Ejemplo n.º 1
 * SSA line format:
 *   Dialogue: Marked,Start,End,Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text '\0'
 *             1      2     3   4     5    6       7       8       9      10
 * MKV-SSA packet format:
 *   ReadOrder,Marked,          Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text '\0'
 *   1         2                3     4    5       6       7       8      9
static hb_buffer_t *
ssa_decode_line_to_mkv_ssa( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_buffer_t * in,
                            uint8_t *in_data, int in_size )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;
    hb_buffer_t * out;

    // Parse values for in->s.start and in->s.stop
    int64_t in_start, in_stop;
    if ( parse_timing_from_ssa_packet( (char *) in_data, &in_start, &in_stop ) )
        goto fail;

    // Convert the SSA packet to MKV-SSA format, which is what libass expects
    char *mkvIn;
    int numPartsRead;
    char *styleToTextFields;
    char *layerField = malloc( in_size );

    // SSA subtitles have an empty layer field (bare ',').  The scanf
    // format specifier "%*128[^,]" will not match on a bare ','.  There
    // must be at least one non ',' character in the match.  So the format
    // specifier is placed directly next to the ':' so that the next
    // expected ' ' after the ':' will be the character it matches on
    // when there is no layer field.
    numPartsRead = sscanf( (char *)in_data, "Dialogue:%128[^,],", layerField );
    if ( numPartsRead != 1 )
        goto fail;

    styleToTextFields = (char *)find_field( in_data, in_data + in_size, 4 );
    if ( styleToTextFields == NULL ) {
        free( layerField );
        goto fail;

    // The sscanf conversion above will result in an extra space
    // before the layerField.  Strip the space.
    char *stripLayerField = layerField;
    for(; *stripLayerField == ' '; stripLayerField++);

    out = hb_buffer_init( in_size + 1 );
    mkvIn = (char*)out->data;

    mkvIn[0] = '\0';
    sprintf(mkvIn, "%d", pv->readOrder++);    // ReadOrder: make this up
    strcat( mkvIn, "," );
    strcat( mkvIn, stripLayerField );
    strcat( mkvIn, "," );
    strcat( mkvIn, (char *)styleToTextFields );

    out->size           = strlen(mkvIn) + 1;
    out->s.frametype    = HB_FRAME_SUBTITLE;
    out->s.start        = in->s.start;
    out->s.duration     = in_stop - in_start;
    out->s.stop         = in->s.start + out->s.duration;
    out->s.scr_sequence = in->s.scr_sequence;

    if( out->size == 0 )

    free( layerField );

    return out;

    hb_log( "decssasub: malformed SSA subtitle packet: %.*s\n", in_size, in_data );
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * SSA line format:
 *   Dialogue: Marked,Start,End,Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text '\0'
 *             1      2     3   4     5    6       7       8       9      10
static hb_buffer_t *ssa_decode_line_to_utf8( uint8_t *in_data, int in_size, int in_sequence )
    uint8_t *pos = in_data;
    uint8_t *end = in_data + in_size;
    // Parse values for in->s.start and in->s.stop
    int64_t in_start, in_stop;
    if ( parse_timing_from_ssa_packet( (char *) in_data, &in_start, &in_stop ) )
        goto fail;
    uint8_t *textFieldPos = find_field( pos, end, 10 );
    if ( textFieldPos == NULL )
        goto fail;
    // Count the number of style overrides in the Text field
    int numStyleOverrides = 0;
    pos = textFieldPos;
    while ( pos < end )
        if (*pos++ == '{')
    int maxOutputSize = (end - textFieldPos) + ((numStyleOverrides + 1) * MAX_OVERHEAD_PER_OVERRIDE);
    hb_buffer_t *out = hb_buffer_init( maxOutputSize );
    if ( out == NULL )
        return NULL;
     * The Text field contains plain text marked up with:
     * (1) '\n' -> space
     * (2) '\N' -> newline
     * (3) curly-brace control codes like '{\k44}' -> HTML tags / strip
     * Perform the above conversions and copy it to the output packet
    StyleSet prevStyles = 0;
    uint8_t *dst = out->data;
    pos = textFieldPos;
    while ( pos < end )
        if ( pos[0] == '\\' && pos[1] == 'n' )
            *dst++ = ' ';
            pos += 2;
        else if ( pos[0] == '\\' && pos[1] == 'N' )
            *dst++ = '\n';
            pos += 2;
        else if ( pos[0] == '{' )
            // Parse SSA style overrides and append appropriate HTML style tags
            StyleSet nextStyles = ssa_parse_style_override( pos, prevStyles );
            ssa_append_html_tags_for_style_change( &dst, prevStyles, nextStyles );
            prevStyles = nextStyles;
            // Skip past SSA control code
            while ( pos < end && *pos != '}' ) pos++;
            if    ( pos < end && *pos == '}' ) pos++;
            // Copy raw character
            *dst++ = *pos++;
    // Append closing HTML style tags
    ssa_append_html_tags_for_style_change( &dst, prevStyles, 0 );
    // Trim output buffer to the actual amount of data written
    out->size = dst - out->data;
    // Copy metadata from the input packet to the output packet
    out->s.frametype = HB_FRAME_SUBTITLE;
    out->s.start = in_start;
    out->s.stop = in_stop;
    out->sequence = in_sequence;
    return out;
    hb_log( "decssasub: malformed SSA subtitle packet: %.*s\n", in_size, in_data );
    return NULL;