num, net_num, sysinfo->net[0].name, sysinfo->net[1].name, sysinfo->net[2].name);

    FILE  *fd1;
    if ( (fd1 = open("/proc/stat", "r")) == NULLf || 
	 fscanf(fp1, "%s %d %d %d %d", &str, &sysinfo->cpu_user, &sysinfo->cpu_nice, 
		    &sysinfo->cpu_system, &sysinfo->cpu_idle) != 5 ) {
        perror("Failed to get cpu information from /proc/stat.");
	return NOTOK;

    /************************* Read CPU usage ******************************/

    /* CPU information is stored in /proc/stat in Linux. Format:
     * cpu-name user-jiffies nice-jiffies system-jiffies idle-jiffies. For example,
     * cpu  123456 123 12345 1234567
     * The number of jiffies that the system spent in user/nice/system/idle mode are
     * 123456, 123, 12345, and 1234567, respectively. Jiffy is defined by kernel (HZ).

    bzero(buff, BUFFLEN);
    if ( (fd = open("/proc/stat", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || 
	 (rval=read(fd, buff, BUFFLEN-1)) <= 0) {
        perror("Failed to get cpu information from /proc/stat.");
	return NOTOK;

    /************* First line shows the summary of CPU statistics **********/

    if ( strlen(buff) == 0 || sscanf(buff, "%s %lld %lld %lld %lld", str, &sysinfo->cpu_user, 
		&sysinfo->cpu_nice, &sysinfo->cpu_system, &sysinfo->cpu_idle) != 5 ) {
	perror("Failed to get cpu information from /proc/stat.");
	return NOTOK;
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, " DEBUG: Parse /proc/stat (%d byt read): %lld[user] %lld[nice] %lld[system] %lld[idle]\n", rval, 
	   sysinfo->cpu_user, sysinfo->cpu_nice, sysinfo->cpu_system, sysinfo->cpu_idle);

    /************************ Get each CPU's usage *************************/
    new_line = buff;
    for( i = 0; i < sysinfo->cpu_num; i++){
        if ( (new_line = strstr(new_line, "\n")) == NULL )
	if ( strlen(new_line) == 0 || sscanf(new_line, "%s %lld %lld %lld %lld", 
	     str, &sysinfo->cpu[i].user_mode, &sysinfo->cpu[i].nice_mode, 
             &sysinfo->cpu[i].system_mode, &sysinfo->cpu[i].idle_mode) != 5 ) {
	    perror("Failed to get cpu information from /proc/stat.");
	    return NOTOK;

    if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "page")) == NULL ) {
      kernel_26 = 1;	    
    } else {
      if ( sscanf(new_line, "%s %lld %lld", str, &sysinfo->page_in, &sysinfo->page_out) != 3 ) {
	    perror("Fail to parse page info from /proc/stat.");
	    return NOTOK;

      if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "swap")) == NULL || sscanf(new_line, 
	    "%s %lld %lld", str, &sysinfo->swap_in, &sysinfo->swap_out) != 3 ) {
	    perror("Fail to parse swap info.");
	    return NOTOK;

    if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "intr")) == NULL || sscanf(new_line, 
	  "%s %lld", str, &sysinfo->interrupts) != 2 ) {
	    perror("Fail to parse interrupt info from /proc/stat.");
	    return NOTOK;

    if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "ctxt")) == NULL || sscanf(new_line, 
	  "%s %lld", str, &sysinfo->context_switch) != 2 ) {
	    perror("Fail to parse context switch info from /proc/stat.");
	    return NOTOK;

    if ( kernel_26 ) {
    } else {

      /*************** Read memory information  Kernel 2.4 ****************/

      bzero(buff, BUFFLEN);
      if ( (fd = open("/proc/meminfo", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || 
	   (rval=read(fd, buff, BUFFLEN-1)) <= 0) {
        perror("Failed to open /proc/meminfo.");
	return NOTOK;

      /********* Ignore the first comment line of /proc/meminfo ************/
      if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "\n")) == NULL ) {
	perror("Fail to parse /proc/meminfo (No newline?).");
	return NOTOK;
      /************* Parse the second line of /proc/meminfo ****************/
      if ( strlen(new_line) == 0 || sscanf(new_line, "%s %lld %lld", str, 
					   &sysinfo->mem_total, &sysinfo->mem_used) != 3 ) {
	perror("Fail to parse /proc/meminfo (Wrong format).");
	return NOTOK;
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, " DEBUG: Parse /proc/meminfo (%d byt read): %lld[mem-total] %lld[mem-used]\n", 
	   rval, sysinfo->mem_total, sysinfo->mem_used);

    /*************** Read network device information ***********************/

    bzero(buff, BUFFLEN);
    if ( (fd = open("/proc/net/dev", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || 
	 (rval=read(fd, buff, BUFFLEN-1)) <= 0) {
        perror("Failed to open /proc/net/dev.");
	return NOTOK;

    /******* Ignore the first two comment lines of /proc/net/dev ***********/
    if ( (new_line = strstr(buff, "\n")) == NULL ) {
	perror("Fail to parse /proc/net/dev (No newline?).");
	return NOTOK;

    for ( i = 0; i < MAXNETWORK;  ) {
	/******************* Copy next line to buff1 for parsing ***********/

        if ( (new_line = strstr(new_line, "\n")) == NULL )
	if ( strlen(new_line) == 0 ) 
	strncpy(buff1, new_line, BUFFLEN-1);
	for ( j = 0; buff1[j] != '\n' && j < BUFFLEN-1; j++);
	buff1[j] = '\0';

	strcpy(str, strtok(buff1, " :\t()."));
	for ( j = 0; j < sysinfo->net_num; j++ ) {
	    if ( strncmp(str, sysinfo->net[j].name, strlen(str)) == 0 ) {
		sysinfo->net[j].recv_byte = parse_size( strtok(NULL, " :\t()."));
		sysinfo->net[j].recv_packet = parse_size(strtok(NULL, " :\t()."));
		for ( k = 0; k < 6; k++) // We don't use those middle six fields
		    strtok(NULL, " :\t().");
		sysinfo->net[j].send_byte = parse_size(strtok(NULL, " :\t()."));
		sysinfo->net[j].send_packet = parse_size(strtok(NULL, " :\t()."));
#ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, " DEBUG: %s: recv-bytes: %lld recv-packets: %lld send-bytes: %lld send-packets: %lld\n",
		   sysinfo->net[j].name, sysinfo->net[j].recv_byte, sysinfo->net[j].recv_packet, 
		   sysinfo->net[j].send_byte, sysinfo->net[j].send_packet);

	    } // end of if strncmp
	} // end of for loop of j
    } // end of for loop of i
    return OK;